Hi, I actually discovered EC back in '08 and have come here several times of the intervening years. I wish there were a better way to vote on posts aside from yea & nay, but the site has great value nontheless.
The reason for my post is to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU TED! For this remedy. I was actually looking for a remedy for scabies when I came across this.
I've been suffering from this since October but now I have real hope. MDs won't help, search engines obscure results in favor for establishment treatments that don't work and cost boo-kew bucks, and that is simply ridiculous and downright psychopathic in this information age. Just shows how screwed up values are in this country.
Last night at my wits end I decided to try yet another internet search for something, anything to make some progress on this problem. When I found this I immediately checked to see if I had any h202 around. I had 3oz of 3%, so diluted made 10.5oz to which I added 1.5 tbls of Borax.
After showering the 3% permethrin off of me I'd been wearing for 4 days (yes I know that's bad), and applying the borax/h202 solution to my poor tortured body, I felt tingling, stinging where I tried it on my lower leg. After giving myself a rather nasty burn from using a self made concoction of sulfur powder+vaseline+cayenne extract, I only did the worst spot to see what happened. After a few minutes the stinging went away entirely so I proceeded to another spot. Same response, so I repeated this over my entire body. The stinging is a bit uncomfortable but it doesn't last long and it tells you the solution is working.
I felt great and was able to fall asleep quickly, although I was pretty confident I would reinfest myself getting from the bathroom to the bed. Sure enough, I awoke about 2 hrs later with a couple of itchy areas. I was hoping it might just be the result of ultra dry skin, but it wasn't. So after 30 minutes passed without being able to fall asleep again I arose and went straight to the bathroom to see how bad the re-infestation was. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
So I showered off the old borax and had just enough to reply. The stinging was there again but not as severe or long lasting. But I knew this would be a sure cure if I could clean up my environment. Although I tried to be careful after the 2nd treatment I was highly confident I would be re-infested before I could leave the house to replenish supplies and mount a serious effort to evict the little buggers with borax.
When I returned home that afternoon I could feel some of the itching return, though FAR FAR less than before. Although I was dog tired and need to get some sleep I knew what would happen if I tried before carefully and thoroughly cleaning everything.
I have sprayed a solution of borax & water on the waterbed (no bedding on it), the carpets and in the bathroom. I'm waiting for it to dry before hoping in the shower to apply the 3rd round of borax / h2o2 solution.
This time I used a large garbage bag and unloaded the dryer directly into it. I sure hope I've cleaned those dang things out of here and tonight will be first night of restful sleep. Trying to decide whether to shower first or get the bedding ready to sleep on.
Anyway, I'm now confident I have the knowledge & tools to overcome this ordeal and get on with my life one again.
I suffered with a terrible case of scabies for six weeks many years ago. After 3 dermatologists and many useless creams, I found a recommendation for food-grade DE. I cautiously applied it to my skin, careful not to inhale any dust which can be harmful to lungs and keep away from eyes. I went to sleep, wearing only the DE, on a sheet laid out on the floor (I was that exhausted from the laundry, cleaning bedding, and constantly cleaning the bed itself.) To my enormous relief, I woke up without the itching I had worried would literally drive me insane if it continued to intensify. In eight hours, I was cured, and no more scabies. Just a bit more cleaning to do, but with joy!
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Well well I tried it for 3 days and it's working dried them up so fast and I went through well over 15 bottles of permethrin it's junk didn't work suffered with this for 3 years 3 days of this borax and peroxide and problem cured thankyou so much
Bitter Melon
I've tried everything to get rid of the itch. Everything. I then read that bitter melon (aka bitter squash, bitter gourd) is actually called scabies fruit in other countries. In less than a week my symptoms, which plagued me for a year were reduced by 80%! I ordered the capsules online and I now take them daily along with MSM. Try it.
White Vinegar rapidly dissolves the exoskeleton of scabies. I had them on my upper back. I soaked a paper towel with white vinegar and laid it on my skin. The itching stopped in about a minute. I left it on for about 10 minutes. Months of aggravation gone.
Yeah, your are very smart to use the vinegar, whether is the apple cider vinegar kind or the plain clear white vinegar 5% kind, they both work to get rid of scabies. It is a cheap way to heal yourself. I mixed it 4 to 1 ratio in an old clean plastic milk jug with lid, with 1 part white vinegar to 4 parts warm water, doubled this in the jug and shook it up. Got into the shower and rinsed myself with plain warm water at first to open my pores, then shut the shower off and poured the contents of the milk jug all over me. Sometimes I put some first on a clean terry wash cloth and hit the itchy places well, just don't scrub it in, lightly go over the itchy spots to get it into their tunnels/bite holes in you skin. Then I poured the rest of the jug from top of my head/hair all the way down covering the whole body. Close your eyes because it will burn your eyes if it gets in them, which it did mine twice at the corners. I just wiped my eyes off with the towel and went on rubbing this into my body. Got out and did not towel dry but put the towel on your wet hair and let the body air dry. If you have a hair dryer use that to blow the itchy places where the mites and their eggs are and I kept my dryer on high heat and gently held it to the itchy spots as long as I could stand it to heat them mites/eggs up to where it would kill them. Some will come out immediately the first or second day you do this as they hate it. Heat will kill them as well as the vinegar. I gave them the old one two and they died over the course of a week..plus the vinegar will burn the first couple of minutes after putting it on but not real bad. I got brave the third day and put just the plain vinegar on it with a cotton ball and rubbed the remaining itchy spots with this. Not bad, not bad, I could stand it but others may have to proceed slower with this method than I did. I am almost a seventy year old woman and this worked for me and my husband. I did this vinegar water shower 4 times the first day, then 3 times the following day, then 2 times each day there after until cured. Took a week or so for the both of us to be cured, and may I say we had tried everything under the sun to cure us and who would of thought that plain old vinegar and water would do the trick? But by gosh it worked for us. Oh, plus I put the white vinegar in a spray bottle and I spray it over the mattress/sheet, chairs we sit in, the carpets/floors, the toilet lid, door handles, light switches, places that we touch daily. Also never wear the same clothing more than a day, night clothes included, put them in a laundry basket and in the hot dryer for thirty minutes, then they are ready to wear again, unless they are soiled, then wash in a hot water with a half cup of borax, remember hot water, hot clothes dryer and a hot hairdryer kills these little critters. I also put our blankets, comforter and pillows into the clothes dryer daily for thirty minutes, hot as the dryer goes too. And I know this is a lot of trouble to get rid of these mites but it is worth it to do it all and do it good if you want them to be gone from you and your home but just do it. This is war with them things so give them the boot out of your life. I was amazed at how fast this vinegar water worked on them and the next day my body looked so much better and felt better too...and my husband did this with me and he was so surprised to see how his body looked even just the next morning after doing the four vinegar/water showers that first day. I also put this stuff in a spray bottle to use on our bodies, plus put the plain vinegar straight after the third day on my itchy parts and what a relief it was. So, not telling you to do this because I am not a doctor and you travel at your own risk but you may be surprised to see how amazing this stuff really is and I hope this post helps others. Let's clobber these little beasts. LOL God bless you!
Clove Oil
CLOVE OIL for scabies.
I've had scabies before, thought they were just mosquito bites at the time as I'd never heard of scabies. after a week of not going to doc or being diagnosed, the mites had a chance to multiply so it got pretty bad. finally went to doc, got permethrin cream and did that 2x, but lived in the hell of wrapping everything in plastic, not sleeping at night due to the itching, constantly laundry, etc. in between the permethrin cream dosages (a week apart, I believe), I did clove oil after doing tons of online research and learning of the australian study that said clove oil diluted kills even permethrin resistant scabies in 15 minutes. I wasn't taking any chances, so I used clove oil diluted with grapeseed oil, wasn't sure of dosage to use at the time, and still used permethrin. after 2nd treatment of permethrin (which made me feel dizzy, I later heard it's a neurotoxin and poisonous to cats but I wouldn't deter a human from using it! ) they were all gone. also was told that you couldn't get scabies from dogs, and I now know that is incorrect. Dogs can have mange, and you can get it - scabies. I am an animal caretaker.
Anyway, so that scabies was cured almost a year ago. then a few nights ago, I started itching. I knew what it was right away. it started in my pelvis, and that's where it started last time. no way in heck was I going to wait to go to doc, I knew what it was and wanted to kill those buggers ASAP. I took 100% clove oil and grapeseed oil and mixed them in a bowl- in the ratio of 3 Tablespoons grapeseed oil and one tablespoon clove oil, mixed and applied all over my body. I love the smell. I had to go to the Er for something else (really rough week ha! ) and the doc was like wow, it doesn't even look like scabies. We knew it was because of one burrow. I said, wow, maybe clove oil really did kill them all! (She also confirmed you CAN get it from dogs.) I've been applying the clove/grapseed oil mix twice a day and putting diatomaceous earth on the bed. I can't guarantee they are gone for sure, I guess I need more time to do that, but this scabies experience is nothing like last time. I am not up all night scratching, not scratching at all. I already have giant plastic bags at my house. if you want to cover your bed in plastic, get that stuff at the dollar store, save yourself some money. instead of going crazy washing everything I am just storing them in giant Ziplock bags for 3 days so the scabies dies.
Anyway you can get 100% clove oil for cheap on the internet, as well as grapeseed oil. I am always going to keep them in stock now because with all these dogs, it looks like I may be getting it a lot.
I'm still waiting to hear from my doctor about my culture, but after extensive cleansing, and diligent treatments, I believe I have killed off all signs of scabies.
I am a 20 year-old diabetic, who thought the constant itching was a result of my new insulin prescribed...wrong. I went to the ER due to severe itching which scabbed over and even infected certain wounds. They prescribed benedryl, claritin, and a steroid, which only made things worse for my auto-immune disease. Itching still going on full-throttle.
Finally went to my derm, who checked my body and saw the scabbing all over. She took a culture of my dead skin flakes, and microscoped these little suckers - scabies. I was disgusted, and mortified. However, I am one of the cleanest people I know. I am a huge believer in medicine, and doctors, as I am a healthcare professional myself. But it doesn't matter how clean you are, you ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO SCABIES regardless of your circumstances.
I used the permethrin 5% cream, prescribed to me, which seemed to immediately work overnight, however, that kills the first generation of scabies. They are constantly laying eggs, which are the little bumps all over your skin. I still kept itching, which is normal, due to the allergic reaction your body has to foreign mites in your system.
I was eager to rid them completely, so I created a super intense killing process...if you want to kill these pests, you MUST follow this extensively.
I'm only on day 2 of my process, and I'm already feeling and seeing the results. NO MORE ITCHING, and all of my scabs have healed.
First, I have access to a sauna and pool. Yes, you can use the pool, even though it's public, the chlorine in the pool will destroy them before they can access another person. I've already asked my doctor. Scabies HATE heat, so I'm sauna-ing every day for about a half hour on HIGH, changing my clothing after each thing I do. After the sauna, I immediately jump in the pool. After the pool, buy the original kind of dawn, (it's blue) with concentrate. Lather BEFORE you get in the tub all over your body to exfoliate the skin with the dawn.
Put Petroleum jelly on your neck so the scabies can't get past your neck and infect your face. I take an extremely HOT bath with about 2 cups of BORAX, 1 Cup of Bleach, a handful of sea-salt crystals, 100% orange peel essential oil and clove oil.
Rinse off with a HOT shower after.
DO NOT USE A TOWEL TO DRY. Use the hair dryer to dry yourself off, AFTER you lysol it.
If you put on clothing, make sure it is either steam-cleaned before you put it near your body, or in the dryer for 30 minutes.
I like to add Diatomaceous Earth to my dryer for each load. Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth daily to all bedding, pillows, carpets, and furniture, and vacuum daily.
When finished with your bath, I suggest you make a paste of diatomaceous earth and coconut oil, with a couple drops of clove and orange peel essential oils.
Dust DE on top of your paste when finished.
I've also made a spray that I use throughout the day consisting of 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, 1 cup of bleach, 1 bottle of water (Distilled ONLY), clove oil, orange oil, and 1/2 cup of borax...which will dissolve.
I sleep on a tarp, which is a dollar at your local dollar store, and wrapped my pillows in garbage bags. If I use a blanket, It's dried 30 minutes while I bathe, and if used, I throw it in the wash every morning. Never use or wear the same material twice...always wash.
I steam all of my clothes daily, wear a mask and gloves when doing laundry and vacuuming the DE because it is very bad to inhale.
Also, if you can, there is a bug fumigator you can buy for your house, 1 per room. It's about $10 for 4. It contains the same ingredients as the cream prescribed by my doctor, and though it's not for mites, it will help kill them if they're in a house...just make sure you're gone for 4 hours while you fumigate. PLEASE comet your tubs and sinks after use, and scrub the heck out of them while wearing gloves.
I suggest shaving with disposable razors, and throwing away with each use.
Please be diligent. It's worth taking a week to do all of this, in place of having these pests for 10 years.
Like I said, I'm on day 2, and no itching, no bumps, and scabs are healed....AND I have diabetes...meaning I heal much slower than your average joe.
I also will note, I'm drinking DE (doesn't matter how much) in every drink, and I take 2 TBSP. of ACV daily to start my day.
This is not to be taken lightly. Do your research, be careful, and get rid of this!
I use ACV for many many things but it certainly does not clear up critters on everyone. Well-diluted bleach baths have been recommended for years by people and even dermatologists for adults and children with severe eczema and/or psoriasis. I don't see much difference in bathing in it vs spraying it on. As a mother, I'm sure she was careful using it on her daughter. It worked for them in 3 days which is great since many suffer for months and even years.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Thank God for this site!!! My 16 yr old was itching really bad then I ended up with itching we were both broke out with red bumps all over us and intense itching It was so depressing:( I found this site through yahoo and I read dozens of peoples posts on here. That lead me to go out and buy a box of Borax and bottles of peroxide I ran a tub of the hottest water I could stand and put 1 cup of borax in with 2 cups of peroxide as soon as I got in the tub and layed down I was rubbing my legs etc and it felt like I could literally feel gritty stuff or bugs come off I have not been diagnosed by my doctor until tomorrow but I was researching my symptoms on the internet seems like I have all the symptoms as scabies:(:( I'm going 2 continue treating us 2x a day with the borax and peroxide baths and wash laundry and bedding daily thanks 2 every 1 that posted on here which helped me treat my son and I until our doctor appt.
Although is certainly helps to build your immune system when fighting scabies, this will not cure scabies alone. The tea tree oil kills both the mite and the eggs that it comes into contact with. The neem oil blocks hormone production so that eggs being laid are not viable, therefore, unable to 'hatch', it also causes the living bugs to literally starve themselves to death.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
After two rounds of Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide I am feeling much better, keeping with the treatment, relief feels great after days of getting worse. Thanks!
Apple Cider Vinegar +
Scabies are a microscopic insect that burrow into your skin and leave marks that look like flea or misquito bites. It is very diffucult to be rid of because they are micoscopic and they reproduce rapidly. It burrows into the top layer of your skin, digs a tunnel and makes a nest using the fibers of your clothes, then it lays 1-3 eggs every day which hatch in a few days. They become larvae which then travel down the tunnel to the surface of your skin and hang onto the hair on your skin until they turn into adults a few days later, then they burrow into your skin and continue this disgusting process. If you scratch your skin, the eggs get under your nails and you tranfer them to other parts of your body very quicklty. This spreads it and makes it harder to get rid of. The adults cannot live outside your body for more than 72 hours; however, the eggs can last for years in clothes, furniture, etc. You must kill the eggs left under your skin before they hatch or you could have this stuff for years!
I was fortunate to know right away that I had Scabies because someone close to me was diagnosed and was undergoing treatment when I visited him. He told me right off that he was being treated for Scabies (didn't know what that was at the time) and that his dermatologist said that he was not contagious as long as he was undergoing the treatment, but we found this to be untrue in my case! I noticed the first itchy spots the very next day and all I did was sit on his couch for a couple hours watching a movie. Most people don't find out they have Scabies for weeks and by that time they are severely infested and so his their home, car, office, or places they frequent. This makes it more difficult to rid themselves of this horrible disgusting parasite and to prevent others from catching it. Here's what I did to get rid of it in 5 days and what I passed onto my friend, who was much more infested than me, and also was able to get rid of it completely in about 2 weeks.
Here's what you need to purchase at the store:
- Organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) not white vinegar (1 part vinegar 8 parts water) in new clean spray bottle. Used to sterilize.
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- Q-tips
- Bleach (1 part bleach 4 parts water) in spray bottle. Used to sterilize.
- 100% peppermint oil
- 100% tea tree oil
- Non-itch formula (1/4 cup coconut oil with 3 drops peppermint oil and 6 drops tea tree oil). Also kills adult Scabies and their larvae.
- A box of Borax or Baking soda sanitizes the wash.
- Plastic mattress cover and plastic bags that can be sealed or tied shut completely. Mattress cover should cover your entire mattess (like the kind that zips up).
- Either purchase Castle peppermint liquid soap, or put a few drops of peppermint oil in your shampoo and liquid body soap.
- Purchase a new nylon body scrubber to wash with don't use washclothes.
Antibacterial soap to wash hands throughout the day or you can use any liquid soap with a few drops of peppermint oil. Using antibacterial soap too much will dry out your hands eventually, I found out later.
You must be deligent at all times to get rid of this horrible pest, not just for yourself, but for those you care about or come in contact with throughout the day.
1. Remember at all times that you are highly contagious and infected until ALL red spots are completely gone (about 10 days since the last spot left). DON'T EVER SCRATCH IT that's how you spread it. As soon at it itches, apply the non-itch formula, even if this means you must wake up in the middle of the night to apply the formula.
2. Don't touch or hug anyone! If you come in close contact with someone while you are infected, you MUST warn them that you are infected and that they should check themselves twice daily to see if they get bite marks, which typically show up first under their arms, on their back, or inside their thighs.
3. Clean and sterilize anything that you've touched until ALL red spots are gone! Such as: bedsheets, pillows, blankets, clothes, towels, brushes, combs, door knobs, car seat, steering wheel, office chair, toilet seats (use covers). Wash everything in hot water, add 1/4 cup baking soda or Borax to wash, and dry in hot dryer. If you can't wash it, spray it with the Apple Cider vinegar solution or dryclean it, or throw it out inside a plastic bag and put in trash outside the home.
4. To keep from having to wash bed pillows every day, I wrapped mine tightly with plastic trash bags.
5. Remove rugs from bathroom floor. If your bathroom is carpeted, cover the carpet with rugs that can be washed after every shower.
6. My daily routine was as follows:
- Didn't do anything until I first stripped bed of sheets, pillow cases, blankets, pjs, underwear and put in them in washer right away (not in the laundry basket, but in the washer). But didn't turn on washer until I got out of shower. If you get up and go into kitchen and make coffee or do something before you do this, you may be spreading the pest to other places in your house without knowing it. So get in the shower first thing. They seem to reproduce more active during the night, thus they could be on the surface of your skin, so if you have any on your skin when you wake, you could easily transfer them to another location that you or someone else could pick up later.
- Spray mattress and pillows (that are wrapped in plastic bags) with bleach formula.
- Stand in shower and put hydrogen peroxide all over your body, especially on the sores. Wait 5 minutes, then shower with hot water as hot as you can stand it.
- While in shower, first wash hands from hyrodgen peroxide - don't get in eyes, wash hair with peppermint soap (I used Castle peppermint liquid soap, but you can put a few drops of peppermint oil in any body wash or liquid soap and use this), then wash body with peppermint soap. If you shave, use throwaway shavers and don't use them more than once. Don't use peppermint soap on private areas and careful not to get in eyes, only because it stings. Use your regular soap on private areas and your regular shampoo and cream rinse after using the peppermint soap. Don't use regular soap on other areas of your body. You need to keep as much of the non-itch formula on your skin throughout the day as possible because when the larvae come to the surface of your skin and come in contact with the peppermint and also the tea tree oil, it kills them. It wears off after a few hours. The coconut oil is not only used to dilute the peppermint oil and tea tree oil, but the coconut oil also has natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties that help to keep the skin clean. The coconut oil also helps to smother the adult Scabies. I read that you can also use olive oil, but I used coconut oil because I already knew of its other benefits. I've used coconut oil for years to keep from catching colds, flu, etc. The peppermint and coconut oil are also natural exfolients that keep the skin moist and will help to keep the skin from drying out due to all the washings.
- Before getting out of shower, spray shower wall, floor and everything in shower with the bleach formula. Get out of shower and towell off, then put the same towell on the floor and stand on this until you are ready to dress.
- After towelling off and combing hair with pre-sterilized brush (soaked in bleach or ACV formula), apply the non-itch formula to each sore then rub it into the rest of your body all over, including the face.
- Spray down sink, toilet, and bathroom floor with ACV solution and wipe up with same towel and put this towell in washer with bedding.
- Put on clean clothes that have not not worn yet or that have been washed in hot water with Borax or bleach.
- Turn on washer. Put everything in dryer and dry hot for 50 minutes (before you leave for work so that they are ready when you arrive home later).
- Take ACV spray with you to work along with the non-itch formula.
- Put a clean towell over car seat and then spray towel on seat and steering wheel each morning before getting into car with the ACV spray.
- While at work, use caution. Do not touch anyone (shake hands) or exchange materials with others that you have touched. Do not scratch, apply non-itch formula to sores several times during the day and as as often as needed. Spray office chair with Apple cider vinegar solution before sitting on it. It's best if you can stay home and isolated if possible. However, I know that everyone can't do this.
- When you arrive home, get clean towels and clothes (not those in the dryer these are for later) and repeat steps to take a shower BEFORE sitting down or touching anything don't take clean items out of dryer until AFTER you have showered. If you have to sit down on anything, put a clean towel down first, but recommend you shower as soon as you can. Don't forget to put the towel you sat on in the washer before someone else sits on it. Also, don't put dirty clothes in hamper, put them in a trash bag. If you did, spray hamper with bleach formula.
- Now take clean bedding, pjs, etc. Out of dryer and make bed. You should be clean the rest of the night, but I also sprayed my feet with the Apple Cider vinegar spray each time before I put them into bed. Try to get up during the night to reapply the non-itch formula. Once it wears off, you can get bitten again very easily and this whole process has to start all over again!
- Repeat this routine daily until ALL red spots are gone. Takes about 10 days after last bite is totally healed.
It's hard and exhausting, but you can win and get rid of these things if you are patient, deligent, and don't give up!
Day 1 - I started out with six sores the morning after I came in contact with infected person. I had five bites under my right arm, one under my left arm. These things are extremely itchy and when you scratch them, they hurt! When hot water hits them they string! I Began treatment later that evening (day 2), next morning I had 7 more (13 total) under left arm, under breast, inside left upper thigh and inside right leg by knee, and even one on the back of my neck. Day 3, no new ones and the first ones started to get lighter. Day 4, no new ones and first ones were almost gone. Day 5 all but two bites were almost gone. There were two that would not go away. Kept applying hydrogen peroxide could see welts around the bite area that were the eggs under the skin. Skin looked normal until I soaked the area with the hyrodgen peroxide. Eventually 2 days later they started to go away too. However, when I was still recovering from the last one, I was forced to take care of my quad son to feed him, because his caretaker had a death in the family. While I was feeding him dinner (darn it I should have worn latex gloves), he got three small bites on his neck. I treated it right away with hydrogen peroxide, but by the next morning his face, neck, shoulders, and scalp were covered with hundreds of bites! So, I covered myself up as much as possible, wore latex gloves and began treating him too. My last sore was nearly gone by now, so I thought I was ok, but I WAS NOT! My poor son. The only place he can feel is above his shoulders and the entire area is covered with bites. He can't stop scratching rubs his head and neck on his wheelchair headrest, so it is making it harder to get rid of. I let all his caretakers go and I stayed home from work to care for him. After putting the hyrogen peroxide all over his face and neck using a q-tip, they burn itch horibbly. Then applied the non-itch formula all over his body, did better. 2nd night he could actually sleep thru the night thank God. But, even though I covered myself all over while caring for him, I still woke up with a new bite on my arm! These things are so horrible and very hard to get rid of.
I recommend that you go online and read everything you can about what other people had to go through with this horrible parasite and what things they did that helped. Best site I found was www.earthclinic.com/cures/scabies.html. Don't totally trust what doctors tell you (even a dematologist) and don't waste money purchasing products created to treat this pest they aren't guaranteed and the household items I used worked fine! My friend's dermatologist did not tell him that others could get infected if they sat on his infected couch like it did! If you don't follow the above instructions, you may continue to get reinfested and end of having to take some really bad stronger medicine that could cause other major health problems. Just read others' unbelieveable stories on the internet who have been through this. Some were infected for years!
Another thing to note. My friend went to his dermatologist. The standard remedy given is to prescribe Permethrin cream, which includes a toxic synthetic chemical commonly used as a pesticide! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permethrin#Stereochemistry. They tell you to cover your body with this stuff and leave it on ALL NIGHT! Are they kidding this chemical is banned in 40 countries but not in the USA. This chemical is known to cause cancer, seizures, and Parkinson's disease!
I am a Christian and I believe that the Lord helped me figure out how to get over this stuff quickly by 1) leading me to the treatment info I needed to get be rid of it, and 2) reminding me to be deligent about doing what needed to be done when it needed to be done and stick with it, even when it was in the middle of the night when I was dead tired and didn't want to get up and put the non-itch formula on my sores. It seems to itch the most at night. I was so, so tempted to just scratch it and go back to sleep. I thank God He helped me through this so that my son and I could be free of it and not infest anyone else. I pray that my journal and instructions help someone else get free from these awful things. Hang in there, pray, trust the Lord and He will get you through it!
Found out later that you DO NOT want to put the bleach on your skin. Causes the adult to burrow deeper into your skin. Use the hyrogen peroxide - works better at killing them inside their tunnels - the eggs too.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Well, I thought I allergic to my yards of new material when I discovered we all were infected by scabies.... What a nightmare!!! The prescription doesn't work!!! The pharmaceutical company for the medication most likely set off the epidemic for profit. But I tried Bleach, the prescription medication etc... I did bath using Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide on all the children all 5 of them, my husband and myself. We seen little black specs in the water and if you look at a scabie photo they look like that... Anyways, we are sticking with washing everything in borax and hot water and bathing in the solution for the next couple of days and nobody has had an allergic reaction. The itching stopped immediately and it was a relief.... and for those of you lying about the borax and hydrogen peroxide treatment tell your pharmaceutical company to quit profitting off the misery of others and step up the medication dosage to eliminate the problem....
Best remedy yet!! I was covered from head to toe with this horrible disease. I tried two seperate all Natural programs on the internet. One with no help and the other one I just couldn't handle the smell of sulfur. It is 3 weeks later and I still smell sulfur in my clothes and towels. I then started my Permithen 5%. Two episodes a week apart with some results but not enough to make me happy or actually sleep through the nite. I then found this site after reading from another blog site that one doctor said the true way to kill the Scabies is bleach and water. The doctor said that bleach penetrates the skin and the chlorine kills the mites on contact.
I read some of these comments and decided what do I have to lose. It's been two days and I am pretty Damn happy with the results. Two days and dried up Probably 75% of the mites, just be careful it can burn a little but well worth it. I will stick with the Bleach and Water. Good Luck!
Bleach and Water
I think I caught this from a girl I was seeing. She always had these little red bumps on her hands and would occasionally have a breakout of red dots on her body. She said that she was allergic to just about everything and she was always taking Clariton and Benedryl (sp?). So I never thought anything of it. She was also a beautiful girl and very clean. A few weeks in, I had similar bumps on my hands, mainly between my thumb and forefinger and I too, broke out in red dots across my body. Doctors told me it was an allergic reaction. But I have never been allergic to anything and I kept breaking out. And then the itching began. Stumped, I did my own research and I saw the burrow marks that I learned of, on my hands, in between most of my fingers. I was terrified after reading testimonials on other websites about how noone could shake these parasites and have had it for years. YEARS! Some even claimed to have considered suicide as an alternative. Then I found this sight. It is much more positive and helpful. I did the bleach/water full body spray, followed by a blow dry. About 20 seconds after the blow dry, the craziest things started happening. Things started coming out of my skin. I think it was mainly two different things. One was tiny little white specs. The other was like little white threads, 1/4 inch long, with a weird circle-like head or something. Coming right out of my skin. There may have been about 10 of those, and I don't even know how many of the tiny specs there were. Needless to say I was freaked out. But then afterwards, the itchiness subsided. I also took a bath in the borax/peroxide mix afterwards. My skin is dry, and I still have a little itchiness, but nothing like before. I have a positive outlook for the first time in months after last night. Today is my second day of this treatment. I can only hope that my condition continues to improve. And yes, I have been doing laundry like a nazi and cleaning like a freak. Thank you all so much for your input and stories. No one knows what we are going through. But stay positive and persistant. I don't know you guys, but I love you all. -Peace
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous cured my scabies : After being diagnosed w/scabies and given Permethrin, which made me very ill, I tried Neem,tea tree oil,kerocene! all kinds of things till I remembered I had Diatomaceous Earth DE fossil Shell Flour ( food grade ) in my house ,I used to use it on my cats for fleas until switching to a topical for less trouble.I decided to completely dust my enviroment and body w/ it to see if that worked! DE kills mites of all kinds by acting like ground glass inside them destroying their innards, but is safe to humans and pets, make sure you get the FOOD GRADE and not the one for pool filters which is dangerous! Get a large winter type sock with loose weave, fill it w/ the fossil flour and walk your house patting it, you will see it clouding and falling to the floor, use on furniture and any places you freguent often, like your PC. I dusted my comforter on both sides good, to keep from washing it all the time! Same for pillows although mine are in sealed garbage bags. Last try to keep yourself dusted from scalp to soles of feet for at least a week,a ll crawling sensations will disappear along with biting, from here on in I'm keeping my house dusted as the fine film blends in on carpet and furniture, in case of other types of mites. Neem is still a good shampoo additive, one dropper full to your handful of regular shampoo,well Good luck to all.
I have been using Sharon's treatment below from 2009 for just over 36hrs, used the 3/4 cup DMSO (70% DMSO - 30%Purified water), 1 Cup water, 1 Tablespoon (35%) Peroxide & 1 extra Cup water (mixed with peroxide to dilute before adding to DMSO & water) added mixture to spray bottle and set to work. Found this recipe late evening, applied two applications before bedtime. Applied every 2 hours next day, the first 3 - 4 application there was scabies coming out of the skin immediately to escape certain death, some even climbed hair follicles. Now at 36hrs only have occasional scabies coming out of the skin.
This is my second bout of scabies in 4 years, I was advised that once you have had them your body is more susceptible to contracting them again for some reason. The first bout lasted for nearly 12mths before killing them off, I even tried 3 lots of Lyclear scabies cream without success back then.
This recipe has been a blessing day 2 and scabies nearly all gone.
How can you possibly be "finding" these mites? In your bath towel, in your daughter's shirt, etc.
They are supposed to be invisible to the naked eye, and I have yet to see one (despite all the evidence of them).
Bleach and Water
Just an update. The rash is totally gone now. It's more than 2 weeks later. I didn't go nuts and have my entire apartment and car sanitized. I think that's just overreacting to the maddening itching. Spraying the affected area (plus I took one or two diluted bleach baths) did the trick.
Away from human contact, scabies mites die within 3 days; so it would probably be cheaper to just rent a motel for a couple nights then return to your home. Go to Starbucks with your sanitized suitcase in the car, stay there 12 hrs, then stay in a motel for the night, the next day, and another night if you want to be sure.
When you get home, all the mites will be dead, and you didn't have to sanitize every inch of your home.
But all the above is overkill anyway...that's my point.
Bleach and Water
I have concern about those who go to 'hotels' to get away from their scabies while they die off in their homes. Did you ever consider that you're passing them on to the next person who stays in that room, probably the within the contagious period?
They do change the sheets, but not the spread or the pillows, or the carpet. I can understand wanting to run from it, but we need to think of others. Just sayin'
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth will work however, it does not take only a day to work. I did the same sock trick, filled with DE and beat it around the place. I sprinkled it into the carpet and beat it in using a flip flop. It cuts and dehydrates the bugs however it can take days before they die and may not reach unhatched eggs. For the eggs I reccamend a combo of clove and neem oil. The clove will melt the eggs and been Will inactivated eggs and intermediate larva if not destroyed by the clove oil.
After mixing both oils in lotion, let dry. Then when completely dry apply the DE and rub it in. During this time times when you shower, you should be scrubbing with sulfur soap and allowing it to remain unwashed off on the skin, for a min of ten min. Do not skimp on the time. Ten full min or more then completely wash off. Grisi is the brand of the 10% sulfur soap.
Also most importantly, many come here looking for advise and may assume they have a condition when they may not. I've seen people who did not know they had bed bugs complained to their derm about scabies or other single infections. Keep in mind there are a variety of mites also the have very different habits of existence. Some living in the skin, in the environment and longer than expected without food supply. See a doc if you can. If not, do your self a favor and research and get feedback from a trusted friend or loved one.
Multiple Remedies
Sorry this is a long one guys, but I really hope it helps. I don't have a clue as to where I got Scabies from but it really irritates me. I know it was an accident and no one is to blame, but I hate those little mosters! I was able to catch them early on and went to the interwebs to find out why the area around my ankles were so damn itchy and found out that is was scabies. I was not a happy critter and wanted then gone. Now. After reading all of the horror stories with doctors misdiagnosing and things getting worse, I went the natural route. That first day I stripped all of my bedding and threw it in the sanitary cycle in my washer then filled a bottle with bleach and water to spray down the matress, box spring, and bed frame. I let all of that dry and used a spare bed set to cover the bed, just the fitted sheats and a blanket along with the pillowcases so I wouldn't have so much laundry. I dried everything on high heat and set them in a plastic tub to alternate with the other bedding and changed it every morning, spraying down the mattress again each time.
I've been showering everyday and using a borax scrub in the shower along with a tea tree bar of soap and then a lavender bar of soap. I air dried and then spray myself with a borax/water/peroxide mixture and then let that dry. Before I got into bed, even just sitting down, I would spray it down and let that dry before doing so and also sprayed the pillows on both sides. After getting bedding into the laundry every mornig and spraying down the mattress I would vacuum the carpets very well and use the bleach spray on doorhandles that I've touched before jumping into the shower as described and then putting on the alternate bedding.
The other night I realized how dry my skin was getting and it was only making the itch worse so I ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower with my lavender soap to wash off the dried spray. Instead of using the spray on my skin I only use it on the bedding and use a coconut oil/tea tree/peppermint oil for my skin right when I get out of the shower, whenever I feel an itch and before I go to sleep. I have hardly had any problems with itching since switching to the coconut oil. Make sure to get it all over the place and maybe keep a separate jar for your face with more coconut oil in it so it's not as potent, don't get it in your eyes of course. I've only got them on my outer forearms and inner ankles up to about mid calf. I've only had it for a week or so and it's already starting to get way better, the bumps are going away and it's not nearly as itchy as it had been before. I was super lucky that I caught it so early and was able to keep the little bastards from spreading. Good luck everyone who has these monsters and I hope you get rid of then soon, they're awful and I havwn't even had them for very long! I used a 24oz spray bottle
Bleach spray: 1Ts for every 12oz of water
Borax/peroxide/water spray: 2Ts of each for every 6oz of water
Coconut oil mix: I did about 2c of oil and 50drops tea tree and 25drops of peppermint. I would add 1/4c of coconut oil if you're goin to use a different jar for the face and ears.
It all started when my boyfriend came home very itchy! We had two months in to our new apartment, also bought a new bedding set, new comforter set, NEW EVERYTHING! We thought perhaps the itching was brought on by dust, chemicals from his job, or something so simple as dry skin. Sadly, we were wrong! This is where our worst living nightmare came to life. The scratching got so bad and the most scratching happened when we were in bed trying to sleep and that never became possible. We would finally be able to sleep when our eyes couldn't take it any longer! In the morning is when we noticed the most bumps on my boyfriends rear and in between both our thighs. Two whole weeks went by, I would wonder to the store at night when the itching was unbearable because we both felt things crawling in a sense. SO I HAVE TRIED IT ALL! Cortizone creams, Cortaid sprays, Zyrtec Allergy pills, Benadryl. NOTHING over the counter got rid of this awful itching. Finally it came down to a night where I was so frustrated and spent hours in an emergency room to find out what my hubby and I had. SCABIES was the first word the doctor said! Thanks to Google, I later found out what this horrible parasite was. Sleep was out the window for sure! The doctor prescribed Permethrin cream. Shit sucked! Tried it twice and still nothing. So don't even waste your time with these doctor visits. One doctor prescribed me with Eurax 10% Lotion which was only available at one Rite Aid pharmacy for the price of $400! Crazy right, and no I didn't buy. Wasn't going to throw more money away for something that might have came back to haunt me.
So thanks to all the research online, I came across here. Read everyones stories and let me tell you, I know how it feels to have these disgusting things crawling around in your skin. It's mortifying and I will ever be the same.
When I came home from the first doctor visit I rushed to have everything washed in HOT water. I began to start washing piece by piece every single clothing we had and that became impossible. So now we have collected only a few pieces of clothing that we can wear over and over after washing over and over, manly pj's because we have been confined to these apartment walls. Every other piece of clothing and blanket I put in plastic bags tightly sealed and in front of the sun. They have to be on the skin to survive right? In those bags they will stay for a week so they can die completely!
I started up my bath and dropped a cup of bleach with the hottest water our bodies could take, following with sitting in there for a good 15-20 minutes. Washed our bodies with Sulfur soap and a all natural lavender soup to rinse off with. And when we got out we lightly dried ourselves and again rubbed some more bleach and water mixer, applying more amounts in the places where we both needed the most. I slept through the night for the first time in a month after doing this. Minor itches here and there, yes. The results are there, BLEACH is the cure for these things. Constant day to day cleaning of everything in your home and everything you touch. We washed and cleaned the carpets as an obsession that maybe they were all over the carpet. Now everything I clean I wipe down with bleach!
At first I found all of this very tiring but it's a routine one literally has to make part of their life to get rid of this condition. I have never came across with anyone besides my boyfriend and myself who has experienced this and I don't ever wish it upon anyone!
Right now we are going through the baths and constant cleaning to fight these off and little by little I know these suckers will give up with my "bleaching baths," as I like to call them.
I hope this is helpful to some like it was so very helpful to me! Many good lucks go out the the people experiencing this and trying to find ways to get rid of these suckers. Above all have faith that things will get better and that this will pass:)
I respectfully disagree with the "microscopic" comments. I have had horrible acne for a while now which has been getting MUCH worse as of late. I also, as of the past month, have had intense, unbearable itching and swelling of my yoni (Sanskrit for vagina). I thought the acne was just acne~ even though I am a vegan, take raw food supplements, drink kefir daily, raw honey and home made chai tea (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, ect plus coconut milk), and basically do everything right~ and was rather stumped about it. The itch I thought was herpes (you don't have to sleep around to get it) and started natural treatments for that, but received a negative on my herpes test. So, stumped again.
Well, recently I came across information that much acne is caused by the Demodex mite. After hours of research, I deduced that this was my acne problem, as I had all of the secondary symptoms and it totally resonated with me. So, I immediately got in the bath (at 2 am), dumped in Epsom salts and tea tree oil, and upon getting out of the bath, I slathered myself in tea tree, neem oil and coconut oil. Well, that was followed by MAJOR itch and crawling sensations on my face and yoni. I wiped at a crawly area on my face and examined my finger closely under a bright lamp. Well, there was a little SOMETHING there, kinda grayish, barely visable, long and thin~ so I smashed it between my thumbs and flattened it out. I continued inspecting my face, and lo and behold~ they were everywhere! On my face, my hairline, even on my neck and chest as I guess they tried to escape. I could FEEL them and SEE them. I couldn't tell if they were dead or not, so I tried to squish them all. Many were an exact replica of the first one found~ many were different. I seemed to have 3 (maybe 4) distinct stages of them coming out of my skin. Some were more white and soft bodied (nymphs?), some were hard and crystally (eggs?). Some came out with fibers (I read somewhere that the mite uses fibers from your clothes to make a nest). These were not all different things I was seeing and just paranoid so mistook them for the mites. These were all identical to the others of the same stage. Needless to say, I was totally grossed out, but SOOO happy to FINALLY have an answer to my embarrassing acne~ as well as the itchiness and crawy sensations of my face, scalp and ears.
Well, then I had the idea to put the same concoction on my yoni (which was only mildly itchy at the time due to the bath). OMG~ the ITCH after putting the oils on her!!!! Crawling, creeping hell! I usually don't scrath down there, so I started to gently rub it for some relief and when I looked at my fingers, they were COVERED in the VERY SAME parasites!!!!!! I swear on my LIFE, this is the truth! I wiped my fingers on a towel, and did it again, focusing on where the itch was~ and same thing! This went on until 5 am, when I could take no more and went to sleep.
So, today I went out and bought some tinctures of black walnut hull, wormwood and clove and I am putting myself on a MAJOR parasite cleanse. I also added clove oil and the tinctures to my oil concoction (clove oil kills parasite eggs and the others kill the other stages of parasites). I took a shower and applied the brew to my face, and got the same visable results. I applied it to my yoni, and more of the same, and this time I also got crawlies on my thighs and when I looked at those spots there was invariably a grayish speck there, undoubtably trying to escape. I am now sitting in a borax bath as I type this. So, this long story is to say that YES you CAN see them! AND you can definitely FEEL them crawling on (and in) your skin. This is not something I would spend all this time on simply telling a tall tale to yank your chain. I am extremely busy, and this past month with this SERIOUS issue has TRULY eaten up my time and I have been MISERABLE. I want NOTHING more than to get back to "normal". I guess you should be very careful when you pray that "all impure things inside of me be released and cleansed". I do think I am going to be healthier than ever, and optimum, pure, radiant health is my highest desire. I am extremely happy that I don't have herpes, because I was really dreading having to tell my husband. He's been in Panama building our island home while I have been staying at my parent's (ordering sustainable home supplies, seeds, and all the things we need to be self sufficient) for the last 6 months, and I didn't want to cause him any reason to doubt my devotion and think I cheated on him (which I NEVER have). So, I guess this is better than that. But IT SUCKS!!!! I know on some level I agreed to take this on, and I hope someday I am able to help someone else who suffers from it (I also know ALL about herpes now! ). Thanks for listening, I hope this is useful to someone and I wish you ALL the very best health imaginable. Namaste.
Citronella Horse Shampoo
I want to share my treatment for scabies.
After battling scabies for 4 years I have finally reached the end. At the feed store, they have a horse shampoo that is yellow and it's made of citronella. I went to Walmart and bought one of the scrub gloves. I wet my entire body including my hair and put the citronella horse shampoo in my hair and all over my body I let it set for 5 minutes and then I would add water to the glove and scrub my skin. This has eliminated the mites. I've done the exact same thing for my dog after I shaved him. And I I have also used it on my cat. I would really like for you guys to get the word out. It is amazing and works wonderfully.
I also make a liquid solution of potassium hydroxide - you can find the exact measurements online to make a cleaning solution - and I put a half a cup of it in my laundry to kill the mites on the clothing. works wonderfully.