Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rosacea

Posted by Olddude (Chattanooga, Tn, USA) on 01/30/2013 21 posts

Male, age 67. Rosacea, had red potmarks, red vessels on cheeks, other red marks and it was not good. Read in here about remedies and other places. Was reading what some women had done and they used diaper rash ointment. So I go and buy diaper rash ointment, the walmart brand and smear it on lightly on cheeks and forehead. Yes you will look silly, but hey, its just me. I suggest you put a towel on your pillow. So off to bed I go with this white paste on my face. I wake up the next morning in hopes Santa brought me a new face......... Wow, was I surprised....... A lot of the redness was gone, so for 3 more nights I did this and I am a happy camper and I still use it 2 times a week. Yes it did work for me and Im not trying to sell diaper rash ointment, lol. Note: I had tried some expensive stuff at another store and it makes my face more red, but not the diaper rash ointment which is mostly ZINC. I wash it off with a face soap.

I hope someone has the success I did.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Katela (Silver Spring, Maryland, Usa) on 04/22/2012

I wanted to share my experience with successfully combatting what my dermatologist repeatedly told me was 'rosacea'. Three years ago - at age 30 - I suddenly developed the redness and dryness and eye irritation associated with rosacea on my face. I went to the dermatologist who told me I had rosacea (on multiple visits). She gave me a cream which, of course, only temporarily relieved this condition I was very self-conscious about. I tried other suggestions - coconut oil, etc, but to no avail. And then I decided to go to a naturopath. The naturopath, after a lengthy consultation, had me take an allergy test. The test came back positive for dairy and soy. And, interestly enough, the symptoms of a dairy allergy are very similar to rosacea. I cut dairy and soy out of my diet and, within a few weeks, the rosacea went away. Completely disappeared. A few months later, I started eating yogurt again as a little test and the tell-tale redness came back. I now eat minor amounts of dairy when I most want it but generally avoid it all together. And my "rosacea" has completely disappeared. I know this isn't the cause for everyone, but I strongly encourage you to think about cutting out dairy and soy and limiting gluten. The redness and dryness I experienced were the outward signs of imbalances in my body and this dietary easy shift in my life has had both cosmetic and internal benefits. I am extremely frustrated with the dermatologist who repeatedly misdiagnosed me and also with my insurance which would only cover the dermatologist and not the naturopath - but that is another topic all together.

Borax, Ciclopirox Olamine
Posted by Tm (Brisbane, Australia) on 05/22/2011

Hi all, firstly thanks for all your fantastic posts and advice. I just wanted to relay my experience with treating Rosacea with Borax and Ciclopirox Olamine. I had been told several times over the years that I had Rosacea, but it was never really that bad, so I did nothing about it. The reason I started taking Borax was to treat my hair loss. My hair was falling out in fist fulls all day long. So I started on the internal 1/8th tsp in 1 litre of water 4 days on/3 days off and the external Borax and hydrogen peroxide (I only have 3% solution at home) mixed with water 1:1:10 for 10 mins then wash out. This helped with hair loss, and my Rosacea went crazy. I had major die off with a crust forming over my Rosacea. Another side effect of the Borax, was into the 2nd week I started getting pain in my back and legs, by the third week it was really bad and my legs and feet were really swollen. I realized I was detoxing from flouride and believe me, it was not pleasant. I was back to normal by week 4 though.

My Rosacea had stabilized, but was not really improving. I washed my face with Borax and a oil cleanser I had made of Macadamia Nut & Neem oil morning and night, used a toner I made of ACV, hydrogen peroxide and Colloidal silver, but was really only controlling the Rosacea. It was still red, raw with pustules.

I decided to try the anti-dandruff shampoo remedy I had read about here, so I found out it's called Stieprox here in Australia. I washed my face & hair with it left on 5 mins, rinsed off and repeated as per the instructions on the box. I had another die off and the crust forming over my Rosacea that night, but the next morning, the improvement was huge! I've been washing my face with it morning and night for 3 days now.

The Ciclopirox has really worked and I would definitely recommend it. I will update if it isn't all it's cracked up to be after a month, but otherwise I'd say it has really worked so far.

Sorry it's so long winded, but I hope this helps someone else :-)

Posted by Portia (Orange, Ca, Us) on 05/21/2011

I have suffered horrible red blotches on my face. A doctor told me it was rosacea and prescribed antibiotics. This condition was psycho! I would go to bed with a flawless complexion and wake up covered in burning welts and pustules. I work with the public and was profoundly humiliated by my face. And then... BLINK... My skin would clear up. I could make no sense of it and felt desperate to find a cure.

Well, you kind folks at Earth Clinic helped me enormously. I would like to pass on a wonderful discovery, in the hopes of helping others. Recently the rosacea returned with a vengence. I tried ACV, aloe, and tea tree oil. Yes, they reduced the redness, but the basic rosacea remained.

Then I read about using a sulfer based shampoo on my face. I went to Walmart and could not find this kind of shampoo BUT I found a bar of sulfer soap IN THE HISPANIC PRODUCTS SECTION in the toiletries dept. I soaped up my face and did not rinse it off for 20 minutes. Amazingly the rosacea was 50% improved! I then put emu oil on my face. Well two days later my skin was completely clear. Free of rosacea and the stress of feeling ashamed! I did this treatment in the morning and at bedtime, and drank about 2 T. of ACV during the day.

I hope this helps. Bless you.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Just Me (Vancouver, B.c Canada) on 04/04/2011

I am so glad I found this site!! .. After suffering with rosacea or rosacea like sysmptoms for the last couple of years. I tried a borax with ho2o mix and in just one night, I look the best I have in a long time! it's not "cured" but much better as it seemed to be only getting worst, I'll just say it's half gone!!! But still... Only one night! I will post back again as I go along with this... IT'S WORKING!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!

Manuka Honey
Posted by Missy (The Woodlands, Tx) on 06/26/2015

I am excited to say that I have also had great results using Manuka honey for rosacea, and allergic reactions due to extreme sensitivity. The skin on my face has become increasingly sensitive over the last 10 years, cleansers, moisturizers, makeup, even tap water would leave my face red, irritated and often dehydrated. I would try the gentlest cleansers designed for sensitive skin, but all of them left my skin burning, irritated and red. One day I tried a gentle scrub due to my skins dry flakey texture. This was a mistake that left me with a red rash which lasted several months. I finally resorted to seeing a doctor who prescribed a steroid, and even this did not clear up the rash.

One day the idea came to me to try honey, so I purchased some manuka honey from a health food store, and began using it as a cleanser. In two months my skin has almost cleared to the point where I could go without makeup. The rash is gone, and the redness is mild. I use about a tablespoon massaged over my face and rinsed with warm water. My skin is moist and the flakiness is gone. I use olive or coconut oil around the eye if needed to remove eye makeup.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mags (Cheshire, Uk) on 04/08/2010

I think i have finally managed to rid myself of this horror condition rosacea. Two weeks ago my face was red raw, full of red bumps and the itch drove me mad. I now take 2 apple cider vinegar tablets a day and 1 B complex. I wash my face with natural sulphur soap, i then wash a second time by using an anti dandruff shampoo / shampoo for flaky and dry scalp. This shampoo contains a chemical called ciclopirox olamine. Leave this shampoo neat on a wet face for no more than a minute then rinse. Do not use around the eyes. Wash your face morning and night following the above or more if you need to. Once your face has been washed then use a diluted tablespoon of ACV to swab on the red and bumpy areas of face with cotton wool, allow to dry and then moisturise with a natural chemical free and fragrance free cream. To wash and cleanse your face this way yes is a pain but to see the difference within 4 days, i couldnt believe it. My spots had cleared, the redness calmed and the very very dry skin i had was now soft and healthy. Worked for me. I had also read on the net that Lysine could help, i tried this by tablet form and this made my face swell so that was no good for me. It is finding something that suits you. I was diagnosed last year with this and given antiobiotics to clear it. It worked but after time the biotics gave me thrush and constant tummy ache. So the natural way i now use is much better and does not make me feel ill. The shampoo is use on face i cannot name but begins with an o. (uk)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amy (Brattleboro, Vermont, Usa) on 03/14/2010

greetings everyone

i have spent the past five days reading all the posts here, about a week ago i woke up with an outbreak of what i think is rosacea. i am 45 years old and have never had it before, and have always had very good skin. My symptoms were identical to rosacea.

i sympathize with those of who have suffered with this for years. i am a trained herbalist, and spent alot of time researching herbal remedies for rosacea and wanted to share with you what i learned, and what i have tried and what seems to be working. already my condition is improving.

i tried almost everything that was posted on this site.

i began taking lots of lysine (1500 mg 2x a day) and vit C (1500 mg 2x a day). i also took a TBSP of ACV in a little water 2x a day. Linda Rector Page in her book, Healthy Healing, points to the liver and the immune system. she also says heavy smoking contributes to the condition, so any of you smokers out there might want to try quitting. she also recommends a 3 day liquid fast with lots of fresh veggies and fruit juices. (fresh green cabbage juice helps to clear heat from the body)i also made a batch of veggie broth by boiling up carrots, onions, celery, garlic, parsley and seaweed, and then added miso for alkanilizing my system.(don't boil miso, as it destroys the micro-organisms...just add it to warm broth)

Page also recommends the herb pau d'arco...which i learned alot about while living in costa rica last year, where i was studying tropical medicinal herbs. in central america pau d'arco is considered a sacred tree and treats many conditions. it is primarily a immune stimulant, but is also an anti-fungal and anti-parasitic. many plants in the tropics have these properties, as the wet climate creates the perfect conditions for fungus and parasites.

i drank alot of pau d'arco tea and also combined it with a strong calendula tea and used it externally as a wash several times a day. Pure cider vinegar dabbed on my face with a cotton ball helped to relieve the stinging sensation.

additionally i took an herbal tincture of burdock root, nettles, and cats claw 3-4 x a day.

Michael Tierra in his book "Planetary Herbology" says that pumpkin seeds help to destroy and dispel parasites. He also says that borax is quite toxic internally, so i didn't use it that way. But what i did find very helpful was to wash my face with a solution of borax, peroxide and water, then let it dry and then rinsed with warm water and applied a thin layer of neem oil, which feels very soothing.

with this protocol my skin is improving daily, and is hardly noticeable...i am no longer embarrassed to go out in public and the stinging sensation is gone.

i hope this helps others out there with this condition.
i am happy to answer any questions


Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Miel (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/03/2009

i came here a few weeks back and read the posts regarding hydrogen peroxide, baking soda with water and tea tree oil for rosacea

I tried them all as well as Borax which I did only once because of my skin sensitivity.

anyway, whatever i had been doing worked!. redness has gone and also the cystic pimples. no flushing, a few patches of dry skin are still on my forehead but it could my usual eczema.

I wash my face everyday with water and hydrogen peroxide diluted in the water. every other day i'll add tea tree oil into the water. when my face is still wet, i'll put Eucerin (heavy cream) on. I also use an acne lamp for about 20 min each night.

i think the hydrogen peroxide and tea tree oil had been a great help.

i also drink water with baking soda almost everyday.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Marilynn (Winston-salem, North Carolina) on 09/11/2009

I have had rosacea for ten years now. It started duing perimenopause. It has devastated me quite often when there is a social event or even a trip to the store. I went to a dermotologist and he recommended a topical gel. That worked for a while but later on it seemed to aggravate it worse than before. I tried several of the rememedies on this site and I found that apple cider vinegar made my skin quite dry whether I used it topically or drank it. After endless searching on the internet, I found a site that talked about manuka honey. I have taken a teaspoon of honey three times a day 30 minutes before a meal. I washed my face with it and every other day add a teaspoon of brown sugar. If the mixture is too dry only add a drop of water. It is amazing what it has done to my skin. I am now writing to you with a clear complexion and only a very very slight pink to my face. I read that even though the mites are to blame sometimes h. pylori in our stomach contributes to it too. I wish you all well and hopes that this also helps you.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Caroline (Keller, Texas) on 05/28/2007

I am shocked and amazed after thousands of dollars spent on TCA peels, medicated creams and Dr. prescribed Retin A etc,.that I find Tea Tree oil to be an overnight wonder (Literally) for the treatment of my Rosacea. All my redness was gone after 2 nights of applying the oil directly all over my face. Acne and redness is completely gone!! This stuff is awesome! Got mine at Sprouts health food store. I highly recommend to anyone suffering from acne or acne rosacea.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Amanda (Wi) on 09/14/2019

I had severe rosacea. I think it was due to overheating. I was breastfeeding, and wanted to get a relief so fast. I had this severe for 3 months in summer season. My eyes were severely affected so was my skin. I used sulfur gel over the counter for rosacea, washed my face 3 times a day with salicylic acid face washes over the counter and finally tried a diluted tea tree oil and I think it killed off all the mites. I leave it for about 30 minutes, then wash my face, then apply the sulfur gel. I did this three times a day and once at night. It dried my skin a little bit, but I am almost done with this. Just wanted to let you know to try tea tree oil, but make sure it's really diluted. I used a few drops in 8oz of water topically and wiped the affected areas.

Borax, Vinegar and Peroxide
Posted by Devon (Johnson, Vt.) on 10/07/2018

Dear Ted,

I cannot find the original Rosacea H202 Borax recipe. Something seems disfunction with the new website. Anyway I am writing to ask for an opinion and share my new Recipe that I am really excited about.

Just about 50, my skin and its barrier are not always prime. Whereas my skin used to tolerate the borax h202 formula for rosacea on face. Now it seems to have the potential to really dry it out. So realizing how alkaline Borax is -- and that I had seen Vinegar used in place of H202 for mange -- it occurred to me why not combine the Vinegar and Borax in addition to the h202 with a goal of achieving the perfect PH balanced for face spray! The goal currently is around 5.5 I think.

My concern is that the more things to combine that reactions can alter the original composition such the the recipe no longer works like it should! In this case I also wonder if some of the action of the Borax killing the face mites 'is' because of the alkalinity? Anyhow my batch from last night left me the smoothest and silkiest of any Borax/H202 treatment I have achieved!

I would like to share the recipe. Thanks for your time... I am getting ready for round 2.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cheryl (Glenview) on 05/07/2017

This is more information on what I have tried. I continued on with the ACV saturating cotton balls full strength and spreading it across my face. Initially, it burned like crazy, but subsequent applications were calmer. Any missed spot itched intensely so I learned to do my eyebrows, eyelids and under my eyes as well. In the past, each time I washed my face I would have to remove lots of dry, flaking skin with a gentle microfiber cloth twice a day. Now, there is no more flaking. It is a huge, major step forward for me. Does this kill mites? Why does it work so well? The major flushing stopped when I began drinking ACV with the Mother twice a day. At first, I had to drink it every time I ate anything at all. When the flushing was really bad, I walked outside in the intense cold to calm it down. My dermatologist was no help at all. Antibiotics did not help, nor did Metrogel.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 05/30/2017

To Ricardo of Spain,

Try genuine Manuka Honey for Rosacea. You could apply a slight smear on the affected parts at night and see what happens.



Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ricardo (Brazil) on 07/21/2017

Man, is a miracle in a bottle - I ceased the daily applications and only when I feel a flare I apply before bed. It doesn't burn anymore, my skin feels soft and no pustules whatsoever!! Michael, I lived in NZ for three years, but here in Brazil, it will be hard to get Manuka Honey...

Avoid Milk
Posted by Maple (Australia) on 03/10/2017

I'm not sure if it was rosacea, but I found that cutting out milk improved my skin a lot! I've always found that my skin has looked red - particularly on my face - and felt very self conscious about it. but after cutting out milk, the skin on my face all turned to a normal colour within a few days!!!! After some research, it seems that it's helped other people with their skin and acne etc. too!!

Raw Potato Juice
Posted by Sb (Sg) on 07/12/2016

RAW POTATO JUICE: Never have I written on any of such forums before, but this I have to share! My rocasea flares up without any reason, suddenly I wake up to a red face and its pathetic. Tried a whole lot of things from creams, to ice packs, coconut oil (which did give some relief but only temporary). Finally on a friend's suggestion - grated raw potato and started applying every morning and leaving it for an hour, the results have been miraculous. After my 1st application itself, my skin was much calmer and the redness almost less than half. Read about the other benefit of raw potato juice, and was shocked to see how this little vegetable has such magical curative properties.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Margie (Us) on 03/14/2017

I've continued using the ACV on my blepharitis with very good results, however, I do a rotation. I typically wash my eyes with a tea tree oil cleanser 2 times per week. The other days I either use ACV as cleanser (soak eyes with warm water, then take the ACV and gently rub on the eyelids. I also do use Colloidal Silver at night using a q-tip to apply it. My eye doctor couldn't even tell I had Blepharitis when I was in a few weeks ago.

My Rosacea is very hormone 3 weeks of the month, it is very good, then I have a week of redness, pustules and bumps. I occasionally use dandruff shampoo on my face in addition to what I listed above for my blepharitis...and they all help.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Kathy (Lv, Nv) on 06/18/2013

Rosacea update: I am still taking the diatomaceous earth every day 1 Tablespoon mixed in water or juice and I also make a paste of it (water and diatomaceous earth)and smear it all over my face. I leave it on for 10 minutes (about 3 times a week) and then rinse it off. So far between drinking the earth and using it as a mask on my face, my rosacea seems to have cleared up a little, 30% or so. I was hoping for a complete cure but this is better than none.

Manuka Honey, Zinc Oxide
Posted by Olddude (Chattanooga, Tn, Usa) on 04/22/2012 21 posts

I am using zinc oxide in a baby rash ointment, works just like your product and it works fast at 13 percent zinc oxide. glad ur getting healed.

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