Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rosacea

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Billy (Herts) on 12/14/2015

Hydrogen peroxide 6% used as a skin cleanser is a very effective way to rid yourself of Demodex folliculorum (Rosacea), using a thumb sized piece of soaked cotton wool... be diligent and rub it into the skin for 4 weeks 2x a day. Be careful around facial hair as it will bleach the hair. I wasn't concerned about the bleaching of my hair I just wanted to be rid of it I use it 1x or 2x a month whenever I feel an itching or see a red spot. I've been free from Rosacea for 18 months now :) I eat and drink whatever I like... its a no brainer people ...just do it

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by K.R. (Hawaii) on 12/13/2015

Many people are allergic to Tea Tree oil. I am one of them. I used it regularly for years. Eventually, one day I had a cut and I put tea tree oil on got inflamed and infected, pustules, blisters. I just kept putting more on thinking it would help as it always had before. Eventually, I went to my dermatologist for help.

When I told her what I was using, she informed me of allergies to tea tree oil. I stopped using it and within days my cut healed.

My skin develops a rash and blisters if I use anything with any amount of tea tree oil.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mags (Fair Lawn Nj ) on 12/06/2015

Do you use the tea tree oil alone? Or do you mix it with something else

Borax and Peroxide, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Kirsten (Colorado) on 11/09/2015

I found the topical borax/hydrogen peroxide treatment, followed by spot application of tea tree oil to be helpful in controlling my rosacea. It didn't eliminate the redness, but has reduced the red bumps on my cheeks dramatically.

Eliminating alcohol and diet soda/ artificial sweeteners other than stevia also helped a lot. If I cheat and have a diet coke I notice many more bumps the next day. I'm not sure if it is the artificial sweetener or something else in the soda, but it is a reliable trigger for me.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Posted by Phil (St. Augustine, Fl) on 10/25/2015

I've been dealing with mild rosacea for over 20 years and have tried many products with minimal success. It's been getting worse, so I've been praying for and searching for a cure. I recently read posts on this site about anti-dandruff shampoo as a treatment. In just a few days of use, it's working! I've been using Selsun Blue w 1 % selenium sulfide. I do a couple treatments a day of applying the shampoo to my face and leaving on for about 30 min. It stings a little, and at first seems to make it worse. But now, the bumps are getting smaller and the redness is fading. I'm assuming the shampoo is killing off the bacteria caused by the skin mites. Btw, I also use it on my hair and make sure I have a clean pillowcase to sleep on. In between treatments I apply aloe, which soothes the skin and tightens the pores. I must say, I'm looking pretty good!

I tried topical ACV treatments but it burned my skin and caused scabs. I wasn't too thrilled about that. I say go with the Selsun Blue and aloe! I appreciate those who have volunteered their testimonies in an effort to help others...and felt like I needed to do the same. I'm thanking God that I was led to this site!

P.s. I'm also taking a tbsp. of ACV with water every day. I don't know if it's doing anything, but it sure tastes good! LOL

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Christine (Grimsby, Ontario) on 10/18/2015

I'd like to know what happened in the end to your skin. I think you were trying too many things at once. I would stick to teds remedy. It worked for me. I was clear for five years. It's creeping back again and I am starting the regime again.

Posted by Jem1663 (Miami) on 09/01/2015

What is the solution used? Any other ingredients, ie water, how much Borax and water...... Is mixed together. Thank you!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Virginia (Washington) on 08/29/2015

I have had problems for years with redness and spots that stay raw and painful. I changed my life style in January to gluten free, because I had also become allergic to nightshade plants which all peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, pears etc. anything that ripens in the dark.

I am 81 years old. I use all fresh and cook from scratch. I am using the vinegar on my face, also coconut oil. I also am using the vinegar and oil on my legs that are also red from poor circulation. There is a big improvement and hope to clear it completely. I find variety is important.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Cyn (California) on 08/25/2015

Been using tea tree oil for rosacea about one week. Symptoms at first got worse, but then cleared up. I suspect the tto killed the mites, causing reaction, then, it starting clearing up.

Rosacea and SIBO Connection
Posted by Patricia (Melbourne) on 08/22/2015

I am now on the 10th day of Rifaximin and not better with my Rosacea. How soon do you see the effect of this drug? Is happy for you as you gave me courage that this may work. I have Rosacea badly for over one year and have tried every thing. Courage, please let me know.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robin (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/17/2015

Do you need to store the ACV + H2O mixture in the fridge? The concentrated ACV I use is stored in the fridge. Thanks! Robin

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 08/04/2015 2048 posts

Jen: Try Cod Liver Oil

Posted by Jen (Iowa) on 08/03/2015

Did you not find the black seed oil irritating, topically? I have rosacea and ocular rosacea and have found hot compresses fix the dry irritated eye issue, but not the rash. The only place I have any bumps are around my eyes...from mild to extreme, but they never go away. Everything irritates and inflames, save coconut and hemp oil, though nothing seems to consistently improve them. I just ordered black seed oil but am nervous about irritation, though can't wait to try it. I also need to get serious about the borax treatment...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Khaleada (London, Uk ) on 07/12/2015

Hi there I have read ur message and see it as a hope of cure for my Rosacea. Please would you tell me the exact technique used to apply the ACV. Dosage, whether it was diluted? Please would you reply to my message as I am desperate for a remedy to this depressing condition. Many thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ken (Durango, Colorado) on 07/11/2015

I have some rosacea on my nose and at first wen to the dermatologist. They gave me some ointment which did nothing. so I lived with it and eventually tride Emu oil which Is moderately affective.

Then I read the posts here and decided to try apple cider vinegar. I apply it morning and night and now after a few weeks the rosacea is totally gone! Definitely works for me.

Posted by Georgia (Victoria, Texas) on 07/11/2015

I just read the artical about the Borax. The fluoride was new to me. I always Wondered why my lips turned red after brushing my teeth. I have just been diagnosed with Rosacea. It has already depressed me to the point I donot want to go anywhere. I am definately going to try the Borax. I used Borax when my babies were young to clear their eyes. No one has ever heard o fthis either. Thanks for this article. I am going on a trip in September, and hope to be looking much better.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Missy (The Woodlands, Tx) on 06/26/2015

I am excited to say that I have also had great results using Manuka honey for rosacea, and allergic reactions due to extreme sensitivity. The skin on my face has become increasingly sensitive over the last 10 years, cleansers, moisturizers, makeup, even tap water would leave my face red, irritated and often dehydrated. I would try the gentlest cleansers designed for sensitive skin, but all of them left my skin burning, irritated and red. One day I tried a gentle scrub due to my skins dry flakey texture. This was a mistake that left me with a red rash which lasted several months. I finally resorted to seeing a doctor who prescribed a steroid, and even this did not clear up the rash.

One day the idea came to me to try honey, so I purchased some manuka honey from a health food store, and began using it as a cleanser. In two months my skin has almost cleared to the point where I could go without makeup. The rash is gone, and the redness is mild. I use about a tablespoon massaged over my face and rinsed with warm water. My skin is moist and the flakiness is gone. I use olive or coconut oil around the eye if needed to remove eye makeup.

Manuka Honey, Coconut Oil
Posted by Tegster (Phoenic, Arizona) on 06/25/2015

I have struggled with rosacea for 15+ years and finally have had success with using manuka honey as a mask or even overnight, just a very light layer. For four weeks. I did use UMF 10+ higher. Used nightly. Once cleared up, cleansing my face with a tee tree oil body wash letting the wash sit for 10-20 seconds until your skin tingles, or raw, organic coconut oil wash works well too. It's recommended to leave coconut oil on as a moisturizer. I also use a cucumber mist toner and primrose oil moisturizer which also is calming and healing to the skin. My redness is diminishing and breakouts are far and few between now. I wish you the same success!

Manuka Honey, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Tegster (Phoenix, Arizona) on 06/25/2015

Hi Sue, I'm a bit late replying but I do hope you try manuka honey. It should specifically state UMF on it as well as 10 or higher. I can feel it working pretty much immediately as though pulling any impurities out of my skin by perhaps being so concentrated. Use a light layer at night for 4 weeks or as a mask, rinsing after 15 minutes. I had luck using it overnight. I havent had a bad breakout in 6 months and minimal acne. My redness is diminishing to the point where I can see scars from a dog bite I had 40 years ago, ordinarily masked by redness. Once recovered, use a tea tree (melaluca ) blend with coconut oil for cleanser and a moisturizing cream with evening primrose oil. Best regards And I hope it helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Olive Leaf
Posted by Lizzie (Nj) on 06/24/2015

Yes to ACV and olive leaf extract for rosacea. I tacked from inside out and my face went from feeling like an orange peel to the best it's looked in my adult life in about three days. I've even received compliments on how beautiful my complexion is from a complete stranger.

Every other night before bed I take a cotton ball and soak it in ACV then add some water to dilute it, and I rub it all over my face avoiding the sensitive skin around my eyes. In addition, I drink 1-2 tablespoons of olive leaf extract daily and have been doing so for about two months. Sometimes I skip a few days, but it doesn't seem to matter.

Sunburn Triggered Rosacea
Posted by Kevin (Prince George) on 06/20/2015

I started to get rosacea after I went to tanning beds last winter. I got a bad sunburn from the beds and the symptoms started. I have no doubt that was the cause.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sophia (Athens) on 06/01/2015

Hi Ana,

Your story is very inspiring! I am glad you shared it with all of us. Just clarify something for me, what kind of ACV did you use? Did you use the unfiltered one with the "mother" or just plain clear ACV from the supermarket?

Also, your routine worked and cleared your rosacea in how much time after you first started using it?

I am hopeful that you may see my message and reply to me. Thanks, Sophia.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sophia (Athens) on 06/01/2015

Hi Patricia! I am happy to read that some people are getting rid of this horrible disease.. This means there is hope for me, too!

I have some questions for you, if you have the time.. I am wondering what kind of ACV you used. Did you use the one kind with "the mother" apple or plain ACV? Did you dilute it or not? If you dilute it, what did you use water and can you tell me the ratio?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Glycerin
Posted by Sam (Miami) on 06/01/2015

I have read that people with low stomach acids develop rosacea.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Glycerin
Posted by Amanda (Indiana) on 05/31/2015

You have rosacea and your husband and daughter do not, so you deduce that it cannot be caused by the Demodex mite. Actually, the research shows that demodex inhabit virtually everyone's skin and those with rosacea have higher populations. It seems to be about individual immune responses, much like our individual responses to allergens--some people mount an inflammatory response to what another person's body views as ordinary food etc. Or in this case, ordinary skin inhabitants.

Both of my parents had rosacea, and in her later years, my mother also developed blepharitis, which is also associated with excess populations of Demodex mites in follicles and eyelash sebaceous glands.

i was 19 before I developed the characteristic red cheeks and nose of rosacea. Over the years it has come and gone, in association with my general health! Eg, after the birth of my children it reappeared. The key seems to be changes in my immune system which trigger inflammation and increased numbers of mites and/or their associated symbiotic bacteria.

I believe both that my parents transmitted the mites to me as a child, and also that my genetic inheritance from them, esp re immune response, somehow predisposes me to react either to the mites with inflammation and swellings Etc. I also have other skin allergies.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marissa (Portland, Or) on 05/26/2015

Also check the sunscreen you are using. If you want to do a little test, buy sunscreen with helioplex and see if that helps. My brother and I are extremely sensitive to the sun, but when we used conventional sunscreens, we broke out horribly. This is the only sunscreen that works for us!

Sunburn Triggered Rosacea
Posted by Helen ( Atlanta, GA) on 04/14/2015

Read this. It talks about the link between heat and rosacea in traditional Chinese medicine.

Sunburn Triggered Rosacea
Posted by Jacqui (Florida, US) on 04/13/2015

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone has extreme heat sensitivity they believe is caused by their rosacea? I'm pretty confident my rosacea started when I got severely sunburned as a teenager.

Posted by Caba (North Carolina, US) on 03/06/2015

I have tried just about every conventional remedy for my rosacea. Metro cream/gel, sulphur cleansers, etc. I cut out caffeine, spicy foods, etc. and still no relief.

I had been experimenting with VCO and ACV topically for a while, but....

Then, one day, I came across a web posting about what we see on the outside is a reflection of something going on inside. Most every ailment we have can be contributed to poor gut health. Well, that lead to further research. What I discovered in my research was that Candida Yeast/Fungus infections and intestinal parasites can cause many problems, including skin problems that look and act like Rosacea.

I finally went to a Naturopath and was tested. Sure enough, I had a Candida fungal infection that had become systemic!!!!!! I had suffered for years and not once did I ever have a traditional medicine doctor suggest Candida. I have been treating something I didn't even have.

I am still in the early stages of treatment and have a long way to go, but ACV and VCO have been 2 components of my recovery protocol and I can attest to the benefits I have seen.

Initially my skin looked better, then it got worse (due to "die-off" or Herxheimer reaction), and after a few weeks as my body detoxified from the culprits, my face cleared up and no longer looks flushed. The red bumps, postules, and dry, itchy, crawling skin have all disappeared.

So Rosacea may not be Rosacea after all. Moral of story. You may not have Rosacea, so get evaluated for Candida AND don't give up too soon on ACV and VCO, because your body may simply be fending off the toxins as they die off.

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Frederick (Hot Springs, Ar) on 02/27/2015

Ms Dina how long did you leave on thee diaper rash ointment and how many times a day did you apply it? Thank you kindly

Posted by Colleen (Kennewick, Wa) on 02/22/2015

Hi Teresa! How is your rosacea? Still under control? I want to try what you did and see how it goes! Thanks Colleen

Posted by Debbie (Louisiana, US) on 02/17/2015

I posted on here in Oct., 2012 about scrubbing with borax and then applying sulfur mixed with sunscreen to get rid of my rosacea. Wanted to post an update. I stopped using the sulfur/sunscreen mixture and now just scrub my face with moistened borax about twice a week, my face looks great. I believe my rosacea is caused by dermodex mites. The borax treatment has been a godsend for me; it's cheap, easy, and extremely effective. I encourage anyone to try it.

Dishwashing Soap and Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Murphy. Nc) on 02/17/2015

My husband suffered for years from red, itchy face and scalp in the summer and the worst hair, beard, and eyebrow dandruff imaginable in the winter. Our doctor prescribed all kinds of meds for what he said was rosacea. Well, nothing helped for long and the meds were expensive. I stated to search and experiment for a way to cure or at least control whatever was happening to my husband.

Octagon soap/white vinegar controls the problem. Unfortunately, Colgate Palmolive stopped making Octagon soap several years ago. I found that Colgate Palmolive Original Green dishwashing soap has much of the same ingredients as their discontinued bar soap.

Use the Palmolive "Green" dish washing soap as you would a shampoo and body wash. Do not add to bath water as it will be too diluted to work. Rinse with white (less expensive) or apple cider vinegar cut 50% with water. You must shower/wash affected areas EVERYNIGHT BEFORE BED as mites breed in darkness. You can break the chain of infestation by washing every night.

Also, we switched to a waterbed with a regular vinyl water mattress. Mites cannot live on vinyl. I wash our white sheets, blankets in any laundry detergent with a cup of bleach per load.

It's been 5 years since he started this regimen. It worked immediately and continues to work. My husband doesn't suffer anymore. This regimen controls the problem so well that he no longer has any rashes or dandruff.

Please give this a try. It's inexpensive.

Coconut and Lavender
Posted by Kathy (Ontario, CA) on 08/10/2014

Hello to all!!

I am so happy because I have been using coconut oil with lavender essential oil mixed in and using it every night to remove my make up. In a very short time my rosacea has been starting to lessen!! What I do is use a small bowl with about 4 Tablespoon of oil and 6 drops of lavender, mix well, take a little bit and smear it all over my face and neck. (I keep this in the bathroom and it lasts a few weeks) Then use a wash clothe that is pretty warm and place over my face and wipe off my makeup. I then use a little more for moisturizing around my eyes. Sometimes I add frankincense around my eyes too. I am really loving essential oils.

Black Walnut Hull Tincture, Wormwood and Cloves
Posted by Sharon (Boca Raton, Florida) on 07/14/2014


Please, please, please, especially if you have sensitive skin, do not apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to your face. This is a sure way to end up with a chemical burn which hurts and is not pretty. Take it from someone who did it. It took at least two weeks of me applying diluted lavender oil to heal my mistake and remember to heal a burn you have to go through the scab and flaking stage. Not worth it!!!

Posted by Patricia (Minnesota) on 05/18/2014

I have had success with controlling the flare-up of Rosacea by taking three capsules of turmeric supplement, three capsules of ginger root, and 2 tsp of black seed cumin oil daily. I also apply the black seed cumin oil topically each night. I started this regime about two months ago and am pleased with the results. I am not sure if just one of these items can be credited with the improvement, but since I started doing these three things, the redness and sores have been reduced significantly, so I am continuing with this natural treatment.

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