Receding Gums
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies & Supplements for Healthy Gums & Receding Gums

| Modified on Feb 12, 2025
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Receding Gum Natural Remedies

Gum recession is a dental condition where the gums pull away from the teeth, exposing more of the root. This can lead to tooth sensitivity, decay, and potentially tooth loss if not addressed properly.

Instead of surgical methods like gum grafts, there are various natural remedies and supplements that can enhance gum health and aid in preventing further gum recession. This article will explore effective options for supporting healthy gums.

What Leads to Gum Recession?

Gum recession can be caused by several factors, such as inadequate oral hygiene, gum disease, genetic factors, hormonal changes, teeth grinding, and tobacco usage. Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids can also contribute to gum disease and recession by weakening the immune system and reducing bone density.

To prevent gum disease and recession, it's crucial to maintain a balanced diet, good oral hygiene, and regular dental checkups. Supplementation with essential nutrients may be necessary if deficiencies are identified.

Natural Remedies for Gum Recession

Numerous natural remedies can support gum health and help prevent gum recession. Here are some effective options:

  1. Vitamin C: Essential for healthy gums, it's an antioxidant that protects gum tissue and promotes collagen production.
  2. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): A natural antioxidant important for healthy gum tissue.
  3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These polyunsaturated fats have anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for gum health.
  4. Green Tea: Green Tea contains polyphenols with anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for gum health.
  5. Oil Pulling: An ancient practice that involves swishing oil in the mouth to remove toxins and bacteria, beneficial for oral health.
  6. Aloe Vera: Known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, aloe vera can help improve gum health.
  7. Tea Tree Oil: A natural essential oil with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, useful for gum health.
  8. Echinacea: An herb with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, echinacea can support gum health.
  9. Vitamin D: Essential for healthy bones and teeth, vitamin D also has anti-inflammatory properties beneficial for gums.
  10. Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria that can improve gum health by reducing inflammation.
  11. Myrrh: A resin with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, useful for gum health.

In summary, various natural remedies and supplements like vitamin C, CoQ10, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, and others can support gum health and help prevent gum recession. Alongside these natural solutions, maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental visits are key to preventing gum disease and recession.

We invite you to share your experiences and knowledge regarding dental health treatments and remedies. If you have tried any treatments or know of any not listed here, please feel free to share with us. Continue reading below to learn which natural remedies helped Earth Clinic readers with gum issues.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider vinegar

1 User Review

Posted by Lillian (Shasta, California) on 01/07/2018

I used (rinsed with) apple cider vinegar yesterday in the hopes that it would help with what might be a tooth infection. In my ignorance, I brushed my teeth (with electric toothbrush) right after using the vinegar. As I brushed, I thought that I had somehow broken all of my teeth and all the nerves were firing and the pain was excruciating! Side note: I have a mouth full of receding gums. I have been in excruciating pain every since. Does anyone know of anything that might help?

Replied by Marnie
(Madera, Ca)

Try rinsing with baking soda dissolved in water. Do this before and after you brush.

I would recommend also getting some black walnut green hulls tincture to restore enamel and eliminate sensitivity. Add 2 full droppers (2 droppers-full) of the tincture to a quarter cup of water. Rinse for a minute or more, and then SWALLOW the mixture. Do this three times per day until you have no more sensitivity.

If you want to disinfect the mouth/ teeth/ gums, 4-5 drops of 5% Lugols iodine (or 10-15 drops 2%) in a small cup of water is an excellent mouthwash. You can spit this out after rinsing for a couple of minutes. Your body will have absorbed the iodine anyway.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Lillian, try rinsing with water and baking soda every few hours.

Replied by Lillian
(Shasta, California)

Thank you. I have been using baking soda. I will try the black walnut green hulls tincture.

Replied by Smiggy

You can't use Apple Cider Vinegar for such thing. U wash your mouth with salt water and water or if you have infection or inflammation, you can drink some colloidal silver or spray some onto the teeth or gum.

Apple cider vinegar is acidic and its best to take it during the day and not at night unless you thoroughly rid the mouth of the residue.

Avoid SLS

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Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/23/2012

Hi Dina, You may want to re-consider your regimen. You are using products that are extremely harsh to the body. The marketing may convince people these are good choices but, in fact, they are not. I'll list just one ingredient you don't want in or on your body- sodium lauryl sulfate. That's just a start!

My suggestion would be to use sea salt, neem oil, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, oil pulling (you can read about that here on EC. ) These are what I use on a daily basis. I haven't used toothpaste in years at this point. Long ago I had a large pocket at the back of my top tooth and the dentist said the only way to take care of that would be with surgery. I said I didn't believe that and would heal it. On my next visit, they measured it and it was gone! He couldn't believe it.

I have put up video of Nadine Artemis, a leading authority on healing gums and re-mineralizing teeth. If it is of interest to you, I would be happy to do that again. I know a few people really learned a lot from it. Oh, and diet plays a big role too in the health of our teeth and gums. Google the work of Weston Price. Hope this helps. Wishing you the best, Lisa

Borax Mouthwash

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/12/2025

Borax – Mouthwash

Boron compounds like borax were frequently used in Middle Eastern medicine to treat oral health issues such as toothaches, gum infections, and mouth sores. Borax- based mouth rinses were commonly prescribed to cleanse the mouth and alleviate pain.

Antiseptic Recipe


1 tablespoon borax or boric acid

1 tablespoon baking soda

1 quart hot water

3 or more drops cinnamon oil

3 or more drops peppermint oil

Dissolve the borax in very hot water. When it has cooled, add the other ingredients and bottle

Breathe Through Your Nose

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Posted by Sunshine (Dublin, Ireland) on 04/10/2017

I have receding gums for years now. I am not too sure why it started in the first place, but they would get better and then worse again. I am 35. I am doing oil pulling with sesame or coconut oil + drop of oregano oil regularly, try and maintain good oral hygiene. regular visits to dentist, started taking vitamins and minerals. The gums improved a little, but I would expect them to get better after all that I've been doing. So only yesterday I came across an article about mouth breathing and it's negative effects on oral health. And I am definitely a mouth breather when I sleep and I have a gut feeling that this is what's stopping my gums from healing. Plus I breathe mostly through my mouth when walking for 2 hours almost every day. I am going to try and retrain myself breath through my nose and hope for some improvement. I tried breathing only through my nose when walking today and I must say it does take some effort. Hopefully this could be of some help for someone out there having gum issues.

Replied by Sara
(Devon U.k.)

Butekyo breathing is all about breathing through your nose, the exercises are brilliant to help retrain your breathing and with an added bonus of being really calming.

Replied by Elaine

Keep your tongue in the roof of your mouth. It is very hard to breathe through your mouth if your tongue is in that position. Easy to do when you are walking. Not so easy during sleep...

Replied by Ela
(London, UK)

A paper tape over your mouth at night works brilliantly and helps change the habit of mouth breathing in a week or two!


I tried using a piece of Scotch tape to keep my lips together. It works great.

Castor Oil

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Posted by Anne-maree (Qld) on 03/07/2024

I had a dental implant 8 years ago to replace my front tooth and in the last few years the gum started to recede, revealing the top of my crown. I read that Green Tea and coconut oil pulling helped and I have been faithfully doing it and seen improvements. However, about a month ago, after doing a bit more research, I started to rub some organic castor oil on it every night after I brushed my teeth. The results have amazed me. My gum is looking a lot more full and is moving down my tooth and now only exposes a fraction of the top of the crown. It is looking much better! Thanks again to all who post and share their wisdom, without your contributions I wouldn't know what to do. Grateful!

Replied by Alexis

What kind of castor oil did you use? I have been researching it but have not come up with any that aren't for skin uses.

Diatomaceous Earth

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Posted by Teresa (Texas) on 03/05/2022

Diatomaceous earth taken in water daily for several weeks helped tighten receding gums. I think it is high in silica.

Folic Acid

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Posted by Tara (Idaho) on 06/24/2013

Editor's Choice

My husband has really bad gum recession in his mid 20s and I was freiking out about it. His dental hygenist said he couldn't regrow it... That it isn't possible. Well, his mom was an herbalist guru and she used 2 or 3 items (unfortunately the only one I remember was large doses of folic acid) and his gums completely regrew. His dental hygienist was flabbergasted! I was amazed. So, I know it's possible. Don't give up hope. Just try things out till you find answers. Good luck to you.

Replied by fjenk123

Does anyone have an idea how much dosage of folic acid did he take to regrow his gums? Thanks.

Homemade Toothpaste Recipe

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Posted by Had (White River Jct, Vermont) on 06/02/2012

For Homemade Toothpaste recipe, this is my own.

1 scoop of calcium citrate powder(comes in the container)
2-5 TBS extra virgin coconut oil
1-3 TBS baking soda
2 caps, opened, potassium citrate (I buy 100 mg per pill)
a few shakes of sea/himalyian salt
10-20 drops essencial oils (I use peppermint-anti bac and viral, and clean feel, and Lemon-same reason and cuts the burn of peppermint to refreshing, also for tooth sensitivity--clove)
pure stevia to 'sweeten', add as needed to taste.

Start w/ EVCO and BS and potas/calcium/salt--mix and rub on teeth and spit, until you like the level of smooth/gritty, then the oils, start w/ 5-10 drops and mix/rub on teeth, spit, so you don't make the oil flavor to strong in you mouth, then stevia to tone it down and not be so offensive in the mouth.

I do not put magnesium citrate in toothpaste, it was throw it away gross to taste. I do drink it in water everyday to make sure I get enough magnesium. I love this mix, it works very well and tastes good and is geared to clean, remineralize, and breakdown plague etc... You can use different ess. Oils. Research benefits for teeth of diff. Ess. Oils and go for it.

I also oil pull w/ EVC, and was using Hydroperoxide 3% as mouthwash, I am going to look into milk of magnesia, but would Borax in water have same effect? I have that and use it.

You can also mix up a breath freshener for through out the day, water, peppermint/lemon, and stevia ( tones down the oil/sweethens). If I am out and eat or whatever, I spray my teeth and tongue, swish around and spit to have a clean mouth.

Hyaluronic Acid

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Posted by Prioris (Fort Pierce, Fl, Usa) on 06/24/2013

I think small molecule Hyaluronic Acid will help the gums regrow. Use a formula with collagen and chondroitin.

Iodine, DMSO + Turpentine Rinses

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Posted by Anna W. (Yosemite) on 12/15/2018

I alternate iodine and DMSO/Turpentine mouth rinses daily with no side effects. I had to have a major bone infection removed a month ago and am super paranoid about cleaning my teeth and mouth. I also do oil pulling with VCO every other day now, and add Oregano oil once a week. So far so good. No new infections and my mouth does feel clean.


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Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 01/08/2018

Receding gums are from a deficiency and many things could help I had three bad ones and used msm and it helped two of them but not the third one. Msm depletes vitamin c and molybdenum and boron or borax so balance is required with some study on minerals. Phytic acid on grains and sprouts causes malnutrition of minerals and dental failure. Lack of healthy gut enzymes also causes mineral imbalances ... I use kefir.

Finally, Alpha lipoic acid relieves dental pain ...

Hope you find the right balance.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Msm is a Sulphonylmethane our body gets low on as we age .When we add msm our body also needs vitamins c for collagen production while it upgrades. You can buy it as tablets capsules or powder . I have used all three . I have used a boatload of stuff trying to heal my mouth. Currently I am using comfrey which can restore your cells, bones, skin, and teeth. I rubbed some leaf on my fingernails for half an hour and the lines in them started to smooth out .I put some leaf on a dark spot on my face and it turned dry and red and now it's forming new skin, no brown spot. At first it seems to make things look worse then the resurrection power moves. It can heal a twenty year old bone injury . This is my second year of experimenting with it and I have more plants to utilize. It helps eyes heal. I read that race horses ate 40 pounds of it a day.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Cheryl (Cooroy, Queensland. Aust.) on 12/02/2015

Editor's Choice

After everything I have been through and all my research, I believe the reason we all get gum disease and periodontitis is bacteria or fungus which ends up in our gums. It could be coming from decay in the teeth to start with and let me tell you, you cannot take notice of a dentist if they say you have no decay, it took me 3 dentists and an oral pathologist later to find out that I DID have decay in a crowned tooth which I had for 25 years. I was told by 2 dentists and an oral pathologist that there was NO DECAY UNDER THAT CROWNED TOOTH! There was as it turned out, that bad that the tooth had to be removed.

Straight away my health got better, not 100% but much better. I am now in the process of making sure I get rid of any other decay in remaining teeth, then maybe hopefully all the parasites and bacteria and fungi will be gone and hopefully then my gums will start to heal. If you have no decay for certain in your teeth you may need to do a parasite cleanse and get rid of them in other parts of your body, if you don't they keep traveling through the bloodstream setting up home wherever they like, even the gums. Mora therapy is a good way to diagnose and treat any kind of pathogens.

I have been coconut oil pulling with oregano, clove, thyme (they say the best for fungus) neem oil is very good and tea tree oil. Swishing with baking soda and taking internally capsules of oregano, neem, and thyme essential oils. (make sure they good quality essential oils, I use doterra)

For me taking 2 extra strength garlic capsules first thing in the a.m. with 2 heaped teas. diatomaceous earth and good 1/2 teas bentonite clay helps me heaps, then again I have been diagnosed with aspergillus, (a fungus) which I have no idea how I got, then who knows it could have also come from decay. Hope this info. helps anyone with a similar problem, all this has come from many hours of research and listening to oral health summits online.

Neem Oil

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Posted by Ramiel (Rome, Italy) on 01/16/2025

I had some success by using neem oil. I added one drop of been oil in my mouth everytime I used my mouthwash. About 3-4 time per day. After a few months I saw some results. Not every problematic area healed but I saw here and there some gum regeneration. In areas where there is a tooth decay, gums cannot regrow.

Be carefull not to swallow been oil. It is said that can reduce fertility in men.

Red Sage Tincture

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Posted by Maria (Plymouth) on 05/01/2018

I also use coconut oil for oil pulling along with red sage tincture a few times a day to help grow the gums back. I have lost a few teeth but really don't want to lose anymore.

I was told by an ex drug addict that her dentist saved her from losing her teeth by rinsing her mouth several times a day with red sage tincture and luke warm water.

My gums are slowly growing back but I'm a smoker so that doesn't help my cause.

Salt Water

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Posted by Bas (California ) on 10/16/2019

Editor's Choice

I've tried several remedies and nothing was as effective as a simple daily gargle of salt water. It completely restored my gum wellness in less than a month!

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