Natural Remedies for Neuropathy: Holistic & Nutritional

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Patty (Pennsylvania) on 09/18/2018

Editor's Choice 600 mg of alpha lipoic acid has helped my neuropathy go away. You may have to take this dosage twice a day for awhile but it works.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Steve (Nv) on 05/07/2018

R-Alpha Lipoic acid is one of the best supplements for neuropathy.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Duncan (Winthrop, Wa) on 06/02/2017

Editor's Choice My physician said Neuropathy was incurable. Mega doses of Lipoic Acid; intensive Reflexology; and daily rubbing feet with Cannabis cream reduced problem to 5% remaining. I also roll my feet on a plastic sphere and jump on a 32" trampoline for 5 minutes. I'm walking normally now.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by David (Greenville, Sc) on 05/10/2016

I did use alpha lipoic acid for a short time 5 years ago and my neuropathy in my legs went TOTALLY, TOTALLY away! I think I may have been taking 600mg then but I cannot remember. I am going to start taking it again within a week because after 5 years absent I am developing neuropathy again in my leg. Is it possible if I could hear of different dosages taken by others and their results?

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Davey D (Bc) on 11/28/2015

Hi every one at EC.

It's been a good 2 years since I started taking R factor ALA and said it didn't seem to be working that well. Was I ever wrong, It is a fact that the R-ALA does not work that good for me and that the people at the health food store told me that the R- ALA has a left spin on it, HUH.

Since then I found the R+ALA and life would be hell without it. I have been taking 200mg of the R+ALA by Prairie Naturals for about 2 years now and the difference is outstanding. The ingerdients are, Microcrystaline cellulose, Silicone dioxide, magnesium sterate in a vegetable capsule.

As I sit here typing I can feel the effects of my third dose for the evening giving me relief from a very bad attack. The Peripheral Neuropathy when acting up makes my right side mostly feel a lot of pressure in my leg and my feet feel tingly and have pressure on top where my foot feels like it has a tight shackle on it. My knee also feels a hot pressure above the knee cap on both knees but moree on the right side. Many nights I have sat up with a cold towel on my knees for relief from this condition. My doc knows about this and tells me to take it as needed.

I do find that my urine smells like amonia if I take to much.

I have type 2 diabetes and find it to be the problem for this Peripheral Neuropathy, also diagnosed about 2 years ago. I find that Cinnamon helps to control it and I don't take meds for it and avoid sugar at all costs.

Now on my bad days which I find some foods make it worse like today. So I start with 2 v caps of 200mg each right after supper. Then about 8pm I have another 2 caps. The pain starts to ease but then returns. 9pm I take another 2 caps, and then at 9:30pm another 2 caps. So that's a total of 1600mg in about 3.5 hours not to mention my regular 2 caps after lunch. That is on a bad day and for prevention I take it noon and supper at 2 caps per meal.

So in closing I am relieved that R+ALA seems to work well for me.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 11/18/2015

Editor's Choice Alpha Lipoic Acid is wonderful for neuropathy. It virtually eliminated mine.

I know that mentioning brand names is discouraged here, but I think I've been around long enough that EC knows I'm not 'pimping' anything, so I'll give it a shot. :)

I used to take Trader Joe's brand (100 mg capsules). They were inexpensive and effective!

I said that I 'used to' take them, because after approximately 6-9 months of my feet feeling 100% better, I stopped taking them (one less supplement to pay for and one less to gulp-down every day) and they've remained fine. It's been over a year!

I hope others try it and find that it works equally well for them.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Prioris (Fl, US) on 10/01/2014


FYI Stabilized R-ALA will likely be more effective than R-Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 09/30/2013

I have been using the yucca for just over a week and am seeing amazing results. While the nerves in my feet are super sensitive, which results in swelling and high levels of pain, I am now seeing a substantial reduction in the swelling and pain with the yucca.

For those of you who are wondering what I am using, I am now taking:

ALA-200 mg/day, grape seed extract-200mg/day, B12 sublingual-30, 000mcg/day, benfotiamine, B3, folic acid, curcumin, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, fenugreek, acetyl-l-carnitine, l-lysine, vitamin C, vitamin D and yucca.

I may have missed some and don't know the dosages of all of them as I am not at home right now. If anyone has any specific questions please contact me directly at gustafsonal (at) hotmail (dot) com. Thank you and don't give up.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Art (Vancouver Bc, Canada) on 09/24/2013

Dear Al.

I am so glad to hear about your success with the ALA. I have had great success with it as well with the burning sensation just above my knees and pressure aches on both wrist. I was taking 2x250mg with every meal and then I discovered I only need to take it at noon and supper. Without this my life would be hellish painful. It was your posts that got me started on the ALA. I did try the R factor ALA with little success.


Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Al (Alvena, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 09/22/2013

It is time for an update on my neuropathy. It is just over a year since I started ALA and it has totally changed my situation. The nerves are healed to the point that I have virtually no numbness left. I still have a substantial amount of pain due to the super sensitive nature of recently healed nerves. When I wake up in the morning now I am almost pain free but by the end of the day my feet feel like they are on fire. The intensity of the pain is dependent on how much walking/standing that I do with it being worse with more walking. To give you an idea of how sensitive my sensory nerves are, I can feel every chamber of my heart contract and can also feel muscles in my thighs moving past each other. I expect the nerves to eventually toughen up and for the associated pain to be alleviated. Large doses of vitamin B12 seem to help the most and I just started taking yucca yesterday to alleviate the inflammation that results from walking. It is too soon to know if the yucca is helping but I am expecting that it will. I have most of my motor function back. All that is not back is some in my toes. TRY EVERYTHING THAT MIGHT HELP. Grasp at the straws. One or more may help. Several have helped me. Al

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Art (Vancouver Bc, Canada) on 02/08/2013

Update on taking ALA for Neuropathy.

I am taking one 100mg. At breakfast and one at supper, and one or two B12 2500mcg before bedtime. The burning in my knees has almost gone and things are settled to near normal. I am not cured but as long as I don't forget to take my ALA twice a day I am fine. If I do forget I am in for a night of torment with burning skin on my upper knees. I have been getting chills these last couple of months after taking Chanca Piedra for stomach issues, but will forge on since summer is near.


Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Jeffreyw65 (Lowell, Ma, Usa) on 01/24/2013

Hello, I am loving this site! I listen to am radio from our area where there doctors whom really push holistic medicine it works and it needs more pushing for the really bad sickness like I have been dealing with since I have had cancer. I love what I learn about the different sulliments for ailments. It is good to try them to see if they work for my ailment.

I just increased my intake of lipoic acid and my feet have been better and the meralgia paresthetica seems to be easing the sharp electrical shock shooting zaps. They are terrible and I am hoping to see if I can get off the pain meds and increase the dietary supplements that I have increased to help me get better. I have different ailments that have made me unable to get around so I will come back on here in 60 days and give a report on my status on my pain so keep looking for my feedback. Thanks Jeff from Lowell, type 2 diabetic with meralgia paesthetica and facet joint arthritus / upper thoraic arthritus philbitus and neuropathy from the pinced nerve is terrible. The color of my legs scares me there, a color that is bad like black and blue, so keep looking for me and wish me well. ok bye all

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 12/02/2012

3 months now since I started ALA & ALCAR and I have been working full time - just around 60 hours per week in the log book. I am quite surprised at how well I am doing. At the end of the first week I was exhausted, partially due to icy roads on days 4 & 5, and thought I would need to take a break midweek for a few weeks but kept at it and didn't need to. I still have a bit of pain, tingling and numbness but it is still receding. I expect that it will take many months to completely recover if I ever do. I am maintaining my supplement regimen but have reduced the Lyrica by 50% a week ago, resulting in an increase in the pain level, and have also reduced the amount of Diamicron MR that I am taking by 50% as well due to the blood sugar getting too low, a good indication that the curcumin and Diamicron MR are actually healing the pancreas as I am healing the neuropathy. Maybe the two are complementary. I saw another acquaintance today that I hadn't seen since June and he didn't recognize me due to my hair colour returning. Onwards and upwards.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 11/04/2012

I have one mercury filling left and have been on ALA & ALCAR for two months now with no side effects. There is a cautionary that I saw in several places to not lay down for at least half an hour after taking ALA and I saw another one cautioning not to take it for a time period after mercury amalgam removal but haven't seen any saying to avoid it with mercury fillings in place. I saw my doctor today and really surprised him when I told him that I am off the pain killers and he saw the lack of gray in my hair. We discussed the heavy metal issue, chelation and mercury causing gray hair and he told me that heavy metals are naturally chelated out into your hair as a natural mechanism to protect the rest of your body and that is the reason that they test the hair to determine the amount of heavy metals in your body. They also test your urine to see how much is being removed at any given time. He also voiced the opinion that because of my first occupation as a steel fabricator/welder that I may have already been toxic with heavy metals resulting in the long term severe reaction to the chemotherapy and I would tend to agree with him. Has anyone else having neuropathy problems got premature gray hair from possible industrial exposure to heavy metals? If so, is the ALA helping the neuropathy and/or returning colour to your hair? By the way, I have improved enough that my motor and sensory nerves are almost completely functional now and I am going to work this coming week. Anyone wishing to contact me directly can do so at "gustafsonal(AT)hotmail. Com". Al

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Danielle Renee (Ocean Shores, Wa) on 10/09/2012

I want to share how beautifully Alpha Lipoic Acid has worked for Diabetic Neuropathy pains. I take 300mgs three times a day and it has taken the burning and sharp shooting pains away, and my blood sugars and H1C are a lot lower. I consider it a miracle supplement.

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