Alpha Lipoic Acid
I know that mentioning brand names is discouraged here, but I think I've been around long enough that EC knows I'm not 'pimping' anything, so I'll give it a shot. :)
I used to take Trader Joe's brand (100 mg capsules). They were inexpensive and effective!
I said that I 'used to' take them, because after approximately 6-9 months of my feet feeling 100% better, I stopped taking them (one less supplement to pay for and one less to gulp-down every day) and they've remained fine. It's been over a year!
I hope others try it and find that it works equally well for them.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Castor Oil
Acetyl-L Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Reading reviews of people who purchased DSMO, they find relief for pains related to sprains, arthritis, psoriasis, back pain, amongst others. Well, I have been working in the yard, lifting things, shoveling truck load of sand and mulch for the past three days since I started using DSMO with one or two applications per day and it has done wonders for my neuropathy. It hasn't been as miraculous for my arthritis as I can still feel some stiffness in the joints, but it did reduce the pain about 80 percent, which is still progress.
I hope it can work as well for others regarding neuropathy pain. Would love to hear how this product works for others. I conveniently ordered mine from Amazon. Will order an extra bottle to keep on hand as I love how it allows me to be able to functional somewhat normally again and to walk without an aid.
Hi my.bame is Jacqui. I am now 82 years of age.
I had the worst neuroo as thick pain around 3026. Every time I P Bank, burning like fire, crushing. Electric shocks, etc. Had ne constantly scream. Cause not known. I am not diabetic but I have chronic Lyme disease with multiple co infections including Bartonella. I was on Gabapentin that worked initially but when it stopped was switched to lyrica and then horizonta. Nothing worked.
At the time I tried Aloa Lipoic Acid but it had no effect on relieving the pain, but the dosages I took were co miserably lower than 600 mg that I notice is now recommended.
Out of desperation I started to experiment with high dosages of Benfotiamine. It is a synthetic form of vitamin B1 so that it iis made fat soluable and it can enter the cell wall ( and therefore nerve cells) making it highly more effective than ordinary B1 ( thiamine(. It is known to be effective & often used for diabetic neuropathy.
I learned about it in 2005 because I had used it successfully then when I had neurologic pain in my left small toe. The usual dosage is about 300-600 mg.
At tt time I took a little more & it was successful in stopping the sensitivity and pain ( even a sheet touching the toe area would caue pain(). Eventually I stopped using it. (At the time I was not aware that I had chronic Lyme disease. I believe that is the main cause of my beuropsthy(
So, 11 years later when I had severe neuropathic pain in my legs ( surprisingly not in my feet until later on) I experimented with Benfotiamine. I was desperate and decided to take increasing amounts until hopefully the pain diminished. I found the correct dosage. 1,200 mg ( 4 300 mg capsules) every 4 hrs. I put it on a timer and took it at the middle of night. I remained on that dosage for four years. Sometimes I could decrease it. When I had Covid the neuropathy got worse and going back to 7,200 mg a day was not enough. I doubled, possibly tripled that dosage and the pain went away. Eventually I was able to decrease the dosage dramatically..
I have also found that grape seed extract, high in resveratrol also have dramatic improvement and with very high dosage ( about 1 tsp of the piwder - in a drink & extremely bitter) I could reduce the Benfotiamine. ( BTW, for years I took high dosages of tumetic, by the tablespoon very effective for my for arthritic pain but it had no effect on the beuropaty, (. Now I take tumetic 95% curcumin, excellent for inflammation & other things but I haven't noticed it helps neuropathy). Benfotiamine in very high dosages has multiple benefits. One is that it promotes angiogenesis ( regrowth of arteries). While I was on the gett high dosage for many years I was not aware I had a 99% blockage in the popital artery, the main artery from the knee down the keg. It was discovered accidentally because I had no pain at all which is miraculous. The blockage was removed in 2019 and afterwards I have read about a study done on mice in 2006 that it promotes angiogenesis and the reason I had no.pain is because the high dosage I was on for years created colkatety arteries in my legs and that is why I had no pain. I have also read Benfotiamine is good for most autoimmune diseases. including fibromyalgia and Croans disease.
I have been for many years on high dosage Benfotiamine plus many other supplements that I experiment with. I also had an EMG test a little over a year ago that showed severe sensory neuropathy in my legs, mild motor.neuropaty, & very Mild neuropathy in my arms and also carpel tunnel. About two months ago I repeated tan EMG. My last EMG tests show although it had not been severe I no longer have motor neuropathy in the legs . The severe sensory neuropathy in my legs is now mild. I no longer have mild neuropathy in my arms and there is no carpal tunbel. The neuroligist who performed this last EMG is doubtful that zi ever had neuropathy because he said it is impossible for nerves to regenerate. I am also sering another neurologist next week to go over as ll these findings and see what he has to say.
I apologised for typos. It is late at night, early morning & I am writing this on a cell phone. But I wanted to share this important information with you.
Also Sulbutiamine is another fat soluable analog of Viramin B1. It is capable of entering the blood brain barrier whereas Benfotiamine can not. I have found and studies support this too can help neuropathy but more studies have been performed with Benfotiamine.
I asked him about my Peripheral Neuropathy in my feet. His reply was; 'This is usually due to poor blood circulation. Most useful will be the ascorbate/MSM, see Chapter 3 of Towards Radiant Health and http://www.the-heal-yourself-series.com/index.html with Vitamin C and MSM; also see Hypercoagulation in Chapter 6 of Towards Radiant Health, and finally often have a warm foot bath with the addition of a handful of magnesium chloride and 3 tsp of sodium bicarbonate. Then very slowly and spaced out add 2 tsp of citric acid crystals. The aim is to let most of the developing CO2 bubbles dissolve in the water rather than letting them pop.
I haven't tried it yet, but am working on buying a bulk container of MSM and Vitamin C.
The other man I emailed to was Tony Pantalleresco, a man who says about himself, 'I'm just a guy who knows some stuff'. Tony replied to my problem with the following remedy; serrpeptase 10-20 mgs, msm 1000 mgs, B1 100 mgs, dose 5 times a day, I am taking this remedy presently. I have been taking these for the past 3 weeks and have noticed the bottom of my feet with less leathery, numbness than previously.
Good luck to all, and thanks for reading my attempts at dealing with neuropathy.
On second thought, I had already done an article on Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) last December 2022, here :
To this article of 5 supplements for PN, I would add Berberine as berberine has shown the potential, like melatonin, to promote nerve regeneration as discussed in the following link :
Here is a relevant study quote :
' In conclusion, these results indicate that berberine can promote nerve regeneration through IGFR‑mediated JNK‑AKT signal pathway. '
So the 6 PN supplements would now be :
1. Vitamin B1 in the form of Benfotiamine, a fat soluble form of B1.
2. Vitamin B6 in the form called P5P
3. Vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin
4. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid
5. Melatonin
6. Berberine
Caused by Antibiotics
Chiropractic Adjustments
After the first treatment I started to feel better and after the second treatment the sciatica pain was gone almost completely but I still had some burning and numbness from the neuropathy. The third treatment got me a good night's sleep, which I hadn't had in months.
Before going to the chiropractor I used DSMO which helped at first and then it made things worse. I took turmeric daily which helped some but it takes months to get enough in your system to do what is needed. I tried a lot of other things on this site but I am not a patient person and wanted a right now cure so I move on to something else.
I am sticking with the chiropractor because I felt results with the first, second, third, etc.... The low back pain, buttock pain, feet and hand tingling, numbness and burning are down to annoying, the shooting and intense pain are annoying and I can sleep on and off and I am not crying.
As I read some of the other comments I see that some things works for others but not all so I hope this will help some of you. I will post again as I progress.
Dietary Changes
I eliminated gluten, dairy, soy and limited sugar and carbs but I still could not sleep. I eliminated eggs and I am cured.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dr. Welby's Remedies
..First to the outside
A herbal extract of LOBELIA should be applied liberally to the area where there is neuropathy.. Its a watery brown liquid.. If its very cold where u are u can heat the lobelia a little in the microwave & apply it warm... Or apply it cool... Heat loose comfortable sox up in the microwave... & apply them over the now moist feet. Once the liquid has dried rub in a liberal amount of WHITE TIGER BALM.. Massage in well... Warm sox or slippers on.. & your feet will purr with thanks.. This process can be repeated as needed. And 3 times a day (if possible) will keep the pain level managable.
As one member mentioned TUMERIC ROOT POWDER is a marvelous pain killer... Bar none! Studies have shown it is a more effective pain killer than any of the non prescription meds we avail at the local pharm. I have checked out the large majority of tumeric caps avail commercially & unfortunatley most have additives that will irritate & upset the stomach.. So... I recommend taking a heaped teaspoon of the tumeric with an equal teaspoon of LECITHIN GRANULES.. Before breakfast & lunch.. & tumeric without the lecithin before dinner (the lecithin is a food that stimulates & gives energy... Not something one needs at night. Despite articles online via google search engines TUMERIC 'DOES NOT' CAUSE GASTRIC UPSETS. Its only when 1 of tumerics active components cucuramin is isolated & added to the mix that the stomach is irritated. Its a FOOD not a drug... & 'DOES NOT' cause any side effects.. One uni study gave 8 grams (approx 10 heaped teaspoons) of tumeric powder a day to 24 patients every day for 18months... Not even 1 had any side effects or gastric upsets. Also there is a dazzling array of other health benefits that the tumeric gifts the taker with. These are alll proved through university studies & can easily be accessed via google.
This broth recipie has been around since shortly after man figured out how to make a fire & cook food. It is the only recipie I have on my medical websites for patients.. For some 'rigidly natural' patients suffering peripheral neuropathy this is the 'only' medicine they would take. Amazingly, they had marked improvement when they drank 3 or 4 coffee mugs full of the liquid daily. You can find it by googling "dr jensens potassium broth. It even taste pretty good. And drunk on a daily basis it will alkalize the body & relieve any painful &/or inflammed areas of the body And shorten the length of any colds or flu episodes that are darkening ones days.
Again, I have checked out numbers of commercailly available b12 tablets. Being SUBLINGUAL is essential! Otherwise 90% of the tab. Is destroyed in the stomach. I recommend 2 tabs with breakfast & lunch (4 total) for 7 days.. Then 1 tab x twice daily with breakfast & lunch.. Remember to chew them up.. Don't just throw & swallow. And yep! Its another stimulator... Gives a boost of energy & a bigger appetite.. Don't take after lunch it will affect your sleep. Someone mentioned taking only the methyl form of b12. He's correct in that it is more fully available for use by the body, however, it is very expensive. And, my experience is that the much cheaper & more widely used cyano form of b12 absorbs quite nicely as a sublingual & the liver will convert it across into the methyl form as needed. I did read tonight that I may not mention brand names.. However if anyone is interested u are welcome to email me & I will be happy to give u the brand I recommend. With an open mind, nature DOES heal given the opportunity.
After 3 weeks, I already feel so much better, I have stopped taking gabapentin for the pain! There is still a little pain, but the shooting stabbing sensations are gone, and the feeling of restless leg syndrome is gone too.
Here is my daily regimine, specifically:
- 6:00 am 1000 mg acetyl-L-carnitine
- 6:30 am breakfast (gluten free, dairy free), 100 mg R-lipoic acid, vit D supplement, fish oil supplement.
- 10:00 am 1000 acetyl-L-carnitine, empty stomach
- 12:00 pm 1 fish oil supplement, lunch (gluten free, dairy free)
- 2:00 pm 1000 acetyl-L-carnitine
- 5:00 pm dinner (gluten free, dairy free), 1 fish oil supplement, 1 apple cider vinegar
- 9:30 pm 200 mg R-lipoic acid, 1 B complex supplement.
This is a lot, and I wouldn't do this for more than a few months, but it is amazing how much better I feel in just a few weeks. I will follow up in January 2013, with the final results. I hope with positive news that a complete recovery has been made.
Grape Seed Oil
Got a bottle of organic, cold pressed grapeseed oil and drank a big swig straight from the bottle. 3 X a day. The third day no change. 4th morning got out of bed and could not believe it. My sole pain was ABSOLUTELY GONE!! I had 550 ml left from a 1 liter bottle so it worked out that I took 50ml each swig. My soles felt tender with not a tinge of pain and felt like the baby's bottom.
I never took any more from that moment on and it was gone for over a year or more. I could walk on any surface with ease. It came back eventually so slowly that after a couple of years I am about to repeat it.