Multiple Remedies
I take 1,500mg VC and might consider more.
Magnesium Malate helps muscles and I get much better sleep.
I also take 1 x 3mg Boron, some BVitamins and VD3 1,000iu daily much better than used to be although still suffer with the rheumatoid.
Also take 1,500mg cap. of Oregano Oil for 1 month then off for 1 month. You also have to take a probiotic when on Oregano Oil. Careful as it can thin the blood - if you are on other blood thinners (e. G. anti-inflammatories) or fish oil iodine also thins the blood.
When my wrist, or knee or ankle swells I break open a cap. of Oregano Oil rub it on and stops the pain.
Multiple Remedies
I'm 31 now, RA started long ago, around 12. My experience with RA hasn't been so harsh (no severe inflamation, crippling, pain) but enough to change my life and my habits. The diagnose was given only a few months ago, as a matter of fact.
- I STARTED CRITICIZING LESS (MYSELF AND OTHERS), TOLERATING AND LOVING MORE (yes, a wise, compassionate, positive attitude CAN make the body more alkaline and be a relief to RA)
-BECAME ALMOST VEGAN (I dearly recommend you all to watch FORKS OVER KNIVES for the ones still skeptical)
- I move quite a lot, dance, walk, swim and lots of stretching, yoga, PRANAYAMA (breathing exercises)
- I do CLEANSING (colon, liver), I take SUPPLEMENTS , mainly HERBAL, such as HARPAGOPHYTUM, TURMERIC, SAFFRON (if one can afford it , makes miracles for damaged joints), MSM, CLAY, AND MY LATEST DISCOVERY, RECOMMENDED BY A NATUROPATH: LIQUORICE ROOT POWDER, 10-12GR / DAY (started taking the latter a few weeks ago and I am feeling so much better, I know it might seem a lot, some find it emetic but works for me). Learn more, might be of some help for you too!
Multiple Remedies
I've had RA for over 40yrs and have tried so many "new" programs I sometimes feel like a lab rat I received your name from one of the many people who trust you and shared the methylene blue I would like it if you'd look over my program and give me your opinion I am not asking you for medical advise just your opinion please I really could use the help.Methylene blue 1% 6 drops 2Xday
Jarrow Bone-up
C-1000 2Xday
Turmeric 500 2Xday
just stared yesterday: ACV 1tbps & baking soda 1/2 tsp 2Xday
Thank you and looking with hope for your opinion
Multiple Remedies
EC: Hi Ru, can you please tell us exactly what supplements and special diets you tried?
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA)
Hi Ru, Have you tried msm? Also, dmso. Both are quite amazing. You didn't really say exactly what you've tried but I would try both. You can get high quality msm online. I use them both and find them to be quite effective. Also, eliminate dairy if you haven't tried that. Perhaps you can be more specific in what you have tried. Then, we can give better feedback. Thanks, Lisa
(San Clemente, Ca)
Dear RU,
Sorry to hear about your RA pain. I watched "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" and it teaches how the body can heal itself if we stop poisoning it with sugar, processed junk and avoid dairy, grains and nightshades. My labs improve and my swollen joints improve when I stay on a raw food diet, not raw meat, raw fruits and vegetables.Try eating just raw fruits and vegetables for two weeks and you will see and feel an improvement. I like high dose of vitamin c for my choice of supplements. Hope you feel better.
Vit C is a water soluble vitamin. The body will only absorb about 500 mg +/- at a time and the rest is excreted in urine. It is best to take it several times a day to maximize absorption. Think smart don't throw away money. I have RA also and it is under control. I am going into research for RA. I am 27 yrs old. NOT MEDICAL ADVICE.
Nettle Tea
Oil Pulling

(Denver, Usa)
I think part of your problem is you are having a herxheimer reaction. By doing the things you are doing you can stir up toxins and what not that can cause a flare up. If it were me and you are indeed causing dieoff I would make sure you are definitely taking care of your liver so you can flush the bad stuff out as it comes up. If you are not draining the junk properly it will get "backed up" for lack of a better phrase causing you issues.
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin)
Religiously avoid glutamate and other excitotoxins. Read up on glutamate and neurotoxicity. Scary...
A link between inhaling pig brain tissue and fibromyalgia type symptoms:
Star Tribune - "... Since December, 12 meatpackers at the Quality Pork Processors (QPP) plant in Austin and two at a plant in Indiana have reported fatigue, numbness and tingling in their arms and legs, with a wide range in severity. A few are severely disabled, while others have been treated and returned to work.
Their symptoms are like those associated with a number of diseases in which the body's immune system attacks the nerves or the sheath that surrounds them.
All the workers were stationed near the powerful air-compression systems that blow brains out of pig heads at what is known as the head table, officials said. The process is no longer being used at either plant."
I found relief from an overall achyness and pain in my hands and legs this way:
-- religiously avoiding excitotoxins like glutamate and aspartame, and mystery ingredients such as "natural flavor", "natural fragrance", "spices" and the like, also avoid all other additives and pervertatives... I mean preservatives...
-- avoiding sugar, salt and the things you mentioned
-- avoiding fluoride and heavy metal sources etc. like processed foods and beverages, bottled and tap water, sodas (Coca Cola, Pepsi etc), premade juices
-- eating organic and raw foods as exclusively as possible; may I suggest avocados, limes, green apples, bananas, melons, rice, steal cut oatmeal, sea salt, cold pressed sesame oil, cold pressed virgin coconut oil, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
-- taking a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water daily or as needed (I use the kind with the "mother), this worked nearly instantly, and mixed with a little baking soda has a pleasant taste
-- taking 1,000 to 4,000 mg ascorbic acid with rose hips daily or as needed (can cause gastric discomfort)
-- taking a 1/4 teaspoon Borax in a liter of water daily for a few days or as needed (God bless you, Ted)
-- taking a tablespoon of unsulfured blackstrap molasses as needed, try to find one with a high iron and potassium content
-- taking a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt - a laxative) in a short glass of warm water with a chaser such as a strawberry or glass of cold water to rinse the taste from the mouth, I also do this if I feel pressure in my chest when I lay down
-- do a juice fast drinking dandelion roots/leaves put through your juicer and water - but not fluoridated pharmaceutical soup tap water:
Washington Post - "... In addition to caffeine, the drugs found in water treated by the Washington Aqueduct include the well-known pain medications ibuprofen and naproxen, commonly found in Aleve. But there were also some lesser-known drugs: carbamazepine, an anti-convulsive to reduce epileptic seizures and a mood stabilizer for treating bipolar disorders; sulfamethoxazole, an antibiotic that can be used for humans and animals in treating urinary tract and other infections; and monensin, an antibiotic typically given to cattle. In addition, the study uncovered traces of triclocarban, a disinfectant used in antibacterial soaps."
(Dayton, Oh)
may I ask what you drink then if you don't drink juices, colas ect? I admit I drink alot of sodas, I try to buy 100% juice on the labels when I buy juice. Is this still not good? I buy purified water.....I have city water which I don't drink, can taste the chlorine and hate the taste. Lord knows what else is in the any suggestions on healthy things to drink would be appreciated!
(Jacksonville, Alabama)
we've gone the gamit of what to drink.. . we've paid big money for expensive water filters one hooks up to their tap.. . bottled water, yada yada~ We live in an area near where Monsanto has had suits filed against it for pcb's etc.. . drinking bottled water is not a solution.. . the pcbs from the plastic in the bottle are evident.. . think about the plasticly taste of most bottled water.. . and there's no guarantee of the quality of it either.. . plus the pollution of all those bottles heading straight for the landfills.. .not to mention the cost.. .
we have for years been using 2 brita pitchers.. . as long as u change the filter on them when you're supposed to.. . it's a pretty good happy medium.. . at least they're supposed to get rid of lead.. . as long as u keep the filter changed out.. . the occasional blk specks are charcoal.. . ppl take pills of charcoal from the HFS so, one can relax about it.. .they say.. .if George Washington were to come to our time now he would die very quickly, being non immune to the toxins and contaminents in the environment.. .developing an immunity to things is something to take into consideration also.. .
Also, liver cleanse fasts.. . occasional juice fasts.. . and improving diet afterwards.. can help stem the tide.. . my hub for 31 yrs so far and I
drink our water ice cold.. it only tastes good to us that way.. .u are asking for trouble drinking sodas.. especially diet.. .we will on very rare occasion drink HFS soda like ginseng up, root beer or ginger ale... at the very least switch to a healthier soda.. . but cut way back.. . regardless.. . if you are not 100% healthy all the time.. . u may look at what u consume, u are what u eat, the cliche is pure and true.. . let ur medicine be your food and drink and your food and drink be your medicine.. .mother nature's drink is water.. .
100% juice can be a good thing sometimes but, is it organic? what about pesticides, etc.. ? The body needs water.. . would u take a bath in juice, soda, coffee or tea? your cells need plain old water.. develop a taste for ice water is my suggestion.. some ppl put a squirt of lime/lemon ..
good luck.. .<3 :D hey~ namaste, mahalo,c/see/sea~
Oil Pulling
EC: More about Oil Pulling here.
(Rhinelande, Wisconsin)
I just want to comment that when I read people say, "I had rheumatoid arthritis in my hands... Or in my knees... Or one specific joint" that is NOT rheumatoid arthritis. That is osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis jumps around and affects ALL of your joints and organs. Osteoarthritis is degradation of the cartilige in one joint. You may have osteoarthritis in more than one joint but it is still joint specific. Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system attack on the body which causes fatigue and a whole host of other problems. Please be sure you know what kind of arthritis you have because what works for osteoarthritis may not work for RA and vice versa. Thank you.
Oil Pulling
(St.Helens, Oregon)
Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis: So update, I have done oil pulling and still have twice everyday. My Arthritis is not completely gone. I think it's because i aint using the right oil. But i still sleep well and no more chocolate addiction. And branded scar is completly GONE Due to the Organic Sufflower oil that i pulled with. Anyways i wanna loose weight to help my arthritis because my doctor says i have both.((RA/OA)) So i try the recommended Master Cleanse Diet (from this site by a person). After day one i felt really Pain free. in that diet all you drink is Cayenne pepper in filtered water with Grade A/B Organic Maple syrup and organic lemon. Oh and diet tea and salt laxitive. I did that diet for 2 and half days without eating.
Anyways it was the cayenne pepper that made me pain free. I researched cayenne pepper online and bought the pills. It works great. I take more then it says too. it takes about 6 Cayenne fruit pills. it cost less the 3 dollars at Wal-mart. And Well worth it!! - u know that diet i was supposed to have min. Look up Cayenne pepper it does much more then just for pain oh and weight loss. 3 thumbs way up.
(Saint Helens, Oregon)
My update -- i stopped oil pulling in 2009 because i was pregnant with my daughter and I became ill every time i tried to swish. Anyways in that time NOT Oil fibromyalgia Pulling My RA had gotten worse and my teeth. I finally got the doctors to agree that I had RA and ruled out OA but i might have fibromyalgia. So anyways i am on day 2 of oil pulling and already i can feel it working and i slept better and it was easier to get up 3 times in the middle of the night. (( oh and i found sunflower 100% oil at the Dollar Tree of all places ))
Organic Juice and Coffee Fast
I am now drug free and best of all pain free and live a normal active healthy life..I keep my powerful juicer on hand and use it when I am not feeling like I should. Good luck.
Potassium should be automatically prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis because getting potassium up to normal from the low values in all RA patients (LaCelle PL et al 1964 An investigation of total body potassium in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Proceedings Ann. Meeting of the Rheumatism Association, Arthritis & Rheumatism 7; 321 ) (Sambrook PN, Ansell BM, Foster S, Gumpel JM, Hesp R, Reeve J, Zanelli JM 1985 Bone turnover in early rheumatoid arthritis. 1. Biochemical and kinetic indexes. Ann Rheum Dis. Sep;44(9):575-9. ) is slow, even with a high unprocessed vegetable diet. There are tasty foods that are especially rich in potassium ( ).
However it is important that thiamin (vitamin B-1) be adequate when supplementing with potassium because heart disease can not materialize when both are deficient, but will show up if only one of those is deficient ( ). This is probably the primary reason why heart disease is a main cause of death in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
In view of the fact that this is not considered by current rheumatologists, it would be very valuable for you to bring it into your future research. It is not only that potassium is not considered by physicians in regard to RA, most of them do not even believe that a potassium deficiency is likely. This even though many of them prescribe what are actually supplements, but prescribed under euphemistic terms such as salt substitutes, sodium free baking powder, ORT salts (oral rehydration therapy for diarrhea), polarizing solutions, GIK (glucose, insulin, potassium) salts, vegetables, or glucosamine. A deficiency is further defined out of existence by defining the blood serum content normal as 4.2 when the actual figure is 4.8.
Sincerely, Charles Weber
Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Don't forget about Lignans and other natural antibiotics. The best source of lignans is flaxseed oil, sesame seed, green leafy veggies like cabbage, broccoli, kale, spinach, apricots and strawberry. But it should do to take sesame oil. The lignans have anti-biotic effects. And of course don't forget cranberry juice that works against germs in urinary tract infection. Why take lignans???
Well, anyone with RA should read (or get their physician to read) an article that appeared in the journal Clinical & Developmental Immunology in March 2006. The title says it all:
"Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease triggered by Proteus urinary tract infection"
The article summarizes all the evidence. It explains a lot: why more women than men get RA and more women than men get urinary tract infections. Why urinary infections happen more often in those with RA. And much more. The evidence is overwhelming. But unfortunately not well known to physicians. I recently spoke to 2 physicians who vehemently denied that my wife's RA, that started after a UT infection, had anything to do with the infection.
But if you don't believe this then there is an easy solution: get yourself tested for antibodies to Proteus. You might surprise yourself.
Of course once natural antibiotics get rid of the Proteus the battle is not over. Why???
Because, unfortunately, certain molecules in joint collagen of certain genetically predisposed people, unfortunately, LOOK LIKE molecules in the Proteus bacteria. Thus the body thinks it is still fighting the bacteria when it is only fighting our joint tissue. (Our side is killing our own civilians because they look like the enemy.)
So you still have to use the other measures in earthclinic to calm the body down, and let it know that the war is over. (Don't forget massage to calm the autonomic nervous system).
(Oklahoma City)
In response to UTIs and RA:
Very interesting idea and not the first time I've seen bacteria considered to be a source thought to trigger Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I was diagnosed w/Autoimmune Arthritis, possibly RA and AS in 2006. Among the physicians I saw, was a D. O. who gave me a book to read about Dr. Thomas McPherson Brown, MD. Dr. Brown was a physician and researcher from the 1930's through the 1980's. He isolated Mycoplasma bacteria w/in the synovial fluid of his pts w/RA and Lupus. He treated over 10, 000 pts successfully w/minocycline, then doxycycline during his tenure. The book about him is absolutely incredible and what most lay people here in the US don't realize is that in Europe the no. 1 tx option for RA is Doxycycline.
There is information online about Dr. Thomas McPherson Brown if anyone is interested in his evaluation and successful tx of absolutely thousands of pts during the last century.
Yes. The article cited is a summary article and lists research going back for 30 years.
But please note, antibiotics are not the complete solution but only part of it. The Proteus infection only "triggers", the autoimmune response. RA is not simply a bacterial infection.
Even after you have killed bacteria the body's immune system is still attacking you. As I said, the situation is that body joints "Look like" the enemy bacteria. So even though the enemy has been eliminated the body's immune system, the soldiers of our body, still think the bacteria are around, still think the enemy is around. They think the joint tissue is enemy combatants and so they attack it. The body's defense system is going after innocent "civilians" that look like enemy terrorists. That is the real problem, not the bacteria, which have probably long ago been beaten down.
So the real "treatment" must be something that goes after the immune system and not just after bacteria, to get the immune system to "cease fire" and realize that the "war" is over. That is why diet, magnesium supplementation, potassium supplementation, massage (especially connective tissue massage), meditation and other methods mentioned on earthclinic, methods that "calm" the autonomic nervous system are so important.
Hi Ray,
RA is a bacterial infection of the connective tissues which become invaded by a microplasma which is difficult to ID bc it hides within the connective tissue. The treatment is tetracycline antibiotics long term. It can take up to 3 years to reach maximum benefit or remission.
The doctor who championed the AP ("Antibiotic Protocol") was Dr Thomas Macpherson Brown as mentioned by a few others. This man treated over 10,000 patients before his death and most of em got better in fact 80%/ He helped many many people regain their life that his friends and patients set up the "The Road Back foundation" his book is here on amazon, published in 1988
and the other book is here: for anyone with autoimmune disease this book is the answer
I've had RA for 25 years and have tried every remedy, diet and vit's and Min's associated with RA to no avail I am about to try the AP after finding these books I'm given hope again and feel so confident this is the solution it provides answers and evidence of it's effectiveness and the scientific trials plus there are now more recent publications confirming this is the case from Iran, Mexico, America and London check it on pubmed. They will have to revise the treatment but that's to come. The more I read the better it gets makes so much sense.
(Baldwinsville, New York)
Dear Ray of Calgary, I was astonished to read what you had written with regard to the discovery of a connection made between antibodies to proteus/urinary tract infection as a causitive factor in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Thank you for including the link to the research article!
In 1995 I was diagnosed with sero-negative RA almost immediately following a miscarriage while being treated simultaneously with Ampicillin for a urinary tract infection. Although I had a urinary tract infection, the ER decided upon a D&C procedure. Three days later, I was totally incapacitated and bedridden from the sudden onset of what I know now to be RA. I won't go into too much detail about the last 17 years, but I have been managing this disease with diet, and without medications as much as I possibly can. I did finally decide to go on the minocycline antibiotic protocol, and that helped alot, but I weaned myself from the antibiotics in February 2013, after about six months of low-dose antibiotic treatment. I was feeling absolutely perfect, and thought I could discontinue at that point, which may have been premature. (I just don't like to be on medications at all, if possible) Eight weeks ago, in early April 2013, I started symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Within a few weeks, I was no longer in remission, and began another flare of RA, which is ongoing at this time, June 2013. I had never read that there was a connection between urinary tract infections and RA, but, as with your wife, this seems to be how my disease was activated as well. I always suspected a bacterial connection, as immediately after my miscarriage and simultaneous treatment with ampicillin for the urinary tract infection, I became highly allergic to ampicillin and all antibiotics in the penicillin family. I was also suddenly highly allergic to aged cheese. Penicillin and aged cheese causes severe, dibilitating pain in my joints and muscles, and flare ups of RA that last for months at a time.
I seem prone to urinary tract infections, and now that you have brought this connection to light, in going back in time, urinary tract infections have always resulted in a flare up. Different types of antibiotics were tried (Bactrim, Macrobid), and I always ended up in crippling pain, which I had attributed to a reaction to the antibiotics, not to the urinary tract infection itself. (I can tolerate tetracyclines, as minocycline and doxycycline don't have this effect). I understand what you are saying when you point out that even with this connection, RA can not likely be treated with antibiotics alone, and that the defect in the immune system must be treated and made stronger overall by healing the digestive system, keeping the body alkaline and well-nourished, and as chemical-free as possible. Rebuilding and maintaining a healthy immune system with autoimmune disease is definately not easy and takes lifelong commitment, but it is such a relief to know that there are things we can do for ourselves to extend our life span and to radically improve our quality of life. Thank you for sharing all of this valuable information, Ray! Best Wishes for good health to you and your wife!
(Fountain Inn, SC)
(Northern California, Usa)
It sounds like Branwen could be having a Jarisch Herx-Heimer reaction from the antibiotics. Some illnesses, like Lyme Disease, when antibiotics are taken you will have a Herx-Heimer. All the symptoms intensify as they die off. Some doctors say they believe neuro-toxins are being released as the bacteria dies off. You actually get worse and feel worse for awhile, but it is a good sign that you are killing the organisms off. I know because I was diagnosed with RA and MS years ago and it turned out to be Lyme. Lyme is the great pretender and gets into every system of the body. If I was in this woman's shoes I would be tested for Lyme by IGENEX Labs in Palo Alto, Calif. A Western Blot and an Elisa are useless at this point as the bacteria burrows right into the muscle and tissue mass and our organs. IGENEX has a urine antigen test and a PCR that are remarkably accurate.
I would also like to share that I spend much time in Mexico and do ozone therapy to maintain my health. I have a friend who was diagnosed with RA and Lupus and 2 years of ozone and she is symptom free. I know that only about 22 states in the U.S. have legalized ozone. Europe is way ahead of us in this remarkable therapy which detoxes your body, builds your immune system and kills bad bacterias and viruses with no side effects. When I started the therapy I did have Herx Heimer reactions just like I did when I was using antibiotics to kill the Lyme. I have another friend in Colorado that has used ozone successfully for her Lyme also. It is also remarkable for plaque and high cholesterol problems.
(Brooklyn, Ny)
I agree with the idea that aged cheese triggers/ brings on the symptoms of RA. This is something people who suffer from arthritis should take note of as simple as it sounds. More people should be made aware of it. I am one such sufferer who by way of elimination and deduction realized the source of my pain and now refrain from all cheeses and voila no pain in the joints.
(Austin, Texas)
I flare up when I take antibiotics so I stay away and let my immune system take care of the UTI or any other infection. I have rushed and taken antibiotics when my body could have handled the infection. I was diagnosed with RA and bedridden six weeks after giving birth to my child. Maybe it is what they give us at the hospital that triggers RA and not an infection...too much antibiotics in the IV is my opinion. I am open to the infection theory too, but since I flare up so BADLY every time I have been given antibiotics, I still think antibiotics can cause RA or make it worse for sure. Try the Budwig diet for your RA, no sugar, no processed food, no meat and for me no grains. Juicing vegetable juice is key!!!
Pat (Merseyside),
Tetracycline, like many other drugs, comes with a fairly lengthy list of potential side effects which should definitely be considered given the proposed length of treatment (years). The longer duration of use probably increases a persons chances of running into one of those side effects at some point during the treatment, but this has to be weighed in relation to the possible benefit of eliminantion arthritis. As a person who used to have severe arthritis that is now in remission by usings Ted's borax remedy, I can certainly understand the desire to take that risk though. Here is a couple of links to the potential adverse events associated with use of Tetracycline of which some would be considered severe. Even borax is not compatible with everyone as mentioned on this forum.
This article discusses ways to help mitigate some of those potential side effects associated with antibiotic use:
Best of health going forward.
(Foley, Al)
I am a 49yr old female who has naturally combated RA without pharmaceuticals for 8+ years, while also having UTI's a few times each year.
My most recent RA flare-up has been the worse and I'm now seeing minor deformaty in fingers of both hands. Otherwise, very healthy and good weight/hight ratio.
If additional information is known about the connection between these two conditions or have treatment/natural remedy recommendations, will you please advise?
(Laguna Niguel)
I have had about 8 UTIs since my RA diagnosis. What is interesting is I used the Sea Salt remedy from EC for my UTI and my arthritis felt so much better the next morning. My RA has deformed some of my joints so it's pretty bad. I also can not eat sweets, dairy, grains, corn, nightshades or beef. The one teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon seemed to help both UTI and RA. I did eat 70% raw yesterday which always helps me. Eat your Greens!!!
Interesting. I've read a 3 day water fast will reset your immune system. Maybe, the fast gets rid of the antibodies. Going to try Dr Fuhrman's protocol for fasting. Antibiotics put me into remission 2x, but not this time. My feet are so painful.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet
(Wi., Usa)
I have come across and just started reading a book called The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet. It is suggesting to get tested for food allergies, using a four day food rotation plan or even trying a blood type diet as this can help for many ailments. Hope this helps.
(Nyc, Ny)
Hi, thanks that's very helpful. I was considering getting a food allergy test done and I bought the book eating right for your blood type. I will now study up on balancing my food choices and trying to stay alkaline (very easy to do when I was vegan). Your post has been very helpful. Thanks again!
(Perth, Western Australia)
Hi! I've heard the Paleo diet combined with the autoimmune diet is meant to be very beneficial for RA and autoimmune diseases (try Googling the two terms). Basically, we're meant to have leaky gut, and before we can start to get better we need to heal our digestive tract. So I'm into day 3.
Basically Paleo is: eat lots of organic/free-range/grassfed meat and fish/seafood, as well as fruit and veg. No dairy. No legumes (beans). No grains (bread, pasta or rice, however some say white rice is okay, while others say it's a no-no). No sugar or refined stuff.
Autoimmune diet is: no nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, red capsicum, chilli). No caffeine. No sugar. No nuts or seeds.
From what I've read, it's meant to take anywhere between 4 weeks and several months to notice any difference in joint pain. There's a pretty British girl on Youtube who has successfully gotten her RA under control using this diet, she documents her journey on YT.
Hope this helps, and good luck to us all in being pain and med free!!
(Laguna Niguel)
I know what you mean, it's hard to know what to eat. First thing, exercise has been proven to be anti inflammatory, so walk or get in a stationery bicycle, it will lessen the inflammation. Also, don't eat processed junk it is not rebuilding your cells. We are what we eat literally, so eat food that is whole. Write out ten meals that are highly nutritious and try to have the foods on hand. Green smoothie (kale, berries banana ice in a blender). Sweet potato, rice beans and broccoli. My body reacts to sugary foods and processed foods with swollen joints and pain. I have to reset my body by eating plain veggies and fruits to get it feeling more calm. You are what you eat :)
Rheumatoid Arthritis Remedies
(Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)
Hi: I think a good way to start would be to read the Borax Conspiracy link here Boron is so important that in Israel where it is very high in the water, they have .75% of population with arthritis but in Jamaica they have something like 75% where it is low in the soil. Take a peek at this. Also a very good idea would be to look into DMSO. Of course alkalizing your body as per Ted's protocol and the diet. Hope this helps.
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)
Dear Patricia, Cat's Claw Bark is good for the inflammation of RA. It may take a number of different things in combination to help. Last year my daugther had symptoms of Juvenile RA. (Pediatrician thought that was what it was, but we didn't have the testing done as we didn't want to go the Big Pharma route. ) She was 8. We took her to a natuaropath who had her do many things. She also had asthma, migraines and eczema. Praise the Lord, she has no symptoms of RA or eczema anymore. Her migraines and asthma attacks are infrequent.
Daily she took Cat's Claw Bark in capsules, nettles in capsules, vitamin C, Blackstrap Molasses, and Vitamin D. She doesn't take any of that any more. If she has an asthma flare up, she takes nettles. She does take feverfew every day to prevent migraines.
She does have a pretty healthy diet, eats very little processed food.
You might also add Apple Cider Vinegar to your daily routine - 1 T. In 8 oz. Of water twice a day. Drinking at least 1/2 gallon of pure water a day (herbal tea and vinegar in your water are okay.)
Let us know what helps you!
~Mama to Many~
80,000 iu Serrapeptase is now known to be the THE way to get rid of all types of inflammation - for this is arthritis - along with a mass of other problems. It was first used to remove blood clots. The most recent way I have heard of its benefits is in curing TB.