Rheumatoid Arthritis
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Effective Solutions

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Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vanessa (Beautiful Hawaii) on 10/07/2015

In response to so desperate. I was diagnosed with RA at 33. My experience with it is extensive. Besides all the suggestions here alkaline diet will make you feel much better. I first went the drug route. 19 years of steroids, 1 or 2 AT a TIME of Immunosuppressants, and anti inflammatory drugs. Had a hip replacement 1997 then 1st knee replacement in 2000.Almost died from a severe staph infection, septic in my blood. In a matter of hours I was deathly sick.

After this I decided NEVER to take immunosuppresant drugs again.

I started doing Remicade which is an IV infusion that I get every 2 months. It is actually a good western drug and works on the root cause of the arthritis.

I have been able to get off the steroids, and even the anti inflammatory drugs.

I became pre diabetic due to long term steroid use.

I have tried MANY natural and alternate therapies. Astaxanthin ( the product I use is Bio Astin), has helped my joints tremendously. I have introduced many others to

I also take wild fish oil, krill oil, spirulina, probiotics a good multi vitamin and a few other things daily.

My main foods I eat are salmon, spinach and blueberries.

Exercising in water is the best! There is a fine line between doing nothing and too much with RA. I also do a 1.2 mile trail walk with my German Shepherds daily.

Upon waking if your joints are sore best thing is hot water to increase blood supply and make your joints more mobile.

I rarely have pain in my joints.

I hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Babyc (Brasov, Romania) on 11/14/2011


I'm 31 now, RA started long ago, around 12. My experience with RA hasn't been so harsh (no severe inflamation, crippling, pain) but enough to change my life and my habits. The diagnose was given only a few months ago, as a matter of fact.


- I STARTED CRITICIZING LESS (MYSELF AND OTHERS), TOLERATING AND LOVING MORE (yes, a wise, compassionate, positive attitude CAN make the body more alkaline and be a relief to RA)

-BECAME ALMOST VEGAN (I dearly recommend you all to watch FORKS OVER KNIVES for the ones still skeptical)

- I move quite a lot, dance, walk, swim and lots of stretching, yoga, PRANAYAMA (breathing exercises)

- I do CLEANSING (colon, liver), I take SUPPLEMENTS , mainly HERBAL, such as HARPAGOPHYTUM, TURMERIC, SAFFRON (if one can afford it , makes miracles for damaged joints), MSM, CLAY, AND MY LATEST DISCOVERY, RECOMMENDED BY A NATUROPATH: LIQUORICE ROOT POWDER, 10-12GR / DAY (started taking the latter a few weeks ago and I am feeling so much better, I know it might seem a lot, some find it emetic but works for me). Learn more, might be of some help for you too!

