Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Migraines

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/06/2011

I take a lot of ACV but it never helped my migranes. I have the classic ones; blurred vision, like a halo, then dull pain following along with nausea. The solution that has worked for 25 years: the herb feverfew. I take two tablets every other day. Feverfew is a natural dilator. My theory is that a large percent of migrane sufferers are genetically predisposed to depletion of their 'B" vitamins when under stress. The feverfew compensates the loss of B, especially B3. Yes, you can also compensate with B3 but the feverfew is much easier. The flush of B3 is sometimes a problem for some.

I have seen feverfew work dozens of times on long time migrane sufferers. Not all so called migranes, are really migranes. I found feverfew when used on the classic migrane works 90 percent of the time. And remember, you are not taking the feverfew AFTER the migraine hits; you are taking it daily as a preventative.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Trulyjen (Tucson, Az) on 09/04/2011

Make sure you are using the REAL Apple Cider Vinegar. Some are flavored and are not the real thing. Best to use [organic] brand to be sure it's real.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Agapegirl (Orlando, Florida, Usa) on 09/03/2011

For 14 years I have had 3-day migraines approximately once a month (more or less). This week my 3-day migraine morphed into a 5-day full head headache. I haven't had a traditional "headache" since the migraines began, so I was very concerned. My standard migraine Rx (Relpax) only takes pain away for a few hours and it didn't even do that this week. A couple of times I tried 3 ibuprofen, which worked for about 2 hours each time. On earthclinic, ACV seemed to work for some people, so I decided to drive (nauseated and in pain) 20 minutes to the health store. I bought ACV capsules and took 2 (500 mg each) with water in the parking lot. By the time I reached home the headache/migraine pain was gone. I was exhausted and aching from 5 days of pain so I went to bed early. I took my normal nighttime supplements (200 mg chelated magnesium and 1 gr L-Glutamine), I woke up refreshed and back to normal. I will try ACV capsules the next time pain strikes. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Abedog (Kirkland, Wa) on 07/20/2011

Can you do ACV tablets instead of the drink? Asking this because of a child who can't palate the taste?

Posted by Sonja (Greenwood, La) on 07/18/2011

About a year ago I stopped drinking anything with caffeine in it and quit eating chocolate as this was advice given in a book about preventing migraines. It helped my migraines not to be as long and as painful, but they came back none the less. I decided to stop using artificial sweetener in my lemonade I make every day and started using Stevia. One package every morning is all I use. I NEVER get migraines anymore as long as I faithfully use this natural sweetener. I have made the mistake of not using it for a couple of days and I wind up with the start of a migraine. But if I take some stevia, mix it in some water and drink it real fast before the migraine gets worse, it gets rid of it for me. I don't know what it is about this natural sweetener that has cured my migraines but I thought I'd share it with others just in case it can help them too. The stevia I get is the Wal-Mart brand that is in the vitamin section in a box.

Magnetic Pillow Case
Posted by Nancy (Saint John, New Brunswick) on 06/30/2011


I live in NB, where do you buy a magnetic pillow case? I have never heard tell of them, thanks Nancy

Fenugreek, Thyme
Posted by Melanie B (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 06/29/2011

Fenugreek & Thyme for Migraines

For years I suffered from Migraines. The symptoms I experienced were nausea, light sensitivity, smell sensitivity, and sharp pain on the left temple as well as my eye. To make matters worse this lasted for 2-3 days. I then noticed that it would happen around my menstrual cycle ever month without fail. I couldn't find relief in any over the counter medications. It got to be debilitating. The only thing I could do is lay in bed in a dark quiet room with a cold towel over my head.

One night I said enough is enough, I got up and ran cold water over my head and neck, as I did this the migraine would subside but when I took my head away from the water it would come back. I then remembered being given Fenugreek & Thyme capsules a few months back and decided to give it another try, but this time instead of taking the recommended dose of 1000 mg (700 mg of which was Fenugreek and 300 mg of Thyme), I increased the dosage amount by three and I took 3000 mg.

In 20 minutes my migraine was GONE! All these years of failed over the counter medications and being miserable and all I needed was in an herb. I was able to get a good night's sleep and when I woke in the morning I felt it coming on again so I took 1500mg, but it didn't seem to stop it so I took another 1500mg 30 minutes later and again the migraine disappeared. (I haven't noticed any side effects so far but if anything comes up I will repost).

I hope this helps, and I am happy to add my experience to the community as you all have given me so many great remedies over the years!

Melanie B - of Los Angeles, CA

Amalgam Fillings Removed
Posted by Zahid (Leeds, West Yorkshire, Uk) on 06/23/2011

My migraines started about 5 years ago and affected the right side of my head near the temple. At first I would get them several times a year but in the past two years they became a daily event. When my migraines started I was sensitive to light and noise. I would have to draw my curtains and get into bed. I would pass out at some point, waking up several hours later.

I too have amalgam fillings and having done some research on the net I figured I needed to remove my fillings. I was advised by my dentist to take Chlorella for a week prior to having the fillings removed and to continue for another week after removal of the fillings. However, an article I read on the internet suggested taking Chlorella for 3 months before and after removal of the fillings. I came across a free book online called

Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina

by Mike Adams, the Consumer Wellness Research Center (chlorellafactor. Com). Google it!

I started on 2.5g Chlorella powder combined with 5g Spirulina powder (a ratio of 1:2 is advised) for 2 weeks (twice a day) to allow my body to get used to these superfoods. After the initial 2 weeks I increased the amounts to 5g Chlorella and 10g Spirulina and I having been taking that for the past 5 weeks (twice a day). To be completely honest I can't remember exactly when my migraines stopped. What a relief!

I purchased my Chlorella (1kg powder for £55, and Spirulina (1kg powder for £45) from Indigo-Herbs of Glastonbury in the UK.

I still intend to have my amalgams removed, but my priority now is to deal with my eczema (face and back of hands)

The introduction (extract) from the free online book reads as follows:

Some have called this book, "The most courageous voice yet... " on chlorella and spirulina. That's because inside this book, you'll get the astounding truth on how these two superfoods are far more than just "supplements" like vitamins and minerals: they are disease preventing and even reversing foods from nature that can actually help conquer cancer, nerve damage, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, clinical depression, and much more.

You probably haven't heard that before, and here's why: no company selling chlorella or spirulina is allowed to tell you the truth about it. That's because the FDA would consider such statements to be "medical claims. " So you never hear the real story on how these amazing superfoods can actually reverse serious diseases with no side effects and often without surgery, drugs, or other barbaric treatments like chemotherapy."

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/18/2011

I had a migraine coming on yesterday.. It was getting a bad enough to need something for it... I could feel the pulsating vein in the side of my head. I decided to try cayenne pepper to see if I could stop it.

Last time I drank the cayenne mixed with hot water and I did feel a bit sick afterward so I decided to try something different.

I grabbed a pinch of cayenne and put it directly under my tongue and left it there. I thought I felt pretty quick relief as the pulsating vein seemed to be less noticeable, but the pain was still there. I added a pinch of cayenne a few more times under my tongue, swallowing the excess cayenne along the way. Doesn't taste too good but better than a whole cup of hot cayenne tea. It is a bit painful and you do salivate a lot. I also put a pinch of cayenne directly on the tip of my tongue and left it there.

Well I can say it got slowly better and then vanished (within 1/2 an hour to an hour). Normally it would just get worse until I take about 3 panadol.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam (Toronto, On) on 06/13/2011

Do not take it with Honey. Take ACV alone.

Alka Seltzer
Posted by Anitha (Dublin, Oh, Usa) on 06/11/2011

I have been a regular reader of this site and find the remedies very helpful. Thought I would add my remedy I stumbled upon by accident for migraine. Alka Seltzer, when taken before a full-blown migraine if you are someone that gets nausea during migraine helps relieve it. I have been suffereing from migraine for many years now and getting hold of ACV, baking soda etc is not always convenient. Trying to see if AC Gold without aspirin would have the same effect.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by C (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/01/2011

With a migraine, you can't take a medicine (vinegar) with something as metabolically significanty as honey and discount it as not working. I'm not saying that ACV works, but as a ten year sufferer of extreme migraines, what I do know is that sugar metabolism is intimately involved. I know that the ACV doesnt taste good, but grin, bear it, and take it on its own to evaluate its effectiveness.

Also, that goes for medicines and supplements in general. You should always start with administrations of small amounts of singular supplements and skip combinations and large amounts until you are used to what small amounts of single substances do.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ck (Erie, Pa) on 05/01/2011

I have suffered with migraines for 61 years with relief only from sesame oil pulling and acv. It never completely alleviated migraines but helped. The past five years the migraines increased from two or three a week to five. I missed so much work, was out of it most of the time and unable to function when a new naturopath suggested I might be gluten sensitive! After yrs at pgh and Cleveland clinic no one had ever suggested that! I had been living on toast, too I'll to eat much else! I immediately started a gluten free diet and amazingly have been migraine free four months today! I feel my life has been a gift returned to me! I still use avc and sesame oil pulling every day for the remarkable health benefits but want to share my experience for any of you migraine sufferers. Our modified wheats now have over 500 times more gluten than they did 20 yrs ago. It is estimated that 50%of the population of the U.S. have some gluten related illness. Our livers simply cannot process this load. I hope my experience may help someone out there!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Organic Mama (Minneola, Fl) on 04/15/2011

Thank you everyone for for the glowing testimonies on acv. Ive had some around for yrs and was never able to really get used to drinking it until recently I got a new job and was getting a migraine like everyday. I was taking a popular migraine over the counter pill to get rid of it and I know that it was making me sick so I thought to look on here and thier were so many positive testimonies and I wanted to get off the medicine due to the caffine in it was hurting my bladder.

The first day I did like 5 rounds of the honey with the Apple Cider Vinegar in about 8oz of water the following day like 3 rounds then 2 then none for a day or 2. Never had a migraine since. Yay!!!!

So today I took a supplement that I had an allergic reaction to, lots of sneezing and this caused my bladder to leak. My eyes were horribly itching too. So I came back here and looked up allergies and here it was again ACV the cure all. Within a half hr all the allergy symptoms were completely gone. I am very greatful for this site and wanted to contribute due to the wonderful and simple effects of the ACV. What I love best is that anyone can afford it. I have a few health books by the braggs family and they are great but I really love this site best due to the specific testimonies. Thank you Ted for everything you do to help the health challenges of so many of us. Organic mama

Posted by Kat (Lax, Ca) on 04/02/2011

Once I hit my early fourties I notices I started having migraines every month, some would last for over three days! Anyhow, I noticed it was right around the time of my cycle. I've seen all the specialist and tried some things. I really wanted something easy and natural, that I can take when I'm traveling. A Naturopathic medicine doctor , she suggested BUTTERBUR extract. I take a few when I feel the slight pressure in my head, and I know it is an early sign of migraine coming on. Anyhow, BUTTERBUR extract apparently increases circulation in the brain. This has been truly amazing! No more migraines! Hopefully, BUTTERBUR extract will help other be cured of migraines.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dorothea (Waynesville, Nc) on 03/22/2011

ACV definitely helps with my migraines, which start in the back of my neck and creep through my head into the forehead. Nothing helped anymore unless I'd take something so strong that it could be dealt on the street. Not my cup of thea though and I drive a school bus! I tried the 2-3 tbsp. ACV in about 8 oz of water with a little honey. It really tastes good, like tart apple juice. Anyway about 20 minutes later my migraine/headache was considerably better and I could think straight again and the fatigue that usually comes with this headache was gone. I drink the concoction now everyday at least once and more whenever needed.

Thanks to all who recommended it!

Posted by Heather (Archdale, North Carolina) on 01/25/2011

Migraines began with cycle but progressed into 14-day long periods of pain, nausea and light sensitivity. They do run in my family. Tried ACV, magnesium, riboflavin and elimination of caffeine to no avail. My chiropractor did a nerve study and I began an aggressive series of 48 visits starting at 3 times per week. I am 99% better! I might have 1 migraine every 3 months now, which is still usually cyclic and they are not at their previous intensity.

NSAID + Real Coke
Posted by Migraineur (Vallejo, Ca) on 01/25/2011

I am 49 and have been having migraines for 23 yrs. I recently spoke to a neurologist who told me to take a large dose NSAID I.E. Ibuprophen, relafen, etc. And drink a real Coca Cola (Coke) not a knock off or Pepsi. I prefer Mexican Coke because it has real sugar in it not high fructose corn syrup. It really works! The doc explained that the carbonation speeds the NSAID into the system and the caffeine in the Coke helps, too. He did not advise diet Coke because it has been known to trigger migraines.

Good luck and feel better!

Posted by Claus (Osaka) on 12/24/2010

I have had migraine problems for over 15 years. After I took 5-HTP once a day, not even 1 migraine. Of course there are many causes for migraines. But this might help someone.

Posted by Dee (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/24/2010

I woke up a few times during the night with a dull migraine. In the morning it was still there. As I had been reading about Cayenne being good for opening veins for blood flow and being good for the heart (in stopping a heart attack in its' tracks), I figured that it would be good for migraine as well. I took about 1/2 tspsn in hot water as soon as I got out of bed and the migraine vanished practically straight away. It did not return all day. Usually when I wake up with a migraine that I have had all night it stays with me all day. Anyone with heart problems should seriously research cayenne and keep some with them at all times.

Posted by Zee (Johor Bahru, Malaysia) on 12/20/2010

I too suffer red from menstrual migraine a week before and after my period for the past 20 years. One day I had a sudden urge to eat oats. So I started taking it every morning for breakfast for 2 weeks. When my menstrual cycle came, the migraine was completely gone. I also make sure that I have enough sleep cos lack of sleep would also trigger the migraine.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mia (Lyons, Ny) on 11/10/2010


I have occassionally have migraines. They usually are accompanied by the usual light sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, etc. Yesterday I began to have an aura (preceeds the migraine) with vision disturbances, light sensitivity, and nausea. I tried the apple cider vinegar remedy and I felt better within about half an hour. I probably would have felt better much sooner but the apple cider vinegar itself makes my stomach feel not so good. Once the apple cider vinegar stomach upset was gone all my other symptoms were gone with it and no headache occured.

Gunpowder Tea
Posted by Soph (New York, NY) on 11/05/2010

I suffer from menstrual migraines once a month. The city here has a cool tea shop so I bought some GunPowder Tea. This tea it truly works and I feel fortunate to have found the remedy for my migraines.
