Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Migraines

Posted by Robin (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) on 04/15/2009

I have had migraines for 24years. nothing seemed to work at all. By accident, I found a cure for them! I was using spirulina (12 capsules a day) for something else and I realized that I had gone two months with absolutely nooo headaches at all. I'm a very skeptical person when it comes to trying new things, but spirulina made me a believer. Try it and let me know how it works for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Candy (Fort Madison, IA) on 04/13/2009

I think your mother would get even better relief for her headaches if she were to get a good transdermal form of magnesium. There are some really good ones out there, and all she has to do is soak her feet in it for about 20 minutes in the evening. If you do a google search on it, you will find lots of good information about it. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rosan (Kalispell, MT) on 04/13/2009

My mom has been suffering with migraines for over 70 years. Many times a couple times per week. Horrible pain that lasts for several hours. Had been to the doctors many times with very little relief. Since finding this site I have been giving her 8 ounces of water mixed with two tablesoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar everytime she starts to get a migraine. It has reduced the severity of the headaches by about 85%. Mom is very grateful to this site. I don't think it would be good for her to drink this everyday, so I only give it to her when she is starting to get a migraine.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kim (North, Florida) on 04/03/2009

One month ago, I came across this site in search of help for my chronic headaches and migraines. Over the Counter meds didn't seem to touch my pain and while my prescription meds did help take the migraines away... it didn't help with the daily headaches. I was so tired of having headaches. I just wanted to make it one day without the pain of my head pounding! After reading the feedback of others, I thought I had nothing to lose by trying APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. So I did.... and IT WORKED! I couldn't believe it. I have been taking 1 ACV tab 2 times a day. I have not had a migraine since (I was having 3 or 4 a month) and although I have had a few "regular" headaches, it's nothing like before. Not only has ACV helped my headaches, it has also help with my allergies. ACV may not work for everyone, but I am so thankful that it worked for me!

Posted by Christie (Houston, TX) on 03/20/2009

I have been using Cayenne pepper to treat my Migraines. I take 2 small caps. and an over the counter pain reliever. I DO NOT take any "Migraine" Medication with Cayenne pepper. But I find that it works great. I also take cayenne pepper the day after a migrain to get rid of the remnants of it.

Paper Bag Technique
Posted by Wanda (Sykesville, Md) on 03/10/2009

Migraines & paper bags:

Whenever I get auras, sparkles and blurred vision and feel a migraine headache coming on, I grab a lunchbag (McDonald's bag works fine), and breathe in and out of it for 20 minutes. The carbon dioxide that I breathe back in helps constrict the expanded blood vessels which create the pounding headache in a migraine. I've used this technique for several years, with great success.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Dark Chocolate
Posted by Amanda (Murray, Kentucky, US) on 02/16/2009

Caffeine has always helped my headaches (I get tension headaches, sinus headaches, and migraines), so it is no wonder that Dark Chocolate helps some people alleviate headaches. Unfortunately, caffeine also causes tension, so people who get Tension headaches should avoid caffeine unless they actually have a tension headache.

Posted by Leslie (Inverness, CA) on 02/11/2009

Feverfew, which is an herb has cured my migraines. You can either grow the stuff, chop it up (a tablespoon's worth) and add it to a cup of hot water to make a tea. Or you can buy it in the health food store in tincture form. Don't buy the dried because it doesn't work. Add a few drops of the tincture to a cup of hot water and drink up. You can drink the tea just a migraine is coming on or drink it as a preventative. It's a nice tasting, soothing tea.

Breathe Into a Brown Paper Bag
Posted by Russ (Los Angeles, California, USA) on 01/10/2009

I myself do not suffer from migraine headaches, but I heard a lady on the radio who does. She said this method works every time for her. As soon as you feel a migraine coming on, take a brown paper bag and breathe into it (hold it against your face so that very little outside air gets in). Keep the bag in place for 10, 15 or even 20 minutes. If a paper bag is not available, you can use a plastic bag, but since it doesn't "breathe," you'll need to take a few breaths outside the bag periodically. She said it will seem like nothing is happening, but the migraine will not develop. By the way, her husband is an emergency room doctor and she learned this method from him.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Wendy (Los Angeles, CA) on 01/05/2009

If you are talking about the coconut oil found in products, then that is not unrefined. Commercially produced CO is the absolute worse! This person is talking about the pure, natural form that our bodies can metabolize efficiently. Whenever you buy coconut oil make sure it is unrefined! If a product has coconut oil in it, you can pretty much bet money that it is refined!

Posted by Veronica (Lubbock, Texas) on 01/05/2009

I frequently have headaches and migraines and was complaining at work one day about how nothing works and a coworker suggested that I try cayenne pepper on the tip of my tongue. Her grandfather swore by it and she agreed it worked. Well, today was the moment of truth. I woke up with a headache and reached for a pinch of cayenne to put at the tip of my tongue. Since it is a pepper it does burn a bit, but within minutes my headache was gone. I'm a believer!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Dark Chocolate
Posted by Katie (Cincinnati, OH) on 12/31/2008

I tried the apple cider vinegar when I had a migraine that would not go away. I took a teaspoon in a glass of water and it didn't seem to help. A few hours later, I tried again with a bit more - about a tablespoon this time.

I also decided at that point that I had a craving for chocolate, so I had two squares of dark chocolate. The migraine was almost totally gone within a half hour. I searched online and found out that chocolate contains magnesium, which is good for migraines, plus it elevates serotonin; low serotonin is thought to cause some migraines.

I'm not sure which helped more, or maybe it was the combination, but after 24 hours, I can finally function again!

Stop Drinking Tea
Posted by Vickie (Spokane, WA) on 12/26/2008

It was probably the caffeine in the tea that was giving you the headaches. Green Tea is high in caffeine. I don't know about the White Tea.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Hazlin (Singapore) on 12/11/2008

I was quite fascinated when I read about oil pulling and decided to try it out for my migraine. I could not find sesame or sunflower so made do with VCO and Safflower oil. 1 tablespoon every morning. It worked the first time I tried it! No migraine. It also helped to ease my achy jaw,which was a result of clenching my molars for long periods, to bear wit the migraine. I sleep better too! Will continue this for as long as I can!

EC: Read more about Oil Pulling here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/oil_pulling.html

Indian Herb Called Aak
Posted by S.R.SHARMA (NEW DELHI, DELHI INDIA) on 11/12/2008



EC: Aak's botanical name is Calotropis procera, correct?
Medical Abstract: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1526483
More information here: http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/c/calotr09.html

Magnesium, Calcium, Omega 3
Posted by Lisa (Queens, NY) on 11/11/2008

My mother discovered this cure for migraines - my father has suffered from them and also others in our family. When I started having severe migraines often, I called her.

1 magnesium pill (200 mg)
1 calcium pill ("")
1 omega 3 pill (1000 mg)
1 flaxseed oil pill ("")

Take these daily for six weeks, then you will have no more migraines. You have to wait 6 wks before it goes into effect. I used to get severe migraines, vomiting, etc. up to 3x a week. It was intolerable. Now I get maybe one mild migraine (no vomiting) when I'm PMSing and if I'm tired.

My father takes 2 supplements/day, but I found 1/day was enough for me - I guess because I weigh less than he does.

Posted by ClaudineK (Owings Mills , MD) on 11/04/2008

Hi all. I love this site! I've had migraine attacks since i was 15. 30 years later I continue to suffer from them. They are most often triggered by the hormonal changes I have when getting my cycle. Symptoms began yesterday, sensitivity to light and nausea started and I realized one was coming. I have been drinking ACV daily for about 2 months now and although it has improved my overall health, it didn't stop my migraine from coming back. I did take 60 mg of zinc supplements and read that magnesium also helps. I didn't have any but did have Milk Of Magnesia so took a little bit of that. To my surprise my symptoms lessened significantly. By now i would be in a full blow episode but I am doing okay! As all migraine sufferers know, the constant pain can be truly debilitating I'm so relieved this seems to have worked!

Menthol-Camphor Ointment
Posted by Donna (Sparta, GA) on 10/24/2008

I haven't tried any of these remedies posted, but I have tremendous migraine attacks the the best thing I have discovered for myself was to rub menthol-camphor ointment on my temples and forehead and put a small amount just under my nose and it begin the relieve the tension in my head and put me to sleep. If it begins to wear off repeat the process until it finally goes away.

Salt and Water, Acupressure
Posted by Kendra (Haiku, HI) on 10/24/2008

I have been doing the "Your body's many cries for water" cure and it has helped lower the number of migraine attacks. The cure is drinking half your body weight in water adding some celtic salt to the water. I drink 5 12oz bottles of water a day with an eighth of a tsp. of sea salt in each bottle.

I have also learned a technique someone told me about that has helped stop migraine pain. You go inside your mouth with your index finger and massage the area of the jaw juncture. Your thumb massages outside and your index finger inside. When you find the point it will be very sore. I actually worked both sides (right and left) at the same time... and relief came in about ten minutes. I hope this helps other people and ends the suffering.

Gunpowder Tea
Posted by Lanet (Durham, NC) on 10/21/2008

Hello, after reading this post about 4mths ago I told my friend about the gunpowder tea. He just decided to try it out last week. He noticed a big difference in his migraine headaches and he is very pleased with the product. He normally takes imitrex and it seems as if some of the side affects are just as bad as the illness. Thanks for the information.
