Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for IBS Relief: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Juda (In) on 08/10/2016

Lilly of the Desert is the best aloe available I have read, and use only the inner gel not the whole leaf. I have only used it a week and can see differences. To start I mixed a little jello with it until I could acclimate to the taste.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Al Hudson (Homestead, Fl.) on 09/17/2015

I've had great results with "Lily of the Desert" gel...3 oz. last thing before bed.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Alex (Chicago, IL) on 12/27/2006

I cured myself of IBS with aloe vera juice, I used to have to sleep sitting up every night until I started taking aloe vera juice. Drink this every day for 3 months.
