Magnesium, Salt, Potassium
(Jackson, Ms)
Hi, Shante. I'm an experienced Echo Technologist x35 years exp. Pulmonary valve regurgitation, (leaky pulmonary valve) is normal on everyone - this is not likely the cause of your problems.
Natural calm magnesium will help with the palpitations.
Hi Shante from Jackson MS,
if you have not already, replace all your drinks with water, for about a week and see the difference. instead of coffee or tea have a hot cup of water. Water. water, water. When someone ask what you want to drink say "Water please". No caffeine at all. it made a big difference for me after only two days. just water and food and that little change can make a big difference.
You may get a withdrawal headache, but each day it should be lighter.
(Plant City Fl)
I think it is the mix of the minerals in Black Strap Molasses. It even has copper. I have been having Heart Palps, too. Last night in desperation, I drank ACV with Baking night I have had in a week. Then I got up this morning and had a tablespoon of BSM. Feeling pretty good now! Heart palpitations are just the worst.
(Pensacola, FL)
It's the iron in the molasses that's helping most likely.
Blackstrap Molasses is awesome in potassium which helps to calm heart palpitations. I use the un-sulfured blackstrap Molasses. One tablespoon is all you need. Straight from the spoon is mighty tasty, or you can mix it in water, or other food like oat-meal. The company I buy from has 320 mgs of potassium in one tablespoon of un-sulfured Blackstrap Molasses.
(Toronto, Canada)
I just read that Chinese Medicine uses licorice/liquorice for heart palpitations. You might want to look it up.
Hi, molasses is a food product made from sorghum I believe. It can be found in most grocery stores.
(Zamboanga City, Philippines)
I got heart palpitations Aug 19 this yr I admit for 3days in hospital I have med take till now for kind but when I take that med I feel weak. I am 41yrs old med I take vastarel, platexan, co q10, carvedilol so pls help me what remedies to take me d.if ever I get heart palp.just to stop palpited
I want to stop take this med.I just take if ever got pappited
Having discovered the site in Jan and using Earth Clinic to cure my chronic sinus infections, I checked opinions for heart palpitations. Ever since going on a lot of medications 1 yr ago for my allergies (which I never had prior to 1 yr ago), about 6 months ago my heart would skip beats. It was very very scary! It usually occurred in the afternoon or evening. I dealt with it for 6 months and then looked up cures on Earth Clinic. I immediately used what I had and tried Ted's solution of baking soda and lemon juice (1/4 tea soda and 5TB lemon juice in a large glass of water). 30 minutes later they seemed better, but I was still having them. The next day I bought some Organic Black Strap Molasses. That night the palpitations started again and I drank another glass of lemon/baking soda and 2 TB Molasses. 15 minutes later they were gone!! I have been so scared for 6 months and such a simple solution solved my problem! I did not have another palpitation for a week! Then I had a few and immediately got out the molasses. 2 TB later and they were gone for a week. I just took another 2 TB tonight, which is my 3rd week. I notice each time they come back they don't occur as frequently or seem as dramatic. Each episode is less severe. The molasses is a simple/easy solution and I can't thank Earth Clinic enough for this great forum and the people who contribute!!! THANK YOU!!!
(New City, New York)
Does this drink really work? I have blackstrap molasses, baking soda and lemon. Does this stop your palps? If so, how? Is the acid/alkaline balance really behind the reason for, or at least an antagonist, the palps? Why would the molasses work, because of the copper content? I have read where a-fib people are low in copper and this helps them. I've been told by a doc that I needed more copper. Is a copper deficiency perhaps a cause? I'm also curious about learning more about iodine. Another scary element that we are all deficient in. Just a note, I never started getting palps (though they said I had WPW since the day I was born) until I was living on the zero carb high protein diet for years. I was pretty acidic. Any insight would help. Thanks, AW
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Kellie... What can generally cause heart arrythmia and tachycardia problems can be an imbalance of certain electrolytes as well as lack of iodine. Therefore calcium, potassium and magnesium all will have an effect on your heartbeat since these three minerals are so important for the nerves and muscle. Calcium is usually found in excess in our diets, whereas both magnesium and potassium are usually defficient. Magnesium itself is the guvenor or balancer of calcium and potassium minerals within our cells.
Iodine/iodide is also deficient in our diets and is another element that can effect our hearts. I've been finding my own level of iodine -- and for me this has worked out to between 2-4 drops Lugol's per day. But I have taken up to 50 mgs per day to get my iodine levels up quickly. I now take far more(over a 100 times more) on a daily basis than the RDA of 150 micrograms recommended for iodine intake. In the most current independent reasearch on iodine -- The Iodine Project -- they have successfully used between 50 - 100 mgs daily intake of iodine for acute diseases like fibrocystic breast disease and upwards of 150 mgs for chronic diseases like breast or prostate cancer. Having experimented myself with Lugol's Iodine, I now regard iodine as extremely body friendly - even in large amounts. In my own research on iodine, I also found that the Japanese have a daily iodine intake of at least 13. 8 mgs per day through eating alot of seaweed with every meal. The Japanese also have some of the lowest incidence of breast, prostate, uterine and lung cancer because of this fact -- this can only because of their relatively high (as compared to the US RDA) iodine intake.
I had heart arrythmia, and just took magnesium gluconate or magnesium chloride everyday -- 400 mgms -- plus I also used a small garden flower sprayer with 2-3 tablespoons of Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) dissolved in water -- I just sprayed my torso with it after showers and absorbed the magnesium that way transdermally. This got rid of my arrythmia problems fairly quickly. At the time, I was also taking Ted's lemon/lime and BS alkalizing remedy and using natural sea salt, so I was getting enough potassium everyday. My problem was lack of both magnesium and iodine in my diet.
(Frisco, Tx, Usa)
AW and Bill, Sorry it took so long to reply. I forgot about my account. AW... Yes I still use BS Molasses for my heart skipping. I've tried vitamins and other supliments, trying to guess which supliment I'm missing. Finally I gave up. It's so cheap and easy to just swallow 1 TB of BS Molasses a couple times a week. I notice I need it more around cold season or when I'm stressed. I'm sure my body uses more of whatever I'm missing at that time. Hope it works for you..
Hi, I had the same problem in January 2016. I had quiet a bit of stress and I loaded my stomach the night before with a bowl of sauerkraut and a full dinner. I woke up in the morning, ate breakfast and worried about a few things, and then bent forward to pick something up from the floor, and it started. At that time I fainted. I think it was because I called the ambulance and they told me to walk to a nearby clinic as it would be faster to get help. My pulse then was extremely fast and I felt flutter in my chest. When I got to the clinic with an already fast pulse I realized that, I had to climb up stairs to the second floor. When I got upstairs I fainted. Then they did ECG and it was a little abnormal. They gave me propranolol and aspirin. When the paramedics came to take me to hospital and they tested me again in the ambulance, the ECG was normal. At the hospital it was also normal. And, all my tests came back normal. I think it was a crazy idea to exert myself and climb those stairs with an already fast pulse with palpitations. Sometimes, I also feel this flutter in my throat pit.
The first time I ever got this problem was 3 years ago, when I was on a 6 week fast with with no other food but non-starchy vegetable and fruit. It could have been an electrolyte imbalance. I called the ambulance and they told me to call again in half an hour as all the ambulances were on call :) The palpitation lasted almost 2 hours. It alternated with muscle twitches in my legs. I remembered about a folk treatment with a tsp of honey. I took it and it slowly abated within approx 20 minutes. I did not go to hospital at that time as it stopped after the honey.
I also have this indigestion problem with acid and sometimes food reflux, which could be contributing to my problem if not causing it. Homeopathic Arsenicum 3C, 3 drops twice daily is a great help for that.
One interesting thing for people with atrial regurgitation is to check for the presence of helicobacter pylori. It has been shown to be causing the episodes.
To stop my palpitations and fast pulse episodes, I take homeopathic Crataegus tincture 10 drops on tongue twice daily and Lachesis mutrus 200,4 pills on alternate morning and Coffea cruda 200 SOS for stress. Then when the scary palpitations happen I just take the Crataegus 10 drops and repeat if necessary after 15 minutes, I also take a tsp of honey, and it seems to work. The next episodes if they happen are shorter and milder.
I also noticed that if I drink a lot of water and I pass water too often then the episodes may recur. So, I drink a glass of tomato juice 100% to replace the potassium and I'm safe. Sometimes, I drik two glasses daily or eat beans with tomato paste concentrate. In 100g of tomato concentrate there is approx 1000 mg of potassium. I also eat dried peaches, figs, green beets etc. What is also good for the heart is to eat regularly pumpkin seeds which contain a lot of magnesium. Replacing table salt with Himalayan or Celtic salt is also a good idea as well as drinking up to 10 glasses of water daily.
(west hartford , ci)
I also drink Tonic Water around the cold/flu season to divert an oncoming cold.
(Scottsdale, Az, USA)
I have the same problem with palpitations at night. I will try the sourgum and mollasses.
I also wanted to mention that all the soy here in this country is genetically modified. In fact, Japanese parents who have kids here going to college send them soy from Japan. They will not allow them to have the soy grow here because of the way we grow it. It also is not supposed to be good for women. It supposedly causes breast tumors and other female related tumors. I would investigate that if I were thinking of eating more soy. When I went on the LA weight loss diet several years ago(their diet is very heavy on soy products,) I developed nodules on my thyroid. It causes man boobs to. Thanks for the info.
Back to the palpitations. When you wake up at night, with them, what do you take and how quickly does it work? I'm pretty weirded out when it happens and I've been taking xanax an additional O.O5 when it happens. I've been trying to get off the xanax.
After the first day of 2 Tbls Molasses, I sleep through the night with no problems. And this is such a relief as it really is extremely scarey to awaken to no heart beat, over and over and over.
I also had occasional heart palps before pregnancy and at 36 weeks I developed psvt and had to take metoprolol and I stopped taking it after the baby was born, but magnesium and potassium increase did not help, only the beta blockers. I am 4 weeks post partum and have not had an abnormally fast resting heart rate so far. Hopefully it stays that way. I have had some occasional palps again though.
Multiple Remedies
Dear Extex77,
I think it could be hormonal. If it is, Motherwort tincture may be the solution for you.
Motherwort is used for a variety of heart related issues. (To lower blood pressure, to help with fast heartbeat) and is also used to treat hormonal issues (post-partum depression, hot flashes, etc.)
Motherwort is sometimes combined with Hawthorne. Hawthorne berries are often used for heart problems. My husband has had success with it helping Ventricular Arrythmia. (He combined Hawthorne with Ginger and Cayenne.)
I would suggest a tincture or tea over capsules. A tincture would be easiest. You could follow the instructions on the bottle, or start with half and work up to the what the bottle recommends. Then see how you feel.
I am hopeful this would help you. Please let us know how it goes.
~Mama to Many~
(Los Angeles . California)
Multiple Remedies
Also when I start feeling my stomach funny I take a teaspoon with baking powder in a cup of water and works so good. Everybody is different wish we can have an answer that can fix everyone problems but I believe if you start study your own body and all reactions to what you eat everyday and take less problems will be an excellent solution.
Hope this can help someone!!! Take care and remember in every bad thing is always something positive!!!
(Brisbane, Qld Australia)
I havnt had a-fib (heart palpations) for about 6 months now after being hospitalized about 8 times. I stopped taking warfarin and blood thinners without my doctors consent and started eating healthy and taking supplements. I now can eat anything since leaving out the rat poison (warfarin) Let me tell you what I eat and what supplements I take. Breakfast consists of oat bran, oatmeal, flaxseed, mixed nuts, cocoa powder, black berries, turmeric powder, cinnamon powder, mixed with milk of your choice. Supplements include coq10, magnesium, chromium picolinate, resveratrol. I don't know what cured my A-fib but I will carry on with what I'm doing. I also have arthritis and diabetes. My arthritis has disappeared I no longer take cellebrex. My sugar levels are under control. I feel so good and healthy. I also believe Apple Cider Vinegar is good for heart palpations which I was taking but stopped, will start again. I wonder if anybody out there can recognize what has cured my palpations. I do know that the turmeric and cinnamon cured my arthritis. I've given up the idea about commiting suicide. Hope this helps someone, since I know how bad a-fib can be. Life's good now.
(Melbourne, Australia)
Brian, heart palpitations are listed as a magnesium deficiency so maybe it was the magnesium you are taking. The magnesium also will help with arthritis and even blood sugar levels as well. Magnesium also is good for depression.
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)
Hi Brian - I would guess that you have built up your health to the degree that the heart palps you were having just went away. Good on you!
If I were to guess on what was the most valuable to you for making it so I would guess it was the magnesium. Not to say it might not have been something entirely different, but I am a firm believer in Mg.
Also - I would look into taking 3mg of boron (good for bones and some arthritis) a day as well if I were you, and maybe something for added potassium. All these things along with D-3 work in unison. Google them if interested.
Glad you have found the answer to your issue, and that you feel like sticking around on this lovely planet for a while longer! ;-)
Best! ~ Carly
(Ridgecrest, Ca)
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)
Thank you for taking the time to share this Jessica!
It truly amazes me that doctors don't know to try magnesium on their heart palp patients.
I went in with the dreaded heart palps years ago and was put on the holter (spelling probably wrong there) monitor. More money in that than telling me to try a five dollar bottle of Mg I am willing to wager.
The "health" care system in this country is really just "dis-ease" management. Shove a pill at 'em and get 'em out the door asap. (my opinion).
Thank GOD for this website!
~Carly :-)
Multiple Remedies
(Cleveland, Ohio, USA)
This is in reply to Ron B. I have had problems with heart palpitations in the past, and had very good success with Peppermint tea. The tea is also very good for digestion and possibly the palpitations are linked to faulty digestion. You mentioned also that you suspect an overly acid system might cause this. I suffer from this also, and take DeSouza's Liquid Chlorophyll which helps a lot. Chlorophyll is great for alkalizing the body. Any brand would probably work, but I notice other brands have added ingredients besides the chlorophyll that I would rather not take. I cannot take ACV because I become too acid from it. You mentioned also that you take a lot of supplements. I would go off of everything and just try the peppermint tea, at least 2 cups a day. Also, 1 tablespoon of the chlorophyll in an 8 oz. glass of water once a day. Also, an excellent remedy for nerves is liquid Celery Seed Extract. You can put 12 or more drops of this in the peppermint tea if you feel that nerves are also linked to the palpitations. I suggest going off of everything you are taking now while trying the peppermint tea, liquid chlorophyll and liquid celery seed extract. Something you are taking might be causing the palpitations to be worse. Once you feel better, you can always introduce the supplements back slowly. I hope this helps you, Ron.
(Pekin, Illinois)
One thing about heart palpitations that was mentioned in the definition in the begining is that they can come from anti-depressants. I was on anti-anxiety pills and was not told by my doctor that they were addictive. They said take up to this many a day as needed for anxiety. I took them for about a week on a regular basis, and the when I was feeling fine I didn't take them. I ended up calling an ambulance that night because I thought I was having a heart attack at the age of 27. So by the time I got to the hospital my paliptations had stopped and they just said to take my medicine as prescribed. I looked more information up about my medicine and realized that the withdrawal symptoms of any drug that has benzodiazapines in them is heart palpitations and other. Because I took these for only a week I was addicted and had to take several months to withdrawal off of it slowly so I would not go through the palpitations again. The website with the withdrawal chart was in a manual written by a UK woman doctor. It is on a UK website.
I talked with my doctor telling them I wanted off and told them the steps I was taking. They were ok with it and just said that if I had problems to call and they could help. They also suggested getting on something else after I was done withdrawing from this one. To finally get off I actually had to be put on a different anti-anxiety pill because I could not take the week where I had to come off all the way. These drugs are very scary to me, but may be needed by some. If you have palpitations though see if you are on this type of drug first to see if it could be the cause of this issue. Unfortunately I didn't try any herbal remedies because I had not thought of it yet. I love this website and plan on using it for many things.
(Chicaco, Illinois)
I was on a benzo for over a year because of heart palpitations. The doc said I was stressed. I working in the heat (outside), I wasn't eating, and i dropped like 20 lbs in 2 weeks. But he gave me that dam pill instead. He told me I could take it when ever I wanted as much as i wanted.Well, because my job is very dangerous and you have to be a little more than alert with chicago driving, i decided that I could not take the whole pill untill i got home. 1mg...yup 1mg of clonazepam or colonapoison I and many others like to call it, It took me 4 1/2 months to tapper off of this drug which I had help from my online friends to do this. Docs are NOT educated on the withdrawal of these dangerous drugs and will try and have you off of them in a month which most of the time gaurantees a trip to the e.r. Those 4 1/2 months I felt like I was dying and then after my tapper 5 weeks later post acute withdrawal hit and I thought I lost my mind. Another 4 months of mind numbing torture. Please do not take the benzos or even anti depressants. The ANTIS, have simular problems. Google OR EVEN LOOK IT UP ON YOU TUBE...S.S.R.I. or BENZO WITHDRAWAL.
(Vancouver, Washington)
I apologize if this is a bit long. I would like to share with everyone who has or currently is experiencing (HP) and the alternative process that I undertook. It was December 8, 2008 when I first experienced HP. It felt as though my heart was going to go through my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack, but without the chest pain or numbness of my extremities. Thank God for that. It freaked me out so bad that I had my wife rush me to the ER. At the ER, they hooked me up to an EKG machine, then took X-Ray, and admitted for an overnight observation. In the morning, I underwent a treadmill stress test. All results were normal. So, I was prescribed Atenolol and Fleicanide. I went to ER more than 13 times from the plethora of side effects from these drugs. I experienced very low BP, blurred visions, internal burning and pain in my gut, which then radiated to my lower back and chest, and I was diagnosed with Barret's esophagus, which is a precursor to cancer. I believe the culprit was the Fleicanide. To combat the very low BP, my cardiologist replaced Atenolol with Deltiazim--that cause severe chest burning. It got so bad that I could hardly eat anything and I was burping and belching all day long. I had to be put on Xanax for anxiety and Valium for the pain. So what did I do?
Most of you have indicated that modern medicine doesn't help. I totally agree. In fact, it only makes thing worse with so many side effects and little benefit, IF any, which was my case. I even under went catheter ablation and thankfully, my cardiologist could not chemically induce the palpitation. So he couldn't burn and scare my heart. I understand that this process makes things worse. A friend of mine took me to her Naturopath doctor. He tested my lungs, heart, stomach and liver and wrote me a prescription to have my blood tested. There were 10 tests that he was looking for. I got the results and my regular doctor said everything was normal. I took a copy of that test results and gave it to my Naturopath. He highlighted 5 things that he found abnormal even though my regular doctor had indicated that they were normal. He immediately put me on 2 weeks nutritional program strictly of organic vegetables; no meats, no sugars, no bread of any sorts, and 8 sessions of colonic hydrotherapy to help speed up the detoxification process. Once the two weeks was completed he re-adjusted my nutritional program for another 4 weeks. He also put me on herbal and botanical supplements. I was on Devacor, Neprinol, Charcoal capsules, and a mixture that consisted of 15 different herbs, roots, flowers, etc. , all precisely weighed and mixed. I have also added OMEGA-3 Fish-oil, COQ10, pre and probiotics. I continue to drink ginger tea made from fresh root and in the process of being part-vegan, I have lost 35 pounds. I say part-vegan because I eat fish and turkey. If I do eat chicken, it must be cage free or organic. Throughout my HP ordeal, I have learned so much about alternative health style. Today, I am very healthy. I still get HP, but once in a blue moon, and briefly, as compared to what I experienced in the past. I continue to eat healthy and learn to appreciate vegetables like it was going out of style. Too much to write, but if anyone wants more information , you may contact me at my email address with the title "Heart Palpitation. " Thank you for reading.
(Somereset, U.k.)
Hi I also suffer these palpitations, no reason found. Medication made it worse. But I have noticed that whenever I am on supplements or medication they return. There must be a link here somewhere. I had not had any for a year, but doc. put me on antibiotic and steroids for a lung infection, said I would feel 100% better in morning. In the morning I was in hospital! With 125 heart rate beat! This knocked me out physically for days, I have no strength after these episodes. But then took supplement next day with plastic type capsules containers. Again palpitations. Needless to say I threw out the anti-biotics and steriods that the doctor said I must take as I was so ill. Guess what after I had recovered my strenth the lung infection went away within 24 hours. So I am now keeeping off medication again and also supplements, they have so many additives, etc. Anyone else care to comment?Thanks.
(Unioncity, Nj)
Hi im only 16, my palpitations occured about a month ago. Before then I noticed my heart rate went up, but about a month ago I had a really bad attack and had to be rushed to the hospital. My mom said my heart reached 143 beats pr minute. They say it was over stress over a boy but I think its more then that. They ran a cat-scan and they didnt find anything. They said I should just try to relax and not let anything stress me out. Iv tried to relax and its helped some but I have major migrains, idk whats going on or what to do. My family doesnt take it too serious since they think its caused from stress. Could someone give me some advice as to what could be wrong?
(Rabat, Morocco)
Heart palps can be scary, can't they? I get them often, too, and they used to really scare me. Since they checked you out pretty well, I wouldn't worry that it is anything serious. The anxiety they cause can make them worse, so try to just let them pass and don't focus too much on them. Do you take magnesium? Sometimes this can help. Have you had your electrolytes checked? It could be that you have a deficiency in that area. At your age, it could be just your hormones as you get migraines.
(Drexel Hill, Pa)
(Gippsland, Australia)
It could be magnesium and or potassium deficiency. As you get migraines have a look into magnesium. I started getting migraines as a small child and the Dr told my mum that I was putting it on as young children don't get them. Well he was wrong! About 10 years ago I worked out it was lack of magnesium that caused mine. I have not needed a hospital visit for at least 9 yrs nor have I been to the Drs for an injection or prescription for them. I too start to get palpitations (although very mild), a couple of years ago, and yes was under a little extra stress. Since starting to do some alkalizing and taking some potassium and magnesium have not had any more. Maybe you could have a look at EC's page:
You are the person who knows your body best, if you feel it is not stress causing it then keep looking until you find what works for you. We are often told stress causes this and that but maybe it is closer to the truth that it aggravates things or it could be that it causes your body to use up certain nutrients thus leaving you with symptoms from a lack of the same nutrients. All the best in finding your answer and keep searching and asking till you do.
(Kc, Mo, Us)
Hi, a lil while back I was trying magnesium citrate which I had found in a lemon flavored powder at a gnc store. The first time I used it, it worked great for what I was using it for, the second time I used it that night I had heart palps got real light headed and it became difficult to breath. The symptoms stopped after but I was wondering why? A coworker of mine is a nurse and she had said that magnesium supplements can be hard on your heart if abused? But I had only taken the dosage it said a lil under in fact...
Oil Pulling
HOWEVER, I started OP (Oil Pulling) every morning on an empty stomach (1 teaspoon of either virgin olive oil or 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil) and since I've started, I've had no palpitations at all! It's amazing!
If you want to try this, please read up on it (on this website) first.
EC: More about oil pulling: