Vaginal warts and acv
i just want to inform all young women of the internal anatomy of the inside of the vagina.....the first few inches should feel rough or lumpy....this is because the vagina stretches. so if you are freaking out about this stop.....go do a doctor and get it inspected first....pass on the harsh acv treatments that could be hurting you internally. i too thought i had tons of warts inside of me when i was normal. i did some research and found out the the vagina has folds in it that appear to feel rough.
hope this helps you young girls calm down a bit.
Hello 25yr old Male from Califorina USA - I have been on this site for quite sometime now, and I was debating whether or not try the above recommendation given. I've been suffering with Anal Gential warts for a few months now. I already went to the dr once and had it removed. Most embarrassing moment ever!! Never will do it again. So I decied to try this. Now i'm not a huge pill type of guy. But I have decided to try this and see what happens. So today I went out and bought everything.
Started with:
-Vitamin C Pills (Chewable kind)
-Garlic Oil Pill (Natural one, not the ordoless)
-Fish Oil Pill
-Apple Cider Vinegar Organic
-Castorl Oil
-Tea Tree Oil
-Hydro peroxide
-Cotton balls
I want to get rid of this virus as soon as I can. So I will be updating you daily, if not weekly how my progress has been going.
Day 1: Just took Vitamin C, Garlic, and fish oil pills. Cleaned the anus area with Hydroperoxide, rubbed ACV, then Tree Tea Oil, and then castrol oil.
Going to try this twice a day. Morning and Night. Will let you know the results!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil, Supplements
So...Let me begin with this. Ive always been one of those people thats incredibly fearful of disease and i have always taken precautions and used protection. I havent had a lot of partners either. And ive read of people saying on different forums they have only been with 2 people and have found these little buggers! Anyway i digress. Back in Dec i felt some odd little bumps around the top of the outside of my vaginal lips. I freaked out. At first i just assumed well it could be an ingrown hair! So i got mirror and looked at it. There it was peering back at me. Something that looked like it could possibly be a wart. I needless to say freaked out went online and looked up pictures. It was hard to find anything that wasnt incredibly severe. So i called up the clinics. Nowhere had an appt avalible until APRIL!!! Some even later than that like in may. So i took it upon myself to seek out something online. I found this site.
I went out and bought some ACV and tea tree oil. Along with a bottle of vitamin c.
I did the vinegar test and the only one that popped up was the one that i had seen. I treated it for 2 days. It just turned grey and came off in the shower. I was excited and in the clear. Or so i thought....
About a week and a half ago. I was feeling around and i noticed it was back. And it came with friends. About 4 of them that were raised and flat all in a row next to each other in the same area. I took it as maybe some chaffing actually at first and used A&D. No change. So my fear was realized it was again a wart plus some.
So i pulled out the ACV again and i did the test. AND MY GOD! There had to have been 100s all along my lips that i didnt even know where there! They all turned white.
So i did more research online and went and got some more herbal suppliments as well.
I got a bottle of olive leaf extract, garlic tablets and i got some just over all womens once daily suppliments.
I started the acv treatment again yesterday. It stung like hell for about 20 minutes but i knew i had to tough it out. I kept it on for about 2 hours. And for me the placement of them makes things difficult as i cant really tape the cotton balls down. They arent anywhere near my clitoris which i guess is great. As i said just on the lining of the inner lips more or less. So ive been taking toilet paper (not alot) And covering my clitoris with it. But using enough to where i can put the cotton balls soaked with acv around it and the wad of toilet paper helps keep them in place. Anyway after the first 2 hours i took it off for about maybe one and then did it all over again for probably another 2 1/2 hours. So in total about 4 1/2 hours.
I examined myself again after the second treatment yesterday and some of them where already turning grey. I was rather excited. I cleaned everything off with peroxide and applied some tea tree oil.
I just finished a shower. And while cleaninging myself off i think i scrubbed a little too hard as some areas that i had been treating were a little raw i noticed when i was applying my treatment. This time it BURNED and stung like hell when i first put it all on so much to the point where i was actually shaking in pain. Really i felt like ripping everything off but when i thought of how some of the spots were already grey i felt i had come to far and could NOT back down now. So i endured. It took longer today for the stinging to subside. And it has mostly now its a rather dull sting thats bearable. But ive had it on for about an hour and a half so far today. Depending on how it turns out today and by the amount of stinging i endured upon first applying. I might take a break tomorrow. But if i see alot of progress im going to grit my teeth and bear it again tomorrow before taking a break from it. Or either just treat the areas that are more visable as opposed to the ones that arent.
Ill post back with an update soon. Wish me luck!
Genital Wart Advice
While I'm thankful for this apple cider vinegar at-home treatment (while looking up common warts) and seeing that there are some success rates with it in the comfort of your own home, I hope anyone reading these posts sees a doctor, especially females and regardless if the warts were removed or not via this method. I also hope those of you seeing all of these make sure to get the facts on the GW/HPV virus.
I've had GW/HPV (human papilloma virus) since I was 15, and am now well into my 30s. I understand you all are embarrassed to see a doctor about this, but trust me...they've seen it a bazillion times before, as millions of people have it or have had it, many without even being aware of it.
FACT: Removal of the wart does not cure you of the virus. There is no cure! Can it go away? Studies now show that body may be able to cure it on its own, but only time and proper testing (PAPs for women) can tell.
FACT: Just because the wart is not present, does not mean you do not have the virus still and aren't likely spreading it to your partner(s), and they, in turn, aren't spreading it back to you and whomever else they end up with. Be responsible and tell your partners.
FACT: Just because a wart is removed or goes away on its own, which it can, does not mean that it won't come back. Chances are it will.
FACT: There are several types/strands of HPV--some that cause GW, but also ones that can cause cervical cancer. You may even have more than one strand that you aren't aware of, which may not even effect you (guys) but your partner. Again, be responsible with yourself and your partners. Wear a condom, though this is not a straight way to prevent from spreading the virus, but helps and you can help prevent reoccurring outbreaks.Is it embarrassing to tell people? Yes, but they will respect you for it and I've not had any problems over it.
FACT: Anyone can carry the HPV virus and, again, not show signs ever of even having it or, as some have claimed before more outbreaks, thinking they have a blemish or ingrown hair. Some men, for instance, may never show signs of having it and there are no tests for men to see if they have it, short of out breaks.
FACT: GW/HPV can lie dormant for years and show signs later on. Always be safe.
FACT: Embarrassed? You're not alone! More than 50% of sexually-active people carry this virus/infection, and it is the most commonly transmitted virus in the United States.
I hate to nag, but I really think people need to do their research and not just rely on home remedies and ignorance, as this is what causes the billions of outbreaks out there of the HPV virus to the point where it's at. Yes, billions. This is your health, your body, take care of it and know what you're dealing with, as well as those around you.
I've been learning on this site for almost two years now but have never been able to contribute anything until now. I am so elated to tell people that they can treat their warts at home, very inexpensively, fairly quickly, and almost painlessly.
The salt crystal that people use as a natural deodarant cured my hpv. I wet it and rubbed it on my warts, the same way I do when I use as a deodorant, just to be sure I would rub a little longer for warts. The warts were located outside of my vagina, and inside of my vagina but even if inside if they were visible and I could reach them with the salt i rubbed them with the salt. It did cause minor irritation and burning but it was nothing compared to the ACV and Oregano oil, and much faster than the castor oil treatment.
If the warts are in an area that's stays moist try and keep the area as dry as possible to avoid diluting the salt. If the warts seem to be stuborn or extremely large try pricking it with a toothpick, or rubbing it to irritate the skin.
I hope that this remedy works as well for others as it has for me.
Genital Wart Advice
Reading some previous posts, I would like to give some friendly advice. I work in the medical field so I have spoken to a few doctors about the HPV & many are suprised that ACV worked! But I also had many questions answered too! Just so I could be clear on how to deal with genital warts.
So, here goes:
1.) You CAN NOT spread the warts to other areas of your body. If it is the genital strain, its stays there. You also can not usually spread to your mouth as that is yet another strain of HPV. So, for those people worring about that, relax! I see that many people put the ACV on their mouths & were freaked that they saw little white bumps, but be aware, as when they test you using vinegar, even a regular bump can turn white. Also, the small pores around & right inside your mouth are sensitive, they will react to the vinegar, so don't automatically assume you have warts there. Get checked!
2.) Many people say they treated the warts without seeing a doctor. Please get checked. Yes, it is an embarassment. But some of the strains cause cancer. Not just in women, with cervical cancer. But men can also get rectal cancer. So, for your own safety, see a doctor. Just remember, that just because, there are no warts, does not mean there is nothing else going on with your body.
3.) Shaving will NOT spread the warts unless you cut yourself, so just shave carefully & you will be fine. Also, even if you do cut your self or get razor burn, cleance the area & keep using the Tea Tree oil after shaving. This will kill any germs, stop infection & any new spread of warts.
4.) For those people freaking out & using lysol on their pants. Going to extreme measures to kill anything that might be on them or their clothes. CALM DOWN, the stress and worry is not helping. Yes, be hygienic, be clean, but don't crazy trying to kill what isn't even there. Regular washing of clothes, bedding & whatnot is good enough to kill germs.
5.) Also, SHOWER SOAPS & GELS, DO NOT SPREAD WARTS. Don't believe averything that you read. This was one of the questions I had about the warts. And 3 different doctors from my work, confirmed that it is NOT TRUE. The spead from cuts & spread of the virus that causes it. Another reason you should speak to your doctor, have all your questions ready & ask! Get the right information.
I was just wanted to bring those points up so that maybe some others can relieve a little of their stress dealing with HPV. I would also say that if ACV doesn't work right away, don't give up! Give it time & soon you could be wart free & on the way to recovery. I wish you all the best.
EC: Thank you for clarifying. We removed the post with misinformation.
First of all I would like to say that this site is a good site and was helpful to me. There are 2 problems that I have with some of the posts here. 1) Most people who post here do so after their warts start to turn black and claim success. Few posts are from people who follow up with a new post months or a year later. My experience was that there are more warts than you initially think there are and you end up doing multiple treatments that can actually last a year or more. 18 months ago I thought I had 4 or 5 warts and it turned out to be 50 or more. Some came back, some grew new, some were not visible until I put ACV on them. I had to do 7 treatments in 18 months and now feel wart free so this does work. It is also a good idea to do these treatments on a regular maintenance schedule. Every 3 months or so just do a quick 2 day treatment and you will kill any of the new warts before they get big. You may need to do this for life. These treatments are quick and easy. 2 days of ACV and 3-4 days to heal.
I also had 2 variations of warts(2 strains of HPV I guess). One responded quickly to ACV treatment. The other type would grow big when ACV was used and would not turn black before my skin was completely trashed. What I did was to use ACV and when the wart got big I then froze it with OTC wart freeze treatment. I then applied ACV with a Q-tip rather than beat up all of the skin and a few days later the wart head fell off but nothing turned black so I continued to use ACV and after a few more days the things cratered and turned black. This crater took 2 weeks before it healed but the wart. A couple of months later I used ACV to find a few more of these buggers and this time I didn't wait until the top fell off. I froze them then the next day put ACV on it and cleaned with alcohol and after it dried I took my finger nail and ripped the suckers off and immediately hit it with ACV. They turned black the next day. It still took 2 weeks for these to heal but I did knock one week off the total treatment. I learned this from a post on this site.
The second problem I have is with some of the advice. For instance, someone has posted that you can't spread warts by shaving as long as you don't bleed. This is ridiculous. Warts shed the virus through the skin. You can't tell me that they can be spread by simple contact with them but a razor going over them won't spread them unless you slice into the wart???? That advice is completely over the top and incorrect. It's not even logical. Unfortunately, if you shave you should stop until you have cleared up the warts. So, don't believe everything you read here but mostly the advice is good.
Lastly, if you think that you have a few warts in one area and want to just treat that area initially, forget it. Your first treatment should be as large of an area as you can stand to do. Not only will you save alot of time by avoiding additional treatments, but you will also understand the extent of your problem rather quickly.
For multiple treatments: when you do a treatment with ACV you will lose layer(s) of skin. You have to wait a period of time to heal before you do another treatment. I have repeated a treatment in the same area in as little as 6 weeks and didn't have a problem. I would recommend 8-10 weeks for a large treatment area.
I also added some of the internal treatments as recommended on this site. I am taking black elder berry and green tea extract and added vitamin C, E, potassium, folic acid and pantotheric acid to my regular multi-vitamin. No new warts have been found since I started the internal treatments.
I now believe that I can live with HPV. I will add that when you first figure out that you have warts it will be a psychologic roller coaster. You will think that your life is over. Don't take 18 months like I did to get this taken care of. Hit it hard and fast with everything you learned from this site. If I knew then what I know now this would have taken 3-4 months rather than 18 months to resolve. For those of you who do one treatment and you're done, good for you. I have a feeling though that your "yippee this worked for me" posts were a little premature and most people will not be so lucky. For your first treatment, plan on 7-10 days for full healing. Additional maintenance treatments, plan on 5-7 days.
Good luck!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic
I have bad stomach cramps too. I thought it was just me..I never had this either and it's my first time . I just started the apple cider vinegar thing now. I taped it on and I plan on keeping it on for 4hr but it's burning a little but I can make it through cause a lot of people says it works.
Banana Peel
Apply bananna peel to warts by taping it on for about a week or a week and a half and you wont beleive your eyes, the warts will shrink, then dry up and the last little bit will fall off, unbeleivable, i tapped a piece of bananna to my pubic area every day b4 goin to work and after a week no more warts, and they were fairly big, i am so happy they are gone. Hope this advice helps!
Also ate more popatoes with skins on and ate a bananna a day to increase my potassium intake to help fightt the warts.
EC: Read more about banana peels and warts here:
Magnetic Pulser
Again this isnt very natural but i insist it is worth while...
Back in the day i had a G/f with a bird. im allergic so i was getting lesions?.. i wonted is theres a mold or something associated with those animals.. anyhow, she had had Genital warts, I didnt know... i ended up with dyer skin on my Wang :) and resultingly i aquired a cauliflower kinda wart thing. Talking about feeling like totally helpless. I looked on the net for a solution and at that time didnt come across anything except a machine....
It was a magnetic pulser. prolly 300$ i thought well its that or my junk is gunna fall off. :) so rather quickly i got the machine and started an intense pulsing on my penis. probbaly 6 times a day for about 5 minutes. glad to say after 4 days it was going/gone. i kept it up for a while....
Nothings ever scared me that much. apprently the machine bring better circulation to the area and the magnetics kill alot of different things...
i bought an ozone generator and colloid silver generator because it that gizmo works the other should... the zilver thing is said to kill over 700 kinds of viruses, fungi, bacteria ect... 700 seems like alot but apparently its so cheap to manufacture that in the 50's they got away from from it cause theres was more money in antibiotics and not fixing the problem...
thanks and i hope my story helps anyone with a persistant problem...
Aspirin and Onion Juice for Genital Warts
This is a very good remedy that works in about 3 days. My GW was about the size of a lima bean but now its not there. It disappeared. Take the onions and blend the. Add a table spoon or so of salt to draw the juice out of the onion. Then let stay over night. Take an aspirin pill and grind it so it will be like powder. Apply the onion juice on the warts and and then apply the aspirin powder to the soaked wart so it will be paste like.
I'm sure like everyone else who first discovers genital warts i was confused! i always thought i was being so careful, but i guess somewhere along the line i wasn't. So i went straight on line to research my options, my are just inside my vagina and i noticed everyone explaining how they had used the doctor prescribed medicines with very little results, i needed something to work and take them away without the stress of returning visits to the doctors. I first tried the natural oils you can buy on line, and they don't work at all, not even reducing them just a little. I then came across this great web site, and people explaining the great results with garlic, i decided to go out straight away and buy some liquid tablets. I found in a health shop that you can buy liquid garlic which you can add to your drink twice a day. I thought it would work far faster that way. So only at the weekend i started taking 2 teaspoons of ordorless liquid garlic in to any drink once in the morning and once at night. Within 3 days i saw that they were reducing in size. I now have started to soak a cotton ball into the garlic liquid and placing onto the warts for 10 mins twice a day. I have seen a huge difference, i am going to continue to do this until they are cleared completely, i did buy a immune boost tablet just for good measure which i'm taking 3 times a day. If you are also suffering with genital warts i would really try this, its a cheap option and it is really working! i'll keep you posted.
Wanted to get back to you all. I was writing a huge posting just a minute ago, I don't know if it posted or if my computer erased it, but here is the info again.
For the last 2.5 months I've been taking garlic pills, the last 1.5 months, I've been using the liquid inside the softgels and applying it as a lotion plus taking the pills. I've seen great results using the cream, but for the month that I was only taking the pills, they did absoulutely nothing. About 2 weeks in to using the lotion I ran out of the pills I had been using (Sundown Odorless Garlic) and bought another, less potent brand. All of the reaction that had been going on in the area affected by GW stopped and started to heal. After it was pretty much healed up, I noticed that a lot of the warts were gone, and some were barely visible. I don't know if they are still warts, or if what I'm seeing are just little scars. Anyhow, thinking that the job wasn't done, I went and bought the Sundown brand, and started using it again for the last 2 weeks. The reaction hasn't been as dramatic as before, but, some of the skin is starting to flake off again, and it appears that the warts/scars(?) are getting smaller.
In my previous posting I mentioned that I was using ACV as a wash 2 times a day on the affected area. Two days after I wrote that, I had to stop doing it. The pain was almost unbearable. However, the wart I had been spot treating with a swab was gone. After about a week of healing, the skin was healed and no sign of the wart, except for some very light, minimal scarring.
Using my experience, this is what I recommend to you guys:
1. Take 3 Garlic Soft Gels (Sundown--73.5mg, if you can) twice a day for good measure, but I really don't think it's doing anything for you, but keeping your cholesterol levels low
2. Apply the gel from one soft gel to the affected area twice a day to stop and eliminate many small warts.
3. Spot treat larger warts with a ACV on a swab directly applied to the wart twice a day for 10 minutes each time.
One last thing, when the skin starts flaking off when you are using the garlic gel, it will be a little painful. On a scale of 1 to 10, the ACV I was doing hurt at about an 8; the garlic gel treatment, at about a 4 and only when I was washing in the shower.
This method is working for me, and I am seeing results. I hope this helps. Once again, good luck to all of you.
Hello everyone. I wanted to get back to you all in reference to my two previous entries into this web-site. Well after a year of trying multiple different organic cures for Genital Warts I gave up. I tried Garlic (useless)/Coconut Oil (useless)/Tea Tree Oil (useless)/ACV (effective-but not 100% for me). So, I broke down and went to see a dermatologist and there was some good news, some bad news. The majority of the "warts" I had weren't warts in the first place, they were something called "Pearly Penile Papules". Harmless, non-contagious growths. However, there was one genital wart. He froze it with liquid nitrogen, and said that in a couple of weeks it will probably be gone. Now, I ask you, was a years worth of torturing myself with different medications, thinking I had a more severe case of warts than what was actually the case worth it? No. I could have been done with this 1 year ago, instead my life was stilted for that whole year. Go see a dermatologist and he will take care of the problem, and tell you what it is you have. Looking at pictures on the web, and trying to figure out what you have will leave you like me-wasting a lot of time, frustrated and depressed. The procedure was relatively painless and quick. Save yourself the heartache and go see a doctor. Nothing to be embarassed about, as some statistics say that 50% of the population has genital warts at least once in their life. Doctor's respect your privacy, and will get you taken care of as quickly as possible. Good luck everyone. I hope that my story helps/convinces some of you to go see your doctor/dermatologist. Take Care!
Garlic, Red Wine Vinegar
I would like to give an update on the garlic and red wine vinegar treatment for genital warts. Shortly after posting, all the warts were completely gone by the end of 2 weeks. I have also gone to my gyn for a follow up and i was told that my pap smear was normal and that I did not have HPV anymore. I was advised to make sure I get an exam every 6 month. I also shared with my gyn how I used natural remedies to get the warts off and she was impressed!
BC Powder, Banana Peel, Tea Tree Oil
Let me tell u what really works. I used a BC powder, banana peel, tea tree oil, guaze pads, neosporin & medical tape... I took a cotton ball saturated the banana peel with the tea tree oil, then put the entire pack of bc powder in it... I taped it to the warts before bed left on over night (only do this once)... it will sting & even burn a bit... not to bad though . When u wake it will be a gray or white ... possibly even swollen... don't be alarmed. I almost freaked out myself but stay calm you'll thank me tomorrow. Take baths instead of showers soaking in warm to hot warm gets it off faster ... I went to wipe myself the next morning the warts were in my hand... it was like a chemical peel. I had lots of tiny warts.. once it all peels off apply neosporin as a skin protectant or Vaseline. You're welcome.
Multiple Remedies
Mix equal parts organic coconut oil with organic oil of oregano. Mix well with q tip, dab on wart, leave on 20 min. Slight burn sensation, do twice a day. To speed things up a little, add one drop full strength dmso. Burns more but tolerable. Vitamin A 10,000 iu once a day. Warts will be gone in 3 weeks. Vitamin A should continue for 90 days. Wish you all well.
My daughter of 22 years old was diagnosed with HPV strains 16 and 31 (after DNA analysis - HPV). It has no visible lesions of the cervix but Pap test occurred changes in the cells (ASCUS and AGUS). The doctor prescribed a very good treatment with Cervugid Ovules. We repeated Pap in February, after treatment and all analyzes were good. I hope other patients to get better after this treatment.
Alternative to ACV much easier and less painful.
I am lucky in that I have only had the odd isolated wart appear. ACV did not work for me! From the other posts on here obviously many have had success with this remedy but for me it just inflamed the whole area and turned the wart into an open sore that healed back to a wart. Fortunately I found a remedy on this site for treating cold sores which has worked beautifully for genital warts as well.
First put some ice in a plastic bag and hold it against the wart(s) for about 15-20 minutes. Virus's don't like cold apparently.
Next take a gob of toothpaste, sprinkle some alum powder (available in the spice section of the supermarket) and mix with a q-tip. Plaster the wart (s) with this paste.
After doing this for a couple of days the wart(s) should dry into scabs at which point I apply some vitamin E oil to speed healing. Hope this works as well for you.
If it's simply itchy, it's very hard to say if it's GW or not. ACV will indeed burn whether or not you have warts (the acid will burn the top layer of skin off with frequent exposure to the vinegar), so I think you're safe. HPV can be very difficult to detect with standard STD tests, but one way to find out if you do have GWs is to apply the ACV with a cotton ball (with or without an adhesive to keep it in place) and leave it on for about 30 minutes to an hour. When you remove the cotton ball, check any skin that was in contact with the ACV for any whiteness. A white tint to your skin can be indicative of unseen, underdeveloped GWs. Even if you do see white, just continue with an ACV treatment method (basically the same process described above) for a few days, or until you no longer see white spots. ACV genuinely works with this, you just need to be diligent with your ACV application (change out the cotton ball every hour-hour and a half consecutively), and be sure to clean the affected area after each application, preferably with a shower followed by a healthy dose of hydrogen peroxide to the affected area before reapplication of ACV. You can also take vitamins and drink some of the ACV before bed each night, although I honestly didn't do these things and still had very positive results, it definitely wouldn't hurt. Hope this helps :)
How to Tell a Partner
Hi everyone firstly I think its great that people are so open and willing to share their stories about this issue. I know that when I first found out a month ago I freaked out to the point of seriously considering suicide but then I somehow stumbled across this site and it made me feel so much better especially when I tried the remedies and they worked. One thing that no one has shared yet is how to tell a current/future partner about genital warts I am really embarrassed and am unsure how to bring up the conversation any advice? Thanks.