I was diagnosed with genital warts in the anal area about 3 months ago. I know I had had intense itching for a couple of years but I did not know what it was, until about one year ago I saw a small growth between the buttocks, and over the months it grew and I had it diagnosed in a clinic. Initial treatment was cryogenic. The first two visits (one week apart) removed them completely (two warts). But they started to grow back again after about a month. So they treated them again and they were gone. That was about a month ago. However, last week I had severe itching in the anal opening, and I was horrified to see several small warts. I went to the doctor and she said I needed to see a different doctor with adequate tools for that location. I found this website yesterday, and I started a treatment suggested here by other readers:
First, I did a 6% Apple Cidar Vinegar (ACV) test: I smeared the anal area with ACV for about 10 minutes using a soaked Q-tiped, making the warts clearly visible (they turned whitish). I counted 10 of them (ten !!!! ).
I went to the store and bought garlic soft gel pills, vitamin C, vitamin E. Am taking one multivitamin daily, plus one of C, and E. Also 3 garlic pills in the morning and 3 at night. I am also drinking 2 spoons of ACV in a glass of water, 4 times a day. I am applying the content of a garlic gell pill directly on the affected area during the day and at night I left a small slice of garlic on the warts. It burned for the first 5 minutes, but then it was ok. I noticed that the intense itching was about 98% gone immediately and hasn't returned. Relief !!
Daily I am also applying full strength (6%) of ACV on the warts, twice a day for about 10 minutes. It burns but it is tolerable, especially because I really, really want to get rid of these disgusting things. I will post an update weekly with my progress. I hope my case will also help others. So far the only progress I can report is that I got relief from the itching. Almost completely gone.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic
so i'm into my 3rd week of ACV application and am seeing change...finally! i have had HPV for the last 3 years and as i mentioned in my previous post i have tried everything. for the last 3 weeks i've been taking 4-8 garlic pills daily along with my ACV. i'm not sure the garlic pills are doing anything. my warts are small and fine (chicken skin-like), very' stubborn. what i have noticed is they're turning white and peeling off like an onion...layer by layer. i'm going to try the Job's tears and report back in a couple weeks time. although i still have the warts and none have officially vanished i can see the ACV fighting. in week 1 i would soak a cotton pad of ACV on the wart for 10mins. i'm in week 3 and and bumped that up to 30mins. i feel a burn but it's tolerable and it tells me it's working. my case seems to be different than others as it's not 1 big wart. its clusters of small ones and i hate them! i can't wait till they're gone. thanks EARTH CLINIC! who have definitely opened my eyes to alternative treatment.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe, Cayenne, Garlic, Vegan Diet
Apple cider works, I got rid of 2 flat skin colored warts with it and rubbed Vitamin E oil on them, they dissapeared after about 2 weeks.. I got really depressed and they came back and worse.. I got like 5 of them, I started rubbing a banana peel on each of them 3-4x a day and then today I rubbed ACV on with a cutip on each wart individually, and the ACV literally turned the wart white and rubbed it off, started bleeding so I applie vitamin E oil immediately with some aloe vera. Hopefully it stays away this time, im taking 3000mg of Vitamin C and 100mg of zinc with 8 garlic pills a day, so hopefully I can conquer this virus and not have to deal with it anymore. Im a firm believer in Zinc for immune system. I usually take 50mg a day, but im gonna do 100 for the next month and see what happens. However the warts did rub off! The skin aroun was unnaffected, I believe the banana peel started softening the wart skin adn the Apple Cider Vinegar just rubbed it off, I hope the vit e prevents spreading.
Garlic, Job's Tears, Tea Tree Oil, Diet
For the Non-Oriental Reader,
please note, Job's Tears is Chinese Barley. Please do not confuse this with Barley grown in the west.
To ensure that you bought the right item,
these are its several names, Yi(4) Ren(2), Job's Tears, Coix lacryma-jobi, Coixseed, Adlay, Hatomugi or Adlai.
Please note, if you managed to buy it in its original form, (from the Chinese herbal shops or any other TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine shops) it is in the form of hard White Beans.
You need to boil it in water for an hour and drink the solution. You do not need to eat the leftover solute barley, drinking the solvent barley water is good enough.
Just for extra precaution, I am drinking the water and eating the boiled seeds.
The Job's Tears is a home remedy used by Chinese for 2000 yrs for warts treatments.
I am currently undergoing a cocktail of 3 Raw Garlic (mini) Cloves a day, (If you are eating it raw, pls mix it with food, or else it would burn your tongue). And I am drinking the Job's Tears boiled solution as often as I can. In addition, for topical application, I am using 100% Tea Tree Oil on the warts.
Please note, this is the 7th day since my first liquid nitrogen wart treatment. After the nitrogen treatment, I was very frightened as I saw new warts growth from areas on my penis. I did not do a visual inspection for the next 2-3 days. After my dosage of garlic (Raw cloves, orally taken) the warts growth has retarded into white sore spots. Through my reading, genital warts is a condition due to viral infection, as the Chinese TCM beliefs, it is important to treat the illness at its root, and thus, I believe from the above experiment (sadly on my own body, but I do not intend to have kids anymore nor sex as I am reluctant to inflict the girl I love with my dieases) it is more important to have a diet change to ensure that one has an input of food that have Anti-Viral Properties. The input of diet would ensure that the wart at its 'root' beneath the skin would be controlled, since it may / may not be eliminated totally.
in summary, I am undergoing a cocktail of
3 Mini Raw Garlic Cloves
2 500ml (Pint) of Job's Tears solution (You may want to add sugar for it to be sweet)
3 Topical Applications of 1-2 Drops of 100% Tea Tree Oil on the Wart.
(Upon application of the Tea Tree Oil, I try to allow the oil to dry before dropping another drop)
NOTE: Job's Tears can be obtained Cheaply at the Chinese Herbal Stores.
If you really can't find any near your area, try www DOT euyansang DOT com
Garlic - Supermarket? I opt for raw garlic as I think that the pills / tablet forms would not be as effective.
For 100% Tea Tree Oil, please go to your local pharmacy. NOTE: I am using the 100% pure, not diluted with water type for TEA TREE OIL, it's more expensive, but at least it's natural and more potent compared to the water diluted counterpart.
I hope this helps.
Garlic, Job's Tears, Tea Tree Oil, Diet
To the despaired reader, I am very shame and regretful that I have contracted Genital Warts of which I am not sure which of the 2 girls I had sexual relationship with had the HPV virus. I went through the Liquid Nitrogen treatment which to me was painful as my threshold of pain in very low. I also feel very regretful as I do not know if I can lead an honest healthy life again whereby my future gf would accept me as I am. I tried the Garlic remedy for a period of less than 5 days. I had been eating raw garlic cloves placed in sandwiches and I have also had the Job's Tears which I believe is simply Barley (to the chinese), and I am amazed to see that the genetal warts are gone. I believe I still have the virus but the growth has disappeared. Thank you, Earth Clinic for this info which is where I found the info, I promise in return to return to the society in other ways. Thank you EC and God. Regards
I tried the home remedies too but I stopped when I noticed a stinging sensation from the apple cider vinegar remedy. I have a pain tolerance of a little girl (LOL) so I looked for something else that is painless. After researching online, I settled on trying Wartscide. So far, so good! It says to wait for about two days for the warts to blacken and then fall off. Mine are getting there... only a matter of time before they fall off.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic
Hi Viktor, Saw your post on the above and have started to act on it today. Keep me posted on your progress. I have had mine for some 7 months now. Only redeeming feature is that so far it has not spread much and i limited to the foreskin beginning ( am not circumsized). One doc i know said it would be best if I circumsize but i have decided to give this a go. Thanks.
Incense Stick Burning Method!
i started with garlic on one of about 6 small genital warts around the penis shaft,after a couple of days it started to go black.A few more days not much change. I decided something more radical was needed! i took a lit joss/incense stick blew the ash away then gently tapped it several times on the surface of the warts (it doesn't hurt as much as you might think) next day woke up with a small blister with a black dot in the centre (the wart). Next day i took a piece of tissue and pinched the blister puling it and the wart away as one! now i was left with a small raw red patch which i applied tea tree oil to untill it had completly healed about a week.This was about a month ago i appear to be wart free but continue with application daily of coconut oil mixed with tea tree. My theory is too give the wart a good beating to start with then apply treatment! hope this helps people with this very embarrasing virus.
Job's Tears
After reading the genital warts cures page, I tried the garlic remedy. I took 3 or 4 capsules twice a day, but after 2 weeks it didn't seem to be doing much. I searched on the internet and found a remedy they use for warts in Japan, a plant extract called hatomugi. It's also known as Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi), Coixseed, adlay, or adlai. The herb is readily available here, as it's said to help clear and whiten skin. It comes in a powder form, pre-packaged in individual doses, but they also have tea, and bags of the dried herb at Chinese medicine shops. Within two days of taking it, any small warts had disappeared completely. The larger ones have been shrinking gradually. I've been taking it for a month now and am almost totally healed!
I tried this and it works. I believe this is the cure for HPV, everyone is looking for. It kills it from the inside and is a chinese barley. Also known as Yi Yi Ren. Get it from your acupuncturists. They may not sell this to consumers, as its considered an Herb in the USA.
I would also eat 3 raw cloves of garlic 3x a week as well. Don't eat too much otherwise -- it will give you a headache.
Job's Tears
How much are the JOB TEARS and where could i find them?
Job's Tears
Where can I find job's tears? I amlookjng and no one seems to have it.
Job's Tears
How can I get this job tears, am in Nigeria. Can it be shipped down to us here. Pls I need reply. Thanks
Coconut Oil
Okay so two to 3 weeks, while taking 6 pills of liquid garlic they were gone??! :) then after that did you take 2-3 pills a day or is that more weeks?
Wart Remover Medication
I'have a somewhat painful, but seemed to be a very good way to reduce my outbreaks. wart remover for genital herpes. im a bit quirky on my ideas alot, but for me this worked well. i have no medical training whatsoever, but i often wonder about things. i remember having normal warts on my hands and wrist. i remember that the wart remover never seemed to work till it had eaten or burned its way through the wart to somewhat of a raw skin, most cases just slightly bloody, just like a small cut that burns with rubbing alcohol, not meaning in anyway that it was severe bleeding. i got genital herpes in my early 20's. i was getting an outbreak about once a month, give or a take a week or so. nothing doctor gave helped. so after learning a bit about all viruses, i was shocked to learn we have never cured a virus ever. we have slowed and controlled viruses, and nearly wiped them out with imunizations, but never actually cured any. i came up with this thought, lots of imunizations involve using dead virus cells. i also wondered why outbreaks were happening only at certain spots not others. i thought maybe when wart removers work for me only at the point where it burns down to raw skin, it may be that at that point, the wart remover kills a few of the viruses, then maybe those enter the blood stream almost like a immunization shot, and the body can then develop the proper defense.i thought this because one year, i had a large amount of warts on my wrist, i was a cashier at the time, so i could not have nasty lookin warts or white medicine showing on my hands and freaking out customers, so under my long sleeve shirt where there were ever more warts, i really laid on the wart remover thick. once i killed a few under my shirt sleeve, the ones on my hand just disappeared on their own,so i thought then that killing the other warts helped build defense against the warts on my hand. also i wondered about the skin texture, like why was the out break of herpes only at certain spots and not others, and could the mild chemical burn create a thicker skin sorta like scar tissue, and would this thicker skin be less likely to have outbreaks. so off i went, putting the leading brand of wart remover on my outbreak area. it was very very painful, had to bite on a rag. A month or so later, i got an outbreak, i was upset it didn't work, but then i noticed something very remarkable. the area with the new out break was different than the previous. so i tried it again, and sure enough, the next out break was in yet another spot on the skin. i never documented this, it was too embarrassing to do so for me, but, after a few months, i stopped getting outbreaks as often, and every new outbreak i did get was in a new area, never ever in an area that i had applied the wart remover. after a year or so, i reduced the outbreaks, and the size and area of the out breaks. that was about 15 years ago or so, and i now get outbreaks approx once a year, as opposed to once a month.and the out break is now never more than the size of a bb, and is easily taken care of in a couple of doses of valtrex and gone in 48 hours or less.