Genital Warts
Natural Remedies

Top Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Posted by Carraatje (Groningen, Holland) on 04/18/2014

Editor's Choice Hi there. In order to find a treatment to get rid of my genital warts I ended up here. In Holland we don't have a site like this and I found lots of information and tried some of the treatments I've found here. But when I was looking on other sites I've found a few items that told about Carrageenan as an inhibitor of the HPV, HIV and Herpes virus. I found some carrageen powder on a dutch website and decided to try it. Within 2 days after making a paste from some hot water and a teaspoon of the powder and putting it on my genitals the warts were gone. I've told this to a couple of people on a dutch forum and they all tried the carrageenan/water paste. The results are good with them too. The warts (small ones are gone in 2 days...bigger ones in 5 days) just disappear. Carrageenan is used in a lubricant (bioglide) to keep the virus from spreading but it can be used as a treatment too. Maybe one of you would like to try this too? It's cheap, doesn't burn your private parts and as far as I 've found out it works. Good luck. I hope my english is good enough for you to understand. (My english is better than your dutch probably. ;) )

ACV, Vit E, Oregano, Olive Leaf and Tea Tree Oils
Posted by Gaokeefe (St Paul, Mn) on 02/23/2014

I noticed your post and it is from quite some time ago. So, I doubt I will see a response from you. But I am curious how this ever ended. This is one of the treatments I was looking at also. My ex-husband swore by Vit E for warts he had on his hands as a teenager; which I realize are quite different than the GW....I had my GW frozen on this past Friday and they are quite white and sore. So, I bought Vit E today and put it on it. I can't believe how soothing it was! And if it works at all like it did for my ex husband, I will be a happy camper!

Diagnosing Genital Warts
Posted by Thankfulwife (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/30/2014

Could this be HPV Genital Warts? I have been married & faithful for 12 years & so has my husband. About 6 years ago I noticed one small brown flat growth in my pubic hair region. It stayed the same with no more growth or spreading for 2 years. Then about 4 years ago it seemed that there were more and more of these tiny, rough, brown, flat wart-looking spots spreading across my pubic hair area. They aren't anywhere else, only where the hair grows. My husband doesn't have any of these on his body. Could this be warts caused by a strain of HPV & is it contagious? If so, why hasn't he been contaminated? It's been 12 years since I was with anyone other than my husband who seems to be unaffected. Also, I've had 4 babies and many blood tests & pap smears with nothing turning up. So, will applying Apple Cider Vinegar repeatedly via taped on cotton pads eventually cause the warts to die and go away? And if the warts go away is the virus gone & no longer contagious? Thank you.

Genital Wart Advice
Posted by Ohioboy (Cincinnati, Oh) on 12/16/2013

Okay, since it's been awhile since someone did a day-by-day breakdown of their self-treatment, I thought I'd do one.

The symptoms: Genitals warts on the shaft and underside of my scrotum.

Previous treatment: I did Aldara for a few months with zero success. Oh, but I lost a lot of money doing it, so I have that going for me.

Day 1: I used straight-up ACV on a cotton ball on my shaft, and used medical tape to secure it on the wart "garden". Lots of burning followed, but it subsided eventually while I slept. More little warts appeared.

Day 2: Reapplied ACV on a cotton ball on the shaft. More burning, more dealing with it. Applied on my scrotum this time. Removing the tape is more painful than the burning, actually.

Day 3: Removed the tape after the second night and had a lot of blackened warts. Lots of sensitive skin, too. Decided to give the shaft the day off and focused on my scrotum. Hard to tape there, but I got it on. No real change there yet.

Day 4: Shaft is still very sore, so I've moved onto the ACV-asprin-Vitamin E mixture. Didn't feel any burning on my shaft, but some on my scrotum. Will sleep with this applied and see how it is in the morning.

Genital Wart Advice
Posted by Jessica (Australia) on 11/29/2013

Hi, I have had genital warts last year June 2012.

I have tried the apple cider vinegar for a month bck in 2012 but not lucky with the genital warts as they came bck after 2 peeled off my skin and also burned that healthy skin. I had great discomfort I could not walk very the putting it in a cotton ball inside ur vagina is outrages idea as it burns the soft tissue and cause bleeding..

Than I tried another method which was a success:

1. Buy 200mg Tagamet from over counter pharmacy/ take 3 times a day.

2. Drink Green Tea as it will help in shrinking the wart size at least 3/4 cups a day without sugar.

3. Take L-Lysine to soothe the skin to its natural colour. I used because docter burned and turned the skin black.

4. Take 2 muiti vitamin tablets.

I ate this for 4 months and it all cleared and never came bck. it has been 6 months wart free.




Thanks hope this helps.

Vitamin C, DMSO
Posted by Tim Up (La) on 10/29/2013

This is good remedy for genital and all other kinds of warts and face wrinkles too :)

Put quarter cup, half deciliter of clean non tap water (you don't want fluoride or other poisons) I use rain water, into a glass cup. Add one tee spoon of vitamin C crystals or powder into it. You can find vitamin C powder in vitamin store. And then add 10-20 drops of DMSO. Store in fridge, and make it in small patches.

Then apply it to warts 2-3 times a day. This solution will stain your underwear and can turn palms of your hands and finger nails yellow if they get in contact with it. But if you use your fingers to apply it, just wash your hands afterwards. I use this on my face too. For some reason it doesn't stain face. But it can stain pillow cases and clothing. But it comes off in the wash. I use small, cigarette size roll-on. It is handy. You can use small perfume bottle or dropper.

I think it is the vitamin C that gets rid of warts, but DMSO helps with absorption. This could also work without DMSO. I always use DMSO with it.

Posted by Lorah (General Santos City, Philippines) on 10/22/2013

I noticed there are growing bumps in my genitals, and search thru internet what would be this bumps. as I have seen, the bumps in my genitals are similar to genital warts. im so stressed and worried about this and felt scared and shy to go for a check.

After searching in the net about the home remedies for the said warts, I have and give it a try to follow the procedures, buy applying a vitamin e rich oil and spreaded chopped garlic. it gives me too much burning sensation.

Is this remedy effective? and taking a 2 capsules of garlic oil may help to boost my immune against genital warts?

Please help and let me know what should be the best movement I will take and best home remedy I may try.

Thank you so much.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cher (East Coast) on 08/18/2013

For genital warts, I used the coconut oil, no pain and they were gone or greatly reduced in a week. I took 2 tbs of coconut oil a day by mouth, it was 6 months later that at the first sign of reoccurance I used it topically.

Posted by Roberta (Tampa, Fl) on 08/04/2013

There is one technique that I discovered many many years ago as my mom and sisters were using it for their cold sores and I had warts on my hands and feet - so I started using it.... The supplement L-lysine and it got rid of the warts. Years later I contacted genital warts and had some mutilating surgery which was extremely painful and about the time the surgery was healing more popped up. I was devastated and remembered the lysine. I began taking it again and they went away. I have to take the lysine almost daily or the warts will begin to return. I have been very acidic most of my life (about 5. 5 ph) and have increase the ph in my body, take coconut oil daily, and have almost decreased refined sugar intake to almost nothing, reduced gluten, reduced GMO's, and many other things but I still have to take the lysine. That is a cheap daily supplement to take and I swear that it has also kept me from getting the flu virus over the last 20 years that I have been taking the lysine - I have only gotten a touch of the flu when I have failed to continue taking the lysine. I thank you Earth Clinic sooooooo much for the site and the varied information as each of us is different and what works for one may not work for the next person. This is my favorite #1 go to site for information and I refer it to everyone I can. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU......

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Krys D, (Oakland County, Mi) on 08/02/2013

Have you had any success with this method. I've read many reports and even paid for one that insists that this method is 99% successful. I started my treatment today, so I know it's to early to tell. Just curious if you've seen an improvement or am I doomed. Thanks in advance for any advice,

Posted by Need Help! (Usa) on 07/22/2013

How long do you leave the alum powder/tooth paste mixture on for? Should it be a certain time or should it be constantly? How often should it be changed? I have genital warts on my labia and around the opening of my vagina (they are spreading!!! ) and I am afraid to try ACV because I do not want to be a burning hot mess down there. Help please!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe Vera Gel
Posted by Danielle (Manchester, Uk) on 07/20/2013

For those who are experiencing irritation and swelling after using Apple Cider Vinegar I'd recommend aloe vera gel. I used it on both my anal region and the inside of my labia/opening to my vagina. It is incredibly soothing and I applied it after toilet trips, I massaged it into the sore areas and then left a cotton wool pad with some on placed on top. Aloe vera gel has antiviral properties so in itself it can aid the removal/healing of genital warts. Although used on its own constantly it would take a while I found that for those days when I needed a break from pure ACV, aloe vera gel did work perfect for me. My warts were gone within a week might I add. Unfortunately I also think I have some inside my vagina and although I'm waiting to see my GP, does anybody know a home remedy that I can try for those? I was considering Apple Cider Vinegar but because they are inside I'm scared? Thanks and remember vitamins vitamins vitamins!

Essential Oils
Posted by Yucky (Columbus, Ga) on 07/06/2013

Why do people keep saying genital warts are caused by herpes? Different STD. It's like saying gonorrhea is caused by syphillis.

Banana Peel
Posted by Leah (Lagos, Nigeria) on 07/01/2013

How do I apply garlic or banana peel to my genital warts... Do I grind the garlic into a paste or should I insert it whole! The warts ar around my vagina. As for the banana peel, is it the white part or the outer body (green part)... Pls help

Posted by Hola From Ab (Calgary, Alberta) on 06/13/2013

Alternative to ACV much easier and less painful.

I am lucky in that I have only had the odd isolated wart appear. ACV did not work for me! From the other posts on here obviously many have had success with this remedy but for me it just inflamed the whole area and turned the wart into an open sore that healed back to a wart. Fortunately I found a remedy on this site for treating cold sores which has worked beautifully for genital warts as well.

First put some ice in a plastic bag and hold it against the wart(s) for about 15-20 minutes. Virus's don't like cold apparently.

Next take a gob of toothpaste, sprinkle some alum powder (available in the spice section of the supermarket) and mix with a q-tip. Plaster the wart (s) with this paste.

After doing this for a couple of days the wart(s) should dry into scabs at which point I apply some vitamin E oil to speed healing. Hope this works as well for you.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jessicole567 (Salladasburg, Pa, USA) on 06/01/2013

I was just interested in anyone's thoughts feelings or experiences with using colloidal silver or anything else for that matter to treat Hpv warts

ACV, Aspirin, Vit E, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/26/2013

Colloidal silver kills viruses. Use a high ppm. Take orally and apply topically. The fact that it is on the face makes it likely the virus is systemic. You may have to take the silver for six months to completely get rid of it. I'd take two tablespoons daily on empty stomach. Apply topically with a cloth, letting it act like a poultice. Squirt inside with a syringe.

ACV, Aspirin, Vit E, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by September-scholar (Fort Worth, Tx, Usa) on 05/26/2013

I am not sure of any suitable natural remedies for genital warts, but I do know from personal experience that you must take care of them immediately. I was treated with a product called podophyllin. You can actually find the product on line or something similar called podophyllum. Both originate from the same resin. Podophyllin has been the treatment of choice since the 40's. Today they may laser them off. However, time truly is of the essence here. Hopefully you can find it on line OR get to a Dr. that can administer it.

Best of luck to you.

ACV, Aspirin, Vit E, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Pleasegoaway (Victoria) on 05/26/2013

This is really starting to get to me. I am writing this as I sit here on the bathroom floor, vagina on fire and the smell of vinegar and tea tree oil smothering me.. Something I have strangely gotten used to. I am so sick to death of this. It's all I have been able to think about for the last 2 weeks. They seem to be getting better but I just don't know. I have one big one on the lips of my hooha which when I used the prescribed medication seemed to go pus-like and disgusting which made it spread to the other side GREAT! There are a whole army of little red dots and I just want them to f off! I am at the end of my patience. I am running out of options. I can't keep this up. How the hell are 80% of the population affected by this virus, it's not fair. Sorry, this stinging makes me angry. Love to my wart friends :(

Posted by Cndace123 (Kansas) on 04/30/2013

Okay so two to 3 weeks, while taking 6 pills of liquid garlic they were gone??! :) then after that did you take 2-3 pills a day or is that more weeks?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Flavy (Houston, Texas) on 04/06/2013

I would like to thank EL AHR and the rest for their wounderfull recommendation on using APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, TEA TREE OIL. I had genital warts just one big a size of key hole below my butt that was frozen after my ex- admitted that he had an affiar 4 years ago. However it came back. I did not bother to do a thing until four days ago something promt me to look for home remedy. To my shock I bought all the above and within two days the wart turned white and fall off. To be honest thr treatment was painful but believe me just as the rest of you its worth. ACV. And Tea tree oil burns, but Hydroegen peroxide 3% does'nt. I am will continue to use Hydrogen peroxide at least for two weeks as I get ready to go for my annual pap- smear test (women wellness). Thanks to Eath Clincic and the Rest of you who have tried ACV, Tea Tree and successed you all are great. I would wish the rest safe and protect youself fro STDs.

Genital Wart Advice
Posted by Wendy (Culver City, California, Usa) on 03/22/2013

HPV or Human Papilloma Virus belongs to a group of viruses that affect the skin and mucous membranes of human beings. It can be easily spread by skin to skin contact. The common treatment for this virus has not been found yet and it is not possible to get rid of the virus completely. The aim of treatment is to improve the immune system of the individual. Curing hpv, also called human papilloma virus or venereal wart, can only be achieved through strengthening the body's resistant system.

Person suffering from the disease should maintain a healthy lifestyle. To live clean and strengthen immune system are very important. Living with HPV is much easier if you have a healthy body. This prevents the warts from recurring. Intake of vegetables especially Cruciferous vegetables which includes cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli and citrus fruits should be increased with minimizing intake of sugars, caffine and refined foods. Herbs such as Echinacea, Phyllanthus emblica, Hyperisince Mysorense are known to boost immunity. Most plants of the Hypericum family have also been studied to have anti-viral effects.

Compound-W Freeze Off Wart Remedy
Posted by Chrissy (Detroit, Mi) on 03/17/2013

Use as directed? the box clearly states, "do not use on genital area".

Apple Cider Vinegar, Crushed Aspirin, Castor Oil
Posted by Anonymous (Hometown, Usa) on 03/14/2013

Lets try to keep it short. I've been fighting this for over 2 yrs. I freeze em and they come back. Found this site and tried Apple Cider Vinegar straight applied with Qtip an hour a day for a week with no results. Decided to try the ACV asprin and oils. Works great. Just chill and watch a movie every night and recharge the paste as it dries out with more ACV on a Q tip. After 3-4 days they noticably dry and start to scab. 4 days seems to kill em. Dont overdo it or its tough on the skin. Put vitamin e neosporin or whatever you have on the new skin. Soon they are GONE. I am going to do the soak in ACV twice a month for awhile to make sure these things never come back. So stoked.

Genital Wart Advice
Posted by Charl (London, Uk) on 02/19/2013

Hello Becca, I was hoping you would be able to let me know how you got on with the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment? Thank you.

Posted by Fatchabrute (Tucson, Az, Usa) on 02/03/2013

How many of you has BHT cured you of your warts?. I posted here a year or two ago about the Hep-C and Venereal warts both of which are gone. I have not used anything else except BHT 2 180 mg caps twice a day then I cut to once a day. I see so many posts saying they are trying it but not as many as I would of thought say the warts are gone. Do not worry about the time for some it may take longer.. I can not empathize enough.. it works.

I have recently crushed BHT up and added it to virgin olive oil and applied it to my elbows and knee for plaque psoriasis and that seems to help plus I use a lamp from the 40s-50- but don't know which is doing what, but whatever it works.

BHT in my opinion is not a hit or miss, it works but I say that with the caveat peoples metabolism are different perhaps they use other things which deter from the BHT. But the reason I decided to add my post here I was sick and tired of people saying, take this with two of those then drink some of that and a hour later stand on your head for fifteen minuets then drink a glass of water upside down and eat three apples. This is it take it the way Oscar says and that's it , If your viral levels go undetectable please let others know and that will help others that were once as desperate as you were. On the other hand if for some reason it doesn't work for you cone post that.

How to Tell a Partner
Posted by Advise Seeker (Olathe, Kansas) on 02/03/2013

Hi everyone firstly I think its great that people are so open and willing to share their stories about this issue. I know that when I first found out a month ago I freaked out to the point of seriously considering suicide but then I somehow stumbled across this site and it made me feel so much better especially when I tried the remedies and they worked. One thing that no one has shared yet is how to tell a current/future partner about genital warts I am really embarrassed and am unsure how to bring up the conversation any advice? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Crushed Aspirin, Castor Oil
Posted by Catherine (Swindon, England) on 01/17/2013

First of all a massive thank you for all your help! I've had GW for almost a year and my GP would not refer me to a gynecologist and she only prescribed creams that never worked. Here is my story:

-I've had GW for 8 months now, GP thought it was nothing, then diagnosed me with chlamydia and then yeast infection. I did my research and knew it was GW, but my GP wanted me to go to a hospital 1hr away - I don't have a car. And that would mean loads of tests and no direct treatment, so I looked for remedies and found the ACV aspirin one.

-I tried it 3 days ago, soaked cotton balls in the mixture and applied them for 4hrs. I was in a lot of pain, didn't fall asleep until 4am (lesson: do the treatment during the day), but I pushed through it because I really wanted these darn things off.

-3 days later, the skin is grey and wrinkly, took a shower and most of it came off!! I am so incredibly relieved! I know dab some hydrogen peroxide on to keep the raw skin clean, it still hurts a bit because my warts were spread from my labia down to my anus.

-I really hope the warts don't come back but for now I am so happy! Thank you guys sooo much!!

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