Genital Warts
Natural Remedies

Top Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Compound-W Freeze Off Wart Remedy
Posted by James (New York, New York) on 01/08/2008

Seems like a really obvious home treatment for genital warts. Go the your local pharmacy and buy a Compound-W Freeze off wart removal kit. Its is way overpriced at around $27, but it is good for way more than the 12 treatments the label advertises, and a lot cheaper than a visit to the doctor. Use as directed, you will know it is working when you see the area around the wart turn white, it stings a little, but keep the freeze tip on until it loses its cool. The white area goes away quickly as the cold numbs your pain receptors. Put some Neosporin on afterwards and wait about a week. The area around will scab up and then peel off, leaving you without a wart. It's what the doctor would charge you hundreds of dollars for doing in the office, but you can do it yourself, at home, in private, and get the same results. Don't buy any overpriced "healing oils" that require three treatments a day for several months and don't do a thing (my first mistake). The freeze takes care of business, quickly!

White Vinegar
Posted by Suzanne (Nervada, America) on 01/11/2008

I self diagnosed myself with Genital Warts a couple of weeks ago. I have recently moved to a remote part of South East Asia where Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil are absolutely unavailable. I decided to give normal white vinegar a try anyway. I just dipped tissues into the vinegar and applied it to the warts. I did this twice over two days for 15 minutes each time. It really hurt while I applied the vinegar and continued to burn a little the next day but it was worth it - the warts are COMPLETELY gone!

White Vinegar
Posted by Tiffany (schenectady, New York) on 01/16/2008

re: White Distilled Vinegar. I found out I had GW Way back in 1995 and the doctor used laser.They went away except for a tiny one you can't really see it is so small that when I try to show Doctors they can't see it.When I had another breakout last friday I went to the ER they could not do any thing.Then i went to a clinic, but could not get anything to treat it. SO I went to my Doctor and she gave me an appointment but, It still hurts and itch so i found your websight and tried the vinegar and i feel better already.I used a Q-Tip and soaked it in the vinegar and I applied it for ten minutes lke one of your writers said. I used three different Q-Tips to apply.I noticed a little blood and it burned a little but, it does not itch or burn anymore. 'Thank You

White Vinegar
Posted by Emily (Mohnton, PA) on 02/22/2008

Well Iv'e pre dionosed myself with gential warts. I haven't gone to the doc yet but in a couple of days. I know my body and whatever was going on wasn't normal so i checked it out mirror and all. It's definitly gential warts. It's not that bad externally but I think I've had it for a while just late external showings. so I looked online and found this website. I tryed the white vinegar with cottonballs for 10 minutes 2times a day its been working wonders. Thanks so much now I can relax a little.

Aspirin and Onion Juice for Genital Warts
Posted by Zamia (Silver Spring, Maryland) on 01/11/2008

This is a very good remedy that works in about 3 days. My GW was about the size of a lima bean but now its not there. It disappeared. Take the onions and blend the. Add a table spoon or so of salt to draw the juice out of the onion. Then let stay over night. Take an aspirin pill and grind it so it will be like powder. Apply the onion juice on the warts and and then apply the aspirin powder to the soaked wart so it will be paste like.

UV Light
Posted by Louise (Sydney, Australia) on 02/12/2008

I am a nail technician who favours gel set under a uv lamp. A couple of years ago I had a regular wart on my left 2nd toe. This dissapeared about 1 month after I had gel toe nails done. The wart then came back on my right 2nd toe about 12 months later. I got my toes done again and it dissapeared. About 2 years later I got a wart on my finger. This wart has now disappeared what have I done - started using UV Light cured gel again. I only just put it all together in the last week or so it is the only thing in common with each other. I am now trying this out on my genital warts. I had tried Aldara until I read about the side effects and now my man wont let me use it either. I have just started trying to use it on my genital area as I am lucky enough that the lamp lid comes off so I can shine it on my genitals. The other ones took a couple of applications of the gel (the gel takes 2 minutes a coat to set and you need 2-3 coats for each hand or foot, an infill of the same time frame is about every 2-5 weeks depending - the strength of the lamp is 27 watts 3 x 9 watt light bulbs and there is normally about 5 minutes between UV blasts.) Asked my doctor about the ones on my fingers and he said it would make sense so I am test driving it on the genitals I have read keep them out of UV light but if it cured the ones on my fingers and toes with no pain then I am willing to try it on the genitals. I am lucky as they are on the outer lips and inner thigh not in the pink bits phew. This is totally pain free and I will keep everyone posted with how it works. Not sure how you'll go getting a uv lamp but try looking around for any second hand Creative brand lamps as the lid comes off making it accessible to the vag area. If anyone finds a portable style one then keep in mind that this one is 27 watts and needs about 6 minutes in 2 minute bursts would be interested to hear if anyone else has tried it or does try it and I will keep you all posted on my progress. Good Luck

Magnetic Pulser
Posted by Christopher (kirkland lake, Canada) on 03/30/2008

Again this isnt very natural but i insist it is worth while...

Back in the day i had a G/f with a bird. im allergic so i was getting lesions?.. i wonted is theres a mold or something associated with those animals.. anyhow, she had had Genital warts, I didnt know... i ended up with dyer skin on my Wang :) and resultingly i aquired a cauliflower kinda wart thing. Talking about feeling like totally helpless. I looked on the net for a solution and at that time didnt come across anything except a machine....

It was a magnetic pulser. prolly 300$ i thought well its that or my junk is gunna fall off. :) so rather quickly i got the machine and started an intense pulsing on my penis. probbaly 6 times a day for about 5 minutes. glad to say after 4 days it was going/gone. i kept it up for a while....

Nothings ever scared me that much. apprently the machine bring better circulation to the area and the magnetics kill alot of different things...

i bought an ozone generator and colloid silver generator because it that gizmo works the other should... the zilver thing is said to kill over 700 kinds of viruses, fungi, bacteria ect... 700 seems like alot but apparently its so cheap to manufacture that in the 50's they got away from from it cause theres was more money in antibiotics and not fixing the problem...

thanks and i hope my story helps anyone with a persistant problem...
