Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Epilepsy: Epsom Salt and Other Treatments

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Suzanne (Abbotsford, Bc) on 08/07/2011

I know someone who has had epilepsy since he was a young teen and has been on phenobarbitol for years. Most of the time it was controlled, but occasionally he would have a grand mal seizure and more often, petit mal seizures, particularly in the morning. However, my sister-in-law told me that in Africa where they lived for a number of years, there were many cases of epilepsy in an area that was zinc-deficient, so I suggested he start taking zinc. Since taking 25 mg of zinc (1/2 a tablet) every night, he hasn't had any trouble, except once when he was taking another brand of zinc. I don't know if I can mention the store, but the good brand was from SuperStore and the other was from an online vitamin place.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Julia (Colchester, Vermont) on 02/05/2012

Yes, common misconception about saturated fats, I did some research and found that the FDA kind of led America to believe that all saturated fats caused heart problems, untrue (there wasn't quite any solid research to back up those claims). Coconut oil is extremely good for you. I've just received an order I placed and am hoping it might help with my epilepsy and perhaps my memory which has been diagnosed on the 'lower end of normal'.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 04/07/2009 490 posts


Sorry your 13 year old has seizure problems. If she is a normal sized l3 year old dosages would be the same as for adults, and since the recommended laxative dosage for epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is 1 to 2 tsps I would try giving her 1/2 tsp. morning & bedtime. Another form of magnesium is magnesium oxide which you can buy tablets of it combined with vitamin B6 (Beelith tablets) and give her l morning & bedtime.

Since magnesium probably works to combat seizures by competing with monosodium glutamate (MSG) for sites in the brain, I suggest you google "excitotoxins" to find a list of names they hide MSG under in the ingredients lists of foods. Another excitotoxin you need to eliminate is aspartame (NutraSweet or Equal). When reading those ingredients lists, be especially alert for any "hydrolyzed plant (corn, soy, pea, etc) protein as it contains both MSG and aspartame.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 01/26/2008

To Chris from Lansing, Michigan, 1/24/08 Chris, you will find the answer to your question by googling "Excitotoxins" If you want to go even deeper in this subject, buy or get a copy from your library, 2 books: The first one is easier for the layman to understand and is written by Rachel & Richard Heller & Dr. Vagnnini, a cardiologist. The title is "The Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Heart Program: Break Your Carbo-Insulin Connection to Heart Diseasebook".

the second one is written by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock. Its title is "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills"

The first book is written on what monosodium glutamate and aspartame do to the body, which starts with making it kick out excess insulin and ends up with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 with all its complications.

The second book is written on what the excitotoxins do to our brains and central nervous system. Which is excites the cells to death, which is how they got the name of excitotoxins. Fortunately the major excitotoxins that you are likely to find in your food is the same as in the first book- MSG and aspartame. Unfortunately most people do not know that our foods are heavily loaded with these two brain killers because they are hidden under other names such as natural flavors, spices (not named), natural flavorings and many others. It is hard to find a commercial salad dressing, Ketchup, sauces, sausage, etc. without them. Glad you discovered what was causing it before total destruction occurred

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Andimae (Monrovia, Ca) on 12/12/2015

I don't know why doctors are still prescribing Dilantin. I was taking that 35 years ago for a couple of years and the side effects I got from that are osteoporosis, glaucoma and periodontal disease. That manufacturer should be sued.

Music Therapy
Posted by Micheal (Singapore) on 02/17/2024

Music therapy is effective for epilepsy.

Mozart - Sonata for Two Pianos in D, K. 448 [complete] (youtube.com)

This sonata was also used in the scientific study that tested the theory of the Mozart Effect, suggesting that classical music increases brain activity more positively than other kinds of music. The sonata is written in three movements,

According to the British Epilepsy Organization, research has suggested that Mozart's K 448 can have the "Mozart effect", in that listening to the piano sonata improved spatial reasoning skills and reduce the number of seizures in people with epilepsy.

A study certified 6:13 by a scientific journal in 1993 proved that this piece accelerates the brain in 17% if you listen to it 10 minutes a day. It also can reduce the brain waves of patients with epilepsy and reduce morbidity since it has a melody that resonates with the brain. It is fantastic indeed!! I'll start listening to it on a day-to-day basis. Thank you, Mozart for this gift to humanity.

This piece has been shown to have an anti-epileptic effect on the brain and may be a possible treatment to prevent epileptic seizures, according to new research presented recently at the 7th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology. Listening to the famous 18th century composer's Sonata for Two Pianos K448 led to a 32% reduction in epileptiform discharges (EDs). These are electrical brain waves associated with epilepsy and can cause seizures or bursts of electrical activity that temporarily affect how the brain works. The research was led by Professor Ivan Rektor, from the Epilepsy Centre at the Hospital St Anne and CEITEC Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.

Researchers have previously hypothesised that the Mozart effect in epilepsy was connected to the emotional effects of music, as dopamine (the main neurotransmitters of the brain's reward system) is released when listening to music. Still, there is no direct proof of the mechanism.

In conclusion, Mozart was truly a genius!!! Comment from youtube:

I have depression, social anxiety, panic attacks, ocd, and constantly hering voices that make me do dreadful thing and severa crises of psychotic behaviour and epilepsy. And all this helped me so much. You truly are a geniu Mozart. Thank you so much for everything you subconsciously did to me.

Seizure Triggers
Posted by Jerry (Miramar Florida) on 12/29/2023 24 posts

I know it's been a while. But what's the name of the homeopathic infant drops, and for adults. Thank you.

Coconut Oil, Vitamins
Posted by Michele Eckford (West Sussex, Uk) on 12/05/2016


Lovely to read your msg. It gives me confidence that I will be able to write the same in 2 years time. I have just started using coconut oil 3 days ago with serious intention. I am 60yrs now having 1 seizure approx. every 10 days. the meds don't work and I hate the side-effects, especially now that I am getting older. What got you started? Did you need to add MCT oil also & why have you added the vitamins. You mention about a diet change, What did you alter it? It'll be great to communicate with you to share experiences, positive & negative.

Thanks Michele

Coconut Oil, Vitamins
Posted by Lori (New Zealand Wellington) on 04/25/2017

Hi, I used coconut oil daily basis when cooking and with paste of turmeric that has reduced seizures. I used to have seziures every second day and stress was my biggest concern. A neurolgist tried to put me on new drug, however I had history of depression since childhood so I continued to see how my body responds to this diet of coconut oil and turmeric.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Karen (Erie Pa) on 12/29/2015

Good luck, Maureen.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (Steamboat Springs, Colorado) on 12/08/2017

I have had epileptic seiezures all of my life, 59 years. All of these years, up until 2014, I was having 2-3 seizures per week. No doctors ever could figure me out. In 2014, I had a bad accident, where the main reason for the grand-mal, was because my doctor, then, was overdosing me. As soon as I could go back to living on my own, I started to only eat organic food and start to take more vitamins. My seizures went way down in how many, but I'm still having them. I've been taking coconut oil almost everyday, mostly while cooking.

From what I've been reading on this page, I will start taking coconut oil as a medicine everyday, instead of only using some while cooking. I really hope that I will feel even more of a healthy reaction.

B Vitamins
Posted by Granny On The Go (Waco, Tx) on 12/30/2012

As far as I can tell, at least some kinds of epilepsy are from an inborn need for extra B6. Read Adelle Davis' book Let's Get Well chapter on epilepsy.

It also is what must be given for a genetic mutation that causes cavities and gum diseases in children and young adults. I have found that it also is important for adults that seem to get cavities even when they brush and floss.

B Vitamins
Posted by Aviva (Israel) on 07/02/2021

Do not take fish oils if you have seizures. It may drive your seizures.

B Vitamins
Posted by Marta (Portugal) on 04/22/2021

Read Dr Philips on blotting brushes. Dr Philips said that flossing and brushing causes gum disease. I cured my gum disease in 3 weeks using his method. The brushes are not expensive and can be bought at toothwizards.com

Ketogenic Diet
Posted by Mominchi (Chicago, Il) on 12/29/2012

We have tried Keto diet for my toddler's epilepsy and have now switched to a high in good fats diet. The issue with brain fats as far as I read with Keto is that long chain trigylcerides like veg oils burn really crappy as brain fuel and lots of fats pick up free radicals when you cook with them or become derranged or transfats as they are more commonly known. Those actually prevent the brain from using fats to repair itself (brain & nervous system is comprised of saturated fats).

My understanding of the reason the old school version of ketogenics worked best is because ALL the fat was short chain triglycerides from milkfats they burn cleanly and leave less metabolic waste (ketones) of course now since milk is superheated thru pasturization and derranged thru homogenization the diet is far less effective than the 20's version. Coconut oil is a medium chain and that was why MCT version of keto gave decent results. It is a good saturated fat (they actually prevent the oil from becoming a transfat when heated) and all cooking is ideally done with coconut, butter, or ghee. They gave excellent results on KD as compared to the terrible formula readymix loaded with calcium, aspertame, and vegetable oil.

Posted by Oldriska (Prague, Czech Republic) on 07/17/2012

Hi, have you had your spine looked at? Epilepsy, frequent headaches and insomnia... I think it would be worth checking if your neck spine is properly aligned. I have trigeminal neuralgia which shares some of its features with epilepsy and some people claim to get relief from bone adjustment (not my case as I'm type II - atypical but I believe that loads of problems are related to the spine). Good luck with your treatment!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Babyangel (Sinton, Texas, Usa) on 06/26/2012

Hello, my name is Katie. I had mild epilepsy since 11/12/2004 when I had my first grandmal it was induced by stress from seeing my mother stay in hospital 1 month (shes ok now) I took phenytoin 500mg for 11 months, the side affects were HORRIBLE! I was fine for years I knew to avoid foul stong odors such as from nail polish and hair coloring that made me feel I may have a seizure if I was around that odor long. I had a few close calls I drank herbal tea called chamomile to relieve the "yucky" feeling I may have a seizure. I let the tea bag sit in the coffee cup of water I put in microwave 2 mins sit in the water 15mins to make it stronger, if it was an emergency I would get the chamomile tea stems and chew on it like gum, I had 1-3 mild nocturnal seizures each year I knew it was about to happen when I felt the extreme "deja vu" feeling. I started to take a herbal vitamin called valerian root since I had trouble sleeping.. This worked very well 2-3 each night and I had no more nocturnal seizures

I started getting older so, like many other young adults drinking became common for me. My finst few yrs I was fine having 6-8 beers. Then around oct 2011 I started to binge drink 10-12 beers at a time 2-3 times a week until I had a simple partial seizure feb 15 2012 from the bad hangover that triggered it. I did not see a doctor right away I just stopped drinking and smoking tobacco. I still did not feel well I had "close calls" daily and had 2 more simple partial seizures. I finally saw a doctor march 16 2012, I explained to the doctor I never want to take dilantin again. It was so horrible, so the doctor gave me something thats helped ALOT, .50 mg alprazolam (generic xanax) I feel relaxed now, I havent had anymore seizures or closecalls. I break the pill 1/2 so I take only .25mg of xanax at time. I still drink chamomile tea. I also like to drink either cinnamon tea or take 2 cinnamon capsules in the morning that HELPS ALOT the cinnamon, I also take 1 Vitamin E tablet, and 1 omega3 daily.

Whats helped me most is exercising or staying busy on feet!! I havent drank or smoked in over 4 months now . And if you're taking a medication make sure you read online of warnings what may contradict that medicine thats very important.. and if you believe in god, keep something holy closeby. I personally carry a ring rosary always in my pocket with me and next to my bed when im asleep..

I hope I can help someone that reads this.. I wanted to post here hoping to help someone.. God bless you

Coconut Oil
Posted by Karolina (Il) on 02/17/2016

Omg, I was reading your post just like I would read what I do and what happens to me. I had an eating disorder for many years and some alcohol usage, but I'm not quite sure if only insulin and sugar balance is the reason. My seizures (CPS-space and language related) started about 4 years ago, when I was still binging, and got more often and more and then finally I got grand Mal and it got serious. This was over 1,5 years ago (I'm 37 now) I'm also natural and don't believe in drugs. I have noticed very close correlation between my food intake and seizures. Almost every time I have food, I have a seizureal now. But I remember eating good a lot of fats and having some relief, but I don't want to eat so much...I also was getting some results with intermittent fasting. When I did maybe 3-4 days of eating less, I could have even a week seizure free! But now they back :/ I do the coconut oil but not regularly. I will try to be consistent with it and see how it works. Thank you so much for sharing. Sending love...

Ketogenic Diet
Posted by Nelson Narciso (Toronto , Ontario) on 04/06/2012

Hi, I highly recommend the ketogenic diet my son is 6 yrs old and has had all the seizures you can name and the meds are garbage. This diet can help to stop them with out meds please try this diet it really works you have to be very strict but its worth it.

Glutamic and Aspartic Acid
Posted by Jem (Austin, Tx) on 09/11/2011

one cause of epileptic seizures is an overdose of glutamic and aspartic acid.

many foods contain these amino acids in their free state which creates a shutdown of neurotransmitter production in the brain, along with oxidizing it.

i don't mean to be 'selling' anything, I have written a book on the subject of how dangerous these free form amino acids are to the brain affecting/causing everything from bi-polar disorder, anxiety, panic, rage.. to physical symptoms such as epilepsy, stroke, parkinson's, altzheimers..

the info is too vast to write here, however the main things to avoid are msg, which is freed glutamic acid and all things high in freed glutamic acid... there is a list of food substances in my book.

also, aspartic acid in nutrasweet, fried foods.. processed foods..

the biggest culprits, cooked food, soy, oats, barley, wheat, grains, nuts, seeds, .... The obvious processed foods/foods that outright contain msg... and aspartame...

hope this helps. My book is about to be launched through a site, if you contact me through this thread (as in, let me know you read this here) I'm happy to send anyone suffering from epilepsy a copy of my book.. you can donate later if it helps.

it will be the last version before being edited for the upcoming launch.... Not the final version... the info is valuable

the book is geared toward those who suffer from emotional disorders mild to severe and raising consciousness through live food

General Feedback
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 04/01/2016

Hi Ruby,

A fairly easy diet to try is the modified Ketogenic diet for epilepsy. It is a modified Atkins diet that, although high in fat, can actually cause a reduction in weight, the opposite of what we are taught. Here is a link that may be helpful:

Best wishes!

Epsom Salt
Posted by Steven Perez (Spring Branch, Tx) on 10/21/2010

You need to find someone experience enough to help you detox your dad. There are many things today that can cause individuals to have seizures. Besides detox, diet and proper hydration with no doubt improve your dads situation. I know from personal experience. If you can't find anyone to help you in your area, Please send me an email an I maybe be able to point you in the right direction. Steve

Epsom Salt
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/24/2011

Veronica, sorry to hear about your little boy. Please read the attached article. It is about someone recently diagnosed with epilepsy. They found out that she was hugely deficient in magnesium and something simple as magnesium (in large doses) was enough to get her off her medication.

Also the article says that anti-epileptic medication can deplete your vitamin E stores.

Has your son had blood tests for his magnesium levels? I would also now check his vitamin E levels.

You could also bathe him in epson salts (magesium).

Hope this is of some help.


Epsom Salt
Posted by Binah (Dublin) on 10/28/2012

Just a fyi, Patricia Murphy died a few years ago, 2008 I think, she was 55 approx. A seizure played a part in her death, whether it was SUDEP or an accident I don't know, its quite hard to get info on the net about it. I have her book and I think its great and I think she was a pioneer, there's lots of great info in it. I suppose whether we're on meds or using natural seizure control the possibility for breakthrough seizures is always there. People could easily use this death to dismiss the naturopathic model of epilepsy treatment (I think thats why there is such little info on her death), I don't, I think she did what was best for her and for a quality of life she could live with. There's no point in living a long life half asleep on meds, perhaps without adequate seizure control, when we can strive towards and hope for, a long life of quality, may she rest in peace.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lin (Florissant, Missouri) on 01/24/2017

Thank you Faithinhealing for sharing that information. I have epilepsy since my early 30s and been taking first Dilantin and now Phenytoin. Now I'm in my early 60s. Now, because I have wait till March of this year to see my doctor, I'm about to run out of medicine. My doctor won't renew until he sees me, but told my pharmacy to give me enough medicine to last until middle of March. Except the pharmacy disobeyed the doctor and only give me one month supply instead two and half months that I'm supposed to get. So, I was very glad when you mentioned the coconut oil. Again, thank you. Now I have an alternative cure to help me.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Jualsy (Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain ) on 08/28/2010

It doesn't matter when you take it. The results will build up and you will see the difference almost immediately.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Mel (Pacific Northwest) on 11/01/2017

According to some researchers' conclusions, there is a chance magnesium supplementation may not be ideal at specific times for people with active Lyme coinfections aka MSIDS. I believe it's babesia (possibly bartonella also) that uses magnesium for certain active processes, and some MSIDS strategies recommend a duration of antimicrobial treatment before supplementing magnesium. It's my understanding this approach is based in part on a study that concluded that magnesium deficiency was protective in mice experimentally infected with babesia. Babesia and bartonella are associated with potentially disabling symptoms and immune issues.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/13/2017

Epsom salt is great during pregnancy. The need for magnesium is even greater then and Epsom salt provide that.

~Mama to Many~

Epsom Salt
Posted by Marnie (Madera, Ca) on 11/13/2017

Absolutely yes! Epsom salts is very good for pregnant women because your need for magnesium is greatly increased. So the Epsom salts provide valuable minerals of magnesium as well as sulfur.

Edgar Cayce Remedies
Posted by Linda (Virginia Beach, Virginia) on 02/22/2009

epilepsy healed with the edgar cayce remedies: It's my daughter's eight-year anniversary of being seizure-free. Here is her story: http://www.cayce.com/HealingEpilepsyByLindaCaputi.htm Hope it can help someone else too!

Learn to Stay Calm
Posted by Sporkonafork (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 08/07/2012

Relaxing has helped me thruout the years to avoid seizures im currently taking xanax, before I would just drink chamomile tea, that chamomille tea has saved me many times from having a seizure, I had sleeping trouble valerian root works very well to sleep I never had any nocturnal seizures while having a valerian root tablet before bed. Its only $5 for a bottle of 100 tablets!! Also replace your pillow with a new one I felt a nocturnal seizures coming if my neck was cramped with a pillow that wasnt good

Also take vitamins!! I take 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salt in morning at 5am, later on I have Vitamin E, omega 3 fish oil. & centrum multivitamin! exercise too!! I felt much much better on days ive exercised just sacrifice 30 mins a day to exercise at home youll feel a diference!

also I personally keep something holy close to me I feel comfort during my worst of times (oncoming seizure) if im holding my rosary.. I pray for guidance to help me beat this illness... Ive had occasional simple partial seizures(2-4 a year) since 11/2004

Learn to Stay Calm
Posted by Mark (Usa) on 10/11/2014

Dear Dubby, If you have not tried the ketogenic diet I would do that. Also avoid glutamates and aspartates. That means NO MSG and in fact, no processed foods at all. The ketogenic diet limits carbohydrates and protein based on body mass. A 150 lb person may only have something like 10 grams of carbs a day. That can be entirely gained just through eating a few vegetables. So a diet high in natural fats and mostly green, mostly raw vegetables washed in distilled water. I would supplement with vitamins that have as much vitamin c as possible, and supervised body-temperature-ish baths (like 100 deg. F, NOT hot) with epsom salts. A shy person may bathe with the undergarments or a swimsuit on for privacy.

There should be more than one bowel movement per day on average, also take 1/2 tsp of epsom salts as needed to make BMs regular. This is required to clear the body of toxins.

if this is working you should see the effects within a matter of weeks or possibly even days. You can gradually increase the carb intake as long as they are good natural carbs, I.e. carrots, nuts and rice but not breads or grains with the exception of oats and flax.

To keep enough calories in his diet you will likely need to supplement with oils that are almost all fat. Use natural coconut and olive oils but not hydrogenated oils. Meals like spinach salad with other veggies and dressing made of vinegar and olive oil and a small helping of some fatty not-processed meat are a good choice.

Best of luck to you and your son!

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Aviva (Israel) on 01/25/2023

I read somewhere that stevia was used in Africa by women as a contraceptive, so I would be careful about it as well. I stick to honey or dates as a sweetener.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Jody23 (Fort Worth, Tx) on 11/05/2011

I heard that Pfizer added Aspartame to the seziure drug Dilantin, when they changed the look of the capsule back in 2007. There is no proof that Pfizer added Aspartame to Dilantin, but why are some people having seizures who have not had a seizure in 5-10 years while taking the "old Dilantin"(Parke Davis 100mg kapseals). I called Pfizer and asked them if the formula had been changed. They said the look of the capsule was changed, but not the formula. I think something was changed, but Pfizer wasn't going to tell me.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 12/12/2015

HI U ANDIMAY, , , , , , , , , , yep, I used Dilantin for 10 years some 30 years ago and got osteoporosis of the pelvis as a result. A fall two years ago resulted in a crushed T 12 vertabre. Your lymph system exits there and goes down both legs. My feet now stay swollen so I have to buy a size larger shoes. With swollen feet you have lost most of your balance, thus, I go up and down stairs like an infant. Life is just a bowl of cherries.

Like you say, someone needs a whipping on the local square.


Posted by Sam (Miami) on 04/12/2023

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Pam C. (Ohio) on 06/06/2019

I live in Springfield Ohio. My daughter, soon to be 41, is epileptic and has been having seizures since around 16. They have worsened and more frequent as she gets older and usually happens around or during her menstrual cycle. When she was between the ages of 10-14 she was sliding down a rot-iron railing outside and fell backwards, hit her head on a cement step. I always thought this was the cause of her issues but the doctors say it is hereditary. There are no relatives that had or has epilepsy. She had the vagus nerve implant surgery and it doesn't help. Doctors have used her as a guinea pig with many different medicines, all of which I'm sure reeks havoc on all other internal organs. I'm desperately searching for some sort of natural relief for her can anyone help?

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 08/01/2019

Pam, I too have had seizures since my teens and I am 44 now. My menstrual cycle/hormones have played a role as well. The seizures got increasingly worse as I got older AND after I had my daughter. I recently started putting coconut oil in my coffee in the morning and in my tea at light (about 1 tbsp. at a time). I also eat a spoonful of peanut butter every day and add a little butter if I eat bread, toast, bagel, ect. Anyway to get a little fat. I only eat fish (no red meat or poultry) so I found this works for me. Avocado is also an option. It has been working for me. No medication has ever worked.

Almost a month seizure free. Its worth a try, the coconut oil can't hurt. Good luck!!! :)

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Maureen (Portland, ME) on 11/28/2019

Wow. You sound exactly like me with the seizures. I am glad I came across this. I will try it all out!

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Maureen (Maine, USA) on 12/02/2019

I should have asked you how often did you have the seizures and what type? Petit mal?

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Hannah B. (United States) on 09/10/2019

you should look into grounding/earthing. it grounds your body to the earth, and normalizes everything electrical in the body. It has helped reduce seizures significantly in my daughter.

Seizure Remedies
Posted by Mammagrande (West Coast, USA) on 07/20/2019

Lita Lee's 1987 (?) book, The Enzyme Cure, has a valuable chapter on epilepsy... It goes into detail about seizures at certain points in menstrual cycles, etc. She advocates certain enzyme herbal supplements as well as progesterone. Don't know if she's still alive but was in Portland, OR, last I know of.

Ketogenic Diet
Posted by Rex (Sarasota, Fl) on 04/21/2017

Ketogenic diet stops epileptic seizure in a significant percentage of children. Read below.

I believe this excerpt from Thomas Levy's book deserves an additional cure for ketogenic diet. The book is called "Curing the Incurable" 3rd edition, ebook page 316 of 7745.

In one of the more recent references in the April, 2000 issue of Pediatrics eleven studies on the ketogenic diet were reviewed. The authors concluded that the ketogenic diet completely stopped medically unresponsive seizures in a significant percentage of children. The diet also reduced seizure frequency by over 90% in an even greater percentage of children! Similar articles were found in the various neurology and epilepsy journals. Sadly, it would seem that many pediatricians and pediatric neurologists do not know what is in the most current issues of their primary and specialty journals.

Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Mel (Pacific Northwest) on 11/01/2017

Melanie, glad she was doing better. And like EC wondering how you were using the diluted frankincense oil. Assuming topically, not internally?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Anna (Greenbay, Wi) on 03/20/2016

I had mine at 14yr several pills, tests, and Brain surgery, found nothing. They said they showed I was healthy. Have gone as far as 5months. Hey, get to start over, I am going for 8mo. yeah. Hope try coconut oil smile all way.. Good Luck to you

Ketogenic Diet
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa ) on 09/09/2014

Do some research on Ketogenic diet. I have read where it helps with seizures.

Natural Remedies
Posted by Michael Tan (Singapore) on 07/12/2013

(adult formula) For children below 12, reduce formula by half.

Qian Shi 6g, Bai Guo 6g, Huai Shan 6g, Dang Shen 6g, Huang Qi 6g, Chuan Gong 3g, Gou Qi Zi 6g, Du Zhong 6g, Lian Zi 6g, Yuan Shen 12g, Deng Xin Cao 15g

1.5 litre of water, bring water to boiling point then switch to very low flame and boil for 1. 5 hr. Consume before food or 2 hours after food.

This is an effective epilepsy remedy I find in a Malaysia Herbal Magazine. According to the contributor, this remedy have already cure many patients.

For a start drink 10 doses and then observe if the patient is cure. More doses will be needed if the patient is not cure.

Epilepsy is easier to cure in young children and teenager. The younger you are the higher your chances of getting your epilepsy cure.

Dietary Changes, Challenging the Brain
Posted by Rogerrabbit (Siantar, Indonesia) on 06/05/2013

Now I have moved from America to Indoniesa, I found that all natural foods I can eat lower the time of the seizures, and staying happy and organized, making the brain operate in high levels of thinking process, because seizures cause the brain to run in high speed so use this quality for life, it causes process of info much faster then the normal human, so use it and this will lower the levels of seizures and I believe it will cause your child to stop seizures. I am 53 and my seizures have almost gone, just from increasing the amount of info I make myself process, force it to work harder and soon you will see how fast your brain will operate at high speed, much faster then normal,, it works for me < but eat much natural foods only , no processed foods, of any kind and low on sugars, force your brain and body to work much hard, and you will see it likes it, and it will love this, it's like a food for the brain, read on foods for the brain, this is how I found and what I am doing now.

Posted by Aviva (Israel) on 01/25/2023

Thank you for this remark. I am a great fan of Borax for many issues.

B Vitamins
Posted by Charity (Faithville , Us) on 03/25/2015

my friend went through this with her brilliant daughter for many years. She had gut issues all her life.

This article is interesting: https://brainstudy.wordpress.com/tag/epilepsy/

Water Diet
Posted by Johnnyboy (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/01/2012

I continue to have improved health and control of my epilepsy after beginning a japanese water diet; drinking 1 pint of pure water every morning and waiting 45min. Before eating breakfast. At first I was having strong dreams, I assume it was possibly because I have ceased my evening dose of tegretol/ keppra and wasn't sleeping in a drug induced state. I do feel as if I have cleared my mind somewhat because the dreams were unpleasant at first, but now, after 1mth. they are not. I will most likely continue with this healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 07/16/2012

Try magnesium citrate capsules instead. Epsom salts cause water separation and can influence nutrient absorption if you aren't careful. Also try magnesium oil (magnesium chloride) spray on your skin for tingly hands or legs etc.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/16/2012

Exhausted, take Epsom salts BATHS instead of taking it internally.

Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 07/16/2012

Have you looked into the ketogenic diet for epilepsy? It was developed at Johns Hopkins Hospital, involves no drugs and works very well for many. Also look at The Charlie Foundation for other resources on the diet. It was founded by Jim Abrahams whose son, Charlie was suffering from over 100 seizures a day and went to 0 seizures in 48 hours after starting the diet. Best wishes!

Posted by Phips (Melbourne, Australia) on 11/29/2012

Magnesium for epilepsy. If magnesium is giving you side-effects (dry mouth, numbness in extremities, light headedness, low blood pressure, weakness, lethargy, sleepiness, felling hot, low blood sugar, profuse sweating, irregular heart beat, or slow heart beat, etc, you are probably calcium and vitamin D deficient. Or you have taken an overdose of magnesium. Overdoses can also be lethal. Remember, magnesium is a natural antagonist to calcium. So taking too high a dose of magnesium can depress you serum calcium levels. If this is a problem with you, take smaller doses 2-3 times daily. Also make sure you supplement with calcium and vit D to prevent magnesium side-effects.

Coconut Oil
Posted by ETCrowe (Quintana Roo) on 04/24/2022

If you drink coffee, it is good to put a couple of teaspoons in it every morning.

Posted by Dianna (Austin, Usa) on 02/20/2012

I'm sure you have an answer by now since this is so long ago. But I wanted to say that I have had a seizure disorder for most of my life and eventually realized that it had something to do with constipation. Evidently when I was constipated some nerves were being pressed upon which triggered my seizures.

Epsom salt has really helped with this. I either bathe in it or take about 1/2 tsp. And/or I take magnesium citrate. I find both help.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/10/2013

my friends baby was epileptic and had to be on the ketogenic diet... I think coconut oil helps with ketones.. Now this daughter recoverd and is basically a genius in college. It did not affect her memory or ability to learn. I take coconut oil and it has not improved my memory much but I feel better.

there is information on LiveStrong about magnesium deficiency and seizures.... Magnesium helps salt and potassium and calcium work properly to hold water in the right places in the body and the brain, too much calcium cause the tensing and magnesium the relaxing.

My two cents... hope it helps.

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