B Vitamins
So, that being said we are 7 MONTHS seizure FREE, and still looking into causes/sources. After having a Epilepsy panel done, it is now known that his epilepsy is NOT genetic.
A friend and I keep circling back to the vitamin B deficiency. Seizures, poor dental, also rashes (rosy cheeks). We are looking into Biotin (vitamin B) deficiency as a possible source at this time as well.
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
MCT Oil, High-Dose Taurine
After a while he had trouble taking it. I gave him a bittersweet supplement. He tolerated it better. The key with MCT is to have some digestive juices in stomach before taking.
For some reason he stopped taking it and didn't have seizures for roughly 3 months. Eventually one night he had 5 seizures. I'm thinking it was due to the choline in liposomal supplement that he had taken.
To stop them, I mixed 6 1000 mg Taurine capsules into 1/16 tablespoon of MCT oil. The Taurine stopped his seizures. As an added measure, next day I decided to add PQQ and Omega 3 DHA capsule for added measure.
Avoid Sage
Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt
my friend I met at church, had a daughter with epilepsy and went on the keto plan because no meds helped her. She had to wear a helmet and play only with soft toys to prevent injury. Her brain outgrew them, and she is a brilliant adult now with no epilepsy. Coconut oil can help with brain and soy lecithin granules and magtein . L taurine may be helpful too. Some people have a spiritual aspect to their epilepsy and some healers get results freeing them of it. I love to google stuff and go research. I had 150 stitches on my head as a four-year-old and was supposed to die of a stroke but I'm old now and plan to get a lot older. I battled ADHD and dyslexia. Our gut has a brain too and affects our systems.
Reduce Seizures On The Ketogenic Diet – Dr.Berg On Seizure Symptoms - YouTube
Coconut Oil
When taking coconut oil for medicinal purposes, I use extra virgin and have taken it any number of ways - in coffee, off the spoon, mixed into oatmeal, added to cooked vegetables etc. While I do cook with it some, I am suspecting that some of the nutrients (enzymes, perhaps) would be lost in cooking, so don't count that as part of my daily dose of coconut oil, if I am taking it for medicinal purposes.
~Mama to Many~
Coconut Oil
I've been researching lately and found that choline and inositol are said to rebuild the myelin sheath. Look into that to see what you might fine. I believe CDP Choline (Citicholine) is the best type of choline for sheath regeneration.
I was in a house fire when I was 19, which left me with an 85% burn so the stress and high doses of painkillers I had taken contributed to my seizures, but I was still having regular seizures a year after I stopped taking any kind of pain killers, so I'm guessing something in my brain needed to neurologically heal and it did. I no longer take Lamotrigine medication and am still seizure free
Epsom Salt
Cancer researchers are astounded at the speed of growth and ferocity exhibited by cancer cells when exposed to these neurotoxic chemicals.
Msg, modified food starch and aspartame cause cancer cells to grow pseudopodia octopus like tentacles which they use to invade nearby tissue when they wish to become more aggressive and metastatic..
Brain tumor has a potential of inducing seizures and these chemicals encourage cancer growth and development..
These same chemicals help to induce seizures therefore restricting the diet of all forms of free glutamic acid is the best starting point to control seizures Read the writings of Dr Russel Blaylock about these dangerous neurotoxins.
Here is another good article for you about diet and how to control seizures naturally
Epilepsy Protocol
Learn to Stay Calm
B Vitamins
We're staying away from drugs and hoping for medicinal marijuana to be legalized if needed. He is having one tonic clonic every 10-11 days. Seems to match with winter storms..? Thank you!
Epsom Salt
After one year without any medication I found this link and read everyone comments. I have started epsom salt in orange juice. Last night when he got up from the deep sleep he was just staring at us but did not had any seizure or convulsion. I was really happy with this first step. I am going to continue this formula and hope and pray to God it helps him out. And I hope it helps to improve his speech. I pray for all of those who are going through pain. I am just worried how long should we use this epsom salt and are their any side affects on long term usage.
Learn to Stay Calm
First, a quick story about me. When I was around 18 in 1989 I started having petit mal seizures and no one knew why or what brought them on. Looking back, I remember I was getting to the end of my high school years, and one day in celebration, me and a bunch of friends went swimming. And, in the pool, I was so excited to be in the pool...swimming so fast, I did a flip turn no knowing there was a seating area in the pool and bumped my head. I walked off, trying not to make a big scene...just let the pain go away on its own. A couple of days later at a graduation party, I remember having a few wine coolers...more than normal (that is not a lot..but it was to me!) and I had a seizure. I heard about it the next day. (Looking back and reading more about seizure causes, it could have been an acid buildup in the brain...an area of tissue that was disrupted and then the acids put in my body made it to the brain..and seizures were formed). Well, at the time I thought it was a one shot deal and didn't tell mom and dad. Well, time went on..a year or two and I was going through college and living abroad in France and I noticed they were coming back...more often now. So, I went to a doctor in France while I was on my study abroad and to make a long story short, I was told I had epilepsy. I was put on pills and I thought that was it. I got back to the U.S and I was still having them. At first, I wasn't the best about taking the meds religiously...but as time went on, I WAS taking them...all of them, like clock work. And, still having seizures. I tried MANY different drugs with no positive outcome. SO, in 1995, after getting different doctors opinions (looking back, from doctors that were almost identical) I had brain surgery to help get "rid" of these seizures. Well, what the surgery got rid of was my great memory and my ability to read. Following surgery I didn't know anyone's name...I didn't remember the states...or even something basic like the word "flower." Well, it finally came back (before surgery I was a foreign language teacher...French and Spanish...that was gone following surgery. But, the French came back...not perfect...after about 8 months) So, with a 6 month speech therapy class, my reading came back...not perfect...and my memory is not as sharp as it once was. Am I angry? You're damn right I have been angry, depressed, confused,...you name it! Why me? I was a great student in high school...number 9 in the class, went to a great college...felt like such a strong and independent woman! And now I am reliant on everyone else, can't drive, feel weak, memory is not the sharpest,..and the meds I was one got me even more depressed...and I was STILL HAVING SEIZURES!!! Well, I decided a year and a half ago, I wanted to see a change! I took myself off those pills that were killing me. You know, going in to see if my LIVER was still Ok. every few months just didn't seem right to me! You know, in my opinion, the BEST doctor in the world is IN ALL OF US...In OUR body! Let me figure out this doctor and see what needs to be done. The first couple of months off those pills, I think I was SO happy, feeling strong and IN CONTROL and I didn't have ONE seizure! So, again, to make a long story short - what controls our seizures? Well, that would be our emotions! As time went on, as I started getting USED to not having them, I let small things bother me. And, well, to make a long story short, I started having them again. SO, I read more, and came across a nice book.
First one:
Nice, encouraging, natural approach to seizure control. What a nice, refreshing outlook.
After reading this and seeing that there was someone who could come and HELP me with controlling my seizures...and someone who has been through it HERSELF helped me. She had encephalitis herself MANY years ago...had ALL the seizures OFTEN and was told by doctors - sorry, there is nothing we can do. Well, to get to the point, she taught HERSELF how to control them and it has now been...what are we up to..30 years!!! Seizure free! So, I had her come on over to my home for 4 days to train me how to control them. Do I have it PERFECT yet? No. But, do I know that at one point, I will have this DOWN! YES! You know what makes it hard? We ALL have emotions. We are human! That is normal and NATURAL. However, if you have epilepsy, you have to learn to take it all in stride. Don't let emotions get the best of you. Well, that isn't as easy as it may seem. BUT, it is possible. What makes it easier is the warnings our brain/body DO give us. Ig is kind of saying, "Watch out...a seizure may be coming." I NEVER though I had warnings...that must be what those other lucky people have. But, not me. Over time, I did realize, WOW...that IS a warning. There is a long list...I will let you read about the different warning signals. But, once you do get to know yourself and SEE or FEEL the warning, just BREATHE. Take DEEP, RELAXING breaths. That is it. When you feel it coming, BREATHE. Change the direction of the negative activity of the brain. Now, I told you, I don't have it perfect yet. Here is a recent example. I am a massage therapist (damn good!) and I was VERY busy yesterday. One client after another. Well, I needed to go and have lunch. The healthy, friendly, open arms, cute Thai restaurant I go to often was closed. I was sad, surprised and just decided to go to the other Thai place. I had been there once and didn't like it as much. But, had to eat and run. SO, go over, Maureen! I went in and waited for about 10 minutes to be seated so that didn't start off well. There was barely anyone there! Why so long? Then to get the menu and for them to help me...and when they DID come to me, they were annoyed I was there. So, to say the least, a lot of negative engery took over in my brain. And, a few minutes later, seizure. Petit mal. When I came to, I was frustrated and angry. But looking back, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. Come on! Obviously I was annoyed! Why didn't I just BREATHE and let positive take over. With breathing, my brain could have looked at this differently. It could have turned this around saying, "Maureen, maybe these waitresses are having a bad day. Maybe something bad happened to them today. They are human. Smile at them and let them enjoy the rest of their day." But, I didn't. Do you see how something so simple could have turned it around? But, I am human and negative took over. Soon, I WILL grasp this 100% ..but not yet. =)
So, stay positive and the seizure will be a thing of the past! A NEW, WONDERFUL, DIFFERENT life could come! You COULD control those seizures and help OTHERS do the same. Getting this word out is needed. Not EVERYONE NEEDS drugs to control their seizures. BUT!! don't just STOP taking the meds. This needs to be well thought out. Read the books I have sent you. Keep a journal.
If you want to go one step further, have Dr. Donna Andrews come to your home to work with you. Here is the info.
If you have any other questions, let me know! Good luck everyone!
Oops, one last thing. After reading Ted's last post on Ph water balance in the brain to control seizures, I have been doing that myself the past few months which has been helping me and I will put that together in another story. Drinking water with a higher ph can help MANY ailments. More in a couple days. Right now, go get those books!
But he still drinks at least one energy drink every other day, and diet items every once in a while. I've warned him.
Here is a relevant study quote :
' Considering that the addition of melatonin to routine anti-seizure treatment was effective in reducing the severity of epilepsy and improving sleep quality, it seems that melatonin can be useful as an adjunct therapy for EGTCS in well-defined circumstances. '
Another interesting point about this study is that they only used 3 mg of melatonin/per day to get these good effects in people with epilepsy. These studies always leave me wondering what a higher dose of melatonin might have done. Considering that there are already human studies using significantly higher dosages of melatonin over 100 mg to good effect, it makes me wonder why they would use such a low dose for an actual disease treatment.
B Vitamins
This condition was called Pyroluria. This problem was caused by massive self reinforcing deficiencies of both vitamin B6 and Zinc. You should also be aware that there is much contentious dispute over the Hoffer research on Pyroluria between allopathic medicine and the orthomolecular doctors who discovered this problem and the apparent cure. But allopathic medicine has absolutely no answer or cure for this problem -- whereas orthomolecular medicine, being much more honest(not just profit driven), does seem to have an explanation and a cure.
The easiest and cheapest way to find out your vitamin and mineral status is simply to get a hair analysis.
I would also advise that you switch to a doctor who is up-to-speed and knowledgeable concerning pyroluria if you want proper treatment. The treatment essentially consists of taking massive doses of zinc and B6 as well other vitamins. Therefore it is strongly advised that you also get professional help so that you can be monitored safely while taking these higher mineral/vitamin dosages.
B Vitamins
Coconut Oil
My friend just told me about coconut oil a week ago, and start to have every day. Does anyone take a medicine as well? I usually need to take two kinds every morning and evening plus, one of them in between. I duly stop to have medicine though...
B Vitamins
Calcium D also assist as does a Multi-Vitamin; as Anti-convulsants deplete D, Folic acid, & others.
My QUESTION: I took about a teaspoon of epsom salts dissolved in some fruit juice once per day- two days in a row in the evening. My problem is now I am experiencing racing thoughts at night, tingling hands, some numbness in the face (especially when I try to sleep) and really bad insomnia. I can only sleep a couple of hours and I wake up again. Plz help it feels like I am buzzing with electricity. I am exhausted. What's wrong with me?? :( Btw, I was fighting off the dreaded feeling of an oncoming attack for several days prior to taking the epsom salts (i have one every 2 weeks) and after taking magnesium the dread feeling is mostly gone so I feel like magnesium may be helping except for this new problem.
I have always controled my two boys seizures by diet. The information I read when they were 3 and 5 years (their first seizures) was from a naturopath doctor. She listed what needs to be avoided: chicken and chicken eggs. black and red fruits (plums, red apple skins, blueberries, strawberries, purple eggplant skins, red tomatoes etc. It is the pigment that is the seizure trigger also manmade dyes, so marshmallows with blue dye to make them white, milk will sometimes have blue in it, etc. READ the LABELS, then the man made stuff other than dyes... BHA, BHT, and MSG. So, BHA and BHT are in oils and fats... If the product has less than 2% of the chemical the manufacturer does not have to list it so you need to stick to your natural oils and butters or call the individual companies and ask if they have either of those chemicals in their products. MSG is everywhere. Look up "truth in labeling" they have a list and explanations about MSG (very good information).
This list of things to avoid has always proven true for my boys. If they would have a seizure (about once every 6 months or less) I could always pinpoint what "got past me" and caused it. One boy has stopped having them. But the younger still has them if I am not careful. The reason we went to mediation is because over the years I didn't realize that MSG was being put into so many more products under so many more names and he was starting to have little seizures regularly. He is sensitive and I want more help. I am going to try the baking soda and lecithin and vit C and magnesium as extra support for him.
I hope this list will help others, it has been very good for us. Also stress affects my boy, fever, overwork.
Good luck
Ketogenic Diet
We all wish you the best of luck helping your child with the Ketogenic diet. John's Hopkins hospital in Baltimore was the birthplace of the diet, and it is described in Julia Schopick's best seller book, "Honest Medicine." Another resource is The Charlie Foundation, created by a man in Hollywood after researching and finding success using it with his son Charlie. He made a movie about it starting Meryl Strep called "First Do No Harm" or something similar. Here is a resource to that foundation:
Best wishes and please let us know how it works out for your son. The diet is also effective for adults.