Posted by Sunny (Raynham, MA) on 07/14/2008
This was a great info, thank you very much. I never knew that blacksttrap was good for gray hair. I take grandma's every morning with my oatmeal. I have improve my cholesterol by 20 points and tryglicerides by 135 points. great web site, Sunny.
Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sunny (Raynham, MA) on 07/14/2008
This was a great info, thank you very much. I never knew that blacksttrap was good for gray hair. I take grandma's every morning with my oatmeal. I have improve my cholesterol by 20 points and tryglicerides by 135 points. great web site, Sunny.
Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Michael (Indianpolis, IN) on 02/14/2007
A few years ago I paid $10 for a quick cholesterol screening at a local grocery store. I didn't know what my level was, I don't think it was high in the first place, but the results were amazing. I had been taking a tablespoon of BSM for a couple of months. I am not an athletic person by any stretch of the imagination, and I don't exercise with any honorable amount of regularity. And when I returned an hour later for the results, the guy shook his head in amazement because he said my cholesterol revealed what would be normal for someone who was involved in heavy athletic activity! (My unimpressive physique said otherwise, as he knew.) I had not been taking any other supplementation, so it is my unwaivering belief that the BSM had such an impact on my blood system that it revolutionized it! I got away from it for a while, but desire to see an improvement in my complexion, AND see if I can vacate my noggin' of ensuing gray hairs!