Sore Throat
Natural Remedies

Soothe Your Sore Throat Naturally with Cayenne Pepper

Posted by Staci (Chicago, IL) on 02/22/2007

I love cayenne pepper for my throat. I am cured in less then 2 hours of gargling with water and a few tablespoons of the mixture. Amazing.

Posted by Andrew (Fort Lauderdale, FL) on 02/22/2007

I am so glad I stumbled on this site.. About a week ago I found this site searching for a home remedy for dry and cracked hands and was really taken buy it. In any event, two days ago I went to work and felt really drained and with the onset on a sore throat. I didn't think much of it at the time, but buy the end of my shift I felt really drained and the sore throat was kicking. I had a particular soreness to one side. I came home went to sleep and woke up at the symptoms were worse. By the afternoon I was exhausted and figured some sleep would be good for repair. I woke up aching and still with the sore throat. So, I went on this site and found the cayenne pepper cure and decided to give it a shot. It works, It works, It works... Cast aside your doubts, and fears about home remedies and in particular this one. I started off gargling a full teaspoon mixed with 12 ounces of water repeatedly for 15 minutes. (I mistook the original recipe which said every 15 minutes and did it for 15 minutes straight) It burned and was not fun, but having a sore throat is worse. After that I read it said to gargle every 15 minutes with a 1/4 tea spoon of cayenne in 4oz of water. I did this until I went to bed. In addition I had a few glasses of tea with a little Apple Cider Vinegar (2 table spoons). I woke up this morning and I have no, I mean no sore throat. No fever, no body aches, no headaches.. Nothing.. Absolutely wonderful. My deepest thanks.

Posted by Molly (Calgary, Canada) on 02/23/2007

THANK YOU! I have never felt so sick as I have for the past 48 hrs. I have had a fever, coughing, aches in my entire body and finally a very raw bleeding sore throat. Its 4:30am and I woke up unable to to sleep due to the pain. I mixed some in a cup of cold water and even though I cannot barely tolerate spicy foods, I tried it out. It is working so far! I have gargled 3 times over the past 45 mins and now I am able to breath and swallow without feeling like crying. I will continue this treatment throughout the night and during the day tomorrow This is for real. This is amazing!

Posted by Krystal (Indianola, MS) on 02/24/2007

I just want to say that this warm water and cayenne pepper remedy really does work. This is really true. Yesterday I couldn't swallow worth a damn but today i feel much much much better. Its a gross taste though and it made me throw up 1 time lol but I'm fine today. Still sore just a lil bit but it'll be gone before the weekend is over.

Posted by Rick (Grand Rapids, MI) on 02/25/2007

I started getting a sore throat yesterday evening around 5:30. I normally chew Zinc or Vitamin C tablets.....but that didn't work this time. I woke up this morning with an incredibly sore throat finding it hard to breathe/talk/eat. I saw this Cayenne pepper & water "cure" and was very skeptical. To my surprise, I've done it five times today, 15 minutes apart, and my sore throat is pretty much GONE. Hopefully it stays away!! Note: I thought the Cayenne pepper and water would be horrible....but it really doesn't taste like anything....just has a little bite to it for an aftertaste. Off to do another round. Take care!

Posted by Eric (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/25/2007

So I'm sitting here with I think the worst sore throat I have had in my life, reading everyone's comments about the cayenne pepper remedy So I pull out a glass with warm/hot water, dumped some C pepper and started gargling. I'm not going to lie it burned my lips and tongue like no tomorrow. I gargled about 15 mins ago and i can tell a slight relief already. Ill try again shortly. I also had some really bad nasal congestion but that Cayenne pepper is clearing that up too! God I hope this works cause I feel like I'm falling apart!

Posted by Lindsay (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 02/25/2007

Ahhh! finally I can eat something without feeling like crying from pain. I have had a really bad sore throat for 3 days now. The back of my throat was red, raw, and looked like it was bleeding. Tried cough drops, otc throat spray, advil, etc and nothing touched the pain. So googled sore throat cure and thankfully this site came up. I alternated gargling the water and cayenne with drinking the ACV, lemon, cayenne, honey, hot water. It is now about an hour after i found this site, my sore throat is much better, not gone yet but tolerable. Thanks

Posted by Bruce (Virginia Beach, VA) on 02/25/2007

Never in my life have I experienced instant results from any sort of home remedies. The cayenne and water remedy took effect instantly and knocked my sore throat out like clockwork.

Posted by Sara (Miami) on 02/25/2007

I am 36 weeks prego and there aren't many choices of medications I can take or feel comfortable taking.I just came down with a sore throat and I feel as if a cold is coming on. I went to google and found this site. Thank god! I did my usual lemon juice and salt but that didn't work. Now I just used the cayanne pepper with water and instant relief. No pain and I will be doing it in the next 15 minutes.

Posted by Leane (Montreal, Canada) on 02/26/2007

I found this site by googling "sore throat" "can't swallow" as I felt I had a huge swollen golf ball in my throat and was spitting saliva as swallowing it hurt too much. I tried gargling 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper in a mug (8oz) hot water, and wow.... I could swallow, I could breathe, the golf ball entirely disappeared, throat felt lubricated. I could eat dinner with my guests as planned, and felt great. The results were so good I kept sipping a tea (same proportions, though the cayenne settles to the bottom) all the next day, still good results. Then yesterday (day 3) I xcountry skied and chatted all day while drinking hot chocolate instead of the cayenne. This morning, sore throat and laryngitis. !! I am back continually sipping the cayenne now and my voice isn't back (I suspect the cayenne cannot get into the larynx unless you drown in it) but my throat is SO much better. Maybe my cayenne is cheap and old (at least a year) so is less spicy than what some others have, but I found 1/4- 1/2 tsp in 1 large mug hot water to be so pleasant I am going to keep drinking it instead of other herbal teas. mmm. Kind of like clamato juice or chili con carne. Apparently it is good for migraines and digestion too, lots of Vitamin a, C and complete B. thanks!!

Posted by Francois (Gatineau, QC) on 02/26/2007

Wow, can't believe it! Had a sore throat that lasted 4 weeks. My doctor prescribed me Amoxicillin and it didn't work at all. Found this site and tried the Cayenne pepper remedy and it worked after 2 days!!

Posted by Diane (Cincinnati, OH) on 02/27/2007

Cayenne Pepper cured my sore throat. My throat was raw and sore from coughing. I read about gargling hot water with 1/4 tsp of Cayenne Pepper. After I gargled a glassful, my throat wasn't sore. For added benefit, I followed up with a 12 oz. cup of hot water with 2 T. of ACV, 1 tsp. honey and 1/4 tsp. of Cayenne Pepper. The taste was tolerable. My throat felt good afterwards.

Posted by Jordan (East Lansing, MI) on 02/27/2007

I have had some throat problems in the last three weeks, I have had pus come and go. I just started round 2 of antibiotics and decided to see what else I could do. I tried the Cayenne Pepper and hot water and instantly felt relief. Then later today I tried the apple cider vinegar with water lemon juice and honey, the pus pockets in my throat have been reduced down about 50%, I cant believe it. Give this stuff a try, it works.

Posted by Ken (Arlington, VA) on 02/03/2007

I have been on a home remedy health kick lately. I woke up at 3 a.m. and could feel a sore throat coming on. So I found this site and utilized the information for a sore throat remedy. I always keep cayenne pepper in the house due to ulcers. I mixed a cup of water and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Heated it up in the microwave for 1 minute then let it set for 5 minutes for brewing time. Then, as others have done, I gargled with it one mouth full at a time. You will need to keep stirring it since the cayenne will try to settle at the bottom. I would truly hate for anyone to experience a mouthful of just cayenne pepper. This also started the process of sinus drainage. I will post another blog on what I did for the sinus issue. I just wanted to thank everyone for their input. It has saved me a trip to the doctor's office. Thanks..

Posted by Trey (Jackson, MS) on 02/04/2007

Cayenne Pepper remedy healed my sore tonsils immediately. My mouth is hot, but it is well worth it. I heated up water as hot as i could stand it, put 5 dashes of red pepper in and gargled it. My sore tonsils were cured.
