Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Essential Oils
Posted by Tess (Jerome) on 02/01/2016

I followed an essential oil protocol which totally vaporized the candida in my system in 4 months.

There were several things of note as I did the protocol: I felt much better in about 3 weeks, then worse, then it seemed like the fungus was gone - but it wasn't - and that's exactly when you need to stay on the protocol for at least 6 weeks-2 months more. What happens is that the candida goes into "hiding" as it tries not to be eradicated. It will hide anywhere it can in the body, but if you keep going you will out it. Then, you will start to see more elimination/detox happening as the candida tries to fight the death grip happening to it. For me, I was in the throes of the nastiness for about one month. Finally, the internal nastiness was over and then my skin showed signs of candida. This was the final stage for me. It was as though it was coming all the way out and when it got to the skin layer it was near its end.

While I did the candida protocol I also was attacking other bacteria and parasites with different oils. I was clear and clean from these things all told within 6 months. At that point I then proceeded with chemical/metal detoxing and it was a relative breeze.

Some of the oils: lemon, orange internally. Bay leaf for circulation (on my feet and legs), wormwood oil, myhrr and clove, and oregano all on the balls of my feet. Layer the oils onto your feet one at a time - do not pre-mix them.
