For cures, i strongly recommend both quitting smoking and balancing the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio, especially in regards to curing candida. Candida thrives in a low oxygen system, and i realized this meant smoking after a year of trying everything on this site to no avail. i quit smoking weed and my symptoms stopped very quickly. after that, i still wasn't myself, and balancing my omegas 3 and 6 to becoming a 1:1 ratio brought me back to my old self. i have a theory that weed becomes far more desirable when one has candida, as after it has gone away, i can resist cravings alot easier, but this is the same for everything regarding candida that happens to help it flourish. the omega thing i was very surprised not to find on this site, but i found that when i was researching peanuts/mold/carcinogens and i read another reason why peanuts were bad were because of their high level of omega 6. that lead me to find out that having the "normal" american balance of 20:1 omega6: omega3 is linked to.... SURPRISE! all the symptoms of candida. anyway, just a thought. i will write a report on your site of my experience as soon as summer comes into full swing and i have time. obviously the state of this email dictates that i don't have it, but please if you can add these sections so i can be the first to add my experience. if i helped one person through the struggles i went through, it would give me comfort for the other couple billion too wrapped up in their own world and or symptoms to realize that they could be better off.
ps. I am going to college at uc merced in california, and it is a very terrible situation here. this is major farmland, and student after student i have talked to has agreed that their freshman year here was medically the most miserable year of their lives. i believe this is because of the pesticides, factories, and sudden breakfast/lunch/dinner fast food plan every student is forced into by the university. there is something called the "freshman fifty" which dictates that some freshman have gained up to fifty pounds their first year on campus. my generation is really headed into dark times if the medical industry doesn't fix itself soon. i personally want to devote my life to that change (my dads a doctor and have witnessed the effect of capitol ism on the medical industry my whole life to much disgust even before celiac disease, candida, mcs, adhd cfs and so on struck in my late teens) but i have no idea what direction to take career wise as i would rather be a part of the big change than just being a practitioner helping with individual cases.
anyway, without this site my life today and possibly years in the future would be intolerable. i would go so far as to say that you guys saved my life, for a life with all these terrible things is not much of a life at all. thank you!