Effective Natural Remedies for Burns

| Modified on Sep 08, 2024
Posted by Mare (Chicago) on 07/09/2024

I was using lactic acid to minimize some brown spots on my leg and unknowingly overdid it and was left with continuous burning sting for the past 3 days. So I tried apple cider vinegar, which only made it worse, probably because of the acetic acid, vitamin E oil, where there was no discernable difference and finally because of all the suggestions on Earth Clinic I tried some ordinary hand sanitizer w/alcohol. It worked almost instantaneously, so now there's no more sting!

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/21/2024 517 posts

Everything was back to normal this morning. Didn't even notice until now, so there's nothing left to work on...but that's a good thing..if a little disappointing, LOL!

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/21/2024 517 posts

Dang! I never even thought of colloidal silver! I have some, but am mostly exploring it with regard to fabric.

Anyway, I didn't do anything with regard to my fingers today but the blister is gone. I thought there might be a spot that would peel off but it seems to have all reintegrated The only place I can still feel it is under my fingernail but I didn't do that second round of DMSO and urine so I'll see what it's like tomorrow and, if I can still feel it, I'll do that second round and see what happens. I can't see anything amiss on my fingernail - it was a white stripe, yesterday - and it doesn't hurt but I can feel it up under the nail. Maybe I'll wrap a little baby castor oil pack around it before I go to bed...see if that might penetrate up under the nail and do its magic.

Posted by jholl (Louisville, KY) on 03/19/2024

Silver is what they use for burns in the hospital. Colloidal silver would work. Silver gel would be even better.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, US) on 03/19/2024 517 posts

Burnt my finger last night in just below boiling point water. Raised a blister across the tip of my finger and across the entire width and about 1/4 inch up under my fingernail. And I couldn't tend to it right away so...anyway, I used various things, for very short of periods but not to actually remedy the situation - just to to see what would work best and THE best solution was urine. I suspected it would work so I used it last and, poof, no more pain. Not even while typing. I applied DMSO first, as I'd been wondering if it would increase effectiveness but I can't be sure if it did or not and now it's too late.

Strangely, the second best was LABS (lactic acid bacteria serum), as I had just made a batch and thought I'd give it a try. Obviously, it's not ONLY probiotics so...not sure what that's about.

Did not get to try mustard as I didn't have any and mustard seed is a remarkable herb so I'm sorry to have missed that.

I tried cold water, which felt good but only as long as I had my finger(s) in it (this is when I got enough relief to realize I'd also burnt both adjacent fingers).

Alcohol - not good but if that was all I had, I would not hesitate to use it.

Castor oil - no - not for the kind of speed one needs if one is working. No doubt, a castor oil wrap left on overnight would have done the trick but that wasn't the purpose of my experiment.

Aloe vera - no - not for speed.

iodine - that did pretty good, pretty fast - good enough for 3rd place and may have been even better if I'd actually immersed it in some Lugol's but I merely applied it.

ozonated olive oil - actually, that would be tied for 3rd place. A little quicker than the iodine but I was actually judging speed so we're talking seconds here.

I have some comfrey salve but it's not very "strong" and it's old, so I didn't try it.

Also didn't try oregano oil - wish I had because I just got some oregano seeds in the mail...oh well...

The blister is down and appears to be disappearing from the bottom up, getting narrower and narrower. Initially, It was my entire finger tip but now it's less than half that broad, with normal skin appearing to spread upward, reintegrating it...very interesting....might try the dmso/urine thing again and see what happens. In fact, I'm going to do that right now...I've been wondering if DMSO would actually extend the life of the stem cells...that's why I've been using them together, due to the stem cells in urine and the use of DMSO in tissue preservation.

Silver Gel
Posted by Art (California) on 03/18/2023 2294 posts

M to M,

I use an Ace elastic wrap to hold CS dressings in place almost anywhere on the body and it keeps the CS wetter longer to maximize the healing effect. The CS prevents infection and significantly speeds the healing process, which is confirmed in multiple studies.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6719912/#:~:text=Indeed, an active role in, healing rate, and stimulates the

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' Indeed, an active role in wound healing was attributed to silver, and, along with its distinctive role in preventing infection, silver nanoparticles can also drive the differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, which in turn promotes the wound contraction, quickens the healing rate, and stimulates the proliferation and relocation of keratinocytes [92, 95]. '

It is useful for multiple serious wound issues such as diabetic ulcers also :

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8491782/#:~:text=Nano-silver can effectively enhance, burden of diabetic foot patients.

Here are a few relevant study quotes :

' Nano-silver can effectively enhance clinical symptoms, control infection, reduce ulcer area, reduce the number of changes, reduce amputation rate, promote patient wound healing, shorten hospitalization time, and reduce the economic burden of diabetic foot patients. '

' When compared to other antibacterial dressings, nano-silver has remarkable characteristics and advantages when treating diabetic foot, including broad-spectrum effect, wide and safe application, and long post-treatment action time. Empirical studies have shown that nanometer silver reduces pain, as well as the probability of time and infection, in diabetic foot patients. Moreover, if widely developed, nano-silver dressing popularization can also reduce the economic burden on patients, minimize unnecessary pain, enhance the patient survival, and play a specific role in treating high-risk diabetic foot patients. In addition to improving income of diabetic foot patients, nano-silver dressing plays a role in improving the efficacy in other trauma fields. '

' In addition to protecting the wound, facilitating better drainage, and improving safe broad-spectrum anti-infection role, related studies show that its application in the treatment of diabetic foot holds significant advantages, particularly several comparative experiments with different dressings have shown that nano-silver dressings effectively improve the cure rate, the safety of diabetic foot patients, and alleviates pain to a certain level. Effectively improving nano-silver dressing in terms of the limitations of using nano-silver dressing and the method of use can provide crucial benefits to diabetic foot patients in many aspects. '

Special colloidal silver wraps are sometimes used in hospital burn units to help prevent infection and speed the healing process.


Silver Gel
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 03/18/2023

My granddaughter got a bad burn on her palm and wrist. We immediately cooled the burn with cool water for many minutes.

After patting the burn dry we applied colloidal silver gel.

The burns were blistering. I did my usual treatment of plantain leaves and comfrey salve but after a a couple of days it seemed to be staying too moist. We switched to silver gel.

I applied a thick layer of silver gel to a gauze pad and held it on with cohesive tape. We were very impressed with the progress from the silver applications! The dressing does need to be changed twice a day or the bandage can stick to the wound and tear of tender new skin.

You can buy silver infused bandages on amazon, but gauze pads are cheaper, and I always keep silver gel on hand for burns, poison ivy, and other skin infections.

~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver Gel
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 10/03/2022

The other night I burned my index finger on steam.

I immediately put it under cold running water for many minutes to take out the heat. (An important step, because the heat retained in the skin can continue to burn the skin.)

I had just restocked my silver gel supply with a new for me brand. (Silver Miracles.) The pain stopped instantly when I applied the gel. I never reapplied the gel or did anything else. The pain did return but was not bad.

The next morning, in a hot shower, I didn't even notice it. (That is when I usually am reminded of a burn.)

I mentioned this to my neighbor. Interestingly, he said sliver gel works the same for him, but for his wife it doesn't seem to help as well. Everyone is different!

I had actually restocked the silver gel because my son uses it as part of his poison ivy regime.

Anyway, Silver gel is worth keeping on hand! (No pun intended. :))

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/20/2022

I called a friend of mine and at that very moment his mother-in-law (she suffers from Alzheimer's) had just put her hand on the stove burner from the tips of her fingers to the palm of her hand and she is freaking out and screaming in pain. They were going to take her to the emergency room at the hospital. So, I told him to get a washcloth, put it into a bowl and soak it in apple cider vinegar and wrap it around her hand. Then secure it in place so it won't dry out to fast with plastic wrap so they did.

I told him to call me from the hospital once she has been seen by a doctor. Well, about one hour later, he called me to tell me that he had explained to the doctor that “a friend” had suggested they wrap the hand in vinegar. Her pain had disappeared about 15 minutes after that.

The doctor removed the plastic wrap and the vinegar cloth and discovered her hand was completely normal with no signs of a burn or blistering. He touched and poked the parts of the hand that were burnt and his mother-in-law said “no pain at all”. The doctor told them he really did not know of anything else to do the hand but keep a watch on it. Doctor also said your friend was pretty smart for thinking of this remedy. It saved her from a 2nd degree burn.

Lavender Oil
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 09/05/2021

Lavender Oil is the Winner for Burns!

I'll explain why. I believe it is antibacterial and anti inflammatory. It's easy and clean to apply and doesn't get in the way like foil would. I use essential quality lavender oil. I like now foods brand. I just apply a sufficient amount on the burn. But first I ran my burn in cold water or ice water. Reapply if it still hurts.

I really feel this is the best remedy of all for burns, but hey if you don't have it, maybe you have foil use that. If you have a serious burn please go to the Dr. I ask that you donate to this site if you have been helped by a remedy, any little help. God is love - Sunny

Castor Oil
Posted by Sharon (Redding, California) on 08/26/2008

My daughter sunburned the shins on both legs. They had 3rd-degree burns. Big yellow blisters. She could walk for about 3 days. I was told by an elderly man to soak gauze in Castor Oil and wrap her legs with the gauze and leave it for 3 days. The next day my daughter was able to walk. The 3rd day I removed the gauze and she was healed. Blisters gone. Her legs we just a shade pink. It left no scars. Awesome stuff.

Severe Facial Burn Remedies
Posted by Laura (TS) on 02/19/2021

I had an accident with a fork that I had placed directly over the fire (mixed it with my eating fork) and ended up with severe burns on my lips and mouth. Due to covid-19 I didn't want to go to the doctor, so thinking it wasn't serious I applied a wet cloth for 10 minutes and then a baking soda paste. Both were really bad ideas. I didn't have any pain before, but after the baking soda I was about to cry.

I'm allergic to NSAIDs so I couldn't take any of that either. The next day and for the next month my lips and half of my face remained swollen. I couldn't eat or speak.
A week later I drank some ginger tea with honey, thinking it would help and well, it only made the inflammation worse and more painful.

I'll share with you what finally helped and what I think could've made everything better from the beginning.

1. Rinse with water. Water has to be lukewarm, never cold of freezing as it can compromise circulation. Just tilt your head and let the stream flow over the injury for several minutes.

2. Do not apply oils or any other substance. I used Vicco Turmeric Cream cream around the lips but never on the injury. The turmeric cream completely subsided the pain.

3. I didn't brush my teeth with toothpaste as it made it worse, I just rinsed with water or with water and a bit of salt, to prevent an infection. If your toothpaste is not strong, I'm sure it's better to use that. If you do use water with salt, rinse with plain water after a few minutes, otherwise it'll dry the skin of your lips.

4. After 2 weeks of little improvement and once the wounds were healed, I began placing my lips under the running water of the faucet. This time the water was as cold as possible. This reduced the inflammation greatly.

5. One month after the burn, seeing the inflammation didn't subside, I used an anti-inflammatory cream meant for muscle injuries, I applied an amount smaller than a pea along the sides of my face, almost next to the ears. This finally reduced the inflammation in about a week.

I hope this helps somebody.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ethnie (Florida) on 12/15/2020

After the burn heals, can you share what can be used to prevent scarring? Thanks

Aloe Vera
Posted by Pamaley (Sacramento. CA) on 11/13/2020

Aloe Vera [AV] is miraculous for burns but I think it's in the plants skin. It should be a standard household item just for burns. It may save a life and definitely prevent the agony and suffering of a burn.... yet it's not even listed in the First Aid at the Mayo Clinic website...sad how money weighs more than lives.

Anyhow, I have included some pics of my burn as proof of AV's incredible healing power.

On my left hand I had a burn so severe that it had a double blister. It only took 6 days to heal thanks to AV.

My right hand finger had a small burn, that I didn't really feel so it got no AV. Notice the pic with both hands. The small burn was still healing while my left finger was completely healed. I cannot imagine how bad it would've been or the pain if I had no AV.

It's best to put the leaf on asap to better heal it. This burn hurt so bad I was putting a new leaf every 5 mins, thn 10, thn 20...until it no longer hurt and I left a leaf on. Thereafter I changed leaf 3xs a day...til it healed. Its important to have it on constantly, especially the first 2 days. If you leave it off the burn may com back, that's how I got a double blister. I thot it was healed but it wasnt and developed another blister.

I love my AV plant. The older the plant, the more powerful and lower leaves are the oldest....so get an AV plant today..

Posted by Rosemary (Ontario, Canada) on 07/19/2020

I've had success using flour: immediately scoop some flour onto the burn.

Result: absolutely no blisters, ever and pain gone in 10-15 minutes or sooner.

This said, I haven't tried this on a burn that the skin sloughed off at the moment of burn.

Also, delaying application of flour to the burn area, is less effective.

I'll try the cornstarch the next time I have a burn. It's handy to keep a little bowl of flour by the stove; this is where most of my burns occur.

Posted by Art (California) on 07/18/2020 2294 posts


I agree, my parents always used butter or tomatoes for burns, but I always remember those two not being very effective for the purpose.

What I find works very well for me now is colloidal silver (AgNPs) sprayed on to the burn right away and several times within the first 30 minutes after getting a burn. For minor burns the burn seems to be completely gone in an hour or so. Obviously more critical burns will take longer. I use either 20 or 30 parts per million AgNPs which I usually have on hand. Gelatin capped AgNPs are shown to be even more effective than uncapped, but uncapped works fine in my experience.

Another effective burn remedy is lavender essential oil (LEO) If you don't mind the smell of LEO. LEO application with AgNPs are likely to be synergistic!


Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Marion (South Carolina) on 07/18/2020

Zinc oxide should help dry out and heal that blistered area.

Posted by Juanita (Fl) on 07/16/2020

Butter is what my father always used and it NEVER worked, just made it burn worse. Ice water stops the burn but you have to use it until the pain stops.

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/15/2020

William, ORH here, for some reason, I don't buy your line, but I will try it if I get a burn. Lots of gamesmen on EC and I can spot em. D knows I have this power. Many years ago, she thought I was a kook. She has learned better.


Posted by William (Michigan) on 07/13/2020

Editor's Choice

Here's a good one if you have any burn from Heat or chemical or road rash:

if you apply dry cornstarch to the burn and leave it for 10 minutes the burn will never hurt again. It won't sting, it won't pang, it won't ache. You will still have a hole in the skin and a sensitive area but no pain after 10 minutes.

It's a miracle. I've used it 50 times, even on third degree burns over my whole back when my shirt caught on fire at the stove and it was polyester and melted to my back.

It also works on chemical burns when I spilled turpentine down the front of me.

Colloidal Silver Gel
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 04/08/2020

Editor's Choice

I burned the tip of my middle finger last night when it went through a potholder hole and touched the oven rack at 375*. I immediately held it under running cool water to remove the heat and make it feel better. Several minutes. Then I applied a drop of lavender essential oil. I topped it off with a dab of colloidal silver gel. This was the best thing I think I have done to help a kitchen burn. I was able to do dishes without any pain last night. Today I can see and feel the charred skin, but I have zero pain and have done nothing else since my initial treatment. Three steps - cool the burn, lavender essential oil, colloidal silver gel. ~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver Gel
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/26/2018

A friend had told me about a burn she had that nothing worked for until someone gave her some colloidal silver gel to try on it. Apparently that worked very well.

I bought some to keep on hand. (Silver Shield is the brand she told me about.)

My daughter and I have both used it for kitchen burns and have been very impressed! It stops pain for hours and then can be reapplied. I love that it is so easy. I tend to get a kitchen burn when rushing around the kitchen and don't have time to trouble with anything complicated at the moment.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Gert (Alabama) on 09/06/2018

When I was 4, I severely burned my hand on an open oven door. My grandma immediately put my hand down in the crock of flour--it was cool, no air could touch it. She made me keep it there for hours (seemed like it, anyway). No blistering at all. By the time my dad got home with the car to head for the hospital, I was ok enough to not need the trip.

Posted by Bill (Michigan) on 09/01/2018


If my skin is ever burned by flame or heat all I have to do is cool it off with water dry it off and put cornstarch on it dry and just leave it on for 10 minutes dry cornstarch in for 10 minutes. All pain of the burn no matter if they are third degree or just little light burns you'll never be in any pain from the burn ever after you put cornstarch on it and just leave it dry for 10 minutes. I've been using it for 30 years.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/31/2018

I dealing with a bunch of jalapeno peppers. My daughter was helping me, but not touching the peppers. (I had gloves on.) Somehow she got some of the pepper oil onto her hand and touched her eye. Her eye instantly began to burn. The first thing we tried was plain yogurt. It relieved the burning fast and the pain never returned.

Usually my first thought would have been coconut oil, to dilute the jalapeno oil, but this daughter doesn't do well with coconut oil externally.

~Mama to Many~

Vitamin E
Posted by Rw (Southwestern Virginia) on 05/03/2018

I know this is a very old post so you probably won't see this but I would love to know what kind or brand of natural vitamin E you used.
