Effective Natural Remedies for Burns

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, US) on 03/19/2024 473 posts

Burnt my finger last night in just below boiling point water. Raised a blister across the tip of my finger and across the entire width and about 1/4 inch up under my fingernail. And I couldn't tend to it right away so...anyway, I used various things, for very short of periods but not to actually remedy the situation - just to to see what would work best and THE best solution was urine. I suspected it would work so I used it last and, poof, no more pain. Not even while typing. I applied DMSO first, as I'd been wondering if it would increase effectiveness but I can't be sure if it did or not and now it's too late.

Strangely, the second best was LABS (lactic acid bacteria serum), as I had just made a batch and thought I'd give it a try. Obviously, it's not ONLY probiotics so...not sure what that's about.

Did not get to try mustard as I didn't have any and mustard seed is a remarkable herb so I'm sorry to have missed that.

I tried cold water, which felt good but only as long as I had my finger(s) in it (this is when I got enough relief to realize I'd also burnt both adjacent fingers).

Alcohol - not good but if that was all I had, I would not hesitate to use it.

Castor oil - no - not for the kind of speed one needs if one is working. No doubt, a castor oil wrap left on overnight would have done the trick but that wasn't the purpose of my experiment.

Aloe vera - no - not for speed.

iodine - that did pretty good, pretty fast - good enough for 3rd place and may have been even better if I'd actually immersed it in some Lugol's but I merely applied it.

ozonated olive oil - actually, that would be tied for 3rd place. A little quicker than the iodine but I was actually judging speed so we're talking seconds here.

I have some comfrey salve but it's not very "strong" and it's old, so I didn't try it.

Also didn't try oregano oil - wish I had because I just got some oregano seeds in the mail...oh well...

The blister is down and appears to be disappearing from the bottom up, getting narrower and narrower. Initially, It was my entire finger tip but now it's less than half that broad, with normal skin appearing to spread upward, reintegrating it...very interesting....might try the dmso/urine thing again and see what happens. In fact, I'm going to do that right now...I've been wondering if DMSO would actually extend the life of the stem cells...that's why I've been using them together, due to the stem cells in urine and the use of DMSO in tissue preservation.

Posted by L J (Los Angeles, California ) on 06/30/2016

If yu ever get a burn on any part of yr body use urine...It's known to heal the skin leaving no scar at all.. I've used it for years if I ever burn or cut myself. Once had a bad coffee burn on my hand ..I went into the bathroom, peed into a cup then poured that all over my burn.. I let it air dry and wow the pain was instantly gone. I even healed a burn I had in my forehead from my curling iron. The urine instantly helped heal the burn..xoxo

Posted by Sandy (San Francisco, California, Usa) on 01/22/2012

It took my husband literally YEARS to convince me of this, but it really works like magic for burns: As soon as possible after you burn yourself, pee on it. As in, go to the toilet and hold your burnt hand in your urine stream. The sooner you do this, the less tissue damage.

My husband is an avid fisherman and he'd been telling me that all fishermen know this trick, but I confess I thought it was just a fish story. Then one day, after years of rejecting this suggestion, I was cooking for a dinner party; we were expecting several guests within an hour. In a distracted hurry, I opened the oven and reached in and took hold of both sides of the pan with my bare hands (ouch!! ). I watched as my hands began to blister, and realized I'd soon have third-degree burns on most of the surfaces of both palms, and further food preparation seemed out of the question. This was an emergency, and my usual slow-healing approaches with aloe, honey, etc. Would be inadequate to save my dinner party. SO, long story short (too late! ) I ran to the bathroom and peed on my hands. When the warm liquid hit the burns, it HURT even more, but only for maybe three seconds. Then, the pain began rapidly subsiding. I held my hands up and watched in amazement as the blisters went down. Within five minutes, all the pain was gone and all that was left of the burns was a little pinkness. I washed my hands and went back to my cooking as if nothing had happened!

I understand why no one talks about this even on the Internet, because it's a gross-out to think a person (especially a COOK) would urinate on their hands. BUT, soap and water cleans up the residue after the medicine has done its magic. If you're like me, you'll be revolted at this suggestion, and ignore it... Until maybe someday when you're faced with a serious burn and a situation in which you NEED to heal immediately. The best thing about this absolutely effective burn cure is that you'll always have the remedy with you.
