Natural Remedies for Basal Cell Carcinoma: Safe & Effective Options

| Modified on Jul 24, 2024
Surgical Spirit
Posted by Anabel (Seaton, England) on 07/24/2024

Basal Cell Carcinoma - Surgical Spirit

I have had a basal cell carcinoma on my nose for several years. I tried ACV, Hydrogen Peroxide, Manuka honey, and Aloe Vera and some helped but then would stop working. I also tried mushed up raw broccoli with which I had the best results, but even that stopped working. Meanwhile I ended up with a large red lump on my nose, very embarassing and unsightly and so large I could see it when looking forwards.

I was at a loss as to what to do when I thought that not a lot survives surgical spirit, so perhaps it was worth giving it a go, which I did with some trepidation. It took a long while and it was difficult not to try and remove the scablike structure and just let it come off naturally. Whilst it may come back, I am happy to say that I currently have a normal nose. There is just a slight bit of dry skin that needs to repair still. Best of all a cheap remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Sharon (Utah) on 07/14/2024

Hi Carol, I am very interested in hearing whether you were able to eliminate the BCC. Or did you decide to have it cut out? Some say though even when having it cut out it comes back. Hope to hear from you, and I hope it went well. Thank you, Sharon

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Sharon (Utah) on 07/14/2024

Did the BCC go away? Are you 100% cured? It is on my left leg in two locations. And on my right leg in a small place. I am doing the salt and ACV. Is it best to de each of these treatments separately and not combine any of them? I Would love to have a response. I am feeling like adrift on a desert island.. Sharon

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Sharon (Utah) on 07/14/2024

Yes, the question is does it get to the root of it and make it go away. I have 3 places, two on my left leg and 1 small one on my right leg. One on my left leg was just biopsy and it is BCC. So I have been dabbing on ACV several times a day. It seemed at first make a difference and started to turn white and look like it was going away but now is red and irritated. I will keep up maybe adding the hydrogen peroxide and continuing the application. I have a bump on my right shoulder where my bra and purse irritate it. It went away but now is back. These different things are scary.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by scott (FL) on 06/04/2024

BCC on Face

With home treatments apple cider vinegar or baking soda in coconut oil how to treat and when to stop are imprecise. Will the lesion heal while being treated? Do you treat until there is no or little reaction from the tissues? Is the opening up and bleeding a normal part of the process?

Oregano Oil
Posted by Lindsey (Waianae, HI) on 03/07/2024

I am also using oregano oil. The first time I put it on, the BCC burned sooo bad and then burst and bled out. I have continued putting it on 1-2x a week, and the BCC has shrunk down to basically nothing and is almost flat to my nose. I apply castor oil after the oregano oil and it seems to be working well. I will continue this protocol until the tissue looks healthy and I see no more evidence of cancer.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by ella (auckland) on 02/07/2024

hi, how did you apply and how often during day etc? thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Carol R. (Oregon) on 01/22/2024

Thanks! I continued on with the ACV and it cleared up and looked great. Now I am a year plus later and it has returned. Same location and once again doing the AVC. I went to doc after the last one and she looked at my ear and would not believe the pictures I showed her and that I just burnt my ear and that there were easier options than ACV. She said ear looked fine and no need to do anything. Well I made an appointment today but they said a month from now so I decided to do ACV again and thinking it will be looking better in a month…May or may not keep the appt. But wondering why it returns. Continuing on AVC and once again starting day 2 and the pain is beginning but I know now what will be expected. I did it a very long time last time and really burnt it out but now again?

Vitamin C
Posted by Leeno (Exton, Pa) on 01/22/2024

What kind of Vit C did you use?

Milk Thistle
Posted by Jeanne G (colorado) on 11/21/2023

Put in search Sonchus oleraceus- that is how you find the image, I just did.

H2O2, Oil of Oregano, Clotrimazole
Posted by Jeanne G (colorado) on 11/21/2023

I heard that FDA recently quietly approved 2 regular antifungal meds as cancer treatments. And also I have info that samples sent to normal lab coming positive for cancer get also sent to one of the 2 USA labs that test for fungus, those same cancer samples come back as fungus. So yes, your hunch seems right.

Basal Cell Epithelium Remedies
Posted by Jeanne G. (colorado) on 11/20/2023

Black paste says not to apply it to nose, or ears, where there is cartilage, since it can eat a hole into it. So be smart out there.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jeanne G (colorado) on 11/21/2023

Treasaj, surgeries often leave scars. Scars are not seemly, and they also block free flow of lymph, that keeps body/skin healthy. When body heals the problem spots with these natural tools it seems to create a better, smoother inside and outside tissues. It may take a bit longer, than surgeon cutting it out, but it seems to come back much less often, since the body healed it. That is what I know about why so many prefer not to have their nose cut splayed open, and dug through in layers of tissues.

Eggplant, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by judith (Duxbury, MA) on 11/20/2023

What is non mineral sorbulene oil?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by judith (Duxbury, MA) on 11/20/2023

Did you apply this for a specified length of time before bed or did you tape it on the bcc and leave on overnight? many thanks - dealing with many of these spots!

Petty Spurge
Posted by Sherry (Montana, USA) on 11/11/2023

Can you provide your supplier's name and contact info for seeds as well as picato?

Petty Spurge
Posted by michele (california) on 11/11/2023

Sounds good to me. Just endured 3 mohs surgeries & scheduled for more but this sounds better. I'd like to know more about where you get the spurge seeds.


Petty Spurge
Posted by Sherri (Seattle) on 10/28/2023

Hello Cathie,

This year, for the first time, I found a patch of Petty Spurge growing wild in my garden. I researched it and found amazing uses for it. It is actually a beautiful "weed". I applied the sap very carefully to a spot on my nose and it worked!


The botanical name is Euphorbia peplus. Other common names include Cancer Weed, Wart Weed, Milk Weed and Radium Weed.

Petty spurge, and all other Euphorbias, are named for a Greek physician of King Juba II (50 BC), Euphorbus, who discovered the medicinal uses of the Euphorbias. It is the only genus of plants that has all three kinds of photosynthesis, CAM, C3 and C4. "Spurge" is derived from Middle English/Old French, "to purge" due to its use as a purgative. All Euphorbias have a caustic milky sap, "latex", which can cause burning to mucousal tissues.

It has long been used successfully as a traditional remedy to treat sunspots, corns, warts, non-melanoma skin cancers (BCC, SCC), actinic keratosis, waxy growths, skin blemishes, and other common skin lesions. it is also used as a tincture to treat other conditions. It was described by Nicolas Culpeper's Complete Herbalist (1826) as “A good treatment for warts”.
It has always been used for sunspots in Australia.
In 1997, Dr Aylward isolated one of the active ingredients, a diterpene ester called Ingenue mebutate, which he discovered was toxic to rapidly replicating human tissue.

Clinical trials of Picato, a gel derived from milkweed sap, suggests it is effective at stopping lesions turning into skin cancer. And, an Australian company called Peplin Biotech is conducting research and developing a gel from the sap of Euphorbia peplus as a simple topical treatment for certain skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. According to Peplin Biotech, the sap penetrates the skin and destroys the malignant tissue.

There are several ways to use Petty Spurge to treat BCC.


Pick a fresh stem and wait for the white sap to exude and apply 1 drop only to the lesion (avoid surrounding skin). Apply 1-2 times daily for 1-7 days, usually 2-4 days. Can cover with a bandaid and leave overnight. Note: some have noted they had to repeat the treatment to completely clear out the infection.

Each day use a fresh stem.

Some people mix it with aloe vera gel (50:50,70:30) in which case it might take longer (weeks to months) to resolve though with much less irritation. Apply a thin layer to the affected area only.

When using the raw sap, if there is abnormal growth, there is a strong reaction to the sap. The area will fester, redden, and scab which eventually falls off leaving fresh pink skin. At this point, aloe vera gel can be applied to aid healing.

There are a few points that need to be applied when using the raw sap:

1. When plucking the stems to extract sap, choose the small stems first. The first time you use it only use a tiny dot of the sap, to see how you react and how the lesion reacts.

Wear gloves and do not allow the sap to get onto your fingers, lips, eyes, nose, genitals or onto healthy skin. Care must be used not to allow the sap onto unaffected skin or anywhere near the eyes. THIS IS IMPORTANT. The eye can be affected more seriously by inflammation because it is easily scarred and cause loss and clarity of vision. It is toxic if ingested and will cause blistering wherever it is applied. If even a tiny dab gets in your eyes, it can cause excruciating pain, redness, swelling and even blindness. Take care not to inadvertently rub your eye when handling the sap. Sweating, rubbing or washing may inadvertently carry the sap into the mouth or eyes causing causing inflammation and scarring.

Congealed latex is insoluble in water though can be removed with an emulsifier such as soap and milk.

3. Apply the sap only to the most prominent and specific tissue only.

4. The lesion should be cleaned with soap and water and dried before applying the sap.

5. Do not over treat. Once or twice per day is more than enough. If the area starts to bleed discontinue. Most people apply it once daily, usually at bedtime.

6. It is recommended to see a doctor or alternative healthcare specialist before self-treating.

A typical sequence of healing is listed below. Obviously it will vary a lot, depending on what you are treating, the severity, your state of health and age, and other conditions.

Day 1: Redness surrounding the lesion, sometimes mild localised pain.
Days 2-3: Swelling, red area spreads. There may be some level of pain from the lesion.
Days 4-5: lesion may ooze or form a crater.
Day 6. Lesion starts to dry, no pain, there may be some itching.
Day 7. Scab starts to form.
Days 7-14. Scab heals and falls off.

Do not pick at the scab that forms. It will delay healing, may cause infection, and may cause a scar. It is tempting to pick but let it come off on its own.

Keratosis. When treating keratoses, on day 4 erythema (redness), flaking/scaling and crusting may peak.


Apply a thin coat to the affected area daily until resolved.

1. Petty Spurge sap, Wheat germ oil, Grapeseed oil, Mango Butter, Vitamin E.

2. Petty Spurge Sap, Sorbolene (emulsified coconut wax).

3. Petty Spurge 3%, aloe leaf juice, coconut oil, almond oil, emulsifying beeswax, Vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate), Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate), Vitamin D (ergocalciferol). All ingredients are organic.


There are several companies that make a cream from the sap, some are sold on Amazon (e.g., PhytoMedx Suphorbia Cream). The active ingredient in Euphorbia peplus sap is ingenol mebutate, which has been approved by the FDA in the United States of America for use as a gel on skin lesion. Treatment appears to involve applying the gel 0.05% once daily for two or three consecutive days to the surface of the BCC or SCC lesion.

5.2. Petty Spurge (Euphorbia peplus (L.))

The latex of the lactiferous petty spurge contains toxic diterpene esters such as ingenol mebutate. A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated the efficacy of 0.025% and 0.05% ingenol mebutate gel compared to placebo in 200 patients with actinic keratoses. The topical products were applied once daily for three days. Both ingenol mebutate concentrations were highly effective (75% and 100% clearing, versus 0% clearing with placebo). Ingenol mebutate induces a localized necrosis of the treated skin, followed by an inflammatory response, crusting and subsequent clearing of the treated area. Scar formation was not observed [53] (LOE-A). These results were confirmed in another randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study [54] (LOE-A). Ingenol mebutate gel was approved in 2013 as a prescription drug (150 µg/g gel and 500 µg/g gel).


Recent research into Petty Spurge has shown that a wide range of cancer cells is acutely sensitive to this substance.

In many studies, the Active Ingredient: Ingenol Mebutate -
is an activator of Protein Kinase C which is a key factor in the treatment of cancer.
In laboratory experiments against leukemia cells lines, Ingenol Mebutate (Ingenol-3-angelate) was found to be both selective in targeting leukemia cells and that the leukemia cells are highly sensitive to the small doses being applied.
in laboratory trials with skin cancer in mice, 3 daily topical applications resulted in significant clearance.
intermediate clinical trials (Phase IIa) against Sunspots (Actinic Keratosis) resulted in significant clearance.
Phase I/II clinical trials show that the sap from Petty Spurge resulted in significant clearance of human non-melanoma skin cancers.
Caution: Petty Spurge sap is toxic and should not be used internally.

An interesting study found uses for other cancer types:

Anticancer Drugs. 2007 Mar;18(3):357-62. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e3280149ec5.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on PEP005

Steven M Ogbourne 1, Peter Hampson, Janet M Lord, Peter Parsons, Peter A De Witte, Andreas Suhrbier

PMID: 17264770 DOI: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e3280149ec5

The sap of Euphorbia peplus, commonly know as 'petty spurge', 'radium weed' or 'milkweed' has been used for centuries as a traditional treatment for skin conditions, including warts, corns and cancers of the skin. Documentation of its use by medical professionals to treat basal cell carcinoma (BCC) dates from the early 19 century. Individuals who participated in a 1988 survey of home treatments for cancer indicated the sap of E. peplus was an effective cure for actinic lesions leading the investigators to suggest that this potential utility should be further explored in controlled clinical trials. The fractionation of the sap E. peplus using solvents of varying polarity yielded several macrocyclic diterpenes, many of which were found to have cytotoxic activity or the ability to influence cellular differentiation. Ultimately, ingenol 3-angelate (I3A) of PEP005, emerged as a promising potential new anti-cancer treatment. Here we report the proceedings from the First International Conference on PEP005, covering the exciting potential of PEP005 as the therapeutic agent for the treatment of skin cancer, leukemia and bladder cancer.

Petty Spurge
Posted by Cathie (Scotland ) on 10/17/2023

Would love to know how to use this. My husband has had bcc for several years. We have tried many options mentioned here but none has completely resolved this issue.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Avril (Powys) on 10/06/2023

Hi I used Curaderm for a BCC near my eye, which had previously been excised 3 times yet still returned over a 6 year period. A surgeon offered mohs treatment once the third excision had failed to remove it completely. This involved two invasive operations, the first the mohs procedure followed the following day by facial reconstruction. The whole procedure sounded horrific and I decided to go down the alternative route. Curaderm was very painful yet effective for a while. However it reappeared again within 2 years. This was when I found this forum and have and I am still treating it with a combination of Diluted ACV, Hydrogen Peroxide, Vitamin E Oil and just now the baking soda an vco. As this site in the corner of my eye is already scar tissued after 3 exisions, it is taking a while to heal and look red and angry and bleeds occasionally. I am not giving up, but I am realistic that as I have had this BCC reoccuring on and off for 12 years it may take a while of treating with these combinations before a real effective sign of complete healing appear.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 10/03/2023

Kally, having had the same reaction as you, I caved in and had it surgically removed, which left me with an impressive "pirate" scar.

In your place I would continue, but less applications and less amount each time, just so it will be tolerable till it does the job.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Kally (Gold Coast QLD.) on 10/01/2023

Bi Carb and Coconut Oil for skin cancers

I have started using this mixture on a skin cancer that has been on my face for a few years and have had a huge reaction, it is actually hurting quite a big area of the left side of my face, I would like to know when you stop the treatment or how you know you have got all of the cancer!

Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Peroxide
Posted by judith (massachusetts) on 09/25/2023

Thank you, James, for posting your bcc experience. Did you make the paste fresh every time you applied it so that the hydrogen peroxide was fresh or did you mix up several tablespoons and use it over a period of days? many thanks, judith

Posted by Katherine (California ) on 08/23/2023


I tried 5% J Crows iodine on my Basal Cell, but it wasn't strong enough. But what is working is Doc Shillington's Total Draw powder mixed into a paste with equal parts of apple cider vinegar and distilled water. I apply at night, putting a piece of Saran Wrap on top and then secured with skin tape. It is getting smaller and forming a scab. I make enough paste at a time to use for about a week. Keep rest covered tightly in refrigerator.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Peroxide
Posted by James (Texas) on 08/17/2023

I had a spot about the size of a small fingernail on my scalp, and after finding info on ACV, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda, I made a paste of the three together and applied it to the area and covered that with a band-aid. Within a few days, I noticed the area became covered with a soft sticky yellowish scab-like material (called's normal). I did try carefully to wipe that off, but realized it is actually part of the tissue, so I continued applying the paste, and eventually the area became covered with a dark, almost blackened scab-like material. What I realize now, or at least what I think was/is happening, is that the paste is getting down into the cancer cells and they start to die off, so the area is going to look rough for a while. Obviously the paste is doing it's job though. I'd stopped applying it now and then, for a day or two, to see what I could see, and it became obvious that it was working. I could see the skin around the are beginning to draw in as healing was starting. One time, because I thought I saw an bit of odd discoloration along one outer area, I reapplied the paste-mixture and covered that too, just to be safe and to be sure I got to the very roots of the cancer cells. I reapplied the paste each day, maybe twice if I could, and let it do its work, and now I'm pretty sure the discoloration was a bad area because the paste got down into that area too and it repeated the above process.
To be frank, I maintained this for 30+ days (though the entire experience was 2-3 months worth) and I think it was all worth it as an alternative to having surgery and a big scar on my head. I took ongoing pictures of the area and created a simple video to show the progress. Yes, it seems like a long time in hindsight, but eventually the area began to fully heal and no more questionable areas were to be seen. The doctor (to his great surprise :) rechecked the area and told me no more sign of BCC. Now I only have a small spot where all this went on, but it healed over with natural skin tones and the scar isn't significant (considering all the little dents and dings we have on our heads by the time you're my age)!

So, to me, the ACV is what I think is the strongest factor, and the ACV, Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda mixture is the most powerful paste imho. I also use a Hydrogen peroxide & baking soda-only mixture if I want to apply a less aggressive mix to anything that looks vaguely suspicious. And I drink an occasional teaspoon of ACV in water, since I've read that can help too.

(My disclaimer: this worked for me, ymmv, and definitely check with your doctor. If it had been anywhere else on my body I might have accepted the suggested Mohs surgery and been done with it instantly...but I still keep the above paste/mixtures handy.)

Posted by Bri (Vancouver canada) on 08/16/2023

Has anyone used lugols iodine topically on Basel cells carcinoma

Posted by Leah (QLD) on 06/02/2023

I have bcc on my eyelid. What sort of iodine do people recommend, any particular brand? thks, leah

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Sun One (Galexia) on 04/29/2023

Vitamin C for basal cell cancer

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Patches (Oregon) on 04/28/2023

Thank you. I have been saturating cotton ball and soaking in apple cider vinegar. Turns very dark and scabs over and comes off but there seems to be more. Seemed to open and was a lot more than what I thought. So repeating….Less lesion, but still there. Repeating the process. I did about 14 days and then let it dry. I am repeating at present. I will try the recommendation. Thanks again. I wonder if I will will know if the root is gone like the person below asked. Time will tell as I keep at it.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Roger N (Mesa, AZ) on 04/26/2023

My concern is how do you know if it killed off the roots too?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/15/2023

@Patches; I remember reading an article from a retired 70 year old dermatologist that said to use the following:

8oz pure water

1 tablespoon sea salt

3 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Use this solution as a compress on the skin for cancerous lesions at niight before bed. Do it for 10-22 days.



Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Patches (Oregon, USA) on 04/13/2023

Has anyone applied Apple Cider vinegar in the ear? I have cells in ear and lobe. I have been treating and seems to be festering. Painful stage now but continuing on. Have done this before in a different part of the ear. Has not come back at the place before but now in a different spot. Seems to be in the ear canal and applying vinegar on cotton. Just wondering if anyone else has done this?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Barbara (DC) on 04/10/2023

I'm seeing this so late as I search for help with my BCC on my nose and here is what I found with Hydrogen Peroxide. Use Essential Oxygen brand 3% Food Grade HP ONLY!! The cheap brown plastic bottles found everywhere are from China and have been found to contain very high levels of toxic metals. If you don't have a very good small organic market near you, iHerb and Vitacost used to sell it with iHerb being the least costly. You can also purchase direct from manufacturers website. It is much more expensive $10+ for a bottle but if you restrict it only for medicinal use it pays for itself. I use the cheap stuff only to clean my toilet etc.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bill (Freiburg Germany) on 03/29/2023 2 posts

I have a few small areas of skin cancer on my forehead and ear, which were removed because they were cancerous. I removed one using blood-root, but it was painful and unsightly because of the color of bloodroot, but it never came back. The ones the doctor 'dug out' are coming back. The one on my ear is crusty and itchy. I've started to put 1 drop of 12% food grade H2O2 on each spot 1-2x a day. It burns + hurts about 20 minutes and then it's okay. Does anyone have other suggestions?

Vitamin C
Posted by Christine (WI) on 03/25/2023

I heard Bloodroot only attacks cancer cells....not healthy normal cells. This from a Dr.who used it on her breast cancer and healed herself...IDK

Apple Cider Vinegar, Eggplant, Peroxide
Posted by jobie (mn) on 03/23/2023

I would like to make a correction to my post. Please use sweet almond oil and not the bitter because of high cyanide content in the bitter almond. It has a possible anticancer effect on the area but is considered toxic even if ingested through the skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Eggplant, Peroxide
Posted by jobie (Cottage Grove, MN) on 03/21/2023

Hydrogen peroxide, slather it on until the cancer rises to the surface and looks irritated. Then use a mixture of eggplant/vinegar on the area. There are recipes for this mixture on here, basically, chop up the eggplant, put in a large jar and fill with acv. The mixture can be used after 3 days. Strain off the liquid to use and discard the eggplant. This will also be irritating and more cancer may surface in the area. I don't believe the cancer is spreading, rather it is bringing to the surface what was already there. The skin may turn red, scab over, and cause inflammation which is temporary. After this I use bitter almond oil in very small amounts, (and never to be used internally) on the cancer spots. This soothes the skin and keeps the cancer from further spreading. Do this once a day. It will also help prevent any scarring.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Spice girl (Nelson) on 02/04/2023

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil:

Have used the described protocol several times now on small BCCs, for 7 days of treatment. It's worked each time.

To reduce the pain, try earthing:

  • Attach an earthing pad to the skin near the treatment area. or put the treated body part on an earthing pad.
    For earthing equipment and how to earth:
  • Make sure that the contact of your skin with the earthing pad is firm.
    E.g. when treating your left shin, lie on your left side with the left leg on the earthing pad and put your right leg onto your left leg for extra weight (the weight of the left leg on the earthing pad by itself wasn't enough for me to take the pain away).

I discovered this by chance. It's cut down half an hour of intense sting from ACV to just 5 minutes, and helped me with the baking soda and H2O2 treatments, too.

H2O2, Oil of Oregano, Clotrimazole
Posted by ChurpyBurd (Malaga, Spain) on 10/19/2022

Just for giggles, I went down the list of the remedies listed here, with the search term "antifungal", and almost all of them came up as antifungal agents.

I have added blue light in the 415nm visible spectrum to the list of effective agents, on account of its ability to target gram negative bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus that hitches a ride in the fungal biofilms. A staph bacillus will inhibit the healing activity and blue light accelerates the healing process by interrupting the cell-replication signalling of the bacillus DNA.

415-460nm blue light is also effective treatment against certain strains of fungus such as the dreaded and very difficult to eradcate C. albicans.

H2O2, Oil of Oregano, Clotrimazole
Posted by ChurpyBurd (Malaga, Spain) on 10/15/2022

Look up eggplant peel effective antifungal. IMO it works because it is an antifungal, not "anti-carcinoma".

Just saying. I don't think that what they call BCC is cancer. I think it's a fungal infection.

H2O2, Oil of Oregano, Clotrimazole
Posted by ChurpyBurd (Malaga, Spain) on 10/15/2022

Can't get it here in Europe, AFAIK. I looked for it online. If someone here in Europe has a source I would appreciate knowing.

H2O2, Oil of Oregano, Clotrimazole
Posted by Bev (U.S.) on 10/12/2022

Are you familiar with Curaderm? It is an eggplant based skin cancer (not melanoma) cream that is applied to the skin lesion. It enters the skin and starts eating the cancer cells. It continues to eat the skin cancer until there is no more and than it helps heal the skin back to normal. You do not dig out anything. You let the cream do its job. I believe it may be sold in the store on this site. But if not, it is very good. My husband had skin cancer on his bald head. He let the doctor take off some lesions and it left scars on his head. That is never a cure and sure enough, it returned. I bought the Curaderm online and dressed his lesions. It was a ugly looking wound for a few weeks but was kept covered. Slowly, we noticed it was closing up. The skin became normal with no scarring and no cancer ever returned.

H2O2, Oil of Oregano, Clotrimazole
Posted by Daniel (IL) on 10/05/2022

Great story! I believe you were on right track about fungus, it can grow anywhere. If you wish to learn more about it see

H2O2, Oil of Oregano, Clotrimazole
Posted by ChurpyBurd (Malaga, Spain) on 10/05/2022

Well it's been an excruciating and disfiguring but ultimately victorious four months for me.

It started with an itchy red bump at the left side of my nose - it would clear scab over but wouldn't heal. I remembered my parents had BCC and used an ointment to treat it, and so here I arrived at my go-to site looking for a symptom set and natural remedy.

I treated the bump with H2O2 quite successfully within 2 weeks, but noticed there were other itchy bumps and inflamed spots and so I dug those up with H2O2. They were bigger and deeper. And took longer to heal. My face was on fire. Sometimes the lesions would close over but I could tell from the remaining surrounding inflammation and the tenderness or sharp pain that they were not fully "excavated". I would dig in a little bit with the H2O2 and yup - still there.

After about eight weeks I had cleared areas on about 60% of my face, but the last 40% was just agony. I felt like I was chasing this thing all over my face - no sooner had I cleared a pocket than one just a centimeter away would start to inflame and itch, and a light rub with H2O2 would show a large area of abnormality.

The scabbing and peeling was, I gotta say, monstrous. I haven't had this kind of skin since my acne-infested teens.

I felt like I was missing something.

I read up on oil of oregano to see if it was effective against BCC. Yes, it is. Also coconut oil. Yup that too. I began to treat the most stubborn open lesions with oregano oil and within a week, saw improvement.

I began to reflect on what I know about H2O2, oil of oregano and coconut oil.

First of all - H2O2. If you watch any science youtube content, it talks about how it "explodes" mico-organisms. These are living things that are super-oxygenated and just go "poof" and create the foam. And I was thinking, wait a minute. The BCC cell is abnormal - but WHY is it abnormal? Sure it has sun damage. There's something wrong with its functioning. But H2O2 doesn't make a healthy cell foam. So is there something inside the BCC cell that explodes?

Then I thought about oil of oregano. It is effective against three things: viruses, bacteria and fungi. Why would it be effective against a malfunctioning skin cell? It is neither a bacteria, nor a virus nor a fungus. UNLESS one of those things is living rent free inside the cell. THEN maybe there's a reason why it might kill the cell, or the thing inside it. if it exists.

Then I looked at coconut oil. Is it a fungicide? Why yes it is. It's used as part of treatment against a candida overgrowth. Also I looked at various remedies - the ketogenic diet for instance inhibits the proliferation of candida albicans.

Then I looked at the BEHAVIOUR of this thing, and it was behaving like a plant. You know when you cut off a small outgrowth of a plant, suddenly it responds with a burst of energy and branches out in all directions from the injured part?

I started with a tiny speck on one cheek and within eight weeks my face was covered in weeping lesions, as new spots grew out next to the healed ones.

So I put 2 and 2 together and thought - OK. What if this is a kind of fungus? Some kinds of fungus only grow on bread. Others only grow on toenails. What if there's a KIND of fungus that only grows in sun-damaged skin cells? Mybe we don't know what t is, but why are antifungal treatments so effective against BCC?

So. I started to treat the remaining open lesions with over-the-counter clotrimazole. Within a week, lesions that had been open for six weeks were closed, healed over, and non-inflamed.

I began to treat the small bumps that were arising next to the healed lesions directly with clotrimazole, without opening them up with H2O2. I opened one or two just to be certain, though. Within a week, they had disappeared, but the skin that was sloughing off showed circular pit-shaped "holes" where a fungus had once existed.

So now I'm moving on to some itchy bumps under some of my sun spots on my arms and torso.

Today I had an experience where I was swimming in the sea and there are small fish that will come and nip at your skin. It's ticklish and hilarious. But one was attacking some part of my foot, really giving it a kind of "tearing" effort. I was like "Whoah little dude. What the heck do you see here?" I put my finger to the spot and it was a tiny, almost imperceptible bump. Later I sterilized the area and gave it a good rub with H2O2 and what do you know? It foamed like a champ. Made me wonder what kind of spectrum these little fish actually see. I mean, it was invisible to the eye, barely perceptible to the touch, but that little fish saw "DINNER".

ANyway, that's my story. I hope it helps someone.

Eyelid BCC Remedies
Posted by Connie B. (Cumming, GA) on 06/22/2022

I have the same issue. BCC in lash line. Can you please give instructions for the nighttime clay pack? What type of clay, what type of pad/gauze if needed, what to mix with, and how to keep it on eyes. Please also include additional information that may be helpful.

Eyelid BCC Remedies
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 05/14/2022

I've been reading for years on end looking for solutions

I remember this maybe it will help

How to Make Activated Charcoal Drops for Pterygium (

Eyelid BCC Remedies
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 05/13/2022

G, if it didn't grow any, that's a good sign. Personally, healing clay packs at night would be my choice.

Eyelid BCC Remedies
Posted by G (UK) on 05/12/2022

I was diagnosed last year with BCC on the right lower eyelid, it is across the waterline so touches my eyeball. The Hospital wanted to remove it, alas after questioning (because you should question everything) it appeared I was not afforded the full details of what they proposed. They lost my trust and faith rapidly and then with the scare tactics and silliness my decision was confirmed to follow my gut and remain true to my beliefs that one can heal anything naturally with the right mediums/environment and tools.

So basically this began approx 5 years ago (Dr told me initially to use baby shampoo clean my make-up correctly nothing to worry about) I know right disgraceful. In the past year, I have used, 7% of Lugol's iodine mixed with a tiny drop of castor oil - stings like hell - it managed to rid 1 nodule but the other remains, alas I did stop using the iodine because my eye was getting so sore.

Since I use daily MSM & colloidal silver mix, every eve at bathtime I smother it with bentonite clay mixed with frankincense water. I was using fullers earth. I have also been applying in the day a thick paste of aluminum free baking soda mixed with the MSM & silver solution - again stings like hell and does hurt my eye creating it to water and then all goes haywire.

I am juicing daily and having 50ml of max strength aloe vera juice. Every morning I drink a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of filtered water. every evening I drink a tablespoon of diatomaceous earth dissolved in filtered water. I supplement with B3 (Nicotinamide), B12, D3, digestive enzymes, probiotics and NAC. I also mix in my fresh-made green veg juices with my homegrown wheatgrass - moringa, neem, spirulina and chlorella powder - (OMG it's bloody vile but I guzzle it down)

I spray transdermal magnesium on my feet every night at bedtime and I use MCT oil to moisturise my face and neck.

I was trying to take vit c - I have the powder and kept taking it to try and find my max threshold well I can get to around 15-16g per day and still have no toilet issues but my tummy keeps bloating. I am finding that I am suffering stupidly with god awful wind even I wish I could run away from myself it's that bad. I eat salads minimal meat - grass-fed steak once a weak, oily fish 3-4 times a week other than that it's vegetable juices and salad. No wheat, gluten, dairy, soy or potato. I drink plenty of filtered water and homemade herbal teas, mistletoe, cbd shake, dandelion or matcha green tea.

I am very spiritual, I am doing all I can from that aspect too.

Yet still, this ghastly thing won't be on its way. Does anyone have any ideas or has had any success with a BCC so close to the eyeball. I am so tired of trying could use a little inspiration if anyone has any, please.

Many thanks

Flush Niacin
Posted by Betty (CA) on 05/01/2022

Very interesting!

Niacin is so good for the body.

Flush Niacin
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 05/01/2022

Flush Niacin for skin cancers

I went to a dermatologist to have a weird fatty thing removed. Of course they tested it and it was benign. But, reason for this post, they always give you a going over, checking for other spots and he was amazed that I had none at my age and he mentioned sun screen. Told him I've never used it and I never burn or even get pink. Why? Because I've been taking the flush niacin for over 20 years. He said that this is a little known fact, that niacin protects from skin cancers but most people refuse to bear the flush. He also said that they are researching now about using niacin in people with aggressive skin cancers and are finding all good results. He then said that good diets are so very helpful, but most people can't be bothered. Niacin that causes flushing is a natural vitamin that we all need.

At only 500 mg/day, taken just before sleep, I hardly feel the flush anymore. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

Baking Soda, Castor Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Phil (Florida) on 04/29/2022

Read previous baking soda post hoping similar results.. has any1 similar results pls? Thank all ...

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Vitamin C
Posted by Annie (CO) on 01/05/2022

I had one removed on my forehead and they want to do another biopsy but I deferred. Can you tell me exactly what you did Patricia? This is awesome. Did you use coconut oil with the ACV. How often did you use the ACV a day and did you use baking soda mixture each day too. Thanks for your help!

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 06/13/2019

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, man, did not do my keratosis thing last year and my face is covered with a cancer of some sort. My dermatologist would change my looks forever if I allowed his knife. Instead, I am using Curaderm as I have for many years. He knows of it, but will not acknowledge. That's the way they are. The reaction is so drastic that I can hardly stand the pain. But it does subside in an hour or so. I have stopped my 2 treatments /D to allow my face to heal. It has now peeled and looks great, but I am not comfortable and will start my program again next week. I am wearing a long shirt this year and a straw shade hat. My ole Mississippi PawPaw knew this many moons ago. His skin was like an ivory soap bar. It never saw the sun. Now...... he did have a wrinkled red neck for certain. What is so amazing about Cruaderm is that it only reacts with cancer cells. Put it on healthy skin and nothing happens. Curaderm can be bought on line. I initially bought it from the Dr who made it. Now, I buy it from Walmart. There are scam folks here....... so beware. ====ORH====

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Pujan (NSW, Australia) on 08/29/2021

As a follow up, I think the punch biopsy took a core out of the BCC which helped the VCO/BS do its work more quickly. It was also easier to apply as it could easily remain on the top my head. Photo record available. Still no recurrence after 3 years. Thank you EC and all your contributors!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Swampey (somewhere) on 08/11/2021

When the wound is completely healed, you should be clear of it. If it comes back then do it again and remember not to let it dry out so that your body can expel all the bad cells. Best of luck.

Manuka, Baking Soda, Essential Oils
Posted by Jay (Ireland) on 06/30/2021

Yes I agree, prayer is key to a successful healing process. I use Manuka honey doctor, (350 strength, ) and Coconut, in Baking soda to make a paste with Frankincense, Thyme and Myrrh. I apply this on the BCC at night before bed. Daytime frequent dabbing with these oils helps retard bleeding and easily removes soft scabs. Faith and trust for me is half the battle. We are made in the image of our Creator.....our ultimate Healer.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by jeniffer m. (uk) on 05/27/2021

Thank you for your comment. I wish you well with your treatment. I had a birthmark on my calf muscle and 5 years ago it changed to be an aggressive stage 3-4 cancerous growth. It was removed and I was told 5 years to live, if I do not have my lymphatic system removed. I refused. One month ago a lump 2 inches from the removal could be felt, one inch below my skin. I applied 3% Peroxide now for 2 weeks. I dampened flat cotton, which is used for cosmetics and then used a large plaster to cover the area. The lump is at the surface on my skin now. The area is red with pimple like spots. There is a sensation, like after surgery. It does hurt but I can cope with this. I use Aloe Vera from the garden when my skin is too red. Your comment has given me some comfort to know it will take a little more time for a Nickle size growth to end. There are so many people suffering and not being informed of such remedies, that 'could' help them. Bless you all.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by JM (San Diego CA) on 05/24/2021


Weird growths inevitably appear on all of us as we age. Cancerous or not, these growths are probably unhealthy and can be removed with HP. Soak any suspicious spot with HP a couple of times a day for about a week and moisturize with coconut oil.

Continue this process until no visible signs of the spot are apparent above or below the skin. Atypical growths with lingering roots usually reappear again later, so repeat this cycle.

Occam's razor: The simplest solution is more likely to be the case when compared to a complex one.

Posted by Barney (FL) on 04/07/2021

I had a spot of skin cancer on the side of my face which was a strange shape and crusty. I began putting iodine on it every day. Now, the crustiness is gone and the mole is diminishing in size.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Vitamin C
Posted by Tanya (New York) on 03/09/2021

I was recently dx with BCC above my upper lip and nose. I have no problem walking around with white paste on my face and no one even seems to notice. So don't let vanity get in the way of healing. Your health is more important.

Broccoli Poultice
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/24/2021

Broccoli Poultice for Non Melanoma Skincancer

According to researchers, the key cancer-preventing compound in broccoli is sulforaphane, crucial in blocking pathways that cause cancer and in protecting tissue from chemotherapy drugs.

Sulforaphane ma be an excellent candidate for use in the treatment of skin cancer said study author Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD

The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: February - May 2013 (with lots of pictures and case studies)

Eggplant, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tessa (Il) on 02/08/2021

I had a couple of spots on the back of my left hand for more than a couple of months. Not melanoma - but the ones that are red, smooth, and can itch, sometimes bleeding if I scratched them. The larger one was about 4 mm. I had prepared an eggplant solution the year before for a couple of spots on my arm, which did go away, but I was never sure if it was the eggplant or if they healed on their own. I brought it out from the back of the refrigerator and filled a little roller ball bottle, the kind that some roll-on perfumes come in - you can buy empty ones at some vitamin stores. I kept the bottle on my desk and whenever I thought of it, rolled the solution on the two spots.

Within a few days they went from red to pink and were no longer smooth but matched the texture of the rest of my skin. Now three to four weeks later they are faded pink, almost completely gone.

I made the solution by cutting an eggplant into 1" pieces, stuffing them into a jar, and adding apple cider vinegar to cover, then let it sit for a while (at least a week, probably longer), shaking the jar whenever it occurred to me.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Lodi L. (Australia) on 11/01/2020

Reply to Marcelle (BCC 10/30/2020) I just updated Earthclinic re my experience and that answered some of your questions. I am unable to answer your question how long to persist with this treatment approach. I continued for 3, possibly 4 weeks just to make sure I gave it the best shot. Blessings of good health to you.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Lodi L. (Australia) on 11/01/2020

Reply to Terrie (re:BCC 07/15/2019).

Just sent an update on my treatment.

To answer your question, I left OCV/BS on for most of the day. Made a paste of about half each initially and spread it over my forehead after ACV dressing came off. When face gets hot and oil begins to melt somewhat I used tissues to blot my face. Need to find balance to have just enough VCO to be able to spread BS without starting to drip. Midday I would with great delight wash it all off, applied some aloe vera gel or echinacea cream to give my skin some rest and then applied VCO/BS again and left it on till bedtime. Hope this helps.

Blessings of good health to you.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Marcelle (Sydney) on 10/30/2020

What ratio do you use with coconut oil bicarb?
I do this, making a thick paste so it does not melt all over, I do not have pain or stinging.. I add a bandage to secure it.
How long do you suggest it takes to have an effect so that I know something is at work?
What does ACV mean and the other abbreviations you are using?
Have you tried anything else, how long did you have these before you acted upon it?
Thank you for sharing ure experience.

EC: ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar
VCO - Virgin Coconut Oil
BS - Baking Soda

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Marcelle (Australia) on 10/30/2020

How long altogether did it take you, and was there any stubornn ones as is usually is, and how many times dayly did u apply HP, and for how long.

Where do you find food grade HP is this the one in chemist 3%? does. It stink and does it come as an ugly wound, then scar, how long is one single process last? I know, many qs, but have tried so many things.. Some types are deeper than artificial ones which seem be easier.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Lodi L. (Australia) on 10/28/2020

Update on my post of 2/2/2019 re basal cell carcinoma.

It is now 21 month post above treatment and my forehead is mostly free of spots until I get to my hairline, both top and side of temples where I was not able to apply ACV part of this routine. My thinking is that the treatment was effective, but just out of interest and 2 spots possibly still there, I'm planning to repeat it next week to see if my skin reacts differently. If there is still evidence of BCC I would not do this treatment again but would try Curaderm.

To summarise:

I applied VCO/BS (Virgin Coconut Oil/Baking Soda) combination 2x daily all over my forehead up to my hairline and for the first few days treatment was very painful. Immediately after first application skin looked terribly red and inflamed. Washed it off before retiring and applied 1/2 strength ACV dressing for 1-2 hours (stings considerably for a while) before sleep and repeated this first thing in the morning before applying again VCO/BS.

Continued this treatment for about 3 (maybe 4) weeks. Occasionally applied fresh aloe vera to support healing. Pain subsided at end of first week and slowly over time redness and inflammatory-look disappeared too. The one spot on bridge of my nose was not treated with ACV but has also disappeared. A friend (84) who was diagnosed with BCC treated it with colloidal silver, that she makes herself, and that was also successful.

Thanks to all of you who are sharing experiences and blessings of good health to all.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Jessica (Goldcoast QLD) on 10/15/2020

Claire from London:

If you can't treat it from outside, try the inside. Reduce intake of sugars to NIL (incl honey, syrups and alternative sweeteners).

Take Vitamin C powder mixed with water, baking soda and lemon juice. (Vitamin C powder Must be L-ascorbic acid as it is the best closest to natural. (2-3 teaspoons VitC, 1/2 teas soda and juice half lemon daily). You may need to start small and build up tolerance to Vit C (can trigger diarrhea). Can also drink Apple Cider vinegar (again start small). Or use it as a dressing for salads with lemon juice. What you are doing is changing gut bacteria through your digestive system and there's Internet info on Healing your Gut.

I'm progressing from this treatment to the treatments outlined here. So thank you folks!

Best wishes for speedy recoveries.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Carol (Nsw) on 09/26/2020

The proper name for the plant you use for BCC is called euphorbia peplus, radium weed or milk weed. You apply once a day for 3 days. Then leave. It works well for superficial BCC ,but anything deeper ( invasive ) I would have cut out asap.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Terri (USA East Coast) on 07/15/2019

Hello Lodi, It's been a few months and I am wondering how you've made out with everything. I also want to ask how long did you leave the BS and coconut oil on your face in the am. Thanks.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by Lodi L (Australia) on 02/04/2019

Thanks ORH, and yes I have done my research on Curaderm and decided against it because the affected area is so large and I need to be ever so careful around my eyes. Will first see how this works, I doubt that I can get all of it in only one treatment series, maybe for spot treatment later on I will reconsider again. Thanks for your reply.

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, TN) on 02/03/2019

HI LODI L.,,, being from Australia, I would assume you are aware of Curaderm. If not research.

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