Natural Cures for Cardiac Arrhythmia

| Modified on Jul 08, 2024
Flaxseed Meal
Posted by Overcomer (USA) on 10/27/2023

For anyone dealing with arrhythmias that have tried everything and more with no relief…….. try ground flaxseeds. I have been dealing with the worst pvcs, pacs, svt all of it and afraid of losing my life due to them and my physicians and specialists not caring. Seeing all of it and telling me all I can do is take pills! Won't do an ablation because my pvc burden is only %6. So I prayed and cried out to Yahweh and asked His Holy Spirit for guidance. I went to Dr. where I remember reading the flaxseed was could for cardiovascular. I read through it again, and stated right there that flaxseeds have been shown to inhibit heart arrhythmias!!!! So that very night I took 3 tablespoons of flaxseeds, threw them in my grinder And added it to 4 oz of organic milk and my arrhythmias came to a halt. A few pvcs every now and again but nothing close to what I had been experiencing! 🙌🏽 praise God for communities like this and Dr.axe!!!!!! We can help each other here! Praise Yeshua for his goodness!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lidia (Varnica) on 06/19/2023

Great post, though few years old, however I am reading it right now.

"with heart arrhythmia there is no single cause, so it makes sense, to approach the 'problem' from more than one angle." Pharmacogenetics is a new field of study that explains why the same medicine, vaccine, supplements work differently for different people- we are genetically different. Even in the same family. My sister can take anything, I get paradoxic effects, side effects or no effects from the same medicine, supplements etc. So try and see if it works FOR YOU.

Unfortunately the allopathic medicine offers nothing. Bigeminal tachycardia is a medical emergency if it is more than 6 b/m. I was in a hospital many times with 36 b/m, non-stop, and they were just observing me while I was suffering tremendously begging for the hydrating IV or Ringer's solution to no avail. I still don't know what triggers the arrhythmia episodes that sometime last for days. Mini-strokes are common with arrhythmias, and as it has turned out I did have few, based on the brain MRI, however nobody was telling me that. My thyroid markers are normal

I've tried pretty much everything that did help other people. I've tried grounding, Vagus Nerve stimulation with Tens 7000, sleeping on the Amethyst mat, Red light therapy on the heart area and many other modalities. Acupuncture does help, but when I am having an episode, I am floored and can't go for a session. My acupuncturist does make house calls and she is good, however expensive. Chinese herbs help, but make my other problem worse (sensation of motion, sort of like MDDS). In fact what helps with arrhythmia makes my "sensation" of motion unbearable.

Today I've learned here on EC about new homeopathic medicine for panic attacks and bran for arrhythmia. Will try.

Secondly, heart arrhythmia and palpitations are similar but not the same. I do take Atenolol daily for more than 10 years for I have POTS. It is the safest cardio-selective beta-blocker. It helps with tachycardia, but not arrhythmia. Cayenne pepper is not for arrhythmia, however it helps with the vascular system function.

Posted by Celm (Blue Ridge) on 06/19/2023

Be careful with Pedialyte
Pedialyte® Classic Ingredients: Water, Dextrose. Less than 0.5% of: Citric Acid, Potassium Citrate, Salt, Sodium Citrate, Natural Flavor, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Zinc Gluconate, Red 40, and Blue 1.

Calcium Magnesium
Posted by Denise E (Crescent City, CA) on 06/16/2023

I don't know if you are still on EC Patti, but I loved finding someone else here that knows about these drugs, and their dangers. EC made a thread for me, or topic, so I could log my wd sxs (withdrawal symptoms, taper-style etc.) I haven't used it I'm ashamed to say, but if you are here, I would love to see you over there. I'm going there now to post something, I so hope things are way better for you now as I am learning the body can and will heal, although some are really struggling, Denise, Pacific Northwest, US

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Omar (France ) on 06/07/2023

Quel est le dosage pour l'huile d'olive? En une fois où plusieurs fois par jour?

Merci beaucoup!

Posted by Bee (TX) on 05/11/2023

Can you please tell me which kind of iodine, how much and how often you used/or are using it. Is it still working? ….or have you been able to just reach a “maintain” point?
I've tried everything else as well. My thyroid labs are always normal. Were your thyroid labs normal? Thanks

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Diana F (St Louis, MO) on 04/11/2023

Get off the aspirin and Prilosec as soon as you can. My dad went from not needing any daily meds to very quickly needing 8-10 meds/day. Most of it started when his doctor told him he should take a baby aspirin each day because of his age. WTF - absolutely no heart or bp issues, but take a pill because you are old. Then Dad started having stomach issues because of the aspirin, so the doctor prescribed Prilosec. Fast forward, Dad then started having low B12 (which does happen some with age) because the Prilosec interferes with his body's ability to absorb B12. So, add in B12 monthly shots. See the pattern? It's quite common in the world of medicine to have to take more meds to counteract the effects of one med. Don't believe me? Ever got a yeast infection after taking a round of antibiotics? Yep, then you needed an anti fungal medicine like Monistat. On and on ...

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Susann (Albuquerque) on 02/25/2023

Can you please tell me the difference between regular and unsulphured Black Strap Molasses? which one is preferable to use for arrhythmia?

Posted by Mary (AZ) on 02/07/2023

How much iodine did you take a day? Thank you

Posted by Marcela (California ) on 01/09/2023

I was having bad palpitations that lasted all day. I took everything from magnesium, taurine, Q10, electrolytes, hawthorn, and the list goes on.. Nothing stopped them except for Iodine.

Posted by Carla (Houston, Texas) on 09/25/2022

Try kelp or dulse for iodine. An irregular heartbeat can be a symptom of hypothyroidism. Taking kelp straightened out my Irregular heartbeat.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Jan (North Carolina) on 06/17/2022

Do you mind sharing the sources for the Hawthorne and taurine that you took? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Asheville) on 06/17/2022

Hi Nan,

I'm down the road from you in Asheville. Am just curious about whether your episodes of arrhythmia stayed away with the use of ACV? Thanks.

Posted by Roz (Manchester, New Jersey ) on 04/16/2022 2 posts

How much cayenne pepper?

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Anz Cando (Sydney) on 03/30/2022

Magnesium oxide is a low absorbed form of magnesium. Better forms are reported to be Magnesium malate and glycinate.

Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets
Posted by Steve (San Diego, CA) on 02/10/2022

I would not suggest sodium bicarb. For me that substance is exactly what caused my arrhythmia.

Posted by Gee S. (Ontario ) on 02/09/2022

Hi June,

Please can you let me know what type of iodine as I cannot find any make that says elemental iodine. Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nan (Burnsville, North Carolina ) on 11/24/2021

I've had arrhythmia for years and have been on a heart med since diagnosed. Even with meds, my heartbeat was still irregular. I started taking 2 tablespoons of ACV every day, about 2 months ago. Haven't had an episode since.

Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 11/21/2021

I use one drop of lugols iodine in water alternating with one drop of potassium iodide from la naturals on other days.

If iodine does not work completely, consider that it could be related to digestion. If you get diarrhea with the rapid heartbeat, it can be your vagus nerve. Gut and digestion supplements by heart and soil is fabulous for this.

Also, consider whether or not you are mildly dehydrated. This sounded silly to me at first but I have heard of so many people who eradicated arrhythmia by putting a pinch of salt in their water or drinking some Pedialyte every day. It can take a LONG time to rehydrate yourself so don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by GB (Australia) on 11/09/2021

iherb sells liquid Magnesium Malate and Glycinate, both of which are very gentle forms of magnesium. The recommended daily serving size on the bottle is 2 tablespoons.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Jgny (Thousand Islands) on 11/08/2021

I use "wholesome organic molasses unsulphured", I take 1 tablespoon each morning. It has many benefits, but really helped with my irregular/palpitations heartbeat.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by JW (FL) on 11/07/2021

What type of magnesium do I take and what brand? Any molasses brand recommendations?

Coconut Water
Posted by Paul Hayworth (Lake Cathie NSW Australia) on 11/02/2021

natto two aday been taking one aday for for 4 years now. Two INR will be 1 on two

natto buy from

Posted by Mike (Kentucky) on 10/07/2021

Also, if you need a quick fix, I find that running a mile or so is sufficient for me to reset my heart rhythm. So far, I've only had to do it 3 times, but have had success with no relapses for at least 24 hours. May be just me and my particular arrhythmia, but it is handy when traveling or away from your supplements.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Chilli
Posted by Teena (Victoria) on 08/11/2021 233 posts

Is that 50mg of magnesium daily? I take 500, and my husband 1,000mg. For the heart. Cayenne is chillies and even eating curry every day is not enough, try taking a capsule or two with your foods. Vitamin E for the heart, I like to get this is red palm oil, it also contains COQ10, lycopene. These are my suggestions but I emphatically recommend you increase a good quality magnesium. Your routine and food habits are really great otherwise and I wish you continued good health.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Chilli
Posted by milly (Northern Calif) on 08/11/2021

Hi Gayle,

I had the same problem of skip heartbeats a few years ago. I went to the DR. had all kinds of tests and he said I didn't have skip beats. Well I did my own research and he was right, I didn't have skip heartbeat, but what I had was every second heartbeat was weak, and I could barely feel it when I took my pulse. This did not happen all the time, but it bother me. I read about magnesium and I started taking one capsule every day and I still had skip beats. I looked at the bottle that said 400mg, and instructions said take 4 per serving. Wow, no wonder it didn't help! I upped it to 2 capsules a day and my heart beats normally now. Thank you God.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Chilli
Posted by Gayle (Perth, Western Australia) on 08/11/2021

Hi y'all. I'm a retired Registered Nurse and have noticed irregular heart beats from time to time - like at present. About to turn 87 in a few weeks I am disgustingly fit and active with a fault that I tend to push myself to the limit. I have an excellent relationship with my Dr for the past 23 years as we talk the same lingo and she respects my dislike of medications (I tell her as a nurse I gave out pills - I did not take them).

Also had life-threatening anaphylaxis from a new pill. About 20 years ago I was diagnosed with severe, and potentially crippling osteoporosis. I decided I am going to beat this and over several years my scans showed a back to normal bone density. I ate oily fish every day like sardines, mackerell and herrings and still do. I take a bone and muscle supplement daily which contains 50mg magnesium.

I am not sure what cayenne is (maybe what we call capsicum and what you call bell peppers) but I eat a curry almost every day which of course has chili and many spices. I find a beef dish once a week is beneficial or even lambs fry very occasionally (I had to have it as a child as I had a B12 deficiency). I enjoy a low alcohol red wine just a few times a week, but can live without it.

My evening meal consists of a fresh salad with local olives and a gherkin. I sprinkle with ACV the sort with the sediment and local olive oil. I prefer to buy what is produced locally and in season. Sounds all good, hey. I have trouble getting to sleep and must get back into meditation. Love to freestyle solo dance, archery, and late afternoon walks in the local bush. Never sit for long but yesterday spent 12 hours straight at my computer without food or drink. Crazy, but as I said I push myself to and beyond my limit. Probably that brought on the missed beats I noticed this morning. Blood pressure is OK. So, maybe I should increase the magnesium from 50mg, get back into meditation (I taught it long ago) and SLOW DOWN! Great site this.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Russ (Mechanicsville, VA) on 08/07/2021

Hello all, I am on a low sodium diet, I have found that using potassium bicarbonate is generally far better than sodium bicarbonate. Actually you could mix the two in a favorable ratio. Dr. Richard D. Moore M.D. PHD suggests 4:1 of K to Na as an ideal ratio in general for the diet.

A source for potassium bicarbonate (food grade) is from wine maker suppliers as some wines require it's use during some stages of production. Presque Isle (online) is where I buy mine. Https://*148c4f20af3d50c710744125

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by sandy (IL) on 07/29/2021

I agree with your raw food diet. But I have a question. Do you recommend raw food for people who are in their late fifty. Do you think they can digest? If you can please let me know if you are following any particular diet of raw food. I get bloated when I eat raw food

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Sally (Timbuktu) on 07/20/2021

I would stay away from the aspirin as a regular, and instead try garlic gel caps (the stinky kind) and non-flouridated water in its stead. You can use the aspirin in emergencies or when feeling funny (sparse use).

Wrist Blood Pressure Device
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 10/31/2020

PAUL K, ORH here, and I thought I was smart, but your post went over my head. I need what you are selling. Please repeat your story very slowly and distinctly. Thanks ........ ORH....

Wrist Blood Pressure Device
Posted by Paul K (Meridian, MS) on 10/30/2020

The arrhythmia I noticed first showed up around age 62. About the same time I started using a SCENAR unit, DENAS cardio-3 wrist blood pressure unit twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening. After about 6 months of daily use, the arrhythmia is very rarely seen.

Posted by Natalie (Texas) on 10/26/2020

For Roy:

All this bleeding...anyone done an Iron Panel on you? Low Ferritin is very debilitating.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Anon (Not Canada) on 10/21/2020

Both are diuretics.

You may benefit from electrolytes, potassium, magnesium - but probably avoid sodium. Caffeine will cause the body to eliminate potassium and hang on to sodium, so avoiding sodium when using caffeine in your case may be a good idea. But sodium helps with detox and hydration, so avoiding caffeine is likely the better plan. 🌞

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by mguag (Georgia) on 10/20/2020

I have noticed arrythmia is worse with caffieine and alcohol.

Posted by Carolyn (Texas) on 10/04/2020

I highly recommend 2 books by Dr Stephen Sinatra: Reverse Heart Disease Now, and The Sinatra Solution Metabolic Cardiology. I use both of them from time to time when issues come up. Husband had a stent implanted some years ago, and I credit these books that he has had no issues with the stent. He takes no prescription drugs for cardiovascular issues. If we listened to drs, he would be on lots. He will soon be 82.

Posted by Nancy (America) on 09/30/2020


Check your levels of magnesium and potassium.

Posted by Shannon (Calgary) on 09/30/2020

Reply to Roy, South Africa, Sept 27 2020 re: heart arrhythmia

My situation is different from yours, but I have used this treatment for myself and others. I had heart pains 10 times per minute after contracting H1N1. I was in intensive care and the doctors told me they were more worried about me having a heart attack than me having to be on a ventilator. I used Strauss Heartdrops (made in Canada) 4 times per hour and by the end of the first day, my heart pains had decreased to a few times per day. I used the drops for a few months (but only 4 times per day), and now I have a bottle that I just use a couple of times per month. It is a natural product from an old European recipe and I swear by it.

My boss had a bad system from years of medication for gout. He was showing signs of heart attack (pain in the left shoulder, paleness, sweating, anxiety) and the doctor told him he probably pulled a muscle. (!! ) I got him some Strauss and stood there while he took it. It really doesn't taste good and a lot of people give up after one dose. I told him to hold it under his tongue for three minutes and then swallow. He came to me a few hours later and told me he had taken another dose and he was starting to feel better. His wife is very grateful to me.

If the taste is beyond horrible for you, put the dose in some juice. I feel that holding it under the tongue is the best way to get the most from this product.

By the way, I was also taking organic sulphur crystals when I had H1N1. I attribute the sulphur to my very fast recovery and I feel it helped with my heart issues too.

Best of luck to you, Roy. I hope you feel better soon.


Posted by Donald (Usa) on 09/30/2020


Have your doctor order a blood Viscosity Test

Then donate blood on regular basis your new blood will have lower viscosity


Posted by Denise (Tn) on 09/30/2020

My Hubs had this, had 8 places that had to be repaired in his heart. The surgery is preformed by a physician specially trained in the electric circuitry of the heart. Recovery has taken 3 full years, is in Normal Sinus Rhythm now.

While waiting for surgery he had a very low blood pressure and heart rate often to 120. He got some relief by soaking feet 2x a week in epsom salt/magnesium water. Magnesium deficiency will increase irregularity.... Arrhythmia is caused by an "electrical short" in the conduction of electricity in the heart. If anyone had an ablation, you need to have one to repair the new places that sometimes occur.25% of all ablation surgeries need some touch-up surgery to correct malfunctions.

One other cause of arrhythmia is a cervical vertebrae that is out of alignment. if you have a tender spot in neck around the cervical 5-6, caused arrhythmia on me. I put it back in alignment by putting ellbows on high chest(to remove stress off vertebrae, and rotated head slowly in small circles.. )

Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 09/30/2020

Hi ORH –

I imagine you have heard about the Zeta Potential. Based on the research of a chemist, Thomas M. Riddick, Dr. T.C. McDaniel applied the concepts to cardiovascular disease (he was his own guinea pig). He wrote a book called “Disease Reprieve – Living into the Golden Years” (1999). He died at the age of 102 – so something must have worked!

According to Dr. McDaniel, “Once plasma electrolytes are balanced, blood pressure will come down, circulation will improve, and arrhythmias will disappear.” He talks about the importance of the “electric force” in health.

Zeta Aid is the result of his findings. While he would use IVs when he was working with patients, the potassium/electrolyte combination is now available in powder form.

Zeta Aid Crystal ingredients: A proprietary blend of food grade Potassium compounds. Dr. T.C. McDaniel's primary areas of treatment: blood clots, high blood pressure, circulatory disorders, arrhythmia, kidney stones, peripheral vascular diseases, chronic fatigue, Crohn's Disease.

I have no idea if it works (I can be quite gullible at times) but it is relatively cheap ($20 for a three-week supply). It might be something to check out.

Here is another site on Zeta Potential (the bit about Dr. McDaniel is under the section “Disease Reprieve”) although the whole article is quite interesting.

If you want more medical detail, Thomas Riddick wrote “Control of Colloid Stability through Zeta Potential” in 1968. There is some of his information on this old site:

Take care.

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile Tn) on 09/27/2020

ROY, ORH here, and I am the only soul on this site that will tell you to do EDTA Chelation and your heart pluggage problem is solved. It works and the cardiologists do not want you to know. I did 100 over the last 14 years and had zero pluggge when tested at age 77. Now 84, and have an electrical problem that cannot be addressed by ablation. In the room over the years with me were some 200 folks that had already done stents, bypasses, etc and their doctor told them to get their paper work in order because he could no longer help them. They lived a normal life with EDTA Chelation. Let me tell you another trick. Instead of a free flu shot, spend $100 and get a UBI, ultraviolet blood irritation. Procedure was done until 1955 when antibiotics came along. We start in Oct and get one each month until March.

For my arrhythmia, I take Eliquis, half of what the doctor says. I also do KATTSU to get my heart in sink. I do not take the other Rx garbage that makes you feel like you have been run over by a Mack Truck. Roy, read my posts because I have my own set of drums. Some love me, most do not. Guess what though, I still around and most others are gone. My problem now is facial skin cancer the I have dealt with all my adult life as a Gardner. I treat it with BEC 5 Curaderm. Got an appointment in Nov with my Dermatologist in case I fail. The 100 pulse thing is BS. Get concerned when it gets to 180 and 8 drops or Cayenne Extract in a 1/3 glass of warm water will not bring it down. Then go to the ER, because you do have a problem. I use doctors as consultants because I study the subject more than they. I usually know more than they. It's a sheeple thing.


Posted by Roy (Durban, South Africa.) on 09/27/2020

I am 78 and stunned that some young people have arrythmia. I wouldn't have known I had it if the cardiologist had not told me and I had not seen it on the monitor. It looks like I am lucky only to have the problem at my age. I had a stent put in about three months ago for narrowing of an artery. I was put on heavy blood thinners including warfarin, aspirin and plagrol. Warfarin is a terrible drug. Caused heavy bleeding. My blood was one tenth of the correct thickness. I am now on Xarelto, aspirin and Plagrol all of which are blood thinners. I can stop the Plagrol six months after the stent op.

Unfortunately, I also needed my prostate removed about a month after the stent op. I experienced excessive bleeding which has now thankfully stopped. I was bleeding so badly sometimes it looked as if there was no water in the toilet, only blood. I have to admit I might have injured the wound. The doc took me off Xarelto temporarily to try and stem the blood flow but I am back on it again. I was put on Arycor for the arrythmia. The doc told me not to let my heart rate exceed 100. I bought a heart rate monitor which shows I still have arrythmia so what is the Arycor doing? I walk to get fit. You can't do anything, barely sneeze, without exceeding 100 so how am I supposed to get fit?

Anyhow, the point of this long story

is that Arycor causes dizziness, loss of coordination and uncontrolled movements. Nearly fell on my wife once. Had a nasty accident on my bike. I put all this down to Arycor. Now the doctor wants to replace the Arycor with Dilatrend, a beta blocker. I don't know if this is the way to go so I read this site with great interest.

I do get short of breath walking up a steepish hill but I put it down to general unfitness and the severe blood loss I suffered. Any comments will be valuable.

Posted by Alex (Los Angeles) on 09/17/2020

What brand did you buy?

Food Allergy
Posted by Don (Michigan) on 09/03/2020

Gastric - Cardio Syndrome

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/18/2020

Far infra-red biomats will give your heart a workout just by laying on one. They may be more reasonably priced and less invasive than whatever an EECP program is.

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/18/2020

HI U OLE PATTOTS, ORH here, have learned how to address my vagus nerve when my heart is in trouble. I now know to put an ice pack on my face and right neck. Have no clue why this works, but it does. I am also doing the restricted blood flow program and it is working. I think I am now eligible for the EECP program which will prolong my life for certain. This is a deal where a system pushes your blood through your heart as if you were in a work out. Don't get old.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Antonio P. (Cape Coral, Fl) on 12/16/2018

When I get problems with heart, I take taurine, cayenne, magnesium citrate, ACV, and potassium, hawthorn. Also yoga is very helpful. Also COQ-10.

Posted by Don (Michigan) on 11/17/2018

I did an extensive search for any maker of any form of Magnesium mfg in 368 mg or 92 mg. Most all are in even numbers ie, 400 mg.

RDA is 400mg - 500mg according to where you look. Although dietary sources can be way over that.

Use your own judgement and experience.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Rodney (Ontario) on 11/12/2018

Hi Ditch the Aspirin, as you say messes up the gut, try Pine Bark Extract, boy are they good, helps WITH digestion too as well as clearing brain fog, blood circulation, my inflammation with Arthritis in my hands is virtually nil now after 2 weeks, and they say it really improves after 3 months on these. I would recommend this to everyone.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Valerie (Yuma, Az) on 11/10/2018

=How are you feeling now? I am going through the same thing currently.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Pam (Tx) on 07/30/2018

My physician LAUGHS at me and out-right ignores me. He despises that I know the Medical Terminology and some of the drug interactions. (I'm not clinically trained, but I've been a Medical Coder and Practice Manager for many, many years) so I do understand the jargon. Drives him crazy!

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Joy (Alaska) on 07/08/2018

How much C and what form of C is recommended according to Linus Pauling protocol? I take whole peeled lemon in green drink daily. Cayenne pepper and iodine drops and hawthorne drops help return my norm.

Posted by Shelley (De) on 05/22/2018

Thanks for that information. Can you please clarify the dosage once again?

Posted by Kc (Los Gatos, Ca) on 05/21/2018

I have to report my experience here because it's nothing short of miraculous. I have been having a LOT of palpitations. Way more than usual. Being anxious already, it really worries me. I went to buy a whole food magnesium supplement today and I took two (368 mg for 4) and almost immediately, I didn't have any more palpitations. I am also drinking ACV but the palpitations were almost immediately resolved after taking the first two magnesium. Just so grateful to have come here finding a wealth of information! Thank you!!!

Calcium Magnesium
Posted by Babu (Seattle) on 05/21/2018

I am not understand in your reply. what is CALM?

EC: Calm is the brand name of a powdered magnesium supplement that dissolves in water.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Harsha T.r (Bangalore, India) on 05/07/2018

Take Magnesium glycinate 400 mg at night. It does not cause GI upset and has good absorbtion.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Dolly (Wa) on 04/28/2018

Taurine, an amino acid, does the trick all by itself! Take 1 tspn of Taurine powder mixed in water, perhaps only 1/4 Cup. It has virtually no taste. If you have an arrhythmia attack take it and w/in very few minutes, perhaps as long as 15, but usually less, it's completely gone.

I do take CoQ10 daily and Organic or Wildcrafted Hawthorn berry powder 2x a day. I take the Taurine morning and nite and any other time I might need it. I thought I had this totally under control and hadn't had arrhythmia in months, then I seem to go thru a month or so of several much reduced episodes. The taurine always fixes this. My sister had horrible attacks and this combo of Hawthorn and Taurine morning and nite has worked perfectly for her too, with the occasional additional episodes.. She then takes the same 1 tspn in water and it's over and done in a few minutes. I get my taurine in bulk on line. I get my Organic Hawthorne berry powder in bulk on line too. It's way cheaper than pills. Neither one has much flavor at all, so no problem drinking them. I'm happy to share the sources, but I guess I can't just write them here.

Black Salve, Magnesium Oxide, Exercise, Sorghum
Posted by Janm (North Dakota) on 04/18/2018

Where do you get your black salve to take internally--i have used it externally.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Sarah (Greensboro, Nc) on 04/18/2018

I want to try these natural remedies. I have been taking the ACV for years but now I am most interested in the Heart Calm. Couldn't take the meds (Eliquis, xarelto) . Lasted one dose. I am on baby aspirin now but makes my stomach hurt so just added Prilosec. I am assuming if I try these natural remedies I should go off the aspirin?

Also, will magnesium mess up a finicky stomach? Can't take any of the regular meds and desperately want to go the natural way. Stomach is always an issue and eat carefully.

Thanks for any help.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Lisa (New Jersey) on 04/11/2018

Thanks Katy for your reply. I'm going to the store today.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Armelim (Brossard, Quebec, Canada) on 04/10/2018

Indeed!!! Be very careful.

For a bladder infection treatment, I was took Cipron XL 1G. It was a life- and-death situation since I had to run to hospital emergency on the 2nd day of treatment as my pulse was 200 and an obvious strong chest pain. After this episode my arrhythmia worsened.

Coconut Water
Posted by Henry (Baja Mexico) on 04/07/2018

Your symptoms sound exactly like mine, I'm going to buy some coconut water today. Thanks so much, I'll let you know if it works!

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Katy (New York) on 04/07/2018

Hi Lisa,

Just reading through new posts and saw yours.

I'd simply start with something! If not taking magnesium I suggest it to anyone that would be a daily protocol. So very helpful with many things including heart and actually arrhythmia can be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Also arrhythmia is very common with PeriMenopause/Menopause...though not sure if that applies to you! :)

I do a minimum of 250mg of magnesium daily and it helped almost immediately.

I also know the great benefits of cayenne and hawthorne (both wonderful separately and together) I'd try and find a combination of these in a capsule or liquid tincture and if it were me, start with one dropperful 2x a day or 1 capsule 2x a day...I play with my own dosages so you'd have to see what works for you. Can always increase.

I actually take ACV anyway each morning...about a TBSP with a pinch of baking soda to help keep my urinary tract in good you may or may not have to take it. I'd try one or 2 things at a time so you see what's working.


ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Lisa (New Jersey) on 04/05/2018

I'm going through the same thing. I also would like to know your regimen. Thanks.

Posted by Lisa S. (Hawaii) on 04/04/2018

I just took 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper in a cup of herb tea and started It has subsided now but is that what I should expect always?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 03/24/2018

I just read in Dr Caroline Dean's book The Magnesium Miracle, p. 245, that magnesium taurate is the recommended form of magnesium for people with heart problems appears that the amino acid taurine may prevent arrythmias.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Subdahl (Queensland, Australia) on 03/20/2018

Don't take my advice alone, but I do not trust the rhythm and blood pressure meds. I had success like this: Go completely organic raw foods vegetarian. If you have to cook it, don't eat it. Fresh fruits and vegetables only. Organic only. You can eat a ton and you only get healthier. It is much easier to convert than you might ever dream. I never felt deprived or as if I were missing anything. After some time, non raw foods taste really nasty. If you insist on having animal proteins, use organic fermented milk products like Kefir or yogurt. For supplements I use all the ones that people say help and all the ones that studies show work. I take omega 3 oil, vitamin C, magnesium taurate (people on afib forums said non-chelated magnesium doesn't do anything for them and that they found magnesium taurate they found most effective), coenzyme Q10, hawthorne, rhodiola, aspirin, curcumin plus black pepper kernels (to make it absorbable by the body), heavy doses of probiotics (but you must start modest and work up slowly), Apple Cider Vinegar. Prevent, prevent, prevent. Study every supplement very well, and make your chosen supplements absolutely religiously. Once in awhile if I feel some odd symptoms, I'll prevent by having the beta blocker medicine before it goes wild. I have had no afib recurrences for more than a year. You may have to go for magnesium injections to get your cellular magnesium high enough for symptoms to go away. Blood tests do not accurately show how much magnesium you really have or really need. Sometimes the body can't absorb enough magnesium by supplements if the levels dip too low in your body. It's a chicken or the egg problem. If your magnesium drops low enough to have symptoms, then you are already too low to be able to absorb enough by food or supplement. You can also take Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) baths for several weeks in order to get the right amount of magnesium back into your cells. Proper amounts of Magnesium in your cells is almost 20 times higher than outside your cells. If you happen to have sleep apnea, you absolutely must eliminate it. It can trigger episodes. I use a dental appliance to eliminate sleep apnea. If you have the money to do all this, spend it in order to get better. If you don't have the money, focus on magnesium. It's cheap. Raw foods will cost you about the same or less than eating fast food. The question is: Are you willing to do what it takes to get better? You have to be very clear on your answer to that.

Posted by Carol (Oh) on 03/11/2018

I started taking EDTA for the purpose of cataracts, irregular heart beat, high blood pressure. Within 2 days of taking this, the irregular heart beat is even more irregular with even higher blood pressure. With the EDTA I take potassium, magnesium coq10 and selenium.

Has anyone else experienced this? I am considering discontinuing use, but I'm really hoping this is normal and if I continue taking it, it will clear up.

Any thoughts?

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Mariana (Ontario) on 02/02/2018

thanks for your post

can you pls let me know for how long did you use the protocol

and the amount of cayenne pepper

(I'm 60 and the dr like me to use pacemaker)

thanks for your time


Multiple Remedies
Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 12/28/2017

Editor's Choice I have been through hell with arrrythmias!!! I believe that there are 4 or 5 root causes:

1. MSG: Taurine is an antidote for this. Best to avoid it, but it's hard. Many people get heart issues from msg I think! It's in a lot of food!
2. Thyroid: for me one drop of potassium iodide in a little water in the morning helped.
3. An irritated vagus nerve:/ colitis: 3 tablespoons of organic olive oil worked for me.
4. Vitamin deficiencies like b12, iron magnesium, etc. In desperation, I got a spectracell micronutrient test. (Google it) Was deficient in pantothenic acid!

If I avoid msg, take taurine if I've had MSG, take 3 tablespoons of olive oil every day and one drop of potassium iodide, and pantothenic acid, I'm good! It took me 40 years to get the right protocol. No help from modern medicine worked in the long run.

Hope this helps someone!

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Sonder (Ohio) on 12/28/2017

Greetings Oldchief-

At the age of 40 (I'm now 60) I had several relatives pass away in rapid succession. The stress of the situation caused a spike in my blood pressure for which my family physician prescribed atenolol. I'm a big guy (6'6", 230 lbs) so a minimal dose didn't seem like a big deal. Long story short, it reduced my pulse so much that I experienced my first episode of atrial fibrillation. People react differently to meds so I'm wondering what your pulse rate might be?

Posted by Alon Shomer (Jerusalem) on 11/26/2017

The majority of arrhythmia cases I came across, were probably due to the accumulations of toxins in the pericardium, upsetting the normal heart rhythm.

Many compounds such as caffeine can make your heart increase its rate irregularly. As we age the ability of many tissues to eliminate by products is reduced. When such compounds accumulate in the heart outer layers, they will start to leak inside the heart and over stimulate its electrical system.

The surest and fastest way to eliminate these toxins is short water fast.

From my experience, the best remedy for arrhythmia is a 60 hours water fast.
Although mostly the results are achieved in the first session, it is very advisable to repeat it every month or two.

The Water Fast:

Water fasting is when you stop eating all food for the set period of time and drink water only.
It is advisable to drink 6 to 10 glasses of water during each 24 hours.

When completing the fast it is advisable to eat lite for the first day and then return to the regular diet.

Some people find starting with a 60 hour fast difficult, there fore if this is your case, I suggest to start with short fasts the first one for 24 hours, the next month do a 36 hour fast and the following month the 60 hour fast.

There is a lot of reading material available about short water fasting and anyone without experience is encouraged to learn about it prior to commencing a fast. You can also find people who professionally supervise fasters.

When fasting, the best method to determine the detox level is by checking the urine for color, smell, mucous and more. Other indications are tongue, headaches and more.

When encounter with harsh detox, an increase in water consumption, a glass or two, may reduce it. If this does not work, drinking some lemon juice with a little honey or maple syrup may reduce the detox rate. You must take in consideration that the use of honey may stop the detox altogether.

Please note that there may be an increase in arrhythmia at the beginning of the fast as the toxins leave the heart tissues. Controlled physical activity during such period may help to reduce the arrhythmia at that time.

Coconut Water
Posted by Barbara (Edna, Texas) on 11/12/2017

My main suspects:

1. aldehyde-candida produce this in the gut, mold mycotoxins carry and spread this, found in most synthetic fragrances, plastics, etc.

2. cocoa-theobromine can cause arrythmias

3. magnesium or potassium deficiency-magnesium is the "master mineral", candida use this to digest sugar and your body needs it to function properly (heart rhythm. Potassium needs magnesium to be transported properly in (or out of) every cell in the body_think Afib.

4. acacia and other trees, cut grasses-release aldehydes into the air

5. molds/algae-I think most of them outgas aldehydes into the air or through your skin

Candida-use magnesium for their own metabolic work (depleting your reserves), while your body needs magnesium to reduce aldehyde to a less toxic chemical (aldehyde can be deadly_Afib and heart failure, I think) and candida metabolism produces alcohol which is converted to aldehye, then to acetic acid. Some people cannot metabolize aldehyde properly. It is not eliminated from the body and can build up to toxic levels ("Holiday Heart"! )_very interesting. Aldehyde is very dangerous (worse than alcohol).

Electrolyte imbalances, aldehyde from candida in the body, aldehydes from the environment (plants, molds, plastics, perfume, cologne, candles with synthetic fragrances, etc.) add to our toxic load and eventually we can have some very serious symptoms, including mental problems, burning face, sinus problems, female problems, disequilibrium/off balance, vertigo, shortness of breath, fast heart rate, irregular heart rate, Afib, etc.

"Dead in bed syndrome" is possible in people who are diabetic. Blood sugar drops during the night and chemical changes cause Afib and possibly death. People notice symptoms while they are awake, but not while they are asleep. Try to prevent drastic changes in blood sugar, especially during the night.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Whole Heart Seeker (Kansas) on 11/03/2017

Is there a particular book or books you recommend?

Magnesium with Potassium Aspartate
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 10/28/2017

I recall Ted warning against aspartates.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 10/28/2017

I'm wondering if a toxic mold caused your trouble, such as from peanuts or contaminated water. ACV is vinegar which is antifungal, and magnesium and cayenne would clear your bowels quickly.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marlena (Usa) on 10/21/2017

Debbie, I am very interested in your regiment, but I'm unfamiliar with "hcl! " Pls explain what it is & where one can purchase it?

Thk you

EC: HCL - Betaine HCL

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Nelda E. (Florida) on 10/13/2017

GARY T....That's why I come to Earth Clinic to help!!!!

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 09/23/2017 2063 posts

Jm: It was discovered some yrs back that a metabolite called Homocysteine was causing many cases of Heart disease. Homocysteine is kinda like a toxin or free-radical that causes damage to Arterial walls.

Researchers found that a malfunctioning Methylation system was to blame. The amino acid Methionine doesn't get methylated and turns into Homocysteine.

Nutrients like B-12, Folic Acid, TMG, DMG usually correct this. Personally I supplement almost daily a B-12/Folic Acid plus DMG and get excellent fat-burning results with 500mg Methionine. The B-12/Folic Acid/DMG combo decreases Homocysteine and increases SAM-e, and the health benefits of SAM-e are numerous. DMG alone health benefits are numerous. Check out Dr Kindall on YouTube here DMG

Posted by Jm (Ca) on 09/20/2017

Editor's Choice 58 year old male, cardiac arrhythmias for a few years with associated general tiredness, leg weakness. Read up on B12 deficiency and tried it - the METHYLcobalamin form, 1,000 mcg chewable sublingual tablets.

One a day, two if necessary. Arrhythmias gone. That simple.


Posted by Barbara (Hudson, Fl) on 09/03/2017

I do that too. I get the #3 capsules. Much easier to take since I have non-toxic goiter from Hashimoto's thyroiditis and can't swallow large pills. The cayenne has helped me.

Posted by Jane (Hervey Bay Queensland) on 08/05/2017

Do you take Lugols Iodine or a different brand?

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Mary (Usa) on 07/31/2017

What did you do for A-Fib (heart fluttering)?

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Teresa (Ks) on 07/31/2017


Having recently dealt with some heart fluttering, I came to this site out of curiosity to see what others are saying and doing.

I was so pleased to find your post, because, as a metaphysical practitioner, I am a firm believer in the connection of energy and the power of mind. I, too, know we are capable of healing ourselves in so many ways. Meditation with self-healing visualization always has a strong effect on my health. Meditation, intention, and belief in myself has alleviated my problem. I also recognize that we should take care of this vessel, and so, I try to pay attention to the synergy of the multiple things I put in my body. I am 64 years old and in really good health, thanks to NOT following years of "doctor's orders." I couldn't take the "god" complex anymore, especially after some very bad advice and treatments were given. My mother is 90, in amazingly good health, and on NO medications...even though doctors along the way wanted to put her on many things (a practice I believe is responsible for premature death of the elderly). At any given time, she resolved her health issues through diet, some supplements, and belief in her own ability to heal. People can call it quackery all they want--it doesn't change the truth and outcome. For 20 years, I have relied on nature to tell me what I need. Belief is a powerful thing, and if people believe that doctors and drugs are necessary, then, to them, they are. Western medicine is capable of doing some amazing things...but the ignorance and intolerance of holistic solutions is a tragedy.

I wanted to respond to you because I think we share a true kindred spirit regarding these issues.

Thank you for sharing!

Avoid Excessive Potassium
Posted by Susan (Atlantic Highlands) on 06/26/2017

You should also have your kidneys checked..they should not be spitting out potassium...

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Dana (Ca) on 06/17/2017

K is potassium.

Posted by Pat (Pa) on 05/25/2017

Alisa, I too get Afib almost everyday! Episodes are shorter now though.Had it for about 5 years now. Taking Mg, Taurine, Hawthorn, Nattokinase and various other supplements. It really doesn't bother me like it used to so they push ablation but im not going that route now anyway! Keep taking supplements and sometimes they even stop it for me! If necessary I take 12.5 metatoprolol if needed. Don't want to take it all the time as it does not prevent the Afib and why should I then? Lots of Mg as you say because some people believe that that is what Afib is! Mg deficiency!

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Millicent (France) on 05/19/2017

I didn't realise what was going on; the tired legs, lightheadedness until finally a doctor was around at a crucial time; I'd had a really strong incident with dry mouth and pain in left arm! Had arrythmia verified 2 times but I know its an allergic reaction and heart releases histamines. I've had one doc. agree with me but others think I'm a bit crazy. I don't want to start taking beta-blockers....I don't mess with medication. Anyone else experience this. It was happening today pollen or something in the air. Other than that I know my heart is just fine.

Posted by Perry (Wisconsin Rapids, Wi) on 05/09/2017

I mix my cayenne with magnesium citrate and take 100 mlligrams two or three times a day. I put it into capsules so it goes down easily. The magnesium has a natural soothing effect on the stomach, and yes, it helps with the heart issues, but I'm unable to say for sure that it alone is making the arrhythmias subside, since I also incorporate the other nutrients as well as ACV. Coffee seems to have very little to do with my arythmias, as they would come as often and as strong with or without coffee.

Avoid Excessive Potassium
Posted by Latha (Bangalore, India) on 03/27/2017

Excess Potassium in blood may also mean, kidneys which are not functioning to their full extent. Why not try out kidney friendly diet for a week, like low Potassium, low protein, small meals and hydration to flush out toxins?

Cardiac Ablation
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 03/11/2017

SHAWN,,,,,, sorry to learn of your problems. I too have AFIB and my Anti-aging doctor said I probably need to have an Ablation procedure. I started to tell her to read between the lines as I raised my hand. Thought better as she keeps me perking. I use MD's for counsel, and if their counsel does not jive with my research, then I ignore them. That is what we all should do.

Doctors are like car salesmen. Their business is selling cars. I promise you that when I go to buy a car, I know far more about this car than the sale man. The same goes for MD's. I promise you that EC folks that study know more about their problem than a doctor. For instance, a doctor recently chimed in on EC about the strength of H2O2 . He did not know his fanny from a hole in the ground. I wanted to burn him, but restrained. We all knew he was a novice, but no one challenged him. I can promise you that my doctors fear me far more than I fear them. They know that I know the subject.

Sometimes the EC text is of no interest now, but that can come back later to bite you in the fanny. That is the reason I try to read every post. We got some bright folks posting and you need to read all.


Cardiac Ablation
Posted by Ellie (Mississippi) on 03/11/2017

So sorry to hear it Shaun.

A friend of mine had an ablation recently and it has not stopped her heart irregularities, either.

Cardiac Ablation
Posted by Shaun (Santa Barbara, Cal.) on 03/11/2017

There's some great info on this page. I've had arrhythmia for ten years. It would lay me low for a day or two at a time. I'm 57. Eight months ago, I agreed to an ablative procedure after being assured that it would be a simple process with a 2-3 day recovery. Well, the surgeon miscalculated and burned a hole through my heart wall. He had to return to the hospital five hours later because I was bleeding internally and near death. He also misjudged the emergency op that was meant to relieve the internal hemorrhaging issues and did considerable damage to my heart and lungs - all this done by going through the chest wall with a wire; this was not open heart.

Long story short, I spent three nights in the ICU and three months near death in bed at home. I'm am still very unwell. My point is not to scare anyone, but I highly recommend trying every natural therapy you can before taking what seems to the quicker route, no matter what the "experts" tell you: problems do happen. The clincher is that I still have arrhythmia and, after things went so terribly wrong, the surgeon dropped me like a hot scone, probably, I think, because he was worried about a law suit and hoped I'd simply disappear.

Although I have Obamacare, the insurance still hasn't decided whether they're going to cover the bill for the ICU - $120,000. And that's just the ICU bill - I have thousands more besides. The surgeon has gone a long way to ruining my life, although he does have a couple of very expensive cars.

Anyway, try magnesium first - "Calm" is a very good product as it doesn't have as many side effects as others I've tried, and it is easily absorbed.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Sue (St. Jospeh, Mi) on 03/06/2017

What kind of magnesium?

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Gabriele (Wa) on 03/05/2017

There are indeed many different 'causes' for heart arrythmia. I have as a matter of fact been seen by a cardiologist (not a holistic one but still the rather stone age type of conventional one, and was cleared of any and all heart pathology, as well as of electrolyte imbalances and/or deficiencies. Also, every single test done on me (and there were many between the dozen of physicians I visited) came back negative. None of my symptoms matched their criteria or pattern for a dis-ease. I learned real fast that I am indeed the sole authority on my body, and what happens to and with it. The heart is so much, much more than what we are told it is, and it takes a very open mind to take that new information in.

There are a few seriously great books available on the subject of the energetic heart, not the supposed pump in our bodies (the least important and very minor function of the heart), and related physical manifestations of energetic disturbances. Everything is energy. Since there is no separation between energies it follows that everything affects everything, period. I also learned the most important lesson I could ever have learned, and it was very necessary to let my heart be the teacher: I can completely heal myself. Sure, the correct nutrition for the individual (one has to know oneself instead of following rules here as well, there are none), some supplementation - if necessary at times -, daily prolonged exposure to raw nature (wild forests, mountains, near fast flowing rivers, etc.) and unfiltered sunlight in the early morning hours, chemical free and toxin free food, a deep spiritual connection (note, I am not saying religion), working with instead of against nature and her laws, implementation of our plant friends (some of the best healing modalities we have at our disposal), and for some coaching, when needed, a fast forward thinking stellar physician or herbalist, these things I consider essential for holistic healing. The conventional medical field is ignorant about most of these things, relying on dangerous and ineffective methods of treatment. I am happy I learned my lesson and know that I can fully and completely trust my heart, in fact, my entire body. It does never betray me, even when some things appear very scary on the surface. When I went into cardiology in the beginning I approached the staff there with ideas they could/would not understand. Those were things not being taught at medical colleges. But that is okay as I realize that we are all at very different learning levels. Another thing often left out of consideration when ANY unexplained physical things happen to our bodies: Many people who are energy sensitive also react to energies hitting earth from outer space, even interdimensionally (try to inform a conventional doctor of that fact...). It is actually a well known fact that some heart arrythmia in some people are a direct result of extreme solar flare output. I could go on and on and on, but those who know what I am talking about and who have experienced this kind of symptom, are already far beyond the material aspect of nutrition and exercise, etc., etc. They ARE somewhat important, yes, but not the alpha and omega. With this being said I wish all of you who still have heart arrythmia or other 'problems' a speedy and full recovery, and complete healing (and yes, it is absolutely within your reach as long as you don't elevate your doctors onto a pedestal where they probably should not be, and as long as you do YOUR parts and listen and acknowledge your bodies, the physical as much as the ethereal ones, respect and honor them, and converse with nature in all her forms). Sending blessings to all out there:)

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Gary T. (Georgia) on 03/05/2017

I am a nurse on a cardiac floor. Arrhythmia can be very dangerous so do not take any chances see a doctor. Low potassium and low magnesium are the first two culprits we look for with arrhythmia. This probably explains your symptoms and the relief you got after taking a magnesium supplement.

Posted by Soazburrolady (Southern Az) on 03/02/2017

Hi Alissa. I have experienced PVC's for over 30 years. I take Hawthorne, magnesium (800 mg per day) and 6 drops of 5% Lugols iodine per day. That seems to keep things at bay most days. But, when it flares up, as it did this morning, 2 capsules of a product called "Cool Cayenne" will usually knock it out in about an hour. Many at Earth Clinic use cayenne in warm water, sometimes with honey, and get the same result. However, I am a total wimp regarding the heat of cayenne, and the Cool Cayenne doesn't cause me any distress. Hope this helps.

Posted by Alisa (Missouri) on 03/01/2017

Thank you for responding. I have seen CQ10 recommended. Also: Vitamin D3, Hawthorn Berry, Taurine, Beetroot extract. It's all a bit overwhelming. I spoke with doctor today and discontinued the amiodarone after just 4 weeks. I am now on nothing for rhythm or rate for the first time in 5 years. Apparently, I need to be off of amiodarone for at least 3 months before I can start iodine protocol. I hope I make it! Doctor is actually talking about a pacemaker due to slow heart beat but I think my heart rate was slow due to the meds I was on. I have never had this issue before. I plan to start wit iodoral. I think I'd rather take a pill than drink it.

I'm going to start some of the supplements in the meantime. Any advice at all is appreciated!


Coconut Water
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 02/26/2017

Thanks! I will try the coconut water. I, too worked in hospitals all my life and have a hard time taking drugs.I take metropolol only as needed as I also feel every beat and know when I'm in it! Taking the drugs they prescribed did not prevent me from having Afib and made me feel awful as I have low/normal blood pressure so I will only take them "as needed". I tried everything they told me to no avail! And I refuse to feel lousy all day to make them happy! I take Taurine and alot of other supplements that make me feel good! Resveratrol, VitC, VitE, probiotic, Hawthorn, Garlic and fish oil (also keep my blood thin) I am 64 and they want me to take blood thinner but don't want to. I am going to start taking "Nattokinase (also a thinner) with the others.Hoping coconut water helps!

Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 02/08/2017

Greetings Alisa,

I had to carry the magnesium or at least potassium around with me to stop heart palpitations, because I never stick to a good diet, shame on me.

If I take the Lugol's iodine in the morning it lasts pretty much all day (i started with one drop in water, I am up to seven drops water), I don't have to reach for it a second time.

I do end up taking a break from some of the remedies. However here are three other things, to look into that I do not see on your list that I know really helps me in regards to heart palpitations and chest pains:

Natural E, Zinc, and CQ10.

P.S to fellow Snow Diggers, go easy with the shoveling. The first time I ever remember getting chest pains was while digging snow in my sixties. You have to know when to stop digging. A ticket is cheaper than a funeral.


Posted by Alisa (Missouri) on 02/06/2017

Hello Everyone;

I've been reading your posts and finding them very helpful. I have had afib for about 5 years now. I have also been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I had a cryoablation a few months ago but it seems that the episodes are worse. The doc has put me on amiodarone as he feels that it is still too close to the ablation to make any drastic decisions. I currently am in afib every other day. I have no intention of remaining on the amio for more than 3 months. I have decided to try a more natural approach. I've been taking800 mgs magnesium for a few years now but not currently with the amio. After a lot of research and review of your posts I plan to do the following:

Iodine (lugols)

magnesium 800 mg daily works for me

sellenium (never tried but I'm going to start)

Apple cider vinegar daily

Vitamin C

And I'll switch to sea salt

Also have to shape up the diet. I've gotten off track and may be cause of the increased episodes.

Thanks for all of the great info!

