Sore Throat
Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat Treatment

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fillip (OH) on 12/20/2008

I used the acv (3table spoons acv and 3table spoons honey (all natural)) the other day my bro used it to make baking soda bombs in 2 liter coke bottles so it can be used for a lot of stuff but nvm that. Seriously make SURE its not too hot i bruned my tongue on it but other than that it was amazing the first sip helped! and with the ingredeints above it tastes like warm apple cider i thnk everyone who posted their comments. just keep drinking this with proper nutirients and mine was gone in a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Nunya, OH) on 12/17/2008

Wow, thank you for this great recommendation! I woke up tonight with the absolute worst sore throat of my life, so I went surfing for home remedies. Found this, tried it right away, and wow!! What a difference! I must drink it slow because the cider is a bit hard on my stomach, but it most definitely has reduced the pain significantly. Before, I couldn't even swallow without cringing. I'm only halfway through the cup now, so hopefully when I am done, the soreness will have completely dissipated- still a tad uncomfortable.

Thank you again!!!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ruth Ann (Woodville, GA) on 01/14/2009

Here I am sipping the mixture slowly as I have read others had done. I have been on Musinex DM and finally went to MD and got a Rx for antibiotics but with nothing but Advil for the pain. I am getting no sleep. I am laying off the DM tonight and opting for this remedy. I even use a sinus rinse to clear passages but the throat pain has been awful. I am sipping by spoon slowly. Hope to get some rest now. I just can't drink it down like others posted. I did the 3 tbs each to one cup warm water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ernestine (Millington, USA) on 12/16/2008

ACV (3 tablespoons) and honey (3 tablespoons) with warm water for sore throat. I just tried it as a gargle, as I have way too much acid reflux to swallow vinegar and diabetes so I can't swallow the honey. It burned my throat so that tells me it was killing germs. I am hoping for good result. My honey is natural and raw and I would expect that to work better than processed honey due to the fact that the processed honey hasn't got much of anything but sweetness in it. I did get a good laugh at the expense of the lady who vomited the mixture and said very emphatically: "DO NOT DO", poor thing. Maybe if she could tolerate garging with it, it would help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shelly (Santa Barbara, Ca, USA) on 12/07/2008

As a singer, my mentor told me that ACV would cure a sore throat, and he was right. Take 2 tablespoons straight from the bottle. I did that for the first time this morning, and I have to warn you that you need a good chaser otherwise you WILL throw up on the spot. The first tablespoon I chased with water, but for the second one (taken moments after the first)water was not strong enough. Orange juice worked well for me. On the bright side, it's only been half an hour and I can talk normally and my throat hurts no more. If you can stomach this it is the most immediate remedy I've found.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thomas (Milford, PA) on 12/06/2008

cayenne for sore throats: be careful with the cayane pepper, it makes my hemroids bleed very bad. acv and honey works well for me. I use 1 tbl spoon each in hot water, but you can use more considering how bad a sore throat you have.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thomas (Miami, Florida) on 11/26/2008

It really works for me. I use a strong dose whenever possible. At the first signs of a strep throat or a sore throat, I make a roughly-1:1 solution of just ACV and tap water. Gargle it and sip it every hour that I'm near it. If it gets worse after a day, I change to a less-pungent mixture of 1:2 ACV and tap water. Again, gargle it and sip it each hour. It helps kill off bacteria and, for me, had pointed out where the bacteria infected. If you are well-hydrated, almost any antibacterial will work. On the final days of my sore strep throat, I had a shot of 40% ABV vodka. So long as you target the infection and stay away from other medicines (I was off Ibuprofen for several hours), you will be able to kill bacteria and relax a bit. My biggest suggestions, in addition to using apple cider vinegar, is to keep drinking. I found that peppermint gum helped relieve stuffiness, and ignoring your lack of appetite is for the best.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Floyd, VA) on 11/24/2008

Got a sore throat Sat. morning that I attributed to hauling firewood for a couple of hours in the 20 degree temperatures. Still Sore Sunday morning with additional cold symptons so I went to the internet and found this site. Tried 3 tablespoons of Honey with 3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinager in a cup of hot water. Wow!! Pain gone before I finished the cup and a day later it has not returned. Still had cold symptons so drank the "tea" twice more and again this am. No side effects and cold symptons are minimal. One tip, hold your breath before you stick your nose of the mug, that stuff stinks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Callie (Houston, Texas) on 12/02/2008

Oh my gosh i just tried the hot water with 3 tablespons of honey and 3 tablespoons of ACV and i drank a cup and just threw it back up it didnt even stay down for two minutes DO NOT DO!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mark (Kingston, NY) on 11/20/2008

Ive had this sore throat for the past few days, got really bad today. Found this side, and tried the ACV with 3 tablespoons of ACV and honey and a cup of water. I had just made tea so the water was real hot. It seams to be working very well. Hopefully will go back to work tomorrow. Thanks for the idea.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robbin (Chesapeake, Va) on 11/16/2008

WOW This really does work. I have been sick for a week and my throat felt like there were rocks in there every time I swallowed. I tried honey and tea, Sore throat spray and cough drops, but after the first 3 sips of the ACV in warm water with honey It felt better. I'm a believer. Thanks for this valuable info.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by C (San Diego, CA) on 11/03/2008

ACV for sore throat in a 3 year old

my 3 year old (who has a cold) woke up in the middle of the night complaining of a sore throat, i immediately gave her apple cider vinegar w/ a little bit of raw honey and a couple pinches of turmeric. i gave her 3-4 teaspoons of this concoction and she said it went away and went back to sleep. when she woke this morning she said her sore throat was still gone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (MEMPHIS, TN) on 10/18/2008

WOW! Didnt believe that ACV thing would work! Nothing personal...I'm just a cynic by experience but honestly must say that I have just finished my first round of "sipping" and the ACV and H20 for acute sore throat has already greatly relieved the pain, unclogged my ears, and I can actually feel my nasal passage opening! I've tried at least 5 different OTC products and all I felt was dehydrated and light-headed. My throat hurt so bad that everytime I coughed a it felt like a tree the size of my fist was trying to emerge from my stomach! AND NOW...100 percent improvement from even an hour ago!

I am super grateful! I may even try to eat something later!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Andrew (Mesquite, NV) on 10/15/2008

I had Sore throat, congestion in my nose and cough. I use to gargle with salt water for my sore throat and didn't work as well as. The last time I had sore throat, I tried HALLS cough drops and that worked really well. Now, they don't work on me anyone. I don't know why. So I tried the APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, it worked well on my sore throat and did clear my nose, but its not working on my cough as well. I hate the taste. I'm happy with the result.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Parminder Singh (Brampton, Ontario, Canada) on 10/09/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey in water cured my sore throat instantly! I'm surprised how well it worked. I can breathe again. Thanks bunches, dudes!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chandan (Panchkula, Haryana, India) on 09/20/2012

my remedy for sore throat is hot lemonade mix with honey as it relieves the pain quickly. this is an effective sore throat remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Leslie (Jamestown, NC, USA) on 10/07/2008

I tried the 3 T ACV, 3 T Honey, and 8 oz warm water to cure my sore throat. This was a bad idea for me. I am pregnant, so my gag reflux is ultra sensitive. I tried drinking it first, but it really started to nauseate me, so I decided to gargle. As soon as it hit the back of my throat, I threw up.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tammy (Eugene, Oregon) on 10/30/2008

i am gargling/and drinking 1 teaspoon to 7 oz. ACV for sore throat by drinking it can it make your urine turn very yellow? has helped very little :(

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jen (Vancouver, Wa) on 10/04/2008

I mixed 3 Tblspns of ACV and 3 Tblspns of Honey with 1 cup of warm water. After just few sips, I could feel the difference in my sore throat. It was completely gone by the time I had finished the entire glass.
