Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Posted by Sarah (Dallas, Texas) on 09/13/2012

I've been having such bad anxiety, that the muscles in the front of my neck are in pain for days at a time from the tension. I noticed that taking a few drops of Lugol's iodine in water gives complete and instant relief from the tension and pain. It's weird how fast it happens--I mean AS I am drinking the water!! I think perhaps, since tyrosine and iodine work together to make thyroid hormones, that the deficiency of iodine causes excess tyrosine, which is known to cause elevated heart rate and anxiety. Also, I have been taking SAMe daily for six years, for depression, and I took my usual 3 day break from it, and felt complete relief from the anxiety, which came back when I took another SAMe pill yesterday. So, I guess it's time to exchange the daily SAMe with N-acetyl cysteine for the purposes of replacing methylation lost from mercury toxicity.

Posted by Jo Ana (Daytona Beach, FL) on 01/30/2009

I think a lot of us are iodine deficient. I have low thyroid function with a body temp of around 97 as well as various other low-thyroid related symptoms which I would like to alleviate. I now take 10 drops of Lugol's in water in the AM and 6 more in the PM. That's about 100 mgs of iodine but my body seems to need it. I had tried iodoral, nascent iodine, painting feet & wrists with Lugols with no noticeable improvement. My body seems to crave iodine. Lugol's can be purchased online from various vendors.

Posted by Anne-Marie (Palm Coast, FL) on 02/04/2007

While I would not consider myself "cured" of anything, I have found that Iodine..or the lack thereof...causes me to have panic and anxiety attacks. This is a recent (within 3 months) development for me as I have never had panic and anxiety attacks prior. And although I now take Kelp in a Thyroid supplement (for my newly developed Hypothyroidism), my Iodine test (painting a 2x2 in sq on my abdomen) still shows a regular Iodine insufficiency. Interestingly, I also drink protein shakes that contain 30% FDA Iodine each. I drink 2-3 of these each day. Yet, my Iodine is consistently depleted.
