Natural Remedies

Anxiety - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Anxiety. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.


Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, Canada) on 10/24/2021

Editor's Choice Vitamin B3 - 450mg twice a day.

After reading a report that cited over 30 studies showing success reducing anxiety with 1,000mg and up to 5,000mg of Vitamin B3 per day. I decided to take a more conservative approach. I took B3-450mg once in the morning upon waking and once at night before sleeping and my anxiety disappeared within 24 hr.


Posted by Maureen (Md) on 07/13/2020

Editor's Choice If you are having anxiety, get your Vitamin B12 level checked by your doctor.

I was having horrible anxiety and was seeing a therapist who kept trying to give me anti-anxiety medicine. When I had some blood work done it was discovered that I was very low on B12.

Apparently, B12 deficiency causes anxiety, depression and insomnia, in addition to numerous other dangerous health problems.

After I started loading doses of B12 shots, my anxiety DISAPPEARED COMPLETELY. Just like magic.

If you think your B12 level must be OK because you are taking an oral supplement you might be wrong. B12 is the only vitamin that requires a cofactor (intrinsic factor) in order for your body to be able to use it. There are many reasons why your body may not be able to absorb B12 properly, including use of PPIs. So, if you can't absorb B12 the normal way, get a B12 shot. You'll be so glad you did.

Acetyl L-Carnitine

Posted by Sveta (Des Plaines, IL) on 07/28/2009

Editor's Choice Having been suffering from bipolar, bulimia, anxiety disorder and depression for 5 years. Tried ACETYL L-CARNITINE. Have one thing to say, it's freaking amazing! I'm surprised you don't hear about it much. It helps my anxiety better than cold showers, antidepressants, and even Xanax! I'm so happy that that i found out about it. It's like the hell I've been living in for years is over. This supplement has the strength of a prescription drug. I advise everyone who has anxiety problem to give a try. Though I need like 50 mg a day instead of 5000 the way they recommend. 5000 is too much for me to tolerate. Find your dosage. And never give up. Try every supplement for depression and anxiety out there, one by one. Some will do nothing, some will make you feel worse, but there'll be one, two, or even more that will help you and make your life a beautiful and joyful thing to have. Good luck everyone.

Cold Showers

Posted by Sandy (San Rafael, CA) on 01/30/2008

Editor's Choice About two months ago I was having yet another anxiety attack in the middle of the night. I got up and Googled and wound up at your site. Thank goodness ! I read all the testamonials for Cold Shower Therapy. I tried it and much to my amazement I have felt so much better! I am grounded,emotionally stable and strong. My skin feels fabulous, my hair is soft and shiny, I am energized and also relaxed. I have tried so many treatments for severe depression,anxiety and pacic attacks. CST has helped me beyond my wildest dreams. Yes, I now sleep so well that I am having amazing dreams as well. Thank you for this great resource and community !!!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Darren (Hicksville, NY) on 01/27/2008

Editor's Choice I started taking ACV to lower my blood pressure. Not only did it lower my pressure (My doctor was shocked at how low it went) It also cured my anxiety and a wart on my hand that i had for over a year. I tried everythin except going to the doctor to have it froze off. ACV made me a New person. Everyone at work said that i have more patience and am more relaxed. It is the Greatest thing since the invention of the wheel. I put a teaspoon full in a glass of water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debra (Elkhart, TX) on 02/14/2007

Editor's Choice Ok, I have been reading about HBP, which I have and decided to go get some ACV. I went to the grocery store. I mixed 2tbls. with water and drank about half. It hurt my stomach at first. I think I needed more water. After about 30 minutes I noticed that my anxiety was gone. For the last week I have been panicking about my HBP, Just found out last week. I went to the emergency room 2 nights ago for it. And they told me it could be anxiety. This stuff stopped it. I didn't know that it could do that. I did a search on it and sure enough, it can end anxiety. Praise God. Now I waiting for my blood pressure to go down. I am already impressed. I feel happy. I never feel happy. I have been depressed for along time.
