Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Hemp + Kelp
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 11/25/2013

Hemp Seed Powder and Kelp Powder

I used to get very anxious and depressed, headaches, stomachaches, sore and tired all over, the headaches were like migraines or tension headaches. I can't eat wheat. I read about how protein is used by the brain to manage its levels of nitrogen and ammonia, so thinking the migraine might be from a lack of protein I took 1/4 cup of hemp seed powder, with a teaspoon of kelp powder since I had the kelp powder, mixed in a glass of water. I feel much better. I did that once or twice a day for three days, I wake up less tired in the morning, my good mood lasts all day, I feel more optimistic and youthful, the headaches are almost gone. The dark circles under my eyes are lighter.

Taking potassium and magnesium pills help too. I take more than the label says depending on how I feel. Sometimes 4 to 6 99mg potassium at a time.
