Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Green Tea
Posted by Eileen (Sumter, Sc) on 06/05/2013

I have been plagued with depression and anxiety since 2001 when I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid. I have hot nodules on my thyroid. Began with one about 1in by .5 inch. Now I have two the size of a lemon. I have not been able to take antidepressants. So I have struggled with it all these years. One thing that helps with the anxiety is strong green tea. I take about 6 oz of water and add two tea bags. Let it set a while and make sure you move the tea bags around and squeeze out the good stuff. That is where the L theanine comes from. Drink as much as you want. I also take Lemon Balm. It works well but usually have the green tea. Wish I could beat this depression. I am now 65 and it seems to be getting worse and I am under a lot of stress. Have never tried Rhodiola. Think I will give it a try. Hope the green tea works.
