Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies

Oil Pulling
Posted by Mln (Clinton, NJ) on 04/12/2013

Sunflower Oil cured the nasal allergies that had plagued me all of my life in under a year. I used to take a cheaper 24 hour pill 365 days. During grass and ragweed season I had to ADD a 12 hour non-drowsy pill.

I only "pulled" the oil once in the morning for 20 minutes. After I spit out the oil, I rinse with a small amount (1/4 teaspoon or a bit more) of a mixture of baking soda and salt in a quarter cup of cool water. I rinse/spit/rinse and brush my teeth right then but don't use toothpaste.

I kept oil pullling up because I love the way my teeth are whiter, my mouth feels like I just went to the dentist, and that my breath is very clean. The plaque is nearly non-existent.

I recently noticed that I like doing crafts with my fingers again. I never realized that I might have arthritis, but I guess I did because I'm happily using my fingers again!

I highly recommend oil pulling as I've also noticed that even the back of my teeth have gotten whiter and the teeth cleaning at the dentist is easier and less odorous.

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by beverly (Texas) on 04/09/2022

"Can I take Echinacea and goldenseal for a long period of time together?

Even though most natural herbs are ideal to use for extended periods of time, you should not take Echinacea and goldenseal for more than six weeks at a time."

Oil Pulling
Posted by Liz (Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia) on 08/14/2012

I had been suffering severely each year during harvesting of the rice with acute hayfever symptoms. My eyes were red and very itchy and a runny, itchy nose with a scratchy throat. I had been taking Claryntyne for some time but was looking for something natural as it seemed this was an ongoing life condition. Through this wonderful website I discovered oil pulling. I was a little skeptical of course as the whole idea of oil pulling was very strange to me. However, being in the land of coconut oil and having some at my disposal in the bathroom to rub on my skin daily I figured it couldn't hurt to try. This was back towards the end of 2011. The first morning I tried was a Friday I pulled for 15min - timing it. The first day I did it twice - morning and night.

On the Saturday I woke with the most acute case of allergies I had ever had, I ended up spending the whole day in bed. However, I read here somewhere not to give up as it can sometimes make it worse before it gets better. So I persisted and within about 3 weeks all symptoms had gone. I kept pulling for about 3 months and then we went away on holidays for 3 weeks and I broke the routine. And the whole time my allergies didn't come back. When I talked with people about this I used to say things like - well it could have been a coincidence, maybe it went away because I stopped eating something different.

However, about a month ago it started again. Itchy eyes, scratchy throat and a slightly runny nose. I was kind of pleased because it was my opportunity to test oil pulling for a 2nd time. I am extremely pleased to say that I have been oil pulling again now for about 3 weeks or so and I have no allergy symptoms again. This for me is proof that it actually works. I've recommended it to many people but I think they are just not sure. This time around also I have only been pulling in the morning for 10mins while I'm in the shower! I will continue to oil pull with coconut oil for a long time to come.

Posted by Nina (Malma, Sweden) on 08/30/2011

I myself have suffered from allergies in the past and found that cleansing the liver has helped tremendously. It came buy chance when I started taking protein powder(whey protein) which is supposed to help the liver detox. It also increases glutathion in the body which is a master antioxident. Turmeric seems to work in the same fashoin. Read up on turmeric here at earth clinic and you can see that some people who took it got rid of there allergies. Turmeric also known as curcumin also increases glutathion in the body.

Posted by Maddannie (St. Louis, Mo) on 07/28/2011

I have struggled with severe allergies over the last three years. I don't use pharmaceuticals so it's been trial and errror with numerous products for the last few years. Mostly, it's been error. I've tried the vinegar in the past, but did not see any improvemnt. This time I stuck with it. And thankfully I was given a very wise piece of advice from an old book. Chewing on honeycomb! It enabled me to go outside without my eyes swelling shut or sneezing. I would just chew the honeycomb as needed. It seemed to keep my symptoms at bay until the vinagar started working. After about a month of chewing I don't need it anymore and I'm allergy free. I still drink the vinegar every morning (taking two days off a week), to keep my allergies from coming back.

Note, chew the honeycomb for 10-15 minutes then spit out, and get another piece if needed.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Michael (Los Angeles, CA) on 08/19/2008

Oil-Pulling (remedy) for allergies (ailment):

I started oil-pulling with Sesame oil about 3 months ago. It took a little while to get used to 1 whole Tablespoon of oil for 15-20 minutes, but I just did my normal morning routine while oil-pulling. I have not had to take any prescription allergy medications that I usually took at least a few times per month or when pollen counts were very high in my area. I oil-pull every morning when I wake up without fail and find that I have increased energy and no allergies.

Posted by Angela (Tonasket, WA.) on 08/13/2008

NAET (allergy elimination technique):

My family has been treated of one food intolerance disease, EE, by this treatement called NAET. It is the only known permenant treatment for allergies or intolerances. . .which is just a really severe allergy. My chiropractor does the treatment, and some acupuncturists and acupressurists also do it. I am not yet aware of any celiacs that have been cured, but my chiropractor tells me there is no reason why they couldn't be. It's a simple and painless proceedure that they can do to even a baby. (They did it to my 6 mo. old.) It's usually under $50.00 and can be done in only one session, but you may find them so helpful for that, you go back for other allergies you were only slightly troubled with. I feel our daughters' life was saved by this treatment, and I've talked to others who've said the same. Look up a practitioner in your area if you can, but it is still relatively new, so you may have to travel a bit to find one.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jason H. (Phoenix, AZ) on 07/10/2008

About 2 weeks ago, I came down with some nasty allergies where my eyes were itching, watering, swelling, and just driving my crazy. My nose was also very runny. I take Oil of Oregano and Apple Cider Vinegar every day, but read about taking the Oil of Oregano sublingually. I started doing that twice day putting 3 drops under my tongue and holding it there for 60 seconds, then swallow with juice or water. Big difference! The allergies decreased by 80% within a couple hours. This stuff is awesome!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Gregory HOod (Washington, DC) on 12/29/2007

I started oil pulling 20 dec 07. have used olive, safflower, hemp, sesame, oils. also i have had others try the pull also. so far noticed from safflower are teeth got white, gums felt firmer, sinus's cleared, allergies diminished. from hemp i got sleepy. others that tried olive it immediately raised their mood levels and depression. gout pain eased with only one olive oil pull. i also add a couple of drops of peppermint in the tablespoon to kill the germs and open the sinus's too. sesame did not get any immediate results maybe because it is toasted . all in all everyone i have told that used it have been very happy with the results. only problem is trying to explain to them how it works. so i tell them that it works like oil in an auto engine that catches dirt and when you change the oil the dirt comes out. my nephew that is a plumber in oregon relayed that to me when i was trying to tell him to do the pull he automatically understood how the process could work. in his profession he stated that plumbers work with oil and water all of the time. smart nephew i have.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Mark K (Ellensburg, WA) on 10/10/2007

I stumbled across this website looking for a cure for my allergies. I have missed weeks from work due to allergies in the last year. I used ACV and that helped with the allergies but I still had some problems. I started oil pulling and I could really see the toxins leaving my body thru mucas ect.. After two weeks my allergies have been cured and I feel great.

Yerba Mate Tea
Posted by Kathy (Frederick, Maryland) on 08/01/2007

I have had chronic seasonal allergies all of my life. I've tried everything from weekly shots to popular prescription medications. Granted, shots work over time but were costly, painful and inconvenient.

I started drinking two cups of yerba mate tea sweetened with stevia twice a day during the spring when my allergies are near their worst. After three days, my allergies were all but gone. Prior to this, I was practically bed-ridden with swollen itchy eyes, fatigue and congestion.

I was able to decrease the dosage to just one cup a day after a month. I drink it every morning, even during the winter months. I am able to go outside and mow the lawn now without getting sick for two days! If I do get a huge dose of allergens for whatever reason, I just simply drink an extra cup and the symptoms dissipate within fifteen mins or so.

I got my sister to try and she is also pleasantly surprised. She can't even sit in grass without breaking out in hives so I can only imagine how her lungs reacte to allergens. She is 90% off of her prescription meds. She still takes one if her breathing becomes too labored from her reactions.

I highly recommend this tea to anyone who has suffered from seasonal allergies. I almost forget that it's allergy season when it comes around, that is until I see people suffering all around me and realize that I'm finally not one of them!

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Vil (Wheaton MD) on 07/02/2006

Thanks for your website. I had suffered from a stuffed up nose and frequent sinus infections for the last 15 yrs. Tried all kinds of meds, but one of them actually caused liver problems. A friend gave me the phone # of a doctor who treats patients naturally and I visited him. It's amazing what cutting out dairy has meant for my life: no chronic headaches or stomach aches any more, and most of my allergies have cleared up (mold is still a problem). For those people who aren't completely helped by dairy elimination, try identifying other foods; for me, avoiding yeast was the final piece in the puzzle. But when I give in to temptation, the ACV really helps, esp. the vapors!

Psyllium Husk
Posted by Ricardo (Palm Coast)

I started to suffer from allergies about 7 years ago. I took over the counter medication to help me with the allergies. Chlorotabs was the only medication to help throughout allergy season. Last year in November I did a colon cleansing using physillum husk for 3 months. I did not know or was it mention in the books I read that the colon cleansing would get rid of my allergies. This was the first year that I did not use any allergy pills because I no longer suffer from allergies.

Vaseline Coated Inside the Nose
Posted by Bob (Memphis, TN) on 03/21/2009

I heard about using vaseline to coat the inside of your nose many years ago and have been doing this for a really long time. I have never encountered any problems from it being a petroleum product. Although, in response to the original post, it has never made my allergies any better and I always get a cold or two per year. What it does for me is it keeps my nose from getting dried out and scabby which always really drove me crazy. Since I've been doing this I have never had any more problems. If on occasion I run out of the house and forget to use the vaseline my nose really bothers me the entire day. If you live in a dry climate it would probably work wonders. I live in the south where we have a lot of humidity but it works here as well. Hope this helps someone.

Vaseline Coated Inside the Nose
Posted by Kellyd (Seattle, Wa) on 11/17/2015

With all due respect, putting petroleum jelly inside one's nose, let alone anywhere on the body, for allergies has got to be the worst advice I've read in a long time.

Petroleum jelly is made from petroleum products -- chemical compounds that were never meant for human consumption or application, and in fact are responsible for not only certain types of "allergies", but also serious problems like immune suppression, liver function problems, kidney problems, etc.

Address Dehydration
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/16/2020

Yes, I read Dr. Batmanghelidj's books on water and salt mineral balance and he said that histamine was a warning shot across the bow that the body was out of balance. I was starting his program after rupturing L-5 and a neighbor said her peonies were in bloom. I loved them but gave me bad headaches in short time and had to see them in vase through patio door. After the salt and water, I could not smell them and thought something was wrong with her flowers. She let me have them every year when they bloomed.

Next day I got water /minerals out of balance and had to put vase of flowers on porch, pounding headache. Proved to me Batman was right on. So I let as many people as I can hear this information because I used to get three allergy shots every other day for over a year and was allergic to everything.

Nettle and Horseradish Tincture
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/28/2016

Dear Shelly,

Thanks for sharing! We too love nettle for allergies. I think when it is used long term it is healing. I have never heard of using horseradish with it. I will have to try that!! I appreciate your clear instructions too!

~Mama to Many~

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Paris (Boise) on 04/30/2017

Cutting out dairy and gluten is good idea since they cross react. Sugar is another one that should be avoided.

Address Dehydration
Posted by Denise (MA) on 04/17/2024

I would suggest using Redmond's Real Salt, which is unrefined and packed with minerals. Better for you than theH imalayan pink salt.

Rosa Mosqueta
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 02/09/2012

I found that Rosa Mosqueta oil rubbed on my nose and under my eyes before bed helps considerably to open my nasal breathing. It also has numerous other cosmetic benefits... Buy organic. I too am a mouth breather prone to nasal alergies... Asthma. It also has other cosmetic benefits... (other rosehip oils may provide the same benefit but I haven't tried)

Neti Pot
Posted by Yogini23 (Bedford, NY) on 03/25/2010

Allergies: Please, please, please try the "NETI POT" !

Healthfood stores, yoga studios usually have's looks like a tiny tea pot, you fill it with water, add salt, and rinse the nasal passages. It gently washes away dust, pollen, excess mucus. Simple!

All info, saline solution, head position (with pictures), a little breathing exercise after the nasal cleanse is included with the neti pot. Salt can be purchased separately.

P.S. Love this web site, love to learn about natural remedies, and so many good willing people...:)
Thank you EARTHCLINIC for creating a place where our good spirits can meet!

Posted by Toni (Graham, NC) on 05/04/2009

I suffered from allergies for 27 years. One day I heard that Raspberries were good for allergies so I gave them a try. I will eat about four in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. I usually suffer from runny and itching nose, sneezing, watery eyes. It all disappeared, but you do have to eat them daily. Oh by the way I buy the frozen kind.

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