Harness the Power of Cayenne Pepper for Strep Throat Relief

Posted by Monique (Cincinnati, OH) on 03/05/2009

I tried gargling with the cayenne pepper every 15 minutes to help cure my strep throat but nothing was working. I even tried mixing the cayenne with apple cider vinegar and still nothing. I even swallowed the apple cider vinegar and my throat still feels like it is on fire. Since strep is a bacteria and contagious I truly believe now that it is one of those things that should be treated with an antibiotic to ensure that it does not come back. No home remedy for this one.

Posted by kathi (Mount Olive, Illinois) on 05/05/2007

I have had a severe case of strepp for 3 days. I cannot sleep and have tried everything from the cayenne to the acv to the hydrogen peroxide. I cannot get rid of this pain. It is now 3 am and i am tired but in too much pain to sleep.

Posted by Emily (Beaumont, TX) on 01/18/2007

After reading all of the positive feedback concerning cayenne pepper and sore throats, I decided to try it. It was very uncomfortable and after a day and a half, my throat just got worse. The third day after my symptoms increased, I went to the doctor and found out I had strep. I honesty think the cayenne pepper exacerbated my throat. I will say, however, that I have been accompanying my antibiotics with a mixture of 2 tbsp pure honey, 2 tbsp Broncolin (Mexican herbal throat syrup), the juice of one large lime, and one clove of chopped up garlic heated in the microwave for one minute. Now THAT has greatly eased my suffering and I would recommed that people try any remedy containing honey and/or garlic, before they try cayenne pepper.