Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by shania (oregon) on 08/16/2022

I've been using the apple cider vinegar on a mole behind my hair on my neck for about I would say 4-6 days now its crusty and feels like its coming close to falling off I keep a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar with a band aid on for 8 hours a day and I'm hoping soon it falls off its completely painless.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by June (Ashburn, Va) on 12/17/2015

I would stop using it if it was near my eye and swelling. I would make sure that it wasn't infected and put something soothing on it like virgin coconut oil until it heals and then reassess.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bbouy (Nassau, Bahamas) on 01/09/2013

Ok everyone who is reading this listen up!

apple cider vinegar works 100% to remove moles/birthmarks! and yes, they do remove the flat ones!!!!

i have had a flat mole the size of a penny on the left side of my cheek since birth. i have lived with this disgusting, flat brown mark all my life and learned to deal with it by letting my beard grow and hide it as much as i could. but getting older ( now am 34) i was getting tired of always having to hide the left side of my face and when i shaved i hated seeing my mole so ugly, big and brown. it has made me very self conscious all my life and i could notice people's eyes glancing at it when speaking to them.

i stumbled across earthclinic a while back and this site has helped me on numerous occasions. this particular time, i don't know what got into me but i started feeling like getting rid of this thing once and for all, so i researched.

laser surgery? cryo? scalpel? so many choices... so little money... then eventually i stumbled across earthclinic again. here were all these stories about apple cider vinegar and i thought well it doesn't hurt to try. i read how to do it and many, many success stories, but my problem was most of them were about raised moles and mines was flat.

i decided to try it anyway, not knowing for sure how it would turn out. i can gladly say that this is day three, and my hideous, dark, brown, flat birthmark/mole that i thought i would die with...... is completely gone!!! yes you read that correctly, in three days!! my flat, brown mole is gone!!!

i have it saved in a piece of tape as a reminder of the old me. this is a new year 2013 and finally a brand new meeeeee! i am so happy i am going to celebrate today!!! this disgusting thing is dead and off of my face!! thank you god! and thank you earth clinic and thank you all the people that tried it and posted to give me hope! and thank you apple cider vinegar!! an amazing product!!!!!!

now the moment you have been waiting for.... dun dun dunnnnnnn.... here's what i did step by step. first get these items:

1. apple cider vinegar (of course) i used the cheap grocery store one, heinz
2. regualar rubbing alcohol (green one)
3. q-tips
4. needle (preferably the pin cushion ones. you know with the round ball at the bottom you can hold)
5. band-aids
6. anti-septic/anti-biotic cream/liquid. (i used both, bactine and topcare.
7. matches/lighter
8. chapstick

now you're ready. here are the steps:

1. take the alcohol and pour some in the cap. do the same with the apple cider vinegar. take the chapstick and go around the outher edges of the mole.

2. sterilze the needle! heat up the needle till it turns bright orange, then quickly dip it in the alcohol in the cap.

3. scrape all around the mole, up and down, left and right, around the edges, all in the center of it, completely. feel free to reheat the needle as much times as you like and repeat dipping in the alcohol. i also poked some holes in the flat mole and kept picking at it until skin broke and bled.

4. after it bleeds. use the q-tips to dip in the apple cider vinegar cap and go right ahead and soak the bloody thing with the acv. it might sting a bit, but that means its working. you can also use the alcohol to clean up the bloody mole and to help disenfect.

5. now i did not have any anti-bacterial stuff until the third day so you can use the alcohol only at first but make sure you get the anti bacterial stuff to prevent invention!

6. keep soaking the mole with the apple cider vinegar q-tips at least for 5 - 10 minutes at a time, until you feel satisfactory that it is penetrating.

7. clean up around the mole with the alcohol, and then place a bandaid over it.

i repeated this process 3-4 times a day, yes scraping it again until it bleeds, i wanted to make sure i was getting to the roots of this gross thing, yes it hurt sometimes but i was hoping for the best, not knowing if it was really going to work. i made sure i always used the alcohol to clean the wound and sterilize the needle and to clean up to properly place the bandaid on it. i slept with a bandaid with some acv soaked in a tiny piece of the qtip once, but usually slept with it uncovered so it could breath and scab faster.

but i kept the bandaid on it during the day because i had to work and my mole turned dark and looked bigger! i guess this was because i broke up the upper layer of the epidermis so the true nature of the beast was now showing!

on day 2 i continued this process and was wondering how long it would actually take. i read online some say 5 days, others said 2 weeks! i didn't care, i was going to keep it up intil this thing was gone! i even got to the point where i poke it so much the skin was tearing and i could literally pull of a piece of my skin with a tweezers! sterilized first of course but it did hurt!

so i instead just kept rubbing acv with the qtips and then cleaning up with the alcohol. i left it alone for a few hours so it could form a scab. then i would periodically soak it with the acv and alcohol. dont forget to use the chapstick to protect the surrounding skin.

also, it helps to use a hand held mirror to get a closer look and to hold the qtip upside down to keep the acv right on the tip.

day 3 - the best part!!!

i could notice a little white outline around the mole and was hoping this was a good sign. i started my regualr routine with the cider and alcohol and needle, but this time something different happened!

i started to scrape, poke and pull at the mole as usual, and a tiny piece of my skin tore again. it bled, oh it bled , so i cleaned up with alcohol again as usual, after the bleeding stopped a bit, sterilized needle again and continued to poke , prod, and pull alternating between acv, and alcohol soaks. i also dipped the needle in the acv and alcohol.

now here's the interesting part, i strated to try and pull that tiny little piece of flesh that was coming off, just to take a peek and see if thsi stuff was actually working, to see if i could see the pink flesh inderneath, it was only a tiny piece , wouldnt hurt that much i thought. ......................and then it happened.

when i pulled and tugged at this stubborn piece of flesh that would not come of, suddenly, looking in the mirror and tugging, i felt and saw the damn corner of the mole give in and tear off my face!!!! i was stunned! i was like whoah! i didn't mean or expect that to happen! i just wanted to take a peak at theat tiny hole i made and the whole mole nearly comes off with one tug!!!

so naturally, when i saw my beautiful pinkt skin underneath, and no ugly brown spot under there, i did the inevetible............ i scraped around the rest of the border of this mole to make sure the whole thing was loose enough, and i stuck that needle in there reallll gooood, and i pulled the whole damn thing off my face in one piece!!!!!! terrified i looked closely in the mirror, is it gone?? is my skin ok? then i looked at that brown disguting thing at the end of the needle that i had on my face my whole life and was holy cow!!! i can't believe it worked! and in 3 days no less!!!!

so the first thing i did was place it in some tape a s a reminder and cleaned up my wound with antibacterial stuff and a bandaid over it, and i said i am going to write to earth clinic my amazing removal af my flat, brown mole/birthmark with apple cider vinegar and all i can say is thank you all!

and those who are skeptical about your own blemishes, take it from me, you will never know until you try!!! i am ready to live my brand new life to the fullest!!!


;) smiley with no mole!!!!!!

i can't wait until it heals completely and everyone who knows me seeeees!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adam (Sydney, Australia) on 07/22/2014

The ACV mole removal treatment really does work. I have started going bald so I decided to shave my head. When I did I observed that I had a huge, ugly, fleshy colored mole on the back of my head. I always knew it was there but you couldn't see it before since it was covered by hair. It was so ugly people actually commented on it and I felt pretty self conscious about it. I was always wearing a hat around to hide the foul looking thing. Plus it made shaving my head very difficult.

I began making inquiries and a doctor told me that it would have to be cut out and would require stitches since it was so big and was "quite deep" according to him. It was around this time that I discovered the ACV mole treatment from this website and I decided to give it a shot.

I used the organic ACV with the mother and every night, I roughed up the ugly mole; with a sterilized needle initially, and later, as it began to get smaller and flatter, with an emery board. I would then place a piece of a cotton make up pad soaked in ACV right on the mole, cover it with plaster and sleep with it on. I would take it off during the day to let the air get to it.

Within days it was scabbing but because it was so big, it kind of came of in pieces and all up, it took around three weeks before the disgusting thing was gone. It left a faint, pinkish scar but that is fading over time. It's pretty much unnoticeable now.

I have since used the treatment on small moles and they are usually done for in around four days.

This is a great remedy that really does work. It is cheap, easy and non-invasive. Thank you so much earth clinic!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kle (Minneapolis, Mn) on 01/19/2013


I watched a video on YouTube about a woman who had removed a mole using ACV, based on information she got from this website.

I have had a small raised mole next to my nose for most of my life. I had asked a dermatologist about removing it a few years ago but was told it would scar and the cost was a little too high for me. So I left it alone, even though it has always bothered me.

So I decided to give this a shot. I read several pages of responses from people here and decided I wouldn't be bandaging it like some people did, but that I would apply the ACV several times a day instead.

Day 1. I carefully applied Vaseline around the mole to try to protect the skin. I soaked a q-tip in ACV and held it on the mole for about 5 minutes and then got a new one and repeated the process. I was nervous about roughing up the mole like I had read about here, so I just gently used the q-tip and used that instead. The mole was kind of small, about the size of the end of the q-tip.

Day 2. Part of the mole had definitely turned black, but part of it looked unaffected. I tried to be a little more aggressive with the q-tip to make sure I was getting the whole thing. I repeated the vaseline/ACV process about 4 times that day.

Day 3. Apparently I had been a little too aggressive the day before because the surrounding skin was looking definitely burnt. The mole had gotten flat but the surrounding skin was kind of a dark brown. It is really important to carefully get all of the surrounding skin covered in the vaseline! So now the formerly small area was about twice as big because of the burnt skin. Day 3 was tough. I was starting to feel some pain when I applied the ACV and by the end of Day 3 it was hurting even when I hadn't done it for a few hours. Plus it looked horrible. I was feeling a little discouraged.

Day 4. I didn't think I was making any progress because the surface of the mole was covered by black scabbing. I used a pumice stone to gently roughen up the surface and I think that helped a little. I had been nervous about roughening up the mole but it was necessary. It was not painful because I just did it gently over and over several times. The ACV was much more painful! Day 4 was really tough. It looked really, really bad and my face was definitely sore from just this one spot. Very frustrating! I almost wanted to give up. I did one small application of Tea Tree oil because I was afraid of infection. Be aware that TTO can cause burning too, and do not use TTO on your face unless you know how you react to it.

Day 5. Using the pumice stone didn't seem to be working enough. Part of the mole was changing in what I thought was for the better, but part was not. It was hard to tell because of the surrounding skin that had been burnt previously. Each time I applied the ACV on day 3-5 there would be a white-ish circle of skin surrounding the mole. After a couple hours this would get better but always came back when I did another ACV application.

I was feeling very impatient to be done with this process so I used a clean pin to carefully roughen up the surface of the mole. It didn't hurt as long as I was careful, and I never did enough to cause any bleeding. But I think doing this REALLY helped significantly. I was able to get through the black scabbing that had covered the mole. I also took a clean washcloth and would let it sit under very hot water for a minute or two, squeeze out the water and then hold the damp/warm cloth against the mole for several minutes, repeating the hot water when the cloth would cool down. This also helped loosen it up so that the ACV would penetrate.

Day 6: The surrounding skin that had been burnt started to show some signs of healing. It is hard to remember exactly but I was seeing progress. I only applied ACV once that day. I did the warm soak with the clean washcloth. I also applied a Vitamin E gelcap a few times that day, hoping it would help based on what I had read here. After using 1 capsule throughout the day I decided I should check to make sure I was doing the right thing to help a scab heal, because it looked to me like it was at the scabbing stage and I could not recognize anything that looked like the mole anymore.

Based on what I read, Vitamin E is not really the best choice to use for healing wounds. I did one more application of TTO that day and then that night I used a small amount of raw honey on the whole area.

Day 7: The surrounding skin where I had burnt it was scabbed but the scabs came off! Just lightly pink skin underneath! I was feeling very hopeful! That day I did only 1 ACV q-tip on a small area that looked like it might need it. I applied honey to it twice that day. Slowly the scabbing area started to come off. I tried not to mess with it but helped it a little when it seemed like it would come off easily. I did a little bit of soaking to try to get more of the scab off because honestly the scab was horrible looking. I used a little bit of raw honey on the wound that night at bedtime.

Day 8. The long, very frustrating, and at times painful week was showing signs of being over! I soaked the scab a little bit to help it along and finally the rest of it came off.

GUESS WHAT! NO MOLE!! The skin underneath is a little bit pink and is tender, but there is no sign that I ever had a mole there! I put honey on it again and will let it finish healing on its own. In about a week or so I plan to use some Mederma to help prevent any scarring, but I think (based on memory but I have to double check) that you have to wait until the skin has had some time to heal from the wound.

I am very, very happy to be done with this process. 8 days start to finish and I was shocked to see that it really worked. But do not think this was an easy fix! It was at times painful (like a 3 or 4 on a scale from 1-10), and it was UGLY for most of the week. Even now it is not exactly pretty skin but it is so much better and I am very happy it worked.

Lessons learned:
It is extremely important to get the vaseline right up next to the mole so that you don't burn skin but also don't accidentally cover any of the mole. Harder to do than it sounds!

Roughen up the mole (gently) because it really does make it more effective. Using a pumice stone helped somewhat but using a pin really did work the best. The warm/wet compress also helped make the area soft so the ACV could penetrate.

Expect this to take at least a week if you are doing daily applications. It might take longer for you. Be prepared for the black coloring and the scabbing. It is not pretty.

Rather than using Vitamin E at the end when you are just left with scabbing, I highly recommend using raw honey. If you are able to bandage the area over the honey that is the best way. Because of the location I was not able to cover mine but it still worked ok. I really think this helped the process at the end and helped the scab heal very quickly. Also I read that increasing your Vitamin C at this time can help, which I did by eating oranges, drinking juice high in Vitamin C and eating a few Tums on day 6-8.

Compared to other moles I have had removed in the past, this was physically the most difficult compared to burning or cutting. I think that is because doctors use numbing agents. Other methods also have the benefit of being done very quickly. The main benefit this way was the cost savings. I used maybe $4 total in supplies? It is too soon to tell if it will scar or not so I can't compare that to other methods yet.

So my answer to this is yes it works, but with side effects. I do not think I will do this on any other moles in the future. I don't think my pain tolerance and patience is high enough to do it again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 05/17/2022 84 posts

Hey we5hoovers,

One, it is not a good idea start picking at anything.

Two, you need to diagnose what it is that you have.

Three, is it really a mole? For example, sometimes we say it is a mole, when we should say it is an age spot..

Four, for a fairly good diagnosis, google it... find various pictures of what it is that you have.

Five, after you have diagnosed it, search EC for the best solution. Find out what it is that has worked the best so far. Peroxide? Iodine? ACV? Or something else?

Six, have a plan of action.

Seven, have courage, and just do it, and do it very-very slowly and carefully.

I hope this will help you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jerry (India) on 02/19/2015


I read about Apple Cider Vinegar and everybody's experiences so I thought of doing this on a mole dark brown in colour over my upper lip which I had since really long. I did the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment for over 2 weeks with stinging pains some nights, I left it in on overnight for over 2 weeks. I thought it was a big mole so it would take time. Finally for the passed 2-3 days the top area dryed up amd the scab came off tonight. But whats left of it is like I have picked off the top part of the mole and the lower area is still left. It's kind flat and dry from the center area and yhe lower part is way lighter than it used to be. I don't what to do with it, have I removed only a part of it or is it swelling only the middle part from where the scab came off has alreay got hair growing on it. Please help!!! Should I continue or stop doing it??

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mark (California) on 09/07/2014

Desiree, how is your mole doing now? Mine is in the same situation as yours was back in June. I'm on day 4 now, and I burned the skin around the mole. Now the whole thing is one big scab on two moles located on the left side of my face. I know that they will heal eventually, I had a huge scar on my forehead back in 2013. I actually used my own urine (I've heard urine has properties that heal scars better than almost anything), and now, the huge red scar is completely gone. I thought it would leave me scarred for life, but one year later, and you can't even see it up close.

Just wondering if your mole is gone completely?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Emily (Fairfield, Oh, Us) on 03/17/2013

Ok guys I'm back with an update! After my mole was scabbed over on day 9 I decided to still put the Apple Cider Vinegar on it well I think this delayed the process of the scab falling of because my mole then turned back into a white milky color. So I stopped putting the Apple Cider Vinegar on it and my mole scabbed back over and on day 12 I removed the bandaid (even when I didn't apply the Apple Cider Vinegar I had to have a band aid over my mole because of the placement) and the scab came off with it!! I was happy to see that but it didn't remove my whole mole. I don't know if that because of the size of my mole or what. It's very flat with just a little bit of the mole left. So I am putting Apple Cider Vinegar of it and going to try to remove the rest. This time I will be sure to not burn the surronding skin. I am still very pleased with the results so far and I will update when something else happens! :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pink Lady (Derbyshire, Uk) on 10/10/2012

Hi, just to give you some feedback and let you know my experience, I have already posted a while away on this forum.

I had a raised flesh coloured mole on my face for years, I used apple cider vinegar **** protect area around ***** I did not realise the importance of this. away after 5 days the scab came off and looked very red!! I bought some bio oil and pure collagan gel from boots chemists in the uk and rubbed them both on every night.

i rubbed the bio oil in first and then rubbed the collegan gel in and left it over night. it has taken from may till now so 5 months but you cannot even tell there was a mole there now.

it has gone altogether no scar nothing. hope this helps

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ustabearepug (Tulsa, Ok) on 07/20/2012

35% hydrogen peroxide food grade and a cotton swab will remove warts moles(make sure not melonoma) skin cancers, sun spots, dab the swab about 5 minutes until the object turns white, the more you do this the quicker it will just fall off and will not leave a scar, use two swabs, one to catch the run off as it burns, I was scheduled by my dermatologist to remove a skin cancer off my upper lip in two weeks, when I went back it was gone and she said well where is it? and where was it? she had taken a biopsi and it was cancer.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Molly (Tucson, Arizona) on 07/04/2012

7/4/12 -- Results of ACV test on 3mm flat mole on face. Day 1 (6/29/12) = applied ACV through hole cut in bandaid and covered with a second bandaid saturated with ACV. Day 2 = Refreshed bandaids. Put 1 teaspoon ACV in a small cup to evaporate overnight and concentrate the acid. Day 3 = New system = applied concentrated ACV directly to mole and to a new bandaid placed over mole. Day 4 = Half of mole came off when rubbed with Qtip, leaving dark pink underneath. Day 5 = Stinging sensation on mole when ACV applied. Day 6 (7/4/12) = Rest of brown mole surface came off when rubbed with Qtip! Light pink underneath. No other skin irritation. Success!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Molly (Tucson, Arizona) on 06/29/2012

Using ACV to remove moles has had excellent results, but the vaseline part sounds messy. I have a small (3mm) flat mole on my jaw just in front of my ear. To protect the other skin from the ACV, I cut a 3mm hole in the center of a round bandaid, stuck it over the mole, and applied the ACV through the hole with a Q-tip. Then I took a second round bandaid, saturated the pad with more ACV, and put it over the hole so it could soak in overnight. This gets the most ACV with the least mess. I hope it works for others too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deborah (New Orleans, Louisiana) on 07/16/2011

I can't believe after all these years (58) I actually found a site where I can use information to get rid of this mole that has been on the tip of my nostril forever! You may understand how much I detested it, and the frustration I felt not having a way to remove it! I found this site yesterday, and last night began applying the vinegar and vaseline! It's a raised mole, about the size of a split pea.... But it feels huge! Lol

It immediately started turning white, and puffing up. The bottom half became black.... Which sounds like what it's supposed to be doing. I used a needle and emery board to roughen it up, and applied chap stick and vaseline to the surrounding skin. Because of it's location, I cannot bandage it... Nothing will stick, so I'll have to do it the hard way.... Applying ACV constantly with a q-tip. It seems to be working, and I feel like I have a new lease on life!

I have gotten really bad skin with wrinkles and jowl lines in the last few years, due to stress and lack of care. I am on a quest to regain my appearance as much as possible, and am using all avenues to secure it! I am applying wrinkle remover, moisturizing, and taking vitamins. I cannot afford a face lift... So started using a book and dvd called "Facial Fitness" to remove the wrinkes and tighten the skin. I even found a free hypnosis download called "Turning Back Time" to make myself look better! I will NOT go down without a fight! Time to get myself put back together in a presentable and pleasing way! Will keep you posted on the mole removal.... It was an added bonus to my new quest, and will be forever grateful for this site!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Binghamton, NY) on 05/04/2023

10 days after quitting the procedure, there is a crusty scab on the tip of my nose, and the skin around the edges appears red. This was not the mole, just skin nearby that was broken and got "burned". I'm still really worried because the other scab has healed and fallen off, leaving pink, new, normal looking skin. The mole is still there, but like I said before, I'm not even really concerned about the moles anymore. I'm just hoping I didn't give myself a scar right on the tip of my nose which would be far worse. I didn't like my moles, but I'd rather have a few moles than be disfigured. I've been putting aloe on it (from the real aloe leaf). Still trying to be patient because if it was indeed an infected scab, it may take longer to heal. Does anyone on this forum have any experience with an infected scab?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by CW (IL) on 07/03/2022

I am just getting started on the ACV for moles and read a lot of threads. I was wondering if all goes well and it starts to scab, would anti bacterial ointment be a good idea? Did anyone try that?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by barry (IL) on 04/09/2023

Hey I basically had the same experience just wanted to know, did you keep bandaiding the area and keeping it covered in aquaphor for the 3-5 months? That's what I'm doing now 4 days in and it looks very good 🤞 seems like I quickly burned the mole off and it's already going to the red/pink phase

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bart (MS/ USA) on 02/27/2019

The same procedure for removing warts with apple cider vinegar also works for removing moles. I had a mole right above one of my eyebrows. I lightly ruffed it up with a finger nail file, applied a cotton ball soaked in ACV and put a piece of tape over it before going to bed. Did this for about 5 nights and the mole was gone in 2 weeks. No scares

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by mia (London) on 03/07/2021

Why not continue with the Apple Cider Vinegar on a tiny spot of the darkened patch? You may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (California) on 06/01/2015

So I'm trying out this apple cider vinegar treatment. I absolutely dislike the smell and taste of vinegar and unfortunately I have a small flat mole right under my nose that I've been wanting to get rid of for the longest time. I've been using a mixture of castor oil and baking soda for about 5 nights and its definitely reduced in size but its taking quite a while. Before I apply anything I put coconut oil on the area I'm treating just to make sure my skin is safe and moisturized. For the apple cider vinegar treatment I'm dabbing a q-tip in the vinegar and applying it on the mole only, doing my best not to get it on the surrounding area. I will continue doing this every 15 minutes or so. For people that don't have a lot of time on their hands, I think I would do this treatment at night while sleeping. Of course you're not going to wake up every 15 minutes though so results may be different. I will update on how this treatment goes, fingers crossed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachel (Canada) on 05/22/2015

It's been a week since my first mole fled, and just a few days since the second one vanished. I only applied ACV about 4 different times, but each time I was spending about half an hour dabbing an ACV-soaked q-tip on my moles. I'm removing four moles of different sizes. The two that are completely gone were just a few mm high and the area is still pinkish.

The other moles were larger and needed more applications. One was on my hip and I just reduced the size of it instead of removing completely. I may go back and remove it but for now it's just a small flesh colour bump 3mm high, healed VERY well/fast. The 4th mole was an odd shape (none were cancerous) so I'm not sure yet if it's gone (some of it was flesh colour). For this one, I taped a cotton pad on it a couple times and the surrounding area was damaged (regret that). My method:

Dip q-tip in a little cup that has ACV. Dab with precision right in the center of the mole. Wipe away excess, but try to avoid applying excess. When the mole has dried up a minute or two later, dab again. Don't scratch the mole, but you can take the q-tip and rub slowly at the mole, allowing the mole pores to stretch and let the ACV in. When it comes away from the skin easily, stop applying any ACV and then Polysporin for the wound until it heals.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Just Me (La Crosse, Wisconsin ) on 03/29/2015

Hello everyone. I just went through treating mole removal using Apple Cider Vinegar. I started my treatment on 3/22/15, used a cotton ball saturated with ACV. I applied this daily for 3 days, it flattened out, turned black, scabbed over, the scab has come off now 3/28/15. I also used an emery board to rough it up but did make the mistake of accidentally burning my skin surrounding the mole. I am currently treating this with bacitrin and Mederma. Has anyone had their moles return after removal? Good luck to everyone who may be contemplating on trying this, you won't be disappointed. I wish I would have known about this so many years ago, this is amazing!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Danny999 (Mtl) on 01/04/2015

I've also removed a mole on my head, cheek and stomach. After 3-4 days of dabbing Apple Cider Vinegar it turned into a scab and fell off a week later. Now what's left is a pink mark and I was wondering how long it takes before fading back to my skin color?

Is anyone using any creams, oils, ointments to speed up the healing process? Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Danny999 (Montreal, CA) on 03/30/2015

The mole completely scabbed and fell off in a few days

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Alberta) on 05/22/2017

Hi there. If you keep the skin well hydrated with a healing oil like jojoba, goji, castor oil and even olive oil - this will help increase cellular turnover, which in turn will speed up healing. There'll be rather a lot of action at the wound site for months yet below the surface, so keep dabbing on the healing oil of your choice several times a day, and you will notice positive changes within a few weeks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kay (Fl, US) on 06/04/2014

Use more the gel from an aloe plant; or rub in any of theses: olive oil, arnica cream, pomegranate oil, onion juice (or scar cream from the dollar store, made from onion), rose water, orange water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Park (Korea) on 10/28/2014

ACV worked in getting rid of my moles, but there were scars from the scabbing process. I read reviews that aloe gel works in healing scars from moles.

I tried aloe plant to treat the scar, but not the scar from my mole, I tried it on my hand instead, and it stings.. the aloe.. so I washed it away because obviously it was not working. the next day I woke up with allergic reactions on my hand from the aloe.

I looked for products that are actually clinically tested, and there's this one gel, dermatix silicone gel, it definitely worked.. in about 2 weeks the scars are almost unnoticeable.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kim (Oahu, Hawaii) on 05/24/2014

Yes, it works marvelously. I had a dark brown mole on my forehead about the size of half a grain of sea salt, that I had since I was a little kid. I was always insecure about it and wore my fringe down to cover it. I decided to try the ACV cure. It worked amazingly! The only scarring was just a slight mark that was completely gone after 6 weeks or so (it was only visible really up close). I have dark skin, so the mark would probably go away even quicker for someone with pale skin. And now, you can't even tell there used to be anything there!

Here's how I did it: I took a sewing needle (sterilized by swabbing it with rubbing alcohol) and gently scraped the surface of then mole - the instructions I read described it as "roughing it up". Then, I soaked a cotton tipped swab in the ACV and rubbed firmly on the mole for about three minutes. It stung a little bit but not bad enough to hurt. Then I soaked a piece of cotton pad in the ACV and placed it on the mole, securing it with first aid tape. Then I went to sleep with it on. When I woke up, I removed it and once again rubbed it with the soaked swab. It just began disintegrating away! It was amazing! There was a little tiny "piece" of the mole still left, so I repeated the process on it and left it on for a couple hours. After that it was completely gone. Of course there was a little wound, and that's normal because you're removing the skin and the root of the mole, but it really wasn't bad at all. I didn't even need to cover it. I just wore my hair down as usual until it wasn't visible anymore. You seriously can't tell anything was ever there. Try it!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deborah (Northeast Ohio) on 11/09/2013

Had a pretty big, ugly mole on my neck all my life. Put ACV cottom ball on it for an hour while I watched law and order, picked off mole. it bled for about 15 minutes and looks perfect, fine no redness, or burned skin. I but a little bacitracin on it. I could not be happier

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beth (Usa) on 11/03/2013

Hello!! I am in the same situation... I have/had a mole on my face and I started using ACV on it and it is completely flat and has shrunk tremendously, now I have had this scab on for two days and I keep applying the ACV on it and still burns but I am not sure if it's burning my skin or the scab?? Would you suggest putting vitamin E on it to heal or continue the ACV??

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vee (Texas) on 10/30/2013

I have small moles on various parts of my body and decided to get rid of them. I started with a small mole that I had on the side of my breast. I simply dipped a cotton ball in ACV and left it on the mole overnight with a band-aid. Sometime during the night the band-aid come off. I DID THIS ONLY ONCE-partially due to laziness... But over the next few days the mole get noticably smaller & darker-almost like a little scab. Then it just came off while I was in the shower. I have a very, very small scar that is currently healing in its place. I have lots of small moles on my face that I'm going to be cautious & try this on next, starting with one just under my neck. I'm a believer.

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