Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

333 User Reviews

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Posted by Laura (Birmingham, UK) on 12/27/2008

I have a large cluster (about an inch long as far as I can tell) of GW inside my vagina - and some further in my vaginal passage.. I went to the gyno and they said just leave them and see if they go away. It's been about a year since I first noticed them and no change. I'm contemplating trying ACV - Has anyone had any luck using with internal warts??

It's so horrible and embarrassing.. and I don't want to be scarred or damaged as the area is so sensitive.. but I'm worried if I don't treat them now they might spread to a more noticeable place.

Replied by Lola
(Somewhere, California)

I'm working to get rid of internal ones (pretty much as you described) right now. Just read all the posts and you'll see what to expect. I'm making progress - they are white/grey and liquifying. I also am using a diluted douche - washed out several clumps. Ugh. Try just packing the wart area and protecting the sides with a piece of latex glove tucked in. Remember it's necrosis, as another post said. NOT pretty.

Replied by Laura
(Bham, UK)

Would you say that having sex whilst removing these horrible things (internal GW) is not possible? If so, how long do you reckon you have to abstain?

Replied by H
(Somewhere, Nebraska)

Laura, How long did it take for your vagina to heal after this treatment? I am considering it, but kind of scared because of the swelling and pain it causes. Just wondered also how many times you used this method. Thanks! ~H

Replied by Nikki05
(Ss, Md)

It takes about a week or two for your vagina to heal. Use vitamin e or diaper rash ointment. Take a probiotic and eat yogurt so you don't give yourself a yeast infection. I've done this and my vagina has never looked more wonderful!!! Word of advice.. If it doesn't turn gray, brown, or black in the first two days, it's not a genital wart. Too much Apple Cider Vinegar makes the skin slough right off so be careful! Tea tree oil works well with the acv.

Replied by Donna

Thank you so much. I will try the Apple Cider Vinegar first and then the suppositories. Grateful for your comments.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by NormalGuy (Dallas, TX) on 12/26/2008

After discovering that my wife of 8 years was having an affair, I immediately filed for divorce. Shortly after, I discovered a growth on my shaft which I dismissed as an ingrown hair until it began growing and formed into a second one.

Sure enough, it was GW. I was absolutely petrified... I was a virgin until marriage, and I was under the sad impression that my ex was as well. Clearly not.

In all honesty, I was way too embarrassed to see a doctor, so I began frantically searching for more discreet treatments. Thank GOD I found this website.

Long story put short, I immediately began barraging my body with immune boosting vitamins in the OTC "Airborne" tablets. I also started eating 3-4 fresh garlic cloves each day.

The ACV treatment came next. Basically, I am following the same band-aid+cotton solution each night and followed it up with tea-tree oil + vitamin E between ACV applications. Within 24 hours, the warts turned pitch-black after first becoming white. I couldn't believe it...

On to day-2! I just applied round 2 of ACV, and I am very optimistic. The only side-effect has been the expected burning sensation which is a negligible price to pay for the desired outcome.

Necrosis never felt so good!

THANK YOU for your help in saving me from immense humiliation.

Replied by NormalGuy
(Dallas, TX)


At the end of day-2, the wart was completely toast and fell off in the shower. All that's left now is a small indentation/wound where the wart once was which has a very slight black ring around it (tissue which also is in a necrotic state and will soon disappear).

I'm barraging the small, painless wound with tea-tree oil, vitamin-E, and bacitracin after cleaning it up with HP. Also getting plenty of rest, exercise, and a nutrient-rich diet.

I have a feeling that in a few days, this ordeal will be over.

I'm at a loss of words as to how amazed I am. I have NEVER been a believer of alternative-type medicine, etc; but, I can contest what has just happened--truly life-changing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Westland , MI) on 12/26/2008

I have been using acv for two weeks now, 3 days on and 1 day of letting the skin heal. Within the first week most of the smaller warts had turned black and fallen off as people said they would.

My problem is there are 5 larger ones that look like a mosquito bites and a red area of small bumps on my testicles and shaft that are not having the same results. However, they do flake off after a few days of treatments, they do not seem to be getting any bigger, or smaller though. I am wondering if anyone has experienced this, or if there is something I may be doing wrong. Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Confusedny (NY) on 12/23/2008

I am using ACV for genital warts just started today and I am hoping it works so far it doesn't burn. Getting the bandaids to stick near my anus proved difficult. But i bought some vitamin E oil and skipped on the tea tree beause the only one i could find was for hair. So Just applied it I will keep you abreast of the results.

*** P.S My big Wart had already started to turn white before apply soooo does anone know what that means??????

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teru (Paris, France) on 12/20/2008

Will like to know if anyone here already try to use ACV or anything else inside the anus...I had already try twice at the doctor clinic but the wart still coming back!!I"m thinking to use ACV in the rectum but I'm worry i make the problem even worse. I did try outside the anus but after the second day it was too sensitive there to do it again....I really need to do something. I can't pay the doctor bill anymore. by the way, i had one in my foot finger and i used ACV....gone!!!!in just 3 days!that why I'm thinking to use it inside the rectum.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jamie (Vancouver, BC/Canada) on 12/20/2008

Well, I've been trying the ACV method for the first time for about a week now to hopefully rid myself of genetal warts. It seems to be working based on the comments and stories I've read on here, however, the pain and stinging from the ACV has become too unbarable and I've had to stop for (hopefully) a couple of days. I'm uncircumsized and have one wart on the head of my penis where the shaft and head meet (forgive me for not knowing the term) and a couple of small ones under the foreskin on my shaft that I couldn't see untill I started treatment. My problem is that they're all covered by my foreskin which makes treating them difficult and my skin got all irritated (hence why I'm stopping for a couple of days). I've tried using one guys 3 week method of wrapping my entire penis in ACV soaked paper towel and covering it with plastic wrap (this helped find the small ones) I clean the area with HP and use vitamin tea tree oil creams to help the healing. I guess the questions that I'm asking is, by stoping treatment for a couple of days, is it going to bring me back to square one? Are there any other guys that could offer some advice who have the same problem? Thank's in advance.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by ConfusedButConfident (Phoenix, AZ) on 12/20/2008

Well I used the ACV treatment after finding this site. I cleaned the area on my penis really good with HP and then soaked a q-tip in ACV. I applied it to the wart and left it overnight. When I woke and took a shower I noticed it had turned completely white. Cleaned the area with HP again and went about my day. Second night I repeated the process, and woke the next morning and the whole wart was black! Is this supposed to happen and what do I do now? I can see where it is starting to come off it looks like but I do not want to pick at it. Should I be applying more ACV or should I just let it be and apply some vit E like I read elsewhere. As for pain and discomfort there is absolutely no pain, and the skin is not irritated at all. What should I do next, I used this one as a test and I have one more to take care of.

Replied by Mike
(Westland, MI)

Yes it's supposed to turn black that means it's already almost off. You don't want to pick at it though, let the body go through the natural healing process and hopefully the wart will be gone as well as no scars underneath. After it turned black I just applied vitamin E oil and most of them went away completely. The one that didn't I just went through the acv process again, it took a little longer, but still worked.

Replied by ConfusedButConfident
(Phoenix, AZ)

OK I am totally amazed!! The one wart I tried it on is completely gone with absolutely no scarring and the skin color is back to normal. It has been almost a month since I posted but it took only about a week for the wart to fall off and now you can not even tell!

All I did was apply the ACV with a q-tip and tape it in place over night. I experienced no pain what so ever. I started taking multi-vitamins and working out as well, and then let the body do the rest. I didnt apply any vitamin E or anything just used HP everyday on the area 2-3 times a day to clean it well.

1 wart down 1 more to go!!"

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tom (LA, CA) on 12/18/2008

Even the cheap Vinegar made from chemicals works. So does apple cider. Started with cheap vinegar. The 3 warts were gone in 3 days. Later started applying apple cider just to be sure. Don't know how long the vinger needs to be applied. When you apply will show more warts (white spots) than you thought. Thus i think the vinegar needs to be applied on a larger area than just the wart.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sem (Chicago, Il) on 12/18/2008

i don't know if i have henital warts or is my story...couple months ago i have noticed a little bump where the qubick hair is just above my penis...i thought nohing of it because i shaved i thought that was the couse kuz sometimes i develope bumps after shaving...well, i started picking on it and now i noticed there are like 8 or ten of them all bunched up together...they look like little bumps...i used ACV two days ago and what i did i used q - tip and i was holding it for 5-10 minutes they are little bit darker but still there ...please help//// this normal and are they going to fall off any time soon???? thank you..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Zager (Chicago, Illinois) on 12/18/2008

I have tried the applecidervinegar on an area I think is genital warts, but I am not sure. I have had it in the past and have had it removed with laser. When I put the cider on the warts on the opening of the penis it doesnt turn white but it itches a lot. The fact that it itches a lot, does that make it positive that it is genital warts? Or something that shouldnt be there?

Replied by Ema
(Texas, USA)

it can be any regular skin irritation. if you arent sure about GW, u should not use it as it can cause damage to ur cell. check with a doctor and be sure that its wart. then u can choose to use ACV

Replied by Truthbetold
(Union, NJ)

Apple Cider Vinegar seemed to work well. No uncomfortable stinging, no other warts beside one cauliflower shaped thingy on my shaft. a week or so later and i am still washing, cleaning that area, putting either vitamin e oil, tea tree oil or neosporin ointment on the wound.

My question is, how long will there be a flesh looking wound there after the scab falls off? I am a smoker (weed), so possibly it might take longer due to that. I take a lot of daily vitamins and i work out regularly.

Also, do you recommend that I try to apply ACV on my entire genital area, even though the wound from the original wart has yet to heal? I recall someone saying if I found one, chances are there's more underneath the skin. I've had this particular wart for a year, now it's gone, but like i said b4...the wound is there, i clean the wound with HP daily and apply antiseptic, and wear bandaid.

Should I not wear a bandaid to help this heal, or should I allow more time?


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Trenton, New Jersey) on 12/16/2008

Hello everybody...I apologize for the lengthy post, but I could really use some help from other people who may have experienced my problem..

I stumbled across this website about a month and a half ago. I decided to give ACV a try since it seems to have a high success rate among people who have posted on here. I had two moderate sized warts on the shaft of my penis. I applied ACV as directed by users on this site and noticed a very small improvement. I noticed bits and pieces of the actual warts falling off with each treatment. I have had the warts for a considerably decent amount of time so I had a feeling that they might be stubborn. I feel as the though the warts were never completely eliminated from the area and I fear that the skin may have started healing before I could get all of the warts. I couldnt continuously use ACV because of considerable burning and inflamation. As a result I believe the healing process began. Now I am stuck with what looks like one big scar, but I still feel something underneath the scar. I am not sure if anyone else can relate or know what I mean by that, but I can almost feel the wart underneath still. My hope is that it is scar tissue? Anyway, I am here because I could use some help. I recently began a new set of treatments with ACV. The burning is now 10x worse than on the original treatment and the inflamation isn't any better. I notice that the center, (the part that healed), turns a pearl white, while the surrounding skin is turning a brownish/black and beginning to scab.

With that being said, I am nervous to continue treatment and I am unsure what to do. I DO NOT want to end up with a scar that looks worse than the original warts, but at the same time I see a glimmer of hope to finally rid myself of these hideous things.

Replied by Mike
(Nashville, TN)

what is the deal with all of the little bumps coming up in place of the larger ones that got burned off? too aggressive in treatment? unfortunate side effect? resistant strain? kind of disheartening when it appeared so much progress was being made.

Replied by Jade
(Sydney, Australia)

Take it easy with the ACV, it is harsh stuff and can burn ur skin! It may take a while to rid the warts, so take the time to let your skin heal otherwise u will do more damage!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria (Baltimore, MD) on 12/15/2008

I have had warts in the opening to my vagina...and there are probably plenty inside and I just cant see them. I really want to get rid of these to feel better about myself...After reading the postings on this site yesterday, I convinced myself to use the ACV. I put the tampon inside of me and packed the outside with cotton swabs.. I couldn't leave it like that for more than 15 minutes.. It was stinging so bad. But that was only my first treatment. I notice today that there was slight bleeding on the cotton swab when I removed it. Can anybody tell me if I am doing this right... Will it work if you just do it for about 15 minutes.. or do I have to leave it overnight? Thanks for all your help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by $180 richer (Somewhere, New Jersey) on 12/14/2008

Well to start off, like many other people on this forum, I contracted genital warts. During a rougher sexual experience, I managed to get a cut on the side of my shaft, which is usually covered when not erect, I am uncircumcised. A couple weeks later after it began to heal, I noticed that where i healed was hard and something started to grow there that looked like cauliflower. Well after seeing a urologist, i found out it was genital warts. He performed burned off this growth using a procedure that is called Electrocautery. After this painful experience,they seemed to disappear, but during the healing process, in the same spot i notice 2 more small warts grow. During the checkup, the dr burnt those off too. Seemingly solving the problem, but costing be $180 (after insurance) for each visit. After a few months, I developed another wart, or small clump of them where my foreskin connects and a very small one in the same spot where it all started. Being that I cant afford to keep dishing out $180 over & over, I looked for other options, & extemely happy I found this site.

After reading others' stories, I tried the ACV treatment last night and it has worked so far. After cleaning the area with HP, I soaked a small amount of a cotton swab in ACV and taped a piece to both setsof warts. After about 20 mins, both turned bright white. I reapplied news swabs after observing the process and left it overnight. In the morning I checked on the progress and the bigger clump looked to have separated. Not much progress with the smaller one. Now later at night I went to repeat the same process, and as I was cleaning the bigger clump with HP, a piece fell off!!!!! IT WORKS!. Im hoping after this treatment I see more results! I suggest this treatment to anyone. Applying the ACV yesterday didnt hurt at all! Tonight it have an extremely minimal sting. I believe even an infant can handle the pain without crying. If your like me and dont wanna spend hundreds off dollars just to keep going back, try this. What do you have to lose? The $4 that I spent on the ACV is def worth the risk.

ACV=Apple Cider Vinegar 5% purchased at ACME grocery store
HP=Hydrogen Peroxide


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lola (somewhere, US) on 12/05/2008

As I understand the nature of the internet and it's spiders very well I dared to contribute about a subject that I have been so ashamed of for so long, but the results that I got from using ACV are so amazing I had to contribute hoping that my words could reassure someone who might be unsure if this is worth trying. I am a female. After reading this site for hours one night I tried a treatment immediately and just as so many had explained the warts that I could see were white the next day, some turned black and came out while I was using the bathroom. Also, note worthy, is the fact that there were so many more than I knew because it seems to bring them to the surface. YES YOU CAN PUT A TAMPON IN THE ACV AND PUT IT INSIDE YOUR VAGINA. It doesn't really hurt that much the first day but whew! YES IT IS GOING TO HURT VERY MUCH, VERY VERY MUCH ON THE SECOND OR THIRD DAY. . .I personally couldn't do more than a few hours by the 3rd day as I couldn't really get the tampon in my vagina from the swelling by day three. It's ok to take a break. So many of these stories suggest that it will be over in a day or so that was not the case for me. Over the past week I have had to wear a panty liner to catch the now liquified internal warts that have been basically draining for a week now. Tonight I am doing another treatment with more focus on the few partially external warts that I have by fully packing my vagina with the tampon and packing the external area more carefully with ACV soaked cotton balls and holding them in place with a large pad in my panty. I know this works because I have seen new beautiful skin that I haven't seen in a very long time smiling back at me. Don't be discouraged if it takes longer than a few days and you don't have to torture yourself with pain for more than a few days at a time, it doesn't seem to be necessary. If you need to take some time to heal a little you can come back to treat them after some of the irritation settles down. I have also experienced shots and jolts of pain over the past week even though I had stopped treatment, that was my body still healing and removing it's unwanted parasite. I am so grateful for the site and all of the knowledge that it offers. Now go get your supplies and get started! Common store brand ACV does work topically, $1.27, however I take an organic ACV shot orally and intend to do a monthly ACV douche for the next 6-12 months as a follow-up to this treatment. Best wishes

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by L (Orange County, CA) on 12/05/2008

Just adding to the slew of people who say acv works to get rid of GW. Oh my gosh, so I am on day 3. I have tried so many things to try and get rid of the annoying buggers. I used aldara which is extremely expensive and it did not work, went through the whole box, and instead of going away they got bigger and spread. Yeay, thats just great, so then I had them frozen, no just spread even more. Now I have been trying the ACV and in just 3 days they have already turned black. Right now I am just focusing on the one external, a little to scared to try the tampon thing, maybe I will try it soon, I thought about doing the acv douche though. I have been seeing positive results and will continue to update. I have also been drinking the acv everyday and have bathed in it once. The bath was draining, probably releasing the toxins out of my pores. I feel and look so much better. ACV is a cure-all. The best thing I have ever come across. This site is a life-saver. Thanks so much.

Replied by L
(Orange County, CA)

On day four and just updating. After posting yesterday I took a shower and 2 big chunks came off. I was like what the heck at first and then I realized what it was. It looked like the end of a q-tip, white and spongey, but it was actually warts coming out from inside. It was so weird. A big chunk also came off from one of the external ones. Im so excited. I will let you guys know if they go away completely and stay away. I even recommended this to a pregnant women who had them, cause her doctor said there was nothing she could do while she was pregnant. I believe this is safe as I have had no adverse side effects. I check out this site now everyday when I have anything bothering me. I hope I never have to go to a doctors again.