Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Greer Sc) on 10/05/2015

I have had GW's for 4 yrs. now, and I have tried everything to get rid of them (Freezing, laser burning, topical immune cream, ACV, etc.). All of these got rid of the warts that were there but nothing got them to stay away. About every 2 months they come back. I also read about pumping up your immune system by taking supplements on here: (1000 mg of vitamin c, 1000 I.U. Of vitamin E, 25,000 I.U. of vitamin A (as beta carotene), 50 mg of zinc, 500 mg of lysine, an Echinacea and Golden Seal complex pill, a One-a-day multivitamin, and Garlic Supplement pills (2 at a time)) Which I have done for 2 and 1/2 months and they still keep coming back around the 2 month period. Everything I read says it takes about 2 yrs. for your body to adjust and keep out breaks away but I am at 4 yrs. and still getting them. Anyone else been like this and have found something to keep the outbreaks away? Any help would be appreciated. I am losing my mind over this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fed Up! (Kingston, Ontario) on 12/01/2010

I have tried everything for these little annoyances! Nothing was working so I kind of gave up for a while. Except now I have recently met someone and I need to give getting rid of these suckers another try. I'm sick of seeing no results! I tried to ACV for almost a month with no results, I've just tried the aspirin and ACV paste so we'll see how that works. Is there ANY other option out there?! I'm desperate and getting seriously ticked off!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pablo (Mexico) on 04/24/2009

I first noticed 8 warts on my penis in November 08. I went to the doctor and after having been on Aldara treatment for 3 + months, the warts on my penis shaft and in my scrotum started to spread instead of disappear. I counted more than 20. Then I found this site and started the ACV and HP treatment. First responses were great, but I got too excited and applied the treatment to large areas of my penis with ACV and I actually burned most of my penis skin, so I had to lay off a bit. Then I resumed, but what has been happening is that as soon as the warts I focus on have fallen, others start to grow in the nearby areas. I've been going like this for 2 months now, and it seems a battle I cannot win. I have also been battling the lesions left behind by fallen warts : they're like craters, and it takes some time for them to heal.. I have lots of scars, but worst of all is that I still have lots of warts. Any ideas ? I need some urgent advice.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by J (Somewhere, AZ) on 02/28/2009

ACV. ok so i've been going at this treatment for three days. and it's been pure hell, but i want these things gone. the only problem is, everyone says they go grey or black, and mine turned yellow. i have a small amount (<10) in my anal area, and 4 or 5 on my penis and testicles. they're all very small, and have only been noticeable in the past year.

but what's weird is i've had itching and whatnot down there for years, even before i was sexually active. it breaks my heart because i know i contracted this from some random person, and now i have to pay the price.

i've been in denial about this for months, and have only noticed that they got worse after i began smoking, and have been sick. so obviously it has something to do with your immune system.

so anyway, i have just been soaking a small piece of gauze with straight ACV and literally taped it to my anal area (they're all around my rectal opening). the burning wasn't nearly as bad the first time as it was the last two times. the first and second times i slept with it in, and the third time i kept it in for about 45 minutes (it hurt SO bad!). i'm thinking the acidity with the vinegar is eating my skin, as it's a pretty delicate area. and after treatment i usually shower, wash the area, dry it with a blowdryer (on cool), and apply bactine and no pain neosporin.

is there something i'm doing wrong? anyone have any advice for me? no one should have to do this, and i surely don't wanna do it alone :(

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (Mdtn, NY) on 08/07/2008


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (Middletown, New York) on 07/31/2008


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by T (Fort Myers, FL) on 04/12/2008

I found 2 little bumps when I shaved. First thought they were ingrown hairs.....but the itched. So I found this site. I tried ACV but I starting getting more bumps..I also took imune boosting vitamins. The ACV did burn a little a few days after using it. I didnt sleep with it though. Just applied 2 times a day. I called my doc and he prescribed condylox. That stuff burned but did get rid of them fast. Made it painful wearing pants to work for days though. I am not sure how often these will break out.