Treating Upper Respiratory Infections in Cats with Apple Cider Vinegar

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by CTH (Winchester, TN) on 04/01/2024

IDK about Persians, but my cat just had a litter of kittens 5 days ago. A few hours ago, one unlucky kitty just came down with a bad case of sneezes - no break for well over an hour for the li'l plop! So I started looking up things I could do at home (I don't do vets/doctors) & stumbled onto this remedy. Since I already know ACV is a pretty safe remedy, I used a washcloth to basically bathe my little newborn kitten in a fashion similar to her mom's. I also wiped some onto the mama's body, & dumped the tiny bit left into the main water bowl. My newborn kitty has finally stopped her itsy bitsy sneezes & is resting. I applied the ACV to her 20 mins ago. I'll be reapplying either tonight or in the morning. I also make my own - Bragg's recently sold out to Billy Gates, so I won't touch that brand anymore. All that to say this: ACV is a probiotic kind of remedy & is safe, so long as your kitty isn't allergic to apples, water, vinegar, or the microbes which make ACV such a wonderful remedy, she should tolerate it just fine.

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by sido (Europe) on 02/19/2023

Our dearest kitty just left the earth today, but before we found out that he had very serious conditions --enlarged heart, tumour, which we had not imagined, as he was well and frisky, he had a sinus and lung probelms breathing (the heart couldn't handle the load) Nonetheless, the day we gave him the OACV, as suggested here --and bless you all -- he immediately started breathing better. Which the vet's injection had not changed in the least. And each day was better, until he suddenly went downhill two days ago, for these more serious reasons. Thank you for having made his last days better, with a remedy I had never heard of for kitties, in all the years they have blessed me with their lives and purrs...

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Rose (Hopewell, Virginia ) on 07/03/2022

You saved my 🐈 kitten's life. He is three months old. He hadn't eated in five days because of a severe respiratory infection. This was AFTER I spent 300.00 at the vet to treat it in the early stages. I put Apple Cider Vinegar on his back paws and inner ear last night at 6pm. I periodically applied it throughout the night and early morning. Just now at 8:42 am he walked over to his dry food dish and ate quite a bit. Thank you for what you do!!!!

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Laura Leveque (Maine) on 10/31/2015

Could you please let me know your thoughts about ACV on Persians? They tend to have delicate immune systems. What are your thoughts on raw local honey added to a cat's diet?

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Diamond (Ma., US) on 11/07/2014

I have an older cat that every season with out fail she comes down with upper respiratory infection, she doesn't eat for days on end. This time it's been almost two weeks with out any food; however, she is drinking loads of water, so finally I had the hardest time getting her into a carrier then to the vets. It cost me $130.00 bucks and she was still the same, maybe worse. So finally I decided on vinegar, I didn't have any money at this time as it went all into the vet. However, I did have a cheap brand of ACV with no strong smell, which was absolutely great because she will not eat or drink if its been altered in any way, so I put a wee bit into her water, then a wee bit on her back as it's absorbed through the skin. Thankfully she didn't smell the vinegar and drank plenty. Prior to all this, she was spitting up a white foamy substance and her eye was terribly runny, so for the time being she is doing just great and is back to eating ok....


In response to my own message... My cat is doing even better, since her two week bout of upper respiratory infection and not eating at all//thankfully she was drinking plenty of water, since my previous post, my cat has made a turn for the better 100%// I am so happy for this site. I find so many people putting their pets to sleep rather than see them suffer, I think on a greater note I did the same thing because I spent way too much money on several rescue cats. They too had upper respiratory disease and at that time I didn't know about these natural solutions.Thank you Ted and company & friends for all your help and efforts put into this wonderful site. God Bless...

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Diamond (Ma., US) on 11/07/2014

Candice; This is rather odd that the first page I hit coming into this forum was your site. I'm saying this because I have a now 12 year old cat that has upper respiratory infections for quite some time. A vet. treated her (very expensive) only to find it did nothing for her. She was going way down on her weight so bad I was crying and ready to put her to sleep, when I found that it is safe to give our pets ACV. After two weeks I was at wits end so I decided to try the ACV and with-in less than a day her watery eyes cleared up & no more signs of being terribly sick. She was back to eating constantly and wanting even more food. Even though she is 12 years young she loves beating up my dog/ and being a Bruce Lee type model she give him the karate chop and puts him in his place. I'm not too keen on antibiotics as I almost lost my own life via these conventional meds//antibiotics and a close call of a heart attack. Also I lost a cat with wrong usage of meds.via yet another Vet. The saddest thing ever was the Vet called me at home that same eve. to ask if my cat was dead yet(?) What a promising life for this Vet I must say.

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Bettierage (Baltimore, Maryland) on 10/06/2014

Thank you for all the testimonials!

I have a 16-year-old, Butch Catsidy, who has been with me since he was 3 months old. To say this cat has my heart is a huge understatement. He has always been prone to seemingly random sneezing fits. I think he has feline herpes virus, but three different vets have seen him over the years and weren't concerned about it. None of our other cats are afflicted, so I've been told it's just a fact of Butch's life.

Last Sunday, his regular sneezing turned into a full-blown URI. He got some antibiotics, as well as some Tramadol because he had basically developed nose plugs from all the discharge. Removing those so he could breathe and constantly trying to clean out his nose was apparently very painful. By Wednesday, I'd managed to remove all the blockage and keep it clear, but he wasn't eating at all. The antibiotics had nauseated him, and at one point, he threw up what looked like nothing more than nasal drainage. He had at least managed to hydrate with no problems since the illness started, but at three days with no food, I was beginning to fear the worst. Plus, he still had a rattle in his throat from phlegm. Then I saw the bottle of ACV and remembered my grandmother swore by it for all her minor ailments. I found this site when trying to determine if it was safe for cats.

Wednesday night, I put some ACV in his water. I also got some cereal because he is fascinated with bowls and spoons, and when I eat from a bowl he becomes very interested. I didn't want to give him milk, but at that point, any calories were good calories. I set up three bowls by his water dish - the milk, some gravy, and some soft canned food. By Thursday morning, he'd moved on to the gravy. So I diluted some ACV in water and rubbed some on his front paws, as well as on his neck. He continued with the gravy off and on throughout the day. I had a meeting I had to go that night, and I put more ACV on his paws and neck before I left. I was gone for about five hours, and I came home to a completely different cat than the one I left. The only rattling he was doing was purring, and he was bouncy and playful again and - most importantly - ravenous. He followed me into the kitchen and yelled at me, as he usually does, so I opened a can of his favorite sardine flavor food. He went crazy over it. We continued feeding him small meals all day and night Friday. Saturday, I was texting my husband when the sunlight caught my phone and cast a light on the back of the sofa. Butch went nuts chasing it! And his nose was totally cleared and back to pink.

Yes, he did have antibiotics, so I can't be sure how much the ACV had to do with clearing up the URI. We had given him his last one Wednesday because the nausea was so bad, and we wanted to get a different antibiotic in hopes it wouldn't upset his stomach so much. As far as I know, the ACV took over for the Clavamox and cleared the rest of the infection. At the very least, it cured the nausea and brought back his appetite.

I told my husband that a few people had said giving ACV to a cat would mess up the cat's pH balance. He's a biologist, and he said a cat would have to drink an entire bottle undiluted for that to happen, and antibiotics are more likely to throw him off balance. We barely made a dent in the bottle to get Butch back to 100%, so I'm a believer!

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Candice (Mesquite, Texas) on 09/18/2014

I was able to heal my cat's pink eye, but he had an underlying respiratory infection that needed Vet attention. Story as follows:

Over the weekend, I realized that my 6 year old cat was not feeling well. He had just endured a move a couple of weeks prior which really stressed him out, but I noticed that he was squinting and winking his left eye a lot. By Monday morning it was swollen and had yellow discharge running from the corner. I knew I couldn't get him to the vet until the end of the week, so I searched for at-home-remedies. That's when I came across the apple cider vinegar remedy. I used this in conjunction with colloidal silver to heal his eye. This is what I did:

I bought a $5 bottle of organic apple cider vinegar from the grocery store. In a small container I mixed 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of water. I put 3 cottonballs into the solution which absorbed it all. My cat has dense, thick, long hair - so, I parted the hair at the nape of his neck as much as I could and squeezed the solution from the cottonball onto the area. I used my fingers to really work it into his skin and saturate the hair there. After squeezing the majority of the solution from the third cottonball, I took it and wiped over his bad eye making sure to remove all of the gunk build-up.

Next, I got a small bowl and mixed the same solution: 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of water. I sat this in my bathroom sink so I wouldn't make a huge mess. I picked up my cat and saturated each foot with the solution. He did NOT like this, but I was able to get it done without too much struggle. He would then run away and lick it all off of his paws.

I did these apple cider vinegar treatments twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed starting Monday morning and ending today, which is the following Thursday.

I also have a bottle of 10ppm colloidal silver (the cost was about $12 for a 2 ounce bottle at the local health food store) that I used. I remembered colloidal silver giving me relief years ago when I had viral pink eye in both of my eyes, so after doing some research and seeing that it was safe to use on my cat - I began dropping 1-2 drops into his bad eye a couple of times a day in between the apple cider vinegar treatments.

It took a while, in fact, it wasn't until Wednesday evening that his eye started to look better. However, I knew that something just wasn't right with my baby. He was incredibly lethargic and only drank minimal amounts of water and refused to eat. I called the vet and made the appointment, the main reason being for his eye although it looked to have improved by at least 85%. When the vet saw him, she said she wasn't worried about his pink-eye, that it seemed to be healing and didn't even need any ointment. She just wanted me to continue keeping it clean. She took a rectal temp as well and it was 105 degrees. She said that a normal temperature for a cat is 101. It worried her that his pink eye was nearly healed and he still had a pretty high fever. She deduced that he had an upper respiratory infection. She gave him fluids and antibiotics so hopefully he will be on the mend soon.

I wanted to write this to let people know that the apple cider vinegar and colloidal silver method really do work wonders for pink eye, but to be careful and pay close attention to your cat because he may have more than one problem going on that the at-home-remedy isn't solving.

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Rosie864 (Worcester, Ma/usa) on 03/20/2011

My recently adopted kitten has been having a sneezing nose & runny eye off and on for 3 weeks. Yesterday I could hear mucus in her nose as she breathed. Oh no another trip to the vet. In one last ditch effort I found this site. I tried the apple cider vinegar on her paws and in her water. I'd say within 6 hours her breathing got better, eye cleared up and seems friskier. Today she seems fine. Looks like this home cure really works! Thanks

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Kat (Chicago, Il) on 01/13/2011

I don't know if This is just coincidence, but my kitty suffers from recurring bouts of congestion, which I think is because of feline herpes virus. I supplement his Diet daily with lysine. For the past several days, he has been lethargic - not wanting to play or move around (very unlike his normal self). The night before last I added a tiny bit of ACV to his food. Then yesterday morning, I added a tiny bit again. By yesterday afternoon, he was a new man. I don't know if his virus just cleared up simultaneous with me trying the ACV, but he's definitely much better - almost immediately. If he falls ill again, I will try it and report back!

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Carrie (Orange, California) on 11/30/2010

Every year my Kittie gets a terrible upper respiratory infection that sometimes leads to bronchitis. The vet is always giving Antibiotics, benadryl, and Steroids. This year my baby did not get better he continued to stay sick, so the vet said keep him on the antibiotics for 21 days. Still sick, sneezing, and now he has developed candida yeast all over his mouth, chin, and lips. Again I took my baby to the vets and he said put Vaseline on it and give him lysine to build his immunity. He now has been sick for 5 solid weeks and has a painful sore on his face.

I found this site tonight and ran out and got the ACV for him. I have great expectations. The ACV should kill this candida on the spot and build his immunity system. He didn't seem to mind when I put it on his sores, in fact, he seemed to be o. K. With it. Then I added it to his paws and on the back of his neck. On the sore area I did not dilute the ACV but I did apply with a cotton pad, it is really infected and needs to be seriously dried out. After a few minutes I applied pure water and soaked a cold compress on the area to help dilute and mellow the area out. On his paws and back of neck I did half/half of Spring Water and ACV and I used a cotton pad to wipe on his fur. My cat is grooming himself and really not caring at all. I also treated my other baby because he is fighting the same sickness but does not have the depressed immunity from the antibiotics. He has Weeping eye, sneezing, and an occasional cough. I am super excited about this working and will absolutely keep you updated on his health. I should see an improvement hopefully within days and will update on this post with his response to ACV. He is a strong beautiful healthy Kittie that gets a horrible sickness every year in October.

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Sonia Rivera (Orlando, Fl) on 11/17/2010

Good day everybody,.

I have good news for those out there that have pets and no money to take them to vets. I have 6 cats I am crazy about. One of them caught a cold and got a stuffy nose. I put my organic apple cider vinegar to the test and it passed with high honors. I put a cap or 2 in the water bowl. After he drank out of it he was able to sleep more at peace per he was breathing so much better. By morning he was not stuffy at all. Praise god for this amazing product. Now, i just add it to their water as a supplement for prevention of anything. God bless and be happy.

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Stevie (Ft.myers , Fl) on 01/06/2010

My cat had upper respiratory infection, but he had it from day one when I brought him home. When we got him he had very short hair, watery eyes and nose, the eyes would be crusty first thing in the morning and his nose would be all stuff up. After two rounds of antibiotics, in which he would seem to get much better, but then worsen again over two weeks' time I did a lot of online research and thought, maybe food allergies. Spoke with our vet and we immediately took him off the dry food he had been eating and put him on a limited ingredient diet. Within the first few days his congestion and watery eyes got much better. By the first week he was actually starting to grow in more hair. By one month on the limited ingredient diet he had medium length hair. When we got him his hair was less than 1/4 inch long. We were amazed. Unfortunately he still scratched a lot on that particular brand of food and still sneezed a lot, so a couple of years into it we switched him to a Rabbit and green pea diet by Royal Canin. With that food he scratched less, but still sneezed a lot. Finally I found another limited ingredient diet at Petco and placed him on that and he did wonderfully. Quit scratching, sneezes only a few times a day, but a month into the process he developed a UTI. I'm not sure if it was related to the new food or just the fact that he is almost 7 years old, an Oriental and, therefore, prone to UTIs. After one round of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories he got a bit better, but then after being off the medicines for 3 days he got worse again. Started a second round of antibiotics and searched for various treatments and found out about ACV. I bought some this afternoon and gave him a partial dose in a syringe with water by mouth - which he was not at all happy about. He actually retched twice but didn't throw it up.

Later I snuck the remainder of the dose into his canned food and he gobbled it up. By this evening he was peeing larger amounts of urine, although still also squatting and not peeing a few times too. However, he did not visit the box nearly as often as he had the previous two days. In addition to the ACV I have instituted cranberry and vitamin C which he got full doses of yesterday and today.

However, the ACV itself has given him the most and fastest relief out of all the things we have been trying.

But definitely try your cat on some food that does not contain wheat, corn or soy and preferably something that is not what they normally eat (rabbit, duck or venison) for about 14 days in a row and see how he does. Petco has a brand called Natural Balance Limited ingredient diets that have both canned and dry. I would suggest you go with the canned food because it is very palatable. They have a Venison and green pea which my finicky cat loves, and also a salmon and green pea and chicken and green pea. But don't feed him all of them at the same time. Just buy one flavor and give that to him for two weeks and see how he does. If he is still messing up switch to a different flavor and try it.

I firmly believe it was the wheat gluten in the first limited ingredient food that caused my cat to sneeze and itch. With the second food it had soy, soybean and anchovy oil in it but no wheat or corn. With that food he was better, but still a little itchy. Conversely when I went to the third food that didn't contain soy, wheat, or corn is when we saw the major improvement.

Some cats are allergic to one or two of those and other cats are allergic to multiple things and the things you see with a food allergy are all the things you mentioned in your post and they completely mimic a URI.

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Nina (Inkster, Michigan) on 01/27/2009

Hello, my kitty had pink eye and i didnt have money to take her to vet.. I was so sick with worried at what to do for her, so i search the net for a cure and i found yr website... i have been giving her the acv and it working, i am so happy and thankful, i didnt really think it would help, but to my surpize it curing her, i gave her every 12 hrs 1/2 tsp of acv in a eyedropper mixed with water and little honey, she doesnt like it, but it works.

GOD BLESS YOU ALL, now my kitty is bright eyes again, i been treating her for 3 weeks, i think she had chest infection too, but it all clear now. so if u feel hopeless, give apple cider vinger a chance... nina and zaytunie (my kitty)

Upper Respiratory Infection
Posted by Regina (Mountain Home, Idaho) on 09/23/2008

Out of my 5 cats, 4 of them came up with Upper Respitory Infection. Since I couldn't afford Vet bills and meds for 4 cats, I searched the internet and found this site with it's testimonies of using ACV to treat URI's. So I began rubbing it into the scruff of the necks of my kitties and putting about a teaspoon into their drinking water. I also rubbed a little on their front paws so that they would lick it out. Within hours, the two with leaky eyes were cleared up and I noticed a change in appetite and energy in all of them. Now, 2 days later they still sneeze a little but no leaky eyes or runny nose, no lethargy or lack of appetite, no wheezing and hacking. I had used the ACV on their necks and paws every 12 hours and changed their water daily, putting new ACV in. This stuff stinks terribly but it truly does work. I plan on keeping some in their water for at least the next few weeks and might continue after that just to keep them healthy.

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