Post-Covid Long Haulers: Natural Remedies and Treatment

Korean Pine Needle Tea

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Posted by SUSAN (UK) on 12/11/2023

2 years on my husband is still struggling with terrible brain fog and headaches after a bad covid bout. The ONLY thing that keeps it at bay is pine needle tea, We have used more than one species. He allowed himself to run out a few days ago and yesterday and was visibly flagging. About half an hour after taking a cup of the pine needle tea he was responsive again and the headache lifted. This has happened a few times where he has stopped the tea and had bad symptoms return. It's cheap and easy to try. He uses about 2 teaspoons of dried needles in 300ml of water.

Replied by Madelyn

Has your husband tried a course of ivermectin? That would be my first course of action, followed by a Hulda Clark parasite cleanse protocol.

Replied by Rob

@ Susan UK

Ivermectin is a good choice. However, I see you're in the UK and not sure if your Doctors there would prescribe it. If not, you can obtain it thru veterinary medicine. Sold are products like Noromectin Injectable for Cattle & Swine (you will drink it with orange juice 1.2ml per day, not inject) or Horse Paste Ivermectin 1.87% with no other additives.

Since you stated that Pine Needle tea has been working, just step-up the treatment.

Suramin (the isolated extract) in pine needles. Pine needles are high in vitamins C and A, among numerous other compounds, which provide a long list of benefits:

A 2011 Korean study demonstrated using pine needles in tea was the best way to access the antioxidant benefits from pine needles.

The study demonstrated that the hot water extract of pine needle proanthocyanidins and catechins offers the highest levels of antioxidant benefits compared with chemical extract processes.

There are other known benefits that pine needle tea and the tea made from other conifers share, which include:

  • Analgesic

  • Antibacterial

  • Antifungal

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Antimicrobial

  • Antioxidant

  • Antiseptic

  • Antitumor

  • Antitussive

  • Antiviral

  • Aromatic

  • Astringent

  • Decongestant

  • Detoxifying

  • Disinfectant

  • Diuretic

  • Expectorant

  • Immuno-modulating

  • Improves circulation

  • Invigorating

  • Lymphatic

  • Relaxing

  • Relieves nervous exhaustion and fatigue

  • Relieves sore muscles

  • Restorative

  • Tonic

Herbalists the world over have known about the benefits of this tea. Pine needle tea has been used medicinally worldwide for thousands of years.

Make a Nasal Spray:

I would continue ingesting the pine needle tea but incorpate pine needle essential oil (Scots pine – Pinus sylvestris) into the treatment. I would made a home made nasal sprayer (repurposed saline nasal sprayer) by adding one drops of pine needle EO to it's saline mixture and using it afew times daily. This will disinfect the sinus membranes of any residual covid spike proteins remaining in that area since thats were it likes to hide.

Steam Inhalation of Pine Needle Essential Oil:

Steam inhalation – provide the best treatment method for respiratory illness. Add a few drops pine essential oil to a few cups of steaming water and inhale the vapors.

According to “Merck's Manual of the Materia Medica” published in 1899 – Steam Inhalants

List of plant oils uses as inhalants for respiratory problems. Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) – Bronchitis pg. 95,1 dram inhaled from hot water eases cough and lessens expectoration.

How to Steam Inhalation

Make a Body Ointment:

Also, make a pine needle oil body ointment and rub the entire body down (head to toes) to cover the entire skin. Repeat every day. The skin is the largest organ of the body and anything put on it will percolate through the skin into the endocrine system and will distribute it through the body and organs is a result attacking the whole body simultaneously.

Recipe: 20 drops pine needle EO to every one fluid ounce carrier oil (coconut oil or olive oil).

Ingesting the Pine Needle Oil:

You can even ingest by mouth pine needle EO. However, do not drink the tea and ingest the oil at the same time... Only one - two drops in 2 ounces of juice 3 times daily. This is strong! If you think ingesting one drop is crazy, I personally ingest one teaspoon of Pine Resin Gum Turpentine daily as a Candida Protocol. I'm still alive. In Korean herbal medicine, they ingest Red Pine Needle Oil capsules.

Hope this helps….

Korean Pine Needle Tea
Posted by Mark (USA) on 08/18/2021

I had long covid for 14 months. Spent $25k on supplements (a lot of them listed here) to try to manage/cure it.

Korean Pine Needle tea was the thing that I believe brought me to 100%. I've been 100% for 3 months now. It has a compound suramin which may help protect TCells from being infected by the virus. When I first took it I had flu-like symptoms for 2 days as if I was fighting the virus again. To help manage my longcovid and support immune system I was also taking Lactococcus Lactis (probiotic), buffered vitamin c and Beta Glucans back then.

For early acute phase of the virus, steam-inhaling nascent iodine (add dropper of iodine to boiling cup of water then inhale steam) helped my lungs. 2 weeks in I had burning lungs and covid pneumonia. I needed to steam inhale iodine daily for weeks or I'd wake up with pneumonia the next day. Little did I know I'd still be sick for 13 months after that. (heart, neurological, gastro problems - I had it all) It's a crazy virus but I think natural cures could prevent almost anyone from dying from it. No gene therapy shot needed.

Replied by Madelyn

Glad you are better now, Mark.

Could you please share where you purchased the Korean Pine Needle tea? I looked several weeks ago at my usual source for herbs (Mountain Rose Herbs), but they do not carry it. I did see some pine needle tea listed on Amazon, but you never know for sure who the seller / source is. Thanks!


Amazon has Korean Pine needle tea. Also check eBay and Etsy.

(United States)

Madelyn, you don't need "Korean" pine. You can use eastern white pine or red pine. Research both. You can find a lot of people selling both on etsy.

Just look at reviews and how long the sellers have been in business when deciding. Many are harvesting pine needles fresh by day. That's what you want. Freshly picked.

You may luck out and find that they grow in your area and you can go out and harvest yourself.

(Cabarlah, Qld.)

White pine needle tea is available in Maine at this link:

The White Pine grows in this area as well as in Nova Scotia, Canada, etc.

(Oregon, Usa)

We live in the Western U.S. where we use red or white fir needles, fresh off the trees, to make "pine needle tea". We go to the forest in the spring to cut new growth needles which are bright lime green color. Throw about 2tablespoons of the cut needles into a mug, cover with boiling water, let set for about 5 minutes, strain the needles, and enjoy! The tea tastes like a walk in the woods smells!

Our local Ponderosa pine needles are toxic to humans. We have found that the fir needles work very well to fight covid infections and long haul symptoms. And They are free!

Replied by Madelyn

Why thank you Orin. I will certainly check Etsy, as well as locally. Blessings to you.

Replied by Carol

A company in California sells a spray that contains suramin. Https://


i got the CA spray but I do not feel like anything is getting out. I wrote to Ashley who said HYDROSOULS work that way. Did you pump it?

Replied by Chelsie

I think the Korean pine needle tea isn't potent enough to help detoxifying your system. You should look for the oil instead, it can be ingested. I take about 8 drops directly under my tongue without any problem (of course it wouldn't taste too pleasant for some people).

Replied by Brad Christian

The thing about SURAMIN is no joke. Scientist Judy Mikovits said it's the cure to Covid and the spike proteins of the vaccine. She said the elites would not leave themselves without a cure... and its Suramin. I don't think Earth Clinic allows links necessarily but use either Pine Needle Tea (I use a second black tea bag in there for flavor as well) or look up Contamishield which is the only actual product I've seen whose base is Suramin.

Replied by Jenny Lee

Hi Mark, Thanks for sharing. What brand of Korean pine needles did you use? How much Korean pine needle tea were you taking every day? Thanks

Replied by Rita

I was using organic pine needle tea and after several uses I had an allergic reaction. If you are allergic to pine trees keep this in mind.

Replied by Angela

What brand did you use? I have tried without success.

Replied by Danielle
(Denver, co)

Can you tell the the dosage of the tea and also where you bought it from? Much thanks.


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Posted by GEG (North Carolina) on 07/12/2021

I had Covid. L-Lysine was the game changer for me. Helps stop the virus from replicating. Yes, got all this information from Earth Clinic.

Lysine, Iodine

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Posted by susan (buffalo) on 10/08/2021

This worked for my family:

1) l-lysine. 500 mg twice a day (1000mg total per day)


2) 2000 micrograms iodine once a day

Take the above for three weeks beyond when you feel better. You will probably feel better in about a week plus take the above for three more weeks= four weeks total. Limit your coffee intake severely at this time. This is the same recipe to take for anyone with a frozen shoulder that has occurred spontaneously/without injury. Based on my experience, I believe a frozen shoulder this way is caused by a virus.

Replied by Thomas


Do NOT take iodine if COVID-19 attacked your kidneys or if you have kidney disease.

Unlike other diseases, which harm your kidneys because of too much inflammation, COVID-19 directly attacks and kills your kidney cells that filter your blood through the ACE2 receptor.

Personally, my kidneys were swollen after I got a fever from COVID. They did not hurt, but I couldn't sleep on my back without them bothering me. By about the 5th day the swelling went away. My kidneys felt like a deflated balloon but nothing painful and any other problems with urination other than a lot of foam on my first piss. Later, after having no other symptoms for a while, I still noticed fluid in my lungs every morning, so I looked for long hauler treatments. I purchased and took Lugol's iodine as recommended. The next day my kidneys have been bothering me since with always some foam/bubbles in my urine. It's been a week and I'm still having problems but they come and go now. Possible permanent kidney damage isn't worth it. Look for other remedies if you're a long hauler.


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Posted by Blue Star (Tennessee) on 04/18/2022

3-4 weeks after having Covid I realized my memory loss was acute. I am 62 years. This has been going on for 3 months. The term "brain fog" didn't register for me. It was short term memory loss and more like neuro connections not taking place.

I did more research and memory loss from Long-Covid can mimic Alzheimer Symptoms. It was pretty alarming.

I have recently been taking Maca for a host of reasons. Balancing hormones for post-menopause. Vaginal dryness. Depression. Adrenal exhaustion. Boosting my Energy. After taking Maca for several weeks, I realized my memory issues have improved significantly.

I did more research into the Maca and found it supports good memory and cognitive function. Stress relief. It supports a healthy libido and fertility issues. Maca supports the whole endocrine system. It is referred to as the South American ginseng. My memory issues have improved 75% ... oh and so has my sex drive.

I found an Organic brand that combines red, black and yellow Maca.The dosage on supplements are generally for maintenance and not therapeutic ... so I usually double or triple the dosage if I am treating for something. If the bowels become loose, you've over done it.

Very impressed with Maca.

Replied by Bird

Where did you find the organic combination?

Blue Star



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Posted by Art (California) on 01/14/2022 2175 posts

I have written a significant amount about the use of melatonin for Covid-19 and the aftermath of Covid-19 or what is commonly referred to as, "Long Covid" and this brand new study (February 2022) gives confirmation to the use of melatonin for Long Covid and partially explains why it works :

If you don't tolerate melatonin supplements, you can get daily sun exposure to increase your melatonin levels.


Replied by bonnizan
(Richmond va)

NAC which Amazon is selling will increase glutathione levels. Can take as much as 2400mgs a day.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by owner232 (United States) on 06/21/2023

Lysine, N-acetylcysteine(NAC) + Bromelain, Lysine, Cayenne pepper, Goldenseal

Remember Cayenne pepper enhances supplements movement through the body, it moves blood. pill form 90k shu is amazing with supplements.

Another update to help others, I think long haul started to slightly come back, I stopped taking lysine and started back up. so make sure you take lysine I also saw a post on n-acetylcysteine(NAC) and bromelain curing long haul.

Also learned long haul covid lives in your gut

Make sure you eat before taking the bromelain, Taking this with NAC deactivates covid.... yeah... amazing isnt it? I started taking both of these 1 pill each.

I also took a scram parasitic cleanse and it made me feel a bit better I think it was unrelated but why not if your desperate., hpc, 108&sr=1-1

I started taking goldenseal on the recommendation of barbara o neil who has amazing videos, shes probably going to be banned soon so make sure you listen to her stuff. Goldenseal is antibacterial and I think I was fighting something as well like a bacterial infection from having a stomach ulcer and taking nexium for 7 years.

Don't let long haul kill you off like it was designed to, I took a ton of supplements and these are the few that worked. make sure you try to walk a mile or so a day just to get your life force back.

Replied by Lydia

Chris Masterhohn, PhD, has a protocol for Long Covid.

Neem Tea

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Posted by Sehat (Pakistan ) on 02/21/2022

Neem Tea for Long Covid Fatigue

I love neem tea for its effectiveness for a wide variety of diseases. Suffering from extreme exhaustion that is kind of disabling, I tried neem tea and taking it for only two three days resulted in improvement of my fatigue.

dosage: wash 10 neem leaves and put in a cup of boiling water. Let it simmer on low heat with pan covered for 20 minutes. Turn off stove and let it cool for further half an hour. Drink once a day.

Please do check the conditions under which neem should not be taken such as during pregnancy.

Nicotine Patch

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Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico) on 12/23/2023

Nicotine Cure for LH Covid

Just heard this on a podcast from a natural healer. He said to use a 7 mg nicotine patch on your arm, each day for 6 days, and you won't have it anymore. I can't attest to this personally. Lots of people are suffering from this, so hey, it's worth a shot.

Stay well everybody.

Parasite Cleanse

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Posted by Clara (Canada) on 07/11/2021

I had longhaulers too. I wanted to Kill myself. I won't go into my symptoms. A parasite cleanse took my symptoms away. I became myself again. I did the Dr. Hulda Clark cleanse. If you think about it, ivermectin and other similar drugs people are talking are anti parasitic. Maybe there's a connection? Not sure, but I know I got my life back. Hope this helps.

Replied by Paceo872
(Manhattan, Ny)

Hi, when did you start feeling better? Or could you give a breakdown of how your recovery went? I just ordered going to give it a try

(Cabarlah, Qld.)

There is a prevention and early treatment protocol at this link; centered around ivermectin.

(Manhattan, Ny)

It doesn't work. I've tried the protocol for 4 months. Nothing improves.

(South West)

Thank you for the information. I just got Covid so I'm trying everything to kill it.

Replied by BPawlos G.

Greetings from the Horn. I got Covid and it went down my entire nervous system. It also triggered I was borderline. Any advice as I am suffering from yeast infections and high sugar in blood? Is Ivermectin useful at this stage? Thx

2175 posts

BPawlos G.,

Three supplements that are likely to be helpful for your situation are Magnesium, Berberine and Grapefruit Seed Extract. This combination should help lower your blood sugar and fight fungal infection.



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Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 12/14/2022 64 posts

I am in my high sixties and take about 50 supplements and powders.

For what I assume to be Covid fatigue for the two years since I first caught it in December of 2020, I recently have had a fabulous result by taking a slightly rounded measuring teaspoon (3+ grams) of pytosterols (plant sterols) powder with water, mornings, starting almost three weeks ago on 11/25/2022.

I had read the idea of trying phytosterols for Covid fatigue, so I ordered a BulkSupplements 250 gram bag through Amazon. I wanted the 500 gram bag but Amazon didn't have that size and I needed Amazon's Hub Locker delivery options. I may try BoxNutra's kilo size of 95% phytosterols powder next.

So I started by taking a half level measuring teaspoon of powder, mornings. I didn't notice anything until I doubled the dose on day 5, and then I got an immediate, huge increase in energy like an adrenaline rush.

The adrenaline rush became unnoticeable in a few days, and adding a second teaspoon dose in the evenings just made me a little more tired. So the morning dose would be the time to try the two teaspoon dose.

I am however still happy to be taking phytosterols. I had also once read that Covid should be treated with steroids and anticoagulants. So I thought the similar sounding plant sterols were worth a try. And apparently plant sterols are a form of steroid that plants make and need.

After catching Covid three times during 2021, I actually got rid of my obstinate Covid lung congestion in August of 2021 by taking Amazon's Durvet 1.87% ivermectin horse paste, apple flavored, which precipitated me to intentionally cough up lung mucous for about 12 days. Then my lungs and sinuses were finally clear, but this fatigue remained. So I hope the fatigue is now fixed by the phytosterols.

For no particular reason, in late 2021 I stopped taking the horse paste after 15 months. Then I found 400 mg per day (100 mg every 6 hours) of zinc picolinate to be able to reverse several sore throats for me during the first half of 2022. I then tried 600 mg per day but it caused indigestion. I then stopped taking zinc picolinate.

So now in late 2022, I noticed my fungal toenail had returned from years ago, along with some jaw related pain. I had previously cured the toenail by taking 2 tablespoons per day (after a meal) of unrefined macadamia oil for two months. The fungal toenail actually lifted off of it's bed, and new, healthy toenail regrew over the next year. So now to re-cure the fungal toenail and to suppress some jaw pain, I am again taking Carlyle's or PipingRock's virgin macadamia oil internally, at about 3/4 measuring tablespoon every 6 hours, and I haven't had a sore throat yet this winter at all. At 18%, the macadamia oil is the highest food source of palmitoleic acid, an antimicrobial. Olive oil has only .3% to 3.5% of palmitoleic acid or about one sixth of the macadamia oil's content. So next I may order a gallon of virgin macadamia oil from in Chicago.

Pine Bark Extract

Posted by Ari (Queens ) on 03/09/2022

Pine bark extract

Hi Art: what are your thoughts on using the above for covid long haulers? I read a post on EC where someone said this was what brought him back to 100% so this caught my attention. Also, there were a few people on Amazon who said they used it for high BP as well. Thank you in advance for your response. Thank you for all you do for the EC family… greatly appreciated.

Replied by Art
2175 posts


Thank you very much for saying so.

I think Pine Bark Extract (PBE) would be useful for Long Covid. My favorite would likely be melatonin as I had previously posted about and I think that the two would work well together. On a related note, Grape Seed Extract (GSE), not to be confused with Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), has very similar qualities to PBE.

I also think that bringing your vitamin D level (25 OH d level) well up into the upper half of the reference range of 30 ~ 100 ng/ml will likely be additive to the other two.

Taking vitamin D at the time of Covid-19 infection may not be optimal because it can take two weeks or longer for the vitamin D3 supplement to be fully converted to the active form of vitamin D. For Long Covid, I think the importance is to get your 25 OH d level up into the upper half of the reference range which your doctor can test for you to make sure you go high enough, but not beyond the top of the reference range.

Regarding PBE for high blood pressure, when I took very high dose PBE as an experiment, it had no discernible effect on my blood pressure.


Replied by Ari

Thanks Art!!! Appreciate you taking the time to respond to my questions. Have a great weekend!!

Replied by Sharon
(Lafayette, Louisiana)

Looking for safe white pine needle tea? So many ads, not sure where to order from.


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Posted by Servant (Virginia) on 06/25/2022

I want to share some good news! I have finally healed after 15 months of having frequent long haul COVID symptoms. I had COVID in December 2020; my worst symptom was a horrendous headache that lasted a week or so. Other than that, my symptoms were body aches, upset stomach, diarrhea, fatigue and brain fog. The headache and most of the other symptoms went away after about 10 days. I was blessed that I had only very mild respiratory symptoms. A few weeks after I had recovered from the COVID, I became ill for a few days with what I came to know as long haul Covid. I had these symptoms (mild headache, nausea, digestive tract upset, and fatigue) once or more each month for well over a year.

After more than a year of these frequent long haul illnesses, I read medical studies showing that 70% or more of our immune system is located in our digestive tract. I began working diligently to strengthen my immune system by eating cultured vegetables and drinking probiotic drinks daily. I started very slowly with just small amounts of the probiotic food and drink so that my system could adjust slowly. I did this faithfully each day and within a couple of weeks I saw that my symptoms were milder and I was sick less frequently. After only a couple of months of this diet change, I had no long haul symptoms or illness at all and months later I've had no recurrence. I make my own cultured vegetables and my own water kefir ..... these are both rich in probiotics. I know now how very vital it is to maintain excellent gut health for a strong immune system.

I hope my experience will be helpful to others.

Replied by Virginia

Hi, could you share the recipe for culture vegetables and water kefir please?
Thank you

Replied by Servant

There are numerous books, videos, and web sites where you can find instructions for making your own cultured foods and kefir water drinks. Try book stores and libraries or search on line. One excellent web site is I am confident that the probiotics in my diet greatly strengthened my immune system which effectively destroyed the COVID virus that had entrenched itself in my body. I continue to include plenty of these probiotics in my diet each day and the health benefits are remarkable.

Proper Hydration

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Posted by Lena (Oklahoma City) on 02/04/2022

One thing that we've noticed (and that no one else has mentioned) about covid recovery is how *vitally important* proper hydration is! Drink at least a gallon a day of *Clean Water* (reverse osmosis or distilled) with electrolytes/minerals added. This breaks up and clears out mucous, toxins, viruses, and other bad things that attack our bodies. Never underestimate simple things God created--such as water!

Research Article of Interest

2 User Reviews
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Posted by Deirdre (EC) on 01/13/2024

Hello Art, et al.

Came across this article today in the news and thought it might interest some of you.

Muscle abnormalities worsen after post-exertional malaise in long COVID


Replied by Art
2175 posts

Hi Deirdre,

I haven't finished reading it yet, but I can kind of see where this article is going. So far what I see is that melatonin would be a very good countering agent for the issues they are describing about how the muscles are affected by long covid.

Two main things they are discussing as a result of SARS CoV-2 are decreased mitochondrial function and decreased Oxidative Phosphorylation Capacity (OXPHOS) in the muscles leading to reduced muscle function capacity and muscle fatigue which are exacerbated by exercise. In the following study it is shown that melatonin can counter both issues : recently showed that melatonin, in vivo and in vitro.

Here is a relevant quote :

We recently showed that melatonin counteracted mitochondrial oxidative stress and increased the activity of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) enzymes both in vivo and in vitro.

Melatonin has also shown the ability to restore mitochondrial respiration enzymes, one of the issues that they brought up in this study.

I'm not sure why they are completely ignoring the fact that SARS CoV-2 increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) very significantly in Covid-19 patients and then exercise further increases those ROS levels to levels capable of damaging muscle tissue and potentially causing fibrosis, essentially what they are describing in a roundabout way. Everything they are saying so far points toward the elevated ROS and RNS levels and impaired mitochondrial function associated with Covid-19 that are exacerbated by physical or even mental exercise. In long covid patients, these two seem to remain elevated as discussed in other studies.

Melatonin acts to return mitochondrial function to homeostasis and at a bare minimum significantly improves mitochondrial function and is a very potent scavenger of ROS and RNS through both direct antioxidant and radical scavenging by melatonin and its metabolites and indirect actions via upregulating many of the bodies own potent antioxidants and radical scavengers. The following May 2023 study clearly shows that both ROS and RNS are elevated in Covid-19 patients :

Here is a very relevant study quote :

The results indicated that the serum levels of individual ROS and RNS were significantly higher in COVID-19 patients than in healthy subjects. The correlations between the serum levels of ROS and RNS and the biochemical markers ranged from moderate to very strongly positive. Moreover, significantly elevated serum levels of ROS and RNS were observed in intensive care unit (ICU) patients compared with non-ICU patients. Thus, ROS and RNS concentrations in serum can be used as biomarkers to track the prognosis of COVID-19. This investigation demonstrated that oxidative and nitrative stress play a role in the etiology of COVID-19 and contribute to disease severity; thus, ROS and RNS are probable innovative targets in COVID-19 therapeutics.

So here we are back to more evidence in total suggesting that ROS and RNS result in increased oxidative stress and increased levels of inflammation both of which are damaging to the body in multiple ways and to multiple body organs including muscle . While the exact methods of action that SARS CoV-2 uses to cause this elevated status of ROS and RNS have not been fully elucidated yet, other studies have suggested that using these two as potential targets in Covid-19 and long covid (LC) can be beneficial for patients with C-19 or LC.

Imo, it will be a very long time before science discovers the exact methods of action involved in LC and because of that it makes more sense for those currently suffering with LC to pursue potent antioxidants and radical scavengers in the case of LC. Melatonin meets this criteria as well as other potent antioxidants such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and are worthy of consideration. In the specific case of muscle tissue stress, topical melatonin may have a part to play as well.



A second round of covid is in my household. Ugh. My husband is in his 70's, it started with him. I am of course using the same supplements to fight it. I can only get him to agree to so many things. He doesnt like melatonin. I have been fighting it with everything I have, including increasing my melatonin (10mg) to one every hour from 6 pm to 10 pm, and if I wake up in the night I take another one. The other supplements are lysine, C, zinc, magnesium, we're both gargling twice a day with peroxide, salt, warm water. Oh and a daily dose of ivermectin horse paste and xlear nasal spray 4 times a day. This is day 4, he has improved so much! I, so far, feel fine and not going to test. My sister says I should be wearing a mask and gloves! :)

2175 posts

So probably the simplest and least expensive (free) option for long covid is to get morning and afternoon sun exposure to get more infrared radiation from the sun to increase melatonin levels naturally, improve mitochondrial function while increasing ATP production to provide energy for the cells to help speed the recovery process from long covid. Since it is winter and very cold in most areas, you can still bundle up and get the infrared radiation from the sun as it penetrates clothing whereas UV radiation does not.


Replied by Norma

Another research finds that long covid symptoms point in two directions- Dysautonomia (an umbrella term for various autoimmune conditions) and Mast Cells Activation Syndrome (not to be confused with other disorders involving mast cells).

There are articles:

“antihistamines improve cardiovascular manifestations and other symptoms of long covid attributed to mast cell activation” (Frontiers of cardiovascular medicine)

“Long covid following mild sars-cov-2 infection: characteristic T cell alteration and response to antihistamines”

There is also something about melatonin, but I have to read Art's posts, but in short it does lots of good things..


If you or your doctor suspect Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, a very nasty thing for which there is no real tests or treatments, and want to try OTC antihistamines to see if it would make a difference, here is the guidance:

H1 receptor blockage. Choose one

• Loratadine (Claritin): Start with 10mg before bed for one week. If no improvement, 10mg in the AM on empty stomach and 10mg before bed

• Flexfenadine (Allegra): Same protocol as above with 180mg tablets

• Cetrizine (Zyrtec): Same protocol as above with 10mg tablets

• Benadryl : High probability of drowsiness so only use as a last resort. 25-50mg before bed (in my personal experience Benadryl doesn't cause drowsiness)

H2 receptor blockage:

• Pepcid: 20-40 mg before bed or 20mg twice a day on empty stomach.

Reading: Mast Cell activation syndrome and the link with long covid (Hospital medicine, Published Online:)

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