Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Nancy (Northern, IA) on 11/12/2008

At the end of August my menstrual cycle lasted 3 weeks and the flow was three times as heavyas normal. The Dr. said I had "huge" fibroids and an ovarian cyst on my right ovary. They said some of my options were a hysterectomy or trying birth control pills. I found earthclinic instead.

Thanks to the advice on earthclinic, I decided to try the molasses trick. Our grocery store didn't carry the blackstrap--so I thought I'd wait until I got somewhere that did. After only 1 week off--I got my cycle again. On the 2nd day it was abnormally heavy again--I thought --shoot, I'll try the regular stuff, and bought the regular molasses-mild and unsulphered. I took 1 TBSP.

Was it coincidence that it worked instantly? Was it conincidence that the cramping dissapeared? Was it conincidence that my next 2 cycles were right on schedule and back to normal? More importantly, was it coincidence that my follow up ultra-sound showed that the cyst had dissolved and the fibroids were now classified as large-rather than huge? I don't know--but for $2.50 per month (the cost of the bottle and how long it lasted) I will definately continue with taking 1 TBSP per day coincidence or not!!

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Mary (New York, New York) on 04/30/2008

I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia and put on birth control pills recently. I'm a menopausal 50 year old and don't need or want to be taking hormones. I found your site with all the testimonials from women who shared my history of extremely heavy periods (I swear I lost 2 pints in one day) sleeping on towels, enduring anemic exhaustion, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, muscle fatigue, etc. I decided to try taking one tablespoon of BSM per day in a cup of warm water. IT WORKS! I've had two completely normal periods in a row and my doctor (who had been seeing me 2-3 times per month) scheduled my next appointment six months from now. I believe I'll be taking BMS for the rest of my looooong life. Thank you all.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Diane (New Albany, Ohio) on 04/25/2008

I am 51 years old and for the past year I have been experiencing very heavy menstrual bleeding.February 29th I was taken to the hospital by ambulance due to how heavy the bleeding was. I was diagnosed with anemia and the ER doc did see something resembling a cauliflower growth on the cervix. I am going to be having pelvic ultrasound and probably other tests this week. During the lapse of time between that ER visit and this apppointment next week I have been out of state taking care of a sick parent and put off tests which I know is bad. I found this website when trying to figure out what I can do to get the bleeding under control until I this is diagnosed. I have been taking 1 tablespoon of unsulphured blackstrap molasses per day from the day my period ends until 10 days beofre another one is due to start. At that point 10 days before and during the period I take 1 tablespoon in the morning and 1 in the early evening. I take it straight and just drink lots of water after. I am pleased to report that the bleeding is probably half of what it was. I have had two realatively easy periods now. The only down side I can report is that my stools are slightly loose and very black by the time I have doubled that dose for 10 days. I am assuming this is from the mineral content. My stools return to normal as soon as I go back down to 1 tablespoon. I would also like to add that long before my periods became so problematic that I had become housebound for the duration I had seen eraly symptoms that there is something wrong. Three years ago I started to have night sweats. Over a period of 3 years I lost 10 pounds without trying. My body composition changed dramatically from very muscular to flacid. I went to my physician who ran tests and found nothing to be wrong. In the years to follow I was going through a very difficult time in my marriage and the stress was unbelievable. I develped a tic in my eye, I started having anxiety attacks. I have had mysterious aches and pains all over and finally my periods became very heavy. I sought help from physicains 4 times over a period of 3 years and all 3 physicians thought I looked too good to be sick and ran just a few tests which did not show any problems.They concluded that it was due to the severe stress and suggested leaving the marraige and getting professional counseling. I know my body and my intuition was telling me there is something wrong but I ignored it probably because I wanted to believe the physicians were right. Now I hope this is not cancer and strictly due to either perimenopause or fibroids. I have periods every month right on schedule every 28 days.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Sarah (Northern, NJ) on 03/24/2008

Unsulphed BSM for menstrual issues-YEA !!!! I can't find the words to say how thankful I am for this website & everyone that shared info on Unsulphered Black strap molasses for Menstrual issues. I've been on it for a whole month now, & it truly is a blessing for me. It's helped with the Pain & lightned it. I just used less than a tblspoon in warm-hot water daily. Again, Thanks you have no idea after many years of barely can't getting out of bed how much this has helped me.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Valarie (Gulfport, Mississippi) on 03/21/2008

Since I have been taken blackstrap mollasses,it have made me look like i am so swollen looking,i look like i am on steriods or something. I think that i going to stop taking it,although it help with my menastration cycle my cycle was on for 3 after using black strap mollasses,it stays on for 7 days. I having been using it for about 6 months.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Gracie (Winter Beach, FL) on 02/22/2008

Three months ago, I did a google search for "Help with Heavy Periods with Severe Clotting". I was led to this site. My periods were so heavy and with one day of clotting that was severe, nothing could contain it.

I was weak, faint, and frightened. My hair was falling out, my nails stopped growing, and I consumed ice constantly.

I was diagnosed as dangerously anemic and put on iron pills. Yes, they helped with the pica and fatigue. Still, I had to find a solution short of surgery for my periods.

After reading everything on this site, I decided to give it a try. I was optimistic yet skeptical.

What a blessing this has been. Three periods later and I cannot believe the difference. The massive clotting that confined me to bed has stopped. My periods now last five to six days rather than nine or ten.

I would urge any woman with bleeding issues to at least give this a try for three months. Truly, for me, I feel it saved my life. I asked God for help and found this site.

Thank you to all of you who shared your stories. It made all the difference.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by June (KC, KS) on 02/05/2008

I've been taking BSM (black strap molasses-Plantation brand from the health food store) for about a month now. Two and a half years ago I had my hormones tested and results showed I had too much testosterone, too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. (also low cortisol) I've had polycystic ovarian syndrome my whole life (I'm 37).

After trying to heal my body under the guidance of a nutritionist/chiropractor following the S. P. diet books (just using the initials of the book name here) my hormone imbalanced grew even more out of control. I gained about 25-30 pounds (the chiro and books told me this is supposed to be "normal" as your body heals it's metabolism) and the result was increased bleeding that did not stop.

So, for the past 2 1/2 years I've had to deal with heavy, lingering bleeding. Rx drugs are not for me, so I have been trying to solve this with natural remedies. I managed to lose the extra weight I gained following the SP diet, thank goodness. This helped lessen the bleeding. I lost more weight with diet/lots of exercise and ACV. The bleeding didn't completely stop, but more or less just lingered on and on. Still, it was a big improvement over what I had been suffering.

Then I got my new job where I am sitting a lot, started eating lots of goodies over the holidays, surprise...gained some weight back. As most of us know by now fat = estrogen. Too much estrogen with not enough progesterone to counteract it (due to lack of ovulation) means excess bleeding. And, I started bleeding heavier again. I was ready to pull my hair out and really disappointed in myself for gaining weight back after all my hard work and success.

So, I came to EarthClinic and read about BSM. Once again, so many women said they had good results from it I could not ignore their advice. After taking BSM for about 2 weeks my bleeding STOPPED!!! No lingering, no spotting, nothing!

I tried several ways of taking it...on my granola first, which was totally disgusting. Then I finally tried it mixed in warm water and drinking it like tea. It's actually very, very good this way. My recipe is 2 teaspoons mixed with about one cup warm water morning and night.

After missing the night dosage for a while (during my bout with the flu) I noticed a little spotting returning. I don't know how BSM will affect me altogether, whether or not it will help me have a normal cycle, I just haven't taken it long enough. But I do know that the awful incessant bleeding has stopped and I am so relieved!

Thanks everyone for your suggestions and feedback. Without it I would never have tried BSM.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Heather H (Rockville , MD) on 01/22/2008

I started taking Blackstrap molasses each day in hope that I would find some relief for uterine fibroids and the havoc they wreak on my menstrual cycle. I found this site after the impressive turnaround my grandfather experienced after beginning his own blackstrap regimen. He suffers from Parkinson's disease and had terrible constipation issues (see Fred G from Charlotte's testimony on the site. Fred G is my uncle).

Once on the site, I saw that blackstrap is recommended for so many diverse ailments and thought to give it a try. I have been through one full menstrual cycle and am thoroughly impressed. My decision was to take 1Tbs a day and to bump up to 2 Tbs during my cycle. I immediately noticed an increase in energy and a decrease of sugar and salt cravings throughout the day. My last menstrual cycle was far more manageable than I've experienced over the last several months - far less bleeding and a less dramatic decrease in energy. I am interested to see if results are cumulative. I'm convinced it is making a difference for me and eagerly share the tip with family and friends.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Anna (OK, US) on 01/06/2008

Hi, I just wanted to write to thank you for the information on Blackstrap molasses. I've had very painful periods ever since I can remember and have had to rely on powerful painkillers just so that I can get through the day. Without my painkillers I will be lying curled up in bed crying from the pain, it is so bad! After taking 1-2 tablespoons of BSM per day for 3 months, I am having my first "normal" period. Yes, there is still pain and cramping, but I believe this is closer to the normal levels. I am uncomfortable at times but not crying in bed so it is a definite improvement. It is also the first time in YEARS I didn't pop my pills! THANK YOU so much!

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Daniela (Queens, NY) on 12/28/2007

Blackstrap molasses/heavy periods/clotting -- I am beyond speech - the blackstrap molasses worked!!!!!!!! last month i literally needed to walk around with a mop and bucket when i had my periods and this month my period was lighter --- and absolutely noooooooooo clots. It's a miracle! i've only been taking the blackstrap molasses for one month (one tbsp daily in my coffee). I am so happy that words cannot describe!

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Angel (San Francisco, California) on 12/08/2007

After having irregular periods for 3 months, and no diagnoses for it other than hormonal imbalance, I decided to look into what I could do to take my own health into my hands. I found information regarding BSM and decided I would give it a try. After 2 weeks, my constant spotting stopped. I began to feel energetic and started walking every day again. My mood has lifted. And everyone I know has asked me what skin cream I'm using, because my skin is visibly glowing! I'm also sleeping better. And I cannot deny that my sugar cravings have lessoned. Before I began my 3 tablespoon a day regimen of black strap molasses, I know my body was depleted of vitamins and minerals. I will be continuing with BSM in hopes that my health will improve along with other measures I intend to take!

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Samantha (Reno, NV) on 12/08/2007

I tried using blackstrap molasses for a extremely heavy period with clots and severe cramps. I have been having the problem for over two years and have been to the doctor a few times to see what could be done about this problem. The doctor advised me to go on birth control pills which I did not want to do. I found this website and thought there is no way this could work but I'm going to try it. I started using the BSM about two weeks ago. I have definitely noticed with this period that it is lighter and I can't believe I'm hardly have any clots and no "flooding" this time. Also cramping is minimal this time. I'm going to keep up the treatment and I will let you all know my progress. I'm ecstatic! Thank You EC!

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Maureen (Portland, ME) on 10/17/2007

I started taking the blackstrap molasses to slow down the white hair growth. I think that has helped to some degree. But, what I have really noticed is my menstrals....much more pleasant. Less painful and not so heavy. What a pleasant surprise. Usually my breasts hurt too...but not this time. I think I will be taking this forever. Now, if my little white hairs go away...well, this would be perfect!!

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Diane (Dallas, TX) on 09/01/2007

Black Strap Molasses stopped my heavy and over-long periods. After only one month of using it. My doctor was suggesting a hysterectomy because I have fibroids and sometimes I was bleeding for an entire month. I have had several surgeries in the past and I don't want to ever be cut on again. I found your site using google. I didn't really think the black strap molasses would work, but I was ready to try almost anything to avoid a surgery. Someone else on this site suggested taking ibuprofen with the molasses. I started taking both daily. I have since stopped taking the ibuprofen but continued taking the molasses daily in the morning and at night before bed. After months of my periods lasting for weeks at a time I had a period end after only six days. I take it by tablespoon. I don't like the taste but I want to get it over with quickly. I see the doctor again in October for a check on my fibroids. The black strap molasses has not changed my gray hair, but I am so very pleased about the change in my period.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Trish (Kansas City, MO) on 07/08/2007

After reading some comments regarding Blackstrap Molasses and how it may help ease a menstral cycle, I decided to give it a shot. I have HORRID cramps, particularly near the ovaries, as well as terrible lower backpain, severe muscle cramps in my legs, and the worst fatigue. My periods are short, usually 3 days or less, but nightmare nonetheless. I bought some molasses on the second day of my last mensus and within five or ten minutes of taking my first tablespoon, I felt very relaxed. My stomach cramps didn't go away unfortunately, but the leg cramps disappeared and I was simply in a more relaxed state, mentally and physically. So I was better prepared emotionally to deal with the remaining physical pain. I also noticed that I bled considerably less and as many others have reported, the color was much lighter. By the third day I was barely 'spotting. I have found the best way for me to take the molasses is mixed in with a glass of warm vanilla almond milk. It almost completely covers the taste. I tried with warm cow's was tolerasble, but tasted much better with the almond milk. Also, I would love to leave my e-mail address for other people, but unfortunately I received a rude e-mail from someone, in regards to a testimony I left about hydrogen peroxide and how it has helped me, calling me a useless idiot. It made me very sad that people actually act this way. My opinion is that if it doesn't work for you, move on quietlty and look for something else. But don't insult people who are simply trying to share valuable information with others who are suffering.

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