Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Posted by Jennie (Fort Wayne, IN) on 02/25/2009

I am in the middle of a bad sinus infection with a lot of the pain settling in my jaw and bottom teeth. Last night I finally went to the clinic and got on an antibiotic. When I got home, I was miserable and sobbing from the pain, so I sliced up a garlic clove and placed it along my gumline and held it there for a few minutes - as long as I could. This was the only comfort I'd had - nothing over-the-counter was working, and it allowed me to go to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I had a lot of drainage down the back of my throat and a giant ball of pus where I had placed the garlic. I am convinced that it drew out my infection.

Posted by Wendy (Moose Jaw, SK.) on 02/24/2009

I have always seem to have had abcesses, cavities etc.and have used most all main stream remedies one can imagine.The other night desperate for pain relief I tried Garlic Clove on my tooth and gum, it helped quite a bit, but I also had swollen gland in my throat... probably abcess. Between the garlic and gargling with salt I am greatly improved! Thanks Earth Clinic for this great site!

Posted by Dean (Kansas City, MO) on 02/16/2009

I had a tooth ache and sore gums beginning on Friday night. Didn't sleep hardly at all. Saturday morning, I got out the garlic - 1 pealed clove. I sliced the clove in half and put each half on the sore gums, cut side facing gums/tooth. It burned like crazy. Kept it there and moved it around for at least 30 minutes, maybe longer. I also ate one clove of garlic toward the end of this. Slept much better that night and on Sunday, I still had some soreness. probably caused by the garlic burning but the tooth pain was totally gone. It's now Monday morning and I can hardly tell that I even had a problem. Garlic rules!

Posted by Rick (Edmonton, Canada) on 02/10/2009

Hi, came across your site the other day while suffering from what I suspect was the start of a tooth abcess.I am in the US until March 1st and was looking at the possibility of having to seek treatment here which would have been very expensive. The CDN dollar is only worth 80 cents US. Fortunately I came across the info on using garlic to treat the tooth. I have been very sceptical in the past about home remedies. I tried a slice of garlic clove placed on the gums and treated the tooth for approximately 4 hours yesterday. Applying the garlic to the gums did hurt for a short time. I replaced the clove several times to insure the garlic oils remained strong. To my amazement the tooth stopped hurting by evening and appears to be far so good! Thanks for the many that provided their feedback. After reading over 20 posts on this subject it convinced me there must be something to it. Thanks for creating this site so this kind of information can be shared. Good work and great site!

Posted by Cathy (Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland) on 02/02/2009

Garlic - dental abscess: I have been in agony for around 5 days now taking really strong painkillers every 3 hours for an abscess on a tooth. Nothing was helping alot of tears were cried and alot of sleep missed out on and then.......I came across this site whilst trying to find some way of easing the pain. GARLIC sliced and placed on infected gum, it STINGS LIKE CRAZY but after 30mins rubing it on gums and then chewing the pain subsided. After all the pills and antibiotics I have taken this was such a welcome relief and no danger to the liver. Have now book marked this site....Thanks very much

Posted by Abby from Italy (Latina, Italy) on 01/26/2009

I had gone to the dentist and he told me to get an x-ray because he said, "we might have to do surgery". I used the garlic with preserverence not just one or two times a day. The abscess went away. I have no pain now and I did the x-ray a few days after I used the garlic remedy. I have to return to the dentist but, I surely don't have the pain from my tooth anymore. I wish I had known about this remedy before, because I didn't sleep for an entire night.

Posted by Terry (Huntington Beach, CA) on 01/14/2009

Garlic (for wisdom tooth abcess) 50 cents.

Apple Cider Vinegar (for congestion) 2 bucks.

Table salt (for sinus rinse) had some.

Having a wisdom tooth abscess that lead to sinus infection (on one side), sore throat, and mild ear plugging all clear up by the 5th day... ( i know corney)... PRICELESS!!!

I thought I was coming down with a cold cause my sinuses and throat were feeling a bit messed up, but only on one side. My wisdom tooth started to hurt the day before. Checked out your site and it linked all my ailments. I knew about the garlic for toothaches and ACV for congestion and saline rinse thing but didn't know my problems were related. I read a comment where someone had an upper tooth/gum infection move up into their sinuses!!!

First I chewed a raw clove of garlic and pushed the wad over my tooth. Burns like my favorite spicey foods, but in 5-10 min pain is gone and garlic juices help kill the abcess.

Then I made a ACV drink. Half a cap in a 8 oz. glass to bust up the snot. Blew my nose and enough came out that I could breath through both nostrils.

With my nose open enough now I did the salin rinse (neti pot style with a ketchup style squirt bottle with the tip cut down to about 1/2 an inch). I think a tablespoon of salt in a pint (16 oz.) of warm water works great!!!

If I didn't check out this site I would probably be trying to treat a cold... THIS SITE ROCKS!!!

Thanks for putting it all out there for others...Terry

Posted by Joe (Dundee, Scotland) on 01/14/2009

Whenever I get a gum abscess (not that frequent, but still enough to agitate me.), I have always drained it myself (painful, but has the desired result.) However, very recently, I had an abscess which lasted for over one week and was too painful to drain. I am the opposite of a hypochondriac and I believe in my bodies' ability to heal itself within reason, but this was getting too much. After some research, I found this website which recommended Garlic. I must be honest and say that I am shocked at how effective it actually was. I sliced part of a clove and wedged it between my inner cheek and the abscess (gum). At first, it burns (may burn alot depending on pain threshold) and feels quite uncomfortable, but try and bear it. After an hour, there was no pain and a noticeable reduction in swelling. The abscess then drained and appears to be healing fine. I have always had an interest in the healing powers of plants, herbs and natural methods (within reason) and I am very much anti pharmaceutical drugs, especially when nature can provide an equally good remedy. In this society, economic gain seems to over rule health.

Further research on Garlic has led me onto an interesting history on Garlic and what it can offer in a medicinal sense. Had it not been for this website (and the people who have left honest opinions), I would not have discovered this remedy. Thank you very much.

Posted by Donald (Houston, Texas USA) on 01/06/2009

If you have gum swelling and an abcess relative to an infected tooth, you will get immediate relief and your swelling will be removed and any pain will be gone.

Here is what you do:
1. Slice a clove of garlic in half lengthwise.

2. Place the sliced side inside your gum facing the tooth infection.

3. Place the other half on the other side of your gum.

4. You must let the garlic remaing in your gums for at least 45 minutes moving the garlic around in your mouth.

5. Get ready to get automatic relief. Continue the same routine day 2.


"Only the Best",


Posted by LA (Chicago, IL) on 12/18/2008

GARLIC - YES!!!!! Thanks!! This really worked and REALLY burned. I consider myself the queen of tooth infections, however I've been needing a tooth extraction for some years now and just as I was scheduled to have it pulled my dentist rescheduled my appt. and I am now in pain with a returning abscess. I'm tired of spending money on antibiotics and pain killers and I only need to delay for a week so I tried Garlic and YES it Worked. It tastes gross and burns but if you're in pain you may want to try it. THANKS!!!!!!

Posted by Rose (Plainfield, Chicago) on 11/30/2008

I had a terrible tooth ache this moning. My tooth chipped a few months ago and so my nerve is exposed. I was in so much pain crying and drinking tylenol extra strenght a bunch after one another nd the dentist is closed on a sunday so I looked on the internet for a quick remedy then I saw this site looked and saw garlick I hate garlic but I thought garlic or pain. I tried it and for sure within half an hour the pain was gone and I fell asleep. Thank you sooooooooo much if it wasn't for this site I probably would still be crying now. I will use the garlic once a week just in case but also go and see my dentist.

Thank you so much I will be looking on this site only if I need help again.

Yours sincerely
Rose Cooper

Posted by Matthew (Coon Rapids, Minnesota, USA) on 11/05/2008

I am not a liberal by any means, but I got home from a wedding 5 days ago & my tooth hurt so bad from the infection, there was no way I could sleep, so I browsed the internet for a simple cure to relieve my pain until I could see my dentist.

Honestly, the Garlic stung my mouth so bad I couldn't keep it in after biting into it for more than 30 seconds, but the pain went away from the garlic after about 5-10 minutes & my mouth has not hurt since.

I can still feel the infection but everyday it seems as if it's going away slowly but surely. I went to see my dentist after the 3rd day on only taking garlic once or twice a day and he couldn't believe I was not in pain but he still insisted that I see a different dentist about getting a root canal.

So now is day 5 and when I see this dentist 2 days from now I don't think the infection will even be there because I honestly believe that Garlic has antibacterial properties that are more amazing than common day drugs. And that's a tough pill to swallow for me, and if you don't believe, just try it.
Suck on it for a few minutes in the infected spot, then bite into it and keep it in as long as you can, it will hurt pretty bad the 1st time but then there is just relief. Trust me!

Posted by Travis (Savannah, GA) on 09/03/2008

Wow is all I can say. I have been in extreme pain all night. My tooth is abscessed and infected. I believe the infection has moved up my neck as well as head. Could not get a dentist appointment. Had tried several different things including over the counter pain killers, different herbs, & even liquor trying to dull the pain. Got to the point I had to keep ice on the tooth to keep it from hurting. Finally I ran across this site and discovered RAW GARLIC. This really works. The first time I spit it out almost instantly due to the painful burning. Then a few min. later I forced myself to do it again & keep chewing. Thank God because the pain is gone. And when I say gone I mean GONE. Thank you all sooo much.

Posted by James (Kent, UK) on 08/23/2008

I used garlic for my tooth abscess and within 3 days they has cleared. Before i knew about garlic i had to take anti biotics which had unwanted side effects like tummy cramps. Now i always take garlic when i have problems with my gums or any other infections such as ear infections. I had one nasty ear infection and it went fast after i had taken 500mg of odourless garlic a day for a couple of days.

Posted by Jessica Marie (Houston, Tx) on 08/21/2008

I have very Bad teeth problems (run in my family) and am only 25 years old! I am suffering from an absess that has spread from my bottom jaw to my eye. I went to the E.R. yesterday and also contacted my dentist only to have recieved 2 diffrent antibiotics and some pain killers! I was in serious pain and ...looking at my self in the mirror only to see a swollen disgusting puss filled face ...I broke down to tears and decided to look at my options on the internet.There I found this site and I found one word...GARLIC!!! I used it 10 minutes ago and now the infection has formed pockets above my longer heading to my eye!!It looks and feels so much better! I used whole cloves and powder the powder burns alot worse and I am goin to continue using this! I will fill you in with the end result! Much love for garlic...Jess!

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