Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Insomnia: A Comprehensive Guide

Ginger Tea
Posted by Famcoll (Tennessee) on 10/23/2017

I discovered quite accidentally that a strong cup of ginger tea brewed from fresh ginger slices taken one hour before bedtime makes me sleep. After years of using medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, to induce sleep I found that ginger tea, for me, has a soporific effect. Since I couldn't find anything on the web explaining this phenomenon, I looked up information on some Chinese language websites. Only one explained the use of ginger as a sleep agent. Apparently, it works only for people who are "pa leng" or "afraid of cold." This means, if you have the tendency to have cold fingers and toes you may benefit from ginger tea as a sleep agent. Anyway, it works for me.

ACV, Baking Soda and Cayenne
Posted by Stephanie (Cantonment, Fl) on 09/25/2017

Regarding having candida, and feeling so bad with taking the feel so bad, bacause the ACV is killing the candida and working. Just increase your intake of good water daily and eat mainly lean proteins and nutritious vegetables. When your body is finally rid of the dead candida, you will start feeling great.

Breathing Exercises
Posted by Mary Lee (Coaldale, Colorado) on 08/31/2017

I've been doing deep breathing exercises with Dr. Andrew Weil and they have given me the rest I need. They have also helped with my blood pressure, my atrial fibulation, and my moods. You can get his tape just about anywhere. He's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And so are his instructions for breathing.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Trudyg (Bama) on 07/31/2017

Has anyone heard of ZMA? I think it's zinc magnesium aspartate. It was mentioned in the comments I was reading about lunesta. I've got to get some sleep--I've been on here for years and have tried everything anyone has suggested, but I still can't fall asleep or stay asleep for longer than 15-20 minutes. I'm kind of afraid to try anything with magnesium in it--I've tried every kind of magnesium there is and still get bad diarrhea, so I try to avoid it. (And, when I have taken it, I had no relaxation from it at all. I can use mag oil, but too much of that gets the belly rumbling too)

ACV, Baking Soda and Cayenne
Posted by Shifra (Boston) on 06/24/2017

When do you take it. If I use it for sleep do I take before bed?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Randy (California) on 05/30/2017

Could this be used to make alkaline water or a sports hydration drink?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kayla (Oelwein, Iowa ) on 05/09/2017

You should not be drinking Apple Cider Vinegar plain!! Always mix with at least 4-8 oz water or juice, I use 3 oz water + 3 oz aloe Vera juice + 1 tbsp acv. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar undiluted is very harsh on tooth enamel and can also burn your esophagus over time

Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF)
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 03/31/2017


HI U BIRDS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,, this new toy is sumpin else. I do an 8 minute sleep insomnia program and wake up two hours later. Wow. Think I have lots to learn. Will keep you informed as I progress. So far, it is out of this world. Just hope it takes my back pain away. Me and my Tractor Driver are fighting over time on the mat. This is the new health dimension that includes all your senses. Encourage all to research. German designed and Swiss built. I just woke up, by the way and on the way to see Amorphous......... yet again.


Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate
Posted by Janet (In) on 02/10/2017

Namaw. So sorry I miswrote. 1 put a pinch of baking soda not a dose in almost every liquid remedy I make. Janet

Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate
Posted by Janet (In) on 02/10/2017

Namaw I use this in the morning before coffee or anything else. 1/8 tsp pot carb I have not added baking soda but I add a small pinch of sea salt

The 5 mg melatonin at night.

The baking soda method I use is Teds alkalyzing formula. 2x a day. 1/2 hour after food. 5 days a week.

Apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp add 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz then add half a glass of water and drink. This is pain relief and digestive health normalizing stool.

Or... For circulation and digestion I use 1 whole lime squeezed or 8 tsp add 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz. Add 1/2 glass of water drink same schedule. This helps get rid of excess calcium too.

The most help for our family for no sleep is in this order.

Potassium carbonate..melatonin..

Digestion ..enzymes aminos baking soda with and after food

Sufficient minerals through the day from food and sea salt.

Bulletproof coffee or butter and collagen...and again improves gut health..drink during the day.

I have used iodine 1 drop in water of 5% lugols iodine before bed.

I had to go further for Ken and I as we are 60 yrs and correct hormones provide a better platform for sleep and health. Progesterone cream applied to upper body 2 or 3x a week. Pregnanolone 25mg. 2x a week. 25mg of dhea. I take it 5x a week as it corrects my intestinal issues too. The melatonin is also part of this.

Ted talks frequently of acid brain preventing sleep th fix is the alkalyzing drink.

Our results...

1 daughters narcolepsy solved with defluoridating water.

1 lifetime of insomnia for another daughter was blending her food. Bulletproof. Because it was her bad digestion and fluoride

Me the quickest relief was potassium carbonate. But my overall health and better sleep was a gentle regime of the above mentioned. I just added things slowly until I normalized.

My husbands body clock must be reset for 3rd shift everyday. He does much of the above and at bedtime takes 2.5 mg lithium gaba melatonin.

Adding niacinamide 250mg 3x a day. Often boosts sleep at night as our bodies need and use quite a lot of it.

These are things if you need further help. Beyond your question. It is what we have found successful. But no sleep is really a symptom of many ailments in our house. Each unique and handled differently.


Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate
Posted by Namaw (Bama) on 02/10/2017

I, too, am curious about how to use the bicarbonate of soda & potassium bicarbonate for sleep. I have both items. From what I have read, I take 1/4 tsp soda & 1/8 tsp potassium in a glass of water. Is this one dose per day, just at night, or one dose in the morning and another at night? or 1 dose half in morning and the other half at night? I must not be reading Ted's passage correctly because I cant' see this info. Can someone help me, hopefully in time for bed tonight?

Ted's Alkalizing Remedy
Posted by Janet (In) on 02/07/2017

Granny, I use Ted's remedy in the morning. It seems to improve sleeping at night. 5 drops of magnesium oil or 2 magnesium malate 250mg.

Going further into his remedies as I have multiple problems. I have used dhea 25mg in the am and. 5mg melatonin at night. Including the potassium carbonate.

I was truly shocked that the pot. carb. was so effective. I mention the other as a fall back. Janet

Ted's Alkalizing Remedy
Posted by Granny (Va) on 02/07/2017

Just a question. I'm planning to follow Ted's advice for insomnia--1/4 tsp Potassium Carbonate + 1/2 tsp Sodium Carbonate in a glass of water to alkalize my system. Do I do this once a day? In the evening before bed? or does that even matter? I tested my ph first thing this morning and it was all the way on the acid end. (my test strip is for fish tank, so not so accurate, I think). I have ordered strips specifically for humans saliva & urine. Thanks for all your help.

Neutral Bedding Colors
Posted by Sophia (Cork) on 02/02/2017

Staying at a guest house in Ireland, I had very bad insomnia every night. The sheets, pillow cases, duvet cover, and throws were red. When these were changed to neutral colors my sleep pattern returned to normal.

Posted by Yc (Virginia) on 01/17/2017

I took 400 mg magnesium glycerinate an hour before bed for 2 nights and had severe insomnia both nights. Does that mean I am not MG deficient? Or should I take them during the day? I have been having menopause based insomnia, I think, for over 5 years, and so eager to find something that can help me sleep.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Whisperingsage (N Ca) on 01/14/2017 45 posts

ACV pops out gallstones- I have read other comments on it causing constipation, and that might be from freeing up gallstones (which can cause diarrhea), and the GERD symptoms definitely can be a sign of gallstones.

Clove Tea
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 12/23/2016

I love the smell of cloves. Oddly, I am not a fan of clove essential oil, but the powdered cloves smell wonderful to me. So I had the jar of cloves out on the counter and thought, I should make me some clove tea! I put 1/4 teaspoon in a little mug and added boiling water. I meant to drink it after a few minutes but got distracted. By the time I remembered it, the cloves had steeped for 20 minutes or more. I remembered reading a story about someone who used very strong clove tea to help them sleep. I considered not drinking the tea but it sounded so yummy. (It was dinner time and I didn't want to be sleepy yet.)

I sat down for a few minutes after my tea and next thing I knew I was waking up from a cat nap. Oops! At least I didn't burn dinner or anything.

I guess clove tea really does help you to relax and zone out. If you try it, let me know if it works for you!

~Mama to Many~

Skullcap and Valerian
Posted by J. (Bozeman, Montana) on 11/27/2016


Some time ago I started waking up at night, unable to sleep consistently. I searched around and found that the herbal mixtures of skullcap and valerian finally worked for me.


Amino Acids
Posted by Canadian Dave (Canada) on 11/26/2016 15 posts

People may have to avoid arginine if they have cold sores or herpes. Glutamine can also be a problem in high doses in people who are gluten intolerant.

Eliminate EMFs
Posted by Canadian Dave (Canada) on 11/26/2016 15 posts

I have to unplug some things to get a good night's sleep. I also sleep poorly if strong magnets are near the bed (like speakers) or, and even solar powered devices, and - I don't know if this is weird or not - if I have polyester in my pajamas or too much polyester in the room. I've found some success learning about the best feng shui direction to sleep in - its different for every birth year, and in herbal supplements too, the easiest being lettuce.

Vitamin D
Posted by Canadian Dave (Canada) on 11/26/2016 15 posts

I find that taking vitamin D prevents sleep unless taken only in the morning. B vitamin complex I have to take only in the morning too.

Castor Oil
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 11/22/2016

Hello there Mama to Many!

Been reading your postings often. Good work there. I can relate to your use of a Castor Oil pack! I commenced a couple of weeks ago and have done it for one hour in the afternoon, six days each week, on my lower back. I largely follow your regime. I have cut a piece of flannel and folded it four times to make a six inch by six inch pad. Left in a container in the 'fridge in a little bit of good quality, Castor Oil (enough to lightly saturate but NO more), I drag it out when the billy has boiled and nearly fill the hot water bottle. Lying face down on a protective cloth over a piece of foam in my "sleep out" ( the smell is best kept to one's self ), I proceed to place the pad directly on the lumbar region, cover with a second layer of dry, double-folded flannel cloth, a double layer of plastic sheeting and then the HWB. Time passes O.K. I sometimes nod off until my clockwork timer shrills, when I promptly arise and use the discarded hot water from the HWB, plus a little Bicarb. and a dedicated sponge, to wipe down the nether regions. Already in my working gear, I am then good to garden. Good as gold: job done.

Does it warrant such dedication you may well ponder? Well I AM sleeping much better, not going to "you no where" during the night, and feeling more mobile with a bit less pain. So it is worth all that lot for starters. Kidneys and liver yes but ovaries no I suspect. Mind you, I have gone and done the Raised Bed Trick, about four inches so far, at the same time I started on the Oil. Also, now taking Alfalfa and more MSM so that may have helped. Again, I have re-commenced my "Brew" of Molasses, Lime juice, Honey and ACV once per day which I am always a complete fan of anyway.

So yes, my sleeping HAS improved for sure and I think the Hot Oil Pad may be the secret and it only took a couple of weeks to kick in so all's good. I hope this helps others. Worth a try for sure and there may be other benefits too.

I love this Site as much as you do!

Cheers, Michael

Castor Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 11/21/2016

Has anyone tried a castor oil pack for insomnia? I have seen that some use a drop in the eyes or on the eyelids for sleep.

I find that when I use one overnight I seem to sleep better and longer. I find them cozy and relaxing and that effect seems to last into the next day.

I put castor oil onto a piece of flannel (folded over a couple of times – maybe the end result is 6 inches by 6 inches – not too scientific.) I cover that with some plastic wrap. If I wear a long stretchy camisole under my night clothes, it seems to hold it in place pretty well. (But use old pajamas and sheets anyway, just in case! ) Then I apply a heating pad. I confess I do leave the heating pad on all night. This is not recommended for diabetics, the elderly or children. (Maybe for anyone. A warm rice sock would be an alternative.)

You are supposed to wash off the castor oil with a baking soda rinse in the morning, but I don't actually do that.

Castor oil packs are commonly used to detox the liver. I have heard that the liver detoxes overnight. Maybe the castor oil pack helps this process? Maybe sleep troubles is in part caused by a sluggish liver? Just wild guesses here.

Anyway, castor oil packs do help me to sleep well (even when I am using them over an ovary or my gall bladder.) I would be interested to hear if anyone else experiences this.

~Mama to Many~

Nettle Tea
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 07/22/2016

Thank you, Mama, for taking your time to look into this. I can imagine how busy you must be with you family, farm animals and all the reading and remedies you prepare. You have generously helped so many of us here on Earth Clinic with you knowledge and advice, using herbs most of us are not familiar with, in ways we would never have discovered without you!

Nettle Tea
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/21/2016

Dear Rsw,

Well, I have checked several of my herbal books. Though some are technical in nature, none are technical enough to answer your excellent question about nettle's effect on serum iron levels of those with already high levels.

I will keep my eyes open for the answer to this in my reading and if I find out anything further I will let you know!

~Mama to Many~

Nettle Tea
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 07/20/2016

I am going to give that one a whirl, Mama. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since early menopause 12 yrs. ago. I don't have insomnia, per se, but I sleep only 2-3 hours before waking, regardless of how exhausted I am. I then toss and turn the remainder of the night. Sometimes, I'll doze off for another hour, but generally speaking, if I get even 4 consecutive hours of sleep, I feel like I had a good night. :

As I said here a week or so ago, sometimes we don't know 'why' something works; it just does! It sounds like Nettle tea for insomnia is one of them. :) I'm looking forward to trying it. Thanks so much for your never ending wisdom!

Nettle Tea
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 07/19/2016

Hi Mama,

What a great post about the nettle tea helping with insomnia! I have enjoyed your posts on how it helps with allergies, but this is a very welcome observation for many of us.

My question is this - I looked it up on several sites and noticed that it may raise iron levels, which would be helpful for those with anemia. Have you ever read in any of your herbal books if it also increases serum iron in those with already high levels? If not, this may be very helpful to me, and if it does, it may be very helpful to those with low iron levels, in addition to all it's other benefits. Thanks for posting this.

Nettle Tea
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/19/2016

Dear Namaw,

Yes, you could dry the leaves and then use them to make tea. I think it is not recommended to use older leaves but to use young leaves.

I have not dried nettles myself before. I have mostly just dried plantain and burdock leaves. In fact, just today a friend showed me some nettle at her house; previously I couldn't even identify it. I can't wait to find some where I live.

I assume you know to use gloves when harvesting the nettles. Here is a great article about using nettles and drying them, with pictures!

~Mama to Many~

Nettle Tea
Posted by Namaw (Bama) on 07/19/2016

M to M--if I use my nettle that's growing outside, I dry the leaves first, then crumble and use for the tea? I've never made it into tea before. Thanks.

Nettle Tea
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/18/2016

Well, a friend and I have stumbled upon something for insomnia. Nettle tea! I gave my friend some dry nettle (with some peppermint for flavor) for a health issue. (I don't recall which health issue, but it wasn't insomnia.) She has had trouble sleeping for decades. Since childhood even. She started making and consuming a very strong nettle infusion. After several days she realized she was sleeping 7 hours a night and not waking up and having trouble getting back to sleep. The only thing she was doing differently was taking nettle.

I do not know why nettle is helping her. I have guesses. Nettle is a highly nutritive herb. Perhaps a simple undetected vitamin or mineral deficiency was causing the sleeping trouble. Nettle is a blood purifier. Perhaps the nettle is dealing with something in her system that was causing trouble sleeping. I can't explain it, but I can say that nettle is generally very safe. For someone who has tried "everything" for insomnia, strong nettle tea might just be the solution.

To make a strong nettle infusion:

Put 4 tablespoons of tea leaves (3 T. nettle, 1 T. peppermint) in a quart jar.

Pour very hot water over the leaves.

Cover with a lid.

Steep overnight.

Strain in the morning and drink throughout the day. Keep in the refrigerator. Discard 24 hours after you begin the brew.

This tea is also great for allergies and asthma and general poor health.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 06/23/2016

I have to admit I am fascinated with Neem Tea. It does so many wonderful things for your health if you are faithful to it.

But one thing I have a problem with is it makes me sleepy. I learned there are different degrees of sleepiness of how deep certain herbs, minerals etc make or help you to sleep. Well I only take a few sips of Neem tea a day during its term of use, and it never fails to make me knock me out sleep. If you are a driver, the day you take the neem is a good day to take the train or bus. Someone needs to know why they are sleeping so hard. Take a look in the insomnia section where I would like EC to post this one. You will find out why you are so sleepy during the day. For example I did not know iodine gives you good sleep. But it does. I saw it on the list and tested it out.


Posted by C (Ava, Mo) on 06/05/2016

2 stars for 5 HTP.

I have tried it off and on and you can build up an intolerance, which I did and cause you not to sleep. The best sleep aid is not on here are adaptogens for adrenal health.. Helps with deep sleep, energy like crazy---the best!!!!! This is almost my silver bullet and I have had extremely severe problems!!!!!

Oh I forgot the most important one!!! If your stomach is bloated and you have gas, it may be a sign of allergies of food, for example gluten or milk. If people eat what they are allergic to, it can cause severe insomnia. The very best recommendation is go on an elimination diet like I did and I started sleeping. When I mess up the diet, my sleep is bad.

Posted by C (Ava, Mo) on 06/05/2016

2 stars for 5 HTP. Oh I forgot the most important one!!! If your stomach is bloated and you have gas, it may be a sign of allergies of food, for example gluten or milk. If people eat what they are allergic to, it can cause severe insomnia. The very best recommendation is go on an elimination diet like I did and I started sleeping. When I mess up the diet, my sleep is bad.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John Welch (Fl) on 03/06/2016

Yes, potassium would be a major factor in "turning off" the adrenals and thus cortisol production. I use 3 drops Lugol's and two caps Apple Cider Vinegar. I'm going to try mixing in the honey and sodium bicarbonate.

Posted by Bama (Bama) on 02/29/2016


I have ibs-d and insomnia. Ted (I think) suggested magnesium for the insomnia, but I have to be careful taking it because of the diarrhea. So, I've been reading and have heard of something called angstrom magnesium--such small particles that it bypasses the gut and goes straight into the system. So, I got some and tried it last night--had diarrhea all day today. I also do the mag oil, so am I getting too much? It did seem to help me sleep, I was groggy most of today, but it wasn't a good sound sleep. I wake and doze all night. I also take niacin (500 mg 2X/day), the code kind of multivitamin, d3, b complex, astaxanthin (4 mg/d), calcium aep (don't remember the dose) and ubiquinol (200 mg/d). I use the mag oil in the morning after my shower, about a tablespoon worth. I thought the angstrom kind didn't cause digestive upset--maybe it was something else? I really felt under the weather all day. Thanks for the input.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pete (New York) on 12/06/2015

How do you prepare the apple cider with the kcup in the keurig coffee maker?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/12/2015 2063 posts

Extended use of Nutmeg is not recommended as it is mildly toxic and hallucinogenic. Can induce wild dreams or nightmares, dry mouth, and constipation.

One could safely include Nutmeg with these herbs: Valerian, Hops, Avena Sativa, Passionflower, Kava, and Chamomile for a more pronounced effect.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bev (Nuvivet) on 10/11/2015

I have the same problem.. tried all of the above and the only thing work was nutmeg and milk. 1 tsp of powder nutmeg mix in warm milk. Drink just before bed. This work really good. Moreover, nutmeg is very good for your overall health. Hope this works.. please let me know.

Good luck.

Posted by Dianec (California) on 10/02/2015

Dear Flippside (Tampa, Fl),

The Zinc worked like a charm!!! I only used it once at 15 mg. and not only was I asleep in half an hour amazingly I had tremendous energy all day! I had been dragging for weeks and not sleeping! And without taking anything I am sleepy right now. But I am taking one tab of Zinc right now!

I can't believe the energy I have with only one tab of zinc!

Thanks so much for posting this!

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/30/2015

Dear Gal,

I think the best way to take Iron is with Blackstrap Molasses. A tablespoon once a day. I have also used Floradix. That works well, but it is expensive.

Using a cast iron skillet is also a great way to get iron into your foods. I use my cast iron skillet daily.

The herb, Yellow Dock is also high in iron.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/30/2015

Gal, I've taken Blackstrap Molasses for iron, when nothing else worked. I wonder if it would work for sleep.

Posted by Gal (Gal) on 09/30/2015

I happened to be at the hospital and spoke to a sleep Dr.She said the first thing she has sleep patients do is start iron. Said that, often, this is enough to correct the sleep issue. I've never heard of this but I'm willing to try anything. What kind is most easily tolerated? I've tried the sloFE and it was awful on my tummy. Thanks.

Posted by Flippside (Tampa, Fl) on 09/30/2015

I am a 52 year old post menopausal woman who has had a challenging time during the past couple of years during the transition due to adrenal fatigue. I have tried everything for insomnia due to cortisol fluctuations and recently tried zinc supplements (zinc glycinate chelate) after reading that zinc lowers cortisol. Results were immediate and I'm happy to report that I have been sleeping like a baby, 8-9 hours straight, for over two weeks now! I initially started with 30mg before bed, but I have cut back to 15mg with no noticeable affect. I also take magnesium glycinate before bed but it alone wasn't enough. Just wanted to share in hopes that supplementing with zinc might help others!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Lily (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/06/2015

Another great remedy I have found for sleeplessness/anxiety is oil pulling, specifically before bed or in the evening. I know you're supposed to oil pull in the morning before eating, but when I oil with Grapeseed oil it makes me so tired and feel so relaxed, it's really something I need to do at night!

I have tried various oils - coconut - which was quite possibly the WORST thing for anxiety - my heart was racing for days - BE CAREFUL with coconut oil if you are prone to anxiety! I tried several other oils and didn't feel much of anything, but GRAPESEED OIL is like taking a sedative for me. I feel so calm and could sleep for 12 hours, the deepest sleep with very vivid dreams. A must try for people with anxiety and insomnia!!
