Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Insomnia: A Comprehensive Guide

Oil Pulling With Safflower Oil
Posted by Sammygirl (Park Hills, Missouri) on 09/26/2012

I have trouble sleeping, I have been watching Dr. Oz and talking about belly fat blasters so have been taking safflower for that. My husband and I both were taking them in the morning and I was falling back asleep and he was getting super sleepy during his drive to work. We left the safflower out because I had remembered reading somewhere that safflower can be beneficial for insomnia, so we stopped taking in the the morning and were fine. Now I take them at night and works way better than melatonin!

Oil Pulling With Safflower Oil
Posted by Winnie (washington, dc) on 01/08/2008

I stumbled on your site when searching for side effects for coconut oil. I took coconut oil for about 4 weeks and gained about 10 pounds, I was really hoping for the reverse; anyway I found your site and a lot of good information. I started oil pulling the very day I read about it, I have tried with extra virg. olive oil, sunflower, I didn't notice any real change after just one try. then I tried Safflower oil, did it in the morning just after brushing, then I felt sleepy, I decided to lay down on the couch, and slept for 3 hours; I didn't make a connection then until this morning I tried safflower oil again, same reaction. I slept so soundly, good thing I had the day off today. I'll try it again tonite, looking forward to a great night's sleep. I took 1TBSP for 20 mins. So if someone out there has problem sleeping, this might work for you. TED, whoever you are, I wish you radiant health and prosperity. Your kindness and generousity is written all over your words. Thank you.
