Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Dietary Changes
Posted by Margaret Alice (Jacksonville, Fl) on 07/28/2014

Cabbage is the best thing to use for constipation. Oatmeal is good too.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 06/12/2014

After trying practically everything mentioned not only on Earth Clinic but other remedies as well. I had brief relief that soon turned back into disappointment and more constipation plus hemorrhoids. So after also trying various Diets you name it been there did it! From Raw vegan, to Paleo, and lots in between. I was also thinking about the food I had as a child which was all Raw Dairy, with Raw eggs beaten in to the milk. Sometimes a bit of honey, sugar was added, and everyday a big dose of Cod liver Oil, malt and vitamin C. A lot of fatty meat, as that was the cheapest cuts and all most people could afford occasionally.

Always fresh veg and mostly garden grown veg and fruit from the grocer's markets. And junk food was a tin of tuna or salmon for Sunday tea sandwiches with a salad and jelly and Blancmange (yuck!! Blancmange!! Never ate that bit!! ) Then every few months the dreaded Castor oil and, when older, Epsom salts clean out.

And to play use your imagination, or make your own Kites out of some old polythene and sticks, cellotape and string. Or chalk on the pavement/side walk and all play whatever game together. And make fishing nets out of an old stocking, bow and arrows from fallen tree wood.

But about the food and no one EVER had constipation either. I also remember that fiber wasn't over sold as well, and too much was considered bad anyway. And every kid I know ate RAW MEAT and/or RAW FISH by 'instinct' . I have read up on 'The Western price' and Sally Fallon's 'Nourishing traditions'. And lot's of traveler's journals where people did as 'Dr Western price did, and that was not do 'The tourist trail' . But to 'Go Native' and live and eat like indigenous groups have done for ever? And practically everything was the way it was done and eaten when I was a child?

I am very mixed raced, and we have many Communities from around the World here in Cardiff, Wales. So we ALL ate 'Native' as everyone shared with everyone else in those days and always swapped their 'Homeland' recipes around as well. The 'Western Price' way of eating is EXACTLY the way we were all eating back then. And although we were all poor we were all fit, healthy, and really intellectually forward as well.

So after year's of battling health problems and trying to find a 'solution' via Diet and living as natural as possible. And constipation ALWAYS having a starring role :-( As of yesterday have gone back to where I started, AKA 'Western Price. theory. What a HUGE difference it is and in just one day!! I forgotten my Mother put us all back on it years ago. Because we all become sick physically or mentally. Along with Mega doses of certain vits, minerals and having a high protein drink or snack every hour. No white bread, only Stone-ground wholemeal and no potatoes. For a few weeks we all felt ill and rougher and that's for two reasons. Detox and becoming 'Ketogenic' . I bloated out a lot and felt right miserable and aching and was going to jump ship as I felt so awful. But my Mother smiled and said 'just bear with it a while longer'. 3 weeks later I awoke like a Butterfly coming out of it's chrysalis.

Not only did I feel 1000% better but my overall appearance had changed as if I'd been given a new body and my skin was radiant. And everybody commented about how good I was looking and even strangers were asking what I put on my hair and skin. And today I'm starting to feel like I did all those years ago at the start, as I now found raw dairy and sour dough bread. I haven't put these items in my body for years and lots of animal fat etc. And I feel just as awful if not worse than I did then. Thats because there's a heap lot wrong with me that wasn't there before.

And as awful as I'm starting to feel, if my Mother was here she'd tell me the same thing again 'Stick with it'. I intend to and I know I have a rough few weeks ahead of me and I remember the 'Miracle' that came out of the suffering the last time. It was just as we got older and all left home we all back slided back to junk food and not looking after ourselves properly and all got sick? I will report back in a few weeks, as Mega doses of vits and mineral's got 'Banned' year's ago as people were healing their self?

So Mega dosing except in certain circumstances is undoable or way too expensive. And after a while you don't need to do the Mega dosing as long as you stick to the eating plan for good. I even lost all my cellulite that I had developed by the age of 13. I don't need anyone's theories to tell me that this works. I lived it as a child, then as a teenager until 18 when I left home. And was thriving everyday I stuck to this way of eating.

And always serene, well, calm and happy and truly at peace with the Universe within. And NO constipation or stomach or other issues and came off all my Meds as well, with no withdrawals or other problems. Love Andrea C xxxx

Posted by Elli (Utah, US) on 06/04/2014

Try drinking about 1/2 cup cold water. Let it sit for about 2-3 minutes, Drink a huge glass of water with 400 mg magnesium and 1000 IU Vit D. And then don't eat or drink anything for about 20 minutes.

Works like a charm. Thank Heavens

Chia Seeds
Posted by Loiz (Ireland) on 04/03/2014

Yes chia seeds also cause low blood pressure for me

Posted by Marisa Bell (Detroit, Mi) on 02/01/2014

I was on a low carb, high protein diet for a while, about a year. During the course of that year, I developed really bad gas. IT always happend at night and I had NO IDEA why it was happening. Come to find out, my stools had hardened and I was having chronic constipation! It was horrible! I first used magnesium as a supplement, but that gave me terrible gas! Then I started trying to do more grains and oats and that made the constipation worse! I tried prune juice which worked, however, gave me really bad gas. So finally I did some research for high fiber fruits and came across mangoes! They have been a life savor. I now eat half a mango twice a day and have been regular finally! It has really helped me with no side effects of bad gas or loose stool. AS with anything youre using to fight constipation, you have to play around to see how much your body needs to be regular. But try it!

Posted by Man (Sojournor In America) on 01/03/2014

If speeding up your bowels is the issue then I know what to tell you here. You will need Cayenne pepper, distilled water. Take a small amount of cayenne pepper and put it in a bottle of distilled water. Drink it all day long. Shake up the bottle each time you take a swig. And by the end of the week of doing that you should be running well. I would also consider Extra virgin Olive oil with turmeric to take once in a while too as necessary.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Figment (Co) on 12/19/2013

Eliminate gluten is right. Add to that, no dairy and then get a squatty potty, a great tool. I just added this to my home, bought 2 and they work GREAT! I wish I had read about it earlier. Anyway, it works to position things correctly so your GI system works as nature intended. LOVE MINE.

Posted by H (Usa) on 12/02/2013

Like the original poster said, you have to boil the flax seeds in water till it gets gelatinous. Strain the seeds, keep the gel. Let it cool, then add 1 tbsp. apple cider to a cup of warm water, along with some of the flax gel poured in. That's what gives it the benefit. The flax seed alone, in it's hard shell won't work. The shells have to be broken down.

Posted by Stan (Las Vegas, Nv) on 10/04/2013

I found the accupressure spot you're looking for. When you put your right hand on your left shoulder, use your left hand and there's a hollow spot just above your right elbow. You'll know when you've found it because there's a sharp pain if you do have a constipation problem.

Apple Juice, Warm
Posted by Pat (Oakville, Ontario) on 09/21/2013

I have been feeling very plugged up lately, so much so that my bra was too tight to wear! I read about drinking a warm cup of apple juice and thought, why not? I heated about 6 oz in the microwave and sipped it after dinner. About a half hour later I felt a slight urge to go to the bathroom and with little effort and no discomfort I had a very rewarding bowel movement! I eat a fairly good diet, with lots of fibre but I can be lax in my consumption of water so using apple juice to move more fluids to my lower bowel was perfect! I will try to increase my daily consumption of water but also include warm apple juice too!

Chia Seeds
Posted by Yellowbird (Portlandia) on 09/11/2013 10 posts


SIDE EFFECTS: Caution with Chia Seeds (and Flax & Primrose Seeds) for those with HYPOtension (very LOW blood pressure)...

These seeds are known for their ability to reduce blood pressure via vasodilation- a good thing for folk with HYPERtension (=High BP), but the quick reduction can be dramatic- even dangerous- for those who live with very low blood pressure already.

Much as I loved them, I had to stop using chia becoz of this effect. Everytime I tried them, within minutes my allready low blood pressure would fall thru the floor: veins overly dilated, throbbing sensation in neck vein, dizzy, faint, anxious, knot in chest, breathless, fluttery heart, skipped beats, light & dark spots before eyes. Classic signs of blood pressure plunging too low, too fast.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/10/2013

Avoid High Animal Protein Diet-especially Milk Protein And Red Meat For Constipation Relief:

High protein weight loss diets often cause constipation. In reverse, lowering animal protein, especially milk protein (including yogurt) and red meat may help constipation. In children intolerance to milk protein is a major cause of constipation. Also, avoid flour kneaded in fat, such as crackers and cookies.

Vitamin D
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/10/2013

Vitamin D helps in constipation issues. It is better to take at least part in an oil based form since Vitamin D, an oil based vitamin, is better absorbed with fat.

Mayo Clinic's site states that people who are deficient can take about 50,000IU weekly for three months and then smaller amounts daily. They write that up to 4000IU daily is safe for people who are not deficient. It is reported that about 70% of people are Vitamin D deficient.

Other place recommend higher doses. They write that at times a 250,000 IU dose was given to children with rickets with no negative results. This high dosaging was given once in about three months.

Vitamin D should be taken with K2. (K2 keeps calcium in the bones and out of the arteries.)

Castor Oil
Posted by Jay (Orlando, Florida) on 08/01/2013

For constipation, I finally found relief by taking a spoon full of cold-pressed castor oil in the mornings along with my cup of tea. I now only need to take the oil about once a week or less.

I started with a strong cleanse (4 tablespoons) initially using the castor oil and gradually reduced the amount over time. Warning stay close to your commode!!!!!

The oil I use is 100% certified organic cold pressed Castor oil.

Dry Mustard in Water
Posted by KT (The Usa) on 05/30/2013

Constipation: I had read an old "grandma" recipe of 1/2 tsp of dry mustard in 1/2 Cup cool water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, before breakfast, would get things moving. It worked great for me and I thought I had posted that here, on EC, but could not locate it so I'm posting it again hoping it will help someone else.

Posted by Amira (Portland, Oregon) on 05/12/2013

If anyone here is like me and read everyone else's posts and thought, "These folks don't have problems like I got problems. I better double the dose," then you will likely experience the same toilet-bound week as I did. This molasses cure works incredibly well (for me, anyways). I initially did 2 Tablespoons in a mug of unsweetened almond milk, added a little honey and heated it to very warm. I did this twice a day for a week and went through a major cleanse. I have had chronic constipation my whole life (I am 26), sometimes going 4 days without a movement, being bloated, unable to think properly (the digestive system being the "2nd brain" and all), and cranky. I did this 2 Tablespoons molasses twice per day treatment for about 2 weeks, and added in a probiotic before bed each night (I have heard probiotics will help with digestion for years, and for some reason just got around to using them-- probably because they cause such bloating and gas if one is not clearing out the digestive system, but in tandem with molasses it was great), as well as drank about 1 Tablespoon chia seeds in water or watermelon juice each day for fiber and cleansing (chia is supposed to absorb and pull toxins from the body). I have not gone more than 1 day without a movement since I began this treatment about a month ago.

Eventually, the 2T of molasses twice per day stopped giving me the runs, I went down to 1 T for a week, and the molasses seemed to be a lot less intense so I just kept up with the probiotic each night, the chia seed drinks in the day, and all was pretty great. After about a week of not drinking it, I thought I would start up again this morning with 1 Tablespoon molasses in warm almond milk, and OH MY, it is now my go-to laxative in the case that I ever just want to 'lighten the load', because within 15 minutes, I was clearing out rapidly. I have researched and I am not quite sure what causes this reaction, though I have heard that it is high in magnesium which will relax the muscles. Beyond that, I don't know what works so well, but I am delighted to have discovered this remedy, and thanks again to EarthClinic for being a wonderful resource!

Chia Seeds
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 04/29/2013

Recently, I read on another health Site about the benefits of Chia Seeds for helping heal constipation. The writer wrote that she came across an article about Salvia (Chia Seeds) ending constipation. She wrote that it sounded almost miraculous. She ordered the seeds, made the gell, and took two heaping tablespoons every morning. (1/3 cup of seeds in 2 cups of water, stir, wait 5 minutes, stir again, and store in the refrigerator - for some people it is best if soaked overnight, especially for intestinal comfort ) At first it took six days to help, then two days, then every day, all without any strain. The seeds can also be more diluted - ex: one tablespoon in a cup of water - immediately stir a few times, then a little while later, pour back and forth between two cups - this way of mixing prevents the gell from breaking up, which might increase the benefit. The seeds must be soaked in water. If taken dry they can swell up in the intestines and cause a blockage. The Chia Seeds really help in a natural way.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/05/2013

AMEN to your report on wheat. My husband is affected the same way. He doesn't believe it but maybe if I show him your post it'll give him something to think about! THANKS!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Polly (London, England) on 04/05/2013

Not a remedy as such for constipation but in my experience giving up EVERY type of wheat (especially whole wheat) cured my constipation.

It gives my husband IBS and bad tempers. So we buy pure rye, Kamut and spelt bread and have felt great relief!!

Posted by Lee (Durban, South Africa) on 03/12/2013

Hi! Could you please explain a bit more clearly where this acupressure point on the arm is?

Prune Juice
Posted by Bilja (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/10/2013

Prune Juice for Constipation... Not personal experience, but family member, having constipation as taking many different medications and pain killers treating other issues. Tried acv, and olive oil w/ lemon juice, slow results. However drinking glass of prune juice gave relief in shortest possible time, very smooth and easy experience with bowel movement as never before in last 10 days. Just want to share with all.

Posted by Sweet Pea (Somewhere, Usa) on 03/03/2013

I should have mentioned that I only use Cascara Sagrada for severe constipation. Other than that I would probably just drink good old prune juice. I wonder if you have tried coconut oil, iodine, and yogurt and other fermented foods for your issues? I always felt my gut was calmer with organic yogurt.

Posted by Tigerlil (Lead Hill, Ar) on 03/02/2013

Have used cascara for years. Works well, but after seeing a program on laxative abuse, I thought I would do a little more research. It is in fact a stimulate laxative. It is not to be used by someone with U.C. or Crohns, or IBD. Well, guess what, I have some of these issues. And have been trying very hard to find ways to help myself. So I will be trying other remedies as this may actually be working against me.

Recommended to use it only occasionally. And not longer that 7 days. I have used it by itself or in formulas since the 1980s!

Also it can turn the lining of colon dark. It can and does! Some varying opinions as to whether or not this can later cause a problem.

Raw Rice
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 02/04/2013


I should warn regarding this. Rice is my staple food. And I come from ethnic background where rice is cultivated vastly and it is the staple diet from morning to evening.

You should not eat raw rice. It will cause Anemia. This what my mother and grand parents will say when we try to eat raw rice in the childhood. We will boil rice until it is cooked and mix it with sambar, rasam, saarus, curd or curries and eat it. The boiled rice is called Anna, Annam, Soru, Saadham in different South Indian Languages.

I will tell another fact: In our farms we don't give raw rice particularly parboiled rice to goat or sheep. If you feed your goat with at least 1 pound of parboiled raw rice and give water to drink. The goat will die the next day, The died goat will have bloated stomach.

Try anything, but with some reference.

Good Health
