Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Posted by elizabeth (FL) on 12/30/2022

I have been eating walnuts for the past few months. I have discovered a cure for my constipation. I have tried EVERYTHING. I have seen the Dr.I have taken so much advice from friends on organic juices, this and that. But I love walnuts and bought a bag in bulk at Sams Club. I work from my car so I literally eat handfuls of them. I am cured of constipation. But I also find if you eat too many in one day, you will almost live on the toilet.

Posted by Natural in NY (NY) on 03/30/2021

I did not really Susan's post about acupressure on the arm from 2008 would work for me, but decided to give it a try. When I first pressed on the spot on my left arm, I could feel something in my stomach area. That was encouraging and so I kept switching back and forth for a bit. I still did not think it would actually work. However, within about 10 to 15 minutes from starting, I had the result I was looking for! I highly doubt this was by chance. To be fair, I did lightly massage my abdomen just below my belly button once. However, I really think it was the points on the arms described by Susan. I also was not sure I had the spots right and just kept rubbing in the general area, trying to cover enough ground to get it to work. I guess you don't have to be perfect. Thank you Susan and earthclinic!

Baking Soda
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 09/06/2023

Just a quick comment regarding baking soda and aluminum: There's no aluminum in baking soda. It can be found in baking POWDER, but not baking soda. :)

Raw Rice
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 02/04/2013


I should warn regarding this. Rice is my staple food. And I come from ethnic background where rice is cultivated vastly and it is the staple diet from morning to evening.

You should not eat raw rice. It will cause Anemia. This what my mother and grand parents will say when we try to eat raw rice in the childhood. We will boil rice until it is cooked and mix it with sambar, rasam, saarus, curd or curries and eat it. The boiled rice is called Anna, Annam, Soru, Saadham in different South Indian Languages.

I will tell another fact: In our farms we don't give raw rice particularly parboiled rice to goat or sheep. If you feed your goat with at least 1 pound of parboiled raw rice and give water to drink. The goat will die the next day, The died goat will have bloated stomach.

Try anything, but with some reference.

Good Health

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/22/2010

I had candida, and one of my symptoms was constipation -- I was lucky if I had BM or went to toilet once in 4 days. And my stools were painful, dry and hard. As part of my own protocol to both kill the candida as well as to get rid of my constipation, I took 1 tbspns virgin coconut oil 3 times a day in my coffee or raw. I also alkalized at different times daily, using Ted's baking soda alkalizing remedies.

The effect of the coconut oil and baking soda can be explained like this. When the ingested coconut oil moves from the stomach to the duodenum, the pancreas squirts out its enzymes for digestion in bicarbonate solution into the duodenum. The bile from the liver breaks the coconut oil down into small droplets and the excess alkaline bicarbonate from the pancreas combines with the coconut oil to make a form of "soap" that greatly aids in passage of faeces down the intestines. But if you are lacking in bicarbonates stored in your pancreas or the food you eat is too acid, then you will need to increase your bicarbonate intake to increase this store.

I would normally take the coconut oil directly before or directly after meals. I would take the Baking soda remedy (any will do from this site), either one hour before or 2 hours after meals.

This had quite an effect, my stools soon became smaller and much softer as a result, and after a few months of this protocol, I became regular again, with BM every day.

It was, therefore, a combination of both taking coconut oil and increasing my bicarbonate intake(Baking Soda) that helped cure my own constipation problem.

Posted by Lydia (Miami, FL) on 12/06/2006

I have been constipated for the past thirteen years due to meds and my years of suffering from anorexia and especially bulimia. I only eat healthy food and I HAVE tried everthing and wasted a lot of money to help my situation between doctors' visits, medicines and supplements. Lately the thing that is proving to be helpful is acidophilus (in the millions), All brand fiber cereal (I find it delicious) and magnesium (750mg/day) I have accepted mine as a hopeless case; however, this may help somebody out there!

Posted by Katzie (Canada) on 01/02/2022

I have found that one big bowl of buttery popcorn (w/salt & vinegar shaker seasoning, ! ), and a big bottle of water at night works every single time the next day. Happy munching!

Posted by Don (Michigan, USA) on 12/23/2019

This Holiday Season you may become “irregular“ from festive meals. Don't waste money on harsh chemicals like Miralax which is pretty much antifreeze. First thing in the morning on a empty stomach juice, blend or eat 2-3 ribs of celery with a large glass of water and in no time you will be your regular self.

Quit Caffeine
Posted by Jennifer (Napa, Ca) on 06/23/2018

Re a post about caffeine curing constipation -

Just the opposite! Quitting caffeine CURES constipation. If you stop drinking all forms of caffeine, you will cure your dreaded constipation. Being an avid coffee drinker for 20 years, I always believed coffee was the only thing that would make me “go”, albeit only 2 times per week(so unhealthy). I read about curing constipation by eliminating all forms of caffeine, which I swore I would never do, but then I read about so many other healthy side effects like deeper sleep, clearer skin, in addition to bowel movement regularity, and decided it was more than worth a try after dealing with constipation for as long as I can remember. I weened myself off caffeine and by Day 4 I started having regular bowel movements every day. I also slept better than I have my entire life by Day 6.

Looking back to my teenage years and in my twenties, I drank a lot of Diet Coke and had no idea how that caffeine was effecting my health. When I stop to think about all the things constipation kept me from doing all these years, it sickens me. Getting off caffeine takes a couple weeks but it's so worth the effort. I used to have dark circles under my eyes and they are now gone, and I've only been off caffeine for a month! Another awesome side effect? No more nasty hangovers!

That's right, I work in the wine industry and always thought the wine was giving me hangovers, until I quit caffeine and discovered I could drink wine and feel fine the next day! It was the caffeine withdrawal that compounded the dehydration that always caused my hangover, not to mention the pesticides in coffee, etc.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Lightbelly (Uk) on 02/12/2018

Hi- am reporting in that Epsom salts (ES) are the stars - had tried Senna tea, fibre, flax seed, water, lemon etc etc but to no avail. Had trouble locating it - pharmacies in the UK don't seem to sell the raw ingredients any more, and when it finally arrived (ebay) I tried it and nearly threw up. This was probably from having done maybe too many liver cleanses and developing an aversion to the taste. Thanks to EC - someone had suggested putting some lemon juice to hide the taste (why didn't I think of that?! ) and it really did the trick - a few drops of lime juice and no ew before bedtime. The morning relief is amazing, I'm sleeping again and the tension has gone, I feel lighter, more vital and ready to take action!

Posted by Search4truth (Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental, Philippines) on 09/23/2017 1 posts

I have tried numerous constipation remedies to create daily bowel movements as part of a detox protocol, but nothing worked consistently.

Until I read about drinking 1 liter of filtered water first thing in the morning when I woke up. It worked. After drinking my morning liter of water, I'll have an easy bowel movement usually within an hour or two. Sometimes just minutes. It used to be days. I don't know if the type of water is a factor, but I drink filtered mountain water where I live.

I do also have chronic health problems often characterized as Fibromyalgia which may be of some consequence.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sharon (Queensland, Australia) on 05/16/2017

I was badly constipated. Very uncomfortable and a tad grumpy about my discomfort. I took 1 tsp of lemon juice with 1 tbsp of olive oil. Mixed them together in a small glass, drank them straight down. It didn't taste gross. It barely tasted like anything at all.

20 minutes later, I felt like I may need to go to toilet, I wasn't quite sure but figured I'd try. I passed bowel movement really easily. Feel a thousand times better. Highly recommend this weird little concoction!!

Posted by Mary Beth (Pittsburgh) on 02/06/2017

Constipation (and probably diarrhea too) better with acupressure

Large Intestine

The poster originally used "sedation" of the large intestine to reduce constipation, but "tonifying" may help with the opposite problem, diarrhea.


On the right side, press lightly (a nickel's weight worth) on the outer side of the elbow crease (i.e., the thumb side) AND if manageable, also press a "body hand width" at a spot below the kneecap bone.

A body-hand-width for the person-who-posted means about one inch, measuring from the middle of the edge of the palm of the hand to an opposite spot on the non-palm side.

Press these two spots at the same time for one minute.

Then on the left, press on the same points for another minute.

Then do the second set of points:

On the right side, press a point in the hollow side of the thumb side of the wrist crease on the non-palm side of the hand. (This point is between the hand and the lower arm bone.)

At the SAME TIME, press in at the depression that is on the little finger side of the hand, moving up the side of the hand, over a little bump of the wrist bone. I found this spot by starting at the part of the lower arm bone near the hand, then moving upward toward the little finger, by sliding upward, over that bump in the wrist bone. I used two fingers, to make sure I had the right spot. Hold these for thirty seconds.

Do the same again on the left side.

I only had to do this two times on my bladder meridian, to stop being incontinent. It has not been completely foolproof, as my disease has progressed, but mostly it has freed me from the potty substantially.


It is important that I also tell you how to sedate your large intestine. This practice was very useful to relieve my constipation.

Also, if you over-tonify, your meridian/muscle can get too tight, so I had better tell you how to loosen it.

To sedate, on the right side, you'll want to press a point on the right hand -- and, if you are flexible enough, ideally you can also, at the same time, press the other point on your right foot. I can JUST do this: but if it is difficult, do one point at a time, starting with the points on the right, then do the same points on the left.

It really does not matter if you do the right points first, and then the left. But you are supposed to do all the right hand points, at one time, then all the left hand points at one time.

Use your left hand to press a point that seems to be close to the knuckle of your pointing finger, at the bottom of the finger, and on the side of the finger that is closest to the thumb. AT THE SAME TIME, use your right index finger (since it is still NOT doing anything) to press on the point on the side of your foot, just a smidgen down the foot from where the toe meets the foot. Hold this at a "nickel's weight" for one minute.

Then do the left side the same way.

The second set of points is the same as the points for tonifying, copied and pasted from above:

On the right side, press a point in the hollow side of the thumb side of the wrist crease on the non-palm side of the hand. (This point is between the hand and the lower arm bone.)

At the SAME TIME, press in at the depression that is on the little finger side of the hand, moving up the side of the hand, over a little bump of the wrist bone. I found this spot by starting at the part of the lower arm bone near the hand, then moving upward toward the little finger, by sliding upward, over that bump in the wrist bone. I used two fingers, to make sure I had the right spot. Hold these for thirty seconds.

Do the same again on the left side.

This remedy worked for the poster in two days later -- and she has been "loose" ever since!

The poster used the pictures and descriptions from "Touch for Health" by John and Matthew Thie -- and "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden.

Posted by Adrienne (Gold Coast) on 06/15/2015

I have suffered from constipation for years and have used many products including the best digestive enzymes and acidophillus available - I am also a nutritionist so I eat well and take heaps of the best supplements. I've also had colonics and massage to help.

The thing that has worked wonders for me without question is kiwi fruit. first thing on an empty stomach I eat 3 kiwi or blend them with another fruit and some chia seeds, and I have absolute success every time.

I think kiwi have the right ph for your gut health, are full of enzymes and also are slippery.

Try this and share!

B1 (Thiamine)
Posted by Elaine (Edmond, Oklahoma) on 10/06/2014

Did a little experiment last week by not taking the vitamin B-1. Yup, the cement factory was back. Took 250 mg of B-1 and was softer by that afternoon! I also take Vitamin D, have for over ten years. Didn't help. The B-1 is what works for me.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Polly (London, England) on 04/05/2013

Not a remedy as such for constipation but in my experience giving up EVERY type of wheat (especially whole wheat) cured my constipation.

It gives my husband IBS and bad tempers. So we buy pure rye, Kamut and spelt bread and have felt great relief!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Janine (Cerritos, California, USA) on 01/12/2013

I rarely see anything mentioned about diet when it comes to constipation. Believe me, if you're having problems and you don't factor in what you're eating, you are making a mistake. If you are really backed up, natural methods take time to act and even then - if you're a difficult case you may have to bring out the big guns (senna, etc.) to resolve the problem in the meantime. Your body wants to be on a schedule. In brief, no matter how you resolve the problem stick with a program. Avoid dairy (until resolved), eat at least three meals a day, use sprouted grain bread, some raw and cooked (lightly) vegetables, healthy fats, probiotics (natural or supplement), enzymes (natural and/or supplements), water, exercise regularly, sleep 8 hours, meditate. To avoid laxatives look for natural solutions like flax seed and chia seed. I use Kombucha and ACV in my diet but usually not both in the same day. Natural methods will work but only if you pay attention to the big picture. You could be taking enzymes, probiotics, ACV and still be constipated if you're diet is low in fiber and fat. Don't be afraid of protein but don't overload. Grass fed beef, milk and cheese is much lower in saturated fat than what we've typically been using and raw milk and cheese are friendlier for the gut. Too much of the non raw variety of milk will cause constipation. Do your homework.

Yellow Dock Tea
Posted by Sis Morgan (Monterey, Ca) on 11/15/2012

Yellow dock has worked for a chronic constipation problem where all other remedies failed. I had tried magnesium, and although this at first worked, it failed to work with repeated use. Likewise, a concerted try of psyllium powder did not produce the intended result. I had read about yellow dock in a Chinese herbal book and its wonderful, reliable effects for constipation, and read many testimonials in the book about the herb. I began to drink a tea of yellow dock at night. Results in the morning were immediate. The best part is that it has continued to work! I can now drink this tea every evening and go to bed knowing with certainty that I will have a bowel movement the next morning. It doesn't matter what I have eaten or even the amount of water I have drank during the day, the results are always reliable.

I have suffered from constipation for many years and this is a godsend remedy. You can buy yellow dock tea online for steeping or make your own tea from the dried root. I put about two teaspoons of yellow dock root in a metal tea strainer and pour boiling water over it and allow it to steep until the tea is a rich yellow tan. Begin with small doses for best results and work up to the dose that gives you results. Some people have to drink more than a cup a day for chronic problems. If you take too much yellow dock you can have intestinal cramps, so begin slowly for best results.

If you have had chronic constipation for many years with no help from the usual remedies, I highly recommend yellow dock tea. It has been a miracle herb for me. If the flavor is too bitter, mix some molasses with the hot tea. It's delicious!

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