Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Oat Bran
Posted by Ami (Harlingen, TX)

If you want a simple way to solve your constipation problem eat a bowlful of 100% bran cereal for breakfast each day.Or you if that doesn't taste to your liking them try cutting back on dairy products especially cheese, and yogurt. Then try adding more leafy green veggies such as salads and spinach(salad). Also cut back on certain fruit products such as apple juice and apple sauce. Then and more fiber to your diet. It works!

Pomegranate Juice
Posted by Delores (Atlanta, Georgia)

1/4 cup of pure Pomegranate concentrate with 16 oz. water, twice daily. Adjust as needed. This works wonders for constipation.

Senna Leaf Tea
Posted by Glen (Denver, CO) on 03/13/2024

Senna works for chronic constipation. I use a senna compound in table form. There are many to choose from (I use prunelax). One and half tablets a night along with 3 capsules of magnesium oxide works reliably. I also bought one of those "squatty potties."

All of these inexpensive remedies together work work wonders. I feel so much better now and don't worry as much about my diet.

Posted by Katrina (Massachusetts) on 08/09/2023

I have been suffering from chronic, severe constipation and hemorrhoids lately as a result from eating too many sugary foods all at once, a switch in thyroid med/dose, and stress, as well as (possibly) a lack of fiber (I've been afraid it will make me more constipated)...After a miserable morning where I finally did go, but it was so hard and dry and I thought I had a blockage and was going to need to go to the hospital! After I finally cleared out, I was terrified of that happening again, as I've been struggling with constipation for the past almost 2 weeks! I tried ground flaxseed (which I ground myself and keep refrigerated in a glass jar) mixed into water yesterday. (I used 4 tsps in about 16-20 ounces of water.) I let it sit for a while to let that gel-like substance come into the water and I drank that throughout the day. I like the taste of flaxseeds (nutty) and had a soft, painless bowel movement for the first time in many days yesterday afternoon! Then had to go again in the evening (mostly diarrhea, but welcome that right now over constipation and further hemorrhoid irritation)! I also had a smooth poo this morning.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kelly (Seatatle) on 08/31/2023

I have a feeling the reason lemon might work for you is because sour taste stimulates the liver, and a congested liver or liver stagnation is a key cause of constipation.

In others however, lemon might make things worse, as it's sour/astringent nature could cause constipation.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Kcc (California) on 04/04/2018

How is the epsom salt taken? Mixed in water? Used as a foot soak or in a bath? If you drink it, how much to what amount of liquid?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 05/26/2016 64 posts

Probably 10 years ago, I decided to take a level half teaspoon of non-aluminum baking soda mornings and evenings as a supplement. I took it for about 2.5 years. It must have really helped my bowels because my regularity greatly improved in the years during and ever since taking the baking soda, so a person could just start with baking soda and add the flours and fibers after the bowels start moving.

I was constipated for much of my life. It's a difficult and stubborn problem to have. Now I stay regular by taking these things first thing in the morning and the triphala capsule evenings:

1/8 level cup whole rye flour. Rye decreases bowel transit time according to studies with rye bread.

1 level teaspoon dietary fiber cellulose powder. This adds about 4 grams of fiber.

1 level teaspoon inulin powder from chicory root.

Six 350 mg capsules of apple pectin. This congeals everything together in the bowels.

For the powders/flours, I just put one powder/flour in my mouth using a eighth cup measure, add some water to my mouth, let it soak in and swallow with additional water.

I discontinued/deleted the barley flour because I thought it slowed my bowel transit time, even though barley is supposed to improve bowel flora.

I did add a 500 mg capsule of triphala evenings which is a blend of 3 Indian fruits known to assist regularity.


If neccessary, have one 12 oz glasses of bottled 100% fruit juice at lunch and in the afternoon. This supplies potassium for peristalsis and it increased regularity although it's no longer necessary.

Posted by Ringgo (Jakarta-Indonesia) on 10/07/2015


All of you are making complicated claim about constipation. All you needs is Senna Leaf or Folium Sennae, in Chinese name "FAN XIE YE" you could buy at TCM Store in the state.

Very cheap. just take 5 small leaves and boil in hot water. Just like tea. No side effect. Natural.

Good Luck!

Posted by Dawn (Calgary, CA) on 02/02/2015

I suffered from constipation for a long time until I found a home remedy. I made fermented cabbage drink at home which I drank 2 glasses everyday which by the way is probiotic drink. Now I also eat probiotic yogurt everyday, I was also lactose intolerant, not anymore. Lactose intolerant people should try cabbage drink first then slowly introduce yogurt to your system. For cabbage drink, one can find recipe on the you tube, it is basically chopping 1 cup of cabbage and add 6 cups of water and leave to ferment for 2 days in an air tight jar. It tastes a bit sour. I wish I had known about this earlier, I suffered for many years.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sophia (Cork, Ireland) on 08/16/2014

Squeeze two oranges, add a spoonful of honey and warm water to make a glassful, approximately 8 ozs. This will relieve constipation.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Margaret Alice (Jacksonville, Fl) on 07/28/2014

Cabbage is the best thing to use for constipation. Oatmeal is good too.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rita (Sedona) on 09/22/2021

Hi Andrea, I have been focusing on his diet and have found I am getting constipated when I have not in fifteen years. I don't eat raw eggs and have not been able to find raw milk but have been taking the most organic kefir I can find. Doing meats more which used to be a rarity - only grass fed and I have been veggies in beef bone broth - I have taken raw cheese which I normally don't take .. what in this diet gives you the regularity with your stool?

I am going to have to do something tomorrow bc I know it is not healthy to not have at least one bowel movement a day. Or that is what feels best for me.


Posted by H (Usa) on 12/02/2013

Like the original poster said, you have to boil the flax seeds in water till it gets gelatinous. Strain the seeds, keep the gel. Let it cool, then add 1 tbsp. apple cider to a cup of warm water, along with some of the flax gel poured in. That's what gives it the benefit. The flax seed alone, in it's hard shell won't work. The shells have to be broken down.

Castor Oil
Posted by Mari (Florida) on 12/08/2016

1-how long you were on 4tbsp?

2-did you do 4tbsp daily in the morning?

3-how did you manage the taste? how you were able to swallow it?

Thank you.

Posted by Sweet Pea (Somewhere, Usa) on 03/03/2013

I should have mentioned that I only use Cascara Sagrada for severe constipation. Other than that I would probably just drink good old prune juice. I wonder if you have tried coconut oil, iodine, and yogurt and other fermented foods for your issues? I always felt my gut was calmer with organic yogurt.

Over the Counter
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 10/26/2011

Speaking to a nephrologist about a member of the family who is on dialysis, I asked about Magnesium Citrate as a supplement. He said that Citrate products are not used on dialysis patients because it was seen that Calcium Citrate increases aluminum in the bodies of dialysis patients. (In kidney failure, the kidneys cannot filter out aluminum, and dialysis does not either. Normal kidneys filter out aluminum. ) But what about all the people who have partial kidney failure and don't even know it. So we stopped using the Magnesium Citrate, just as a precaution.

Instead experimentation was made using one to two tablespoons Benefiber from the pharmacy (one can use up to six tablespoons Benefiber a day) in one or two glasses of water, in combination with one or two (or three) tablespoons Milk of Magnesia - sometimes also with some Magnesium Bicarbonate (made by pouring two or three full measuring tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia - a half to three fourths of the enclosed cap - into a bottle of seltzer/club soda and shaking the contents - as recommended on Earthclinic by Bill from San Fernando, Philippines - but sometimes using a bit less Milk of Magnesia than recommended).

Glucomannan, a fiber supplement recommended by Pam from Alabama, might also be used with the water and Milk of Magnesia.

Milk of Magnesia, starting at five Tbsp. and going down gradually, is recommended, in the name of an older doctor, by Redclary from Oklahoma .

Some extra seltzer/club soda, recommended by Carol from Cumberland, MD, is also helpful (used in the mixture).

This simple combination of Benefiber and Milk of Magnesia in water is much better than many other things used to help the intestines.

After a few days one can often use smaller amounts of the Milk of Magnesia while increasing slightly the Benefiber.

Benefiber is a fiber supplement that helps increase good bacteria in the body. It is made from Hydrolyzed guar gum. For some reason it is better than plain Guar Gum. Also, it is mostly tasteless and does not thicken.

Posted by Warren (Costa Mesa, Ca) on 05/26/2011

Great suggestions here. I make a smoothie every morning and have always used Rice Dream or Almond breeze but now use Papaya Juice instead. It helps to move things along along with whatever else you're doing.

Triphala Churna
Posted by Roane (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/28/2011

Maybe you should try upon rising drinking a glass of water with probiotics and one half lemon or line. Next prepare the morning flex drink:

TRIPHALA-prevents aging, imparts immunity and improves mental faculties. It helps to detoxify the liver, restore digestion and purify blood. It is also a laxative that rejuvenates the membrane lining the digestive tract and contributes to effective cleansing of the colon.

PSYLLIUM HUSK: Is a Fiber Psyllium appears to increase stool mass more effectively than do other common laxative fibre sources

Dietary Changes
Posted by Denise (Tampa, Fl) on 03/11/2011

I have suffered chronic constipation for most of my life, but it became extreme about 4 years ago. My gastro Dr just gave me meds that kept me hovering around the toilet all morning. I used Mg capsules, which was better, but again, it was still not normal elimination. All I was doing was coping with the problem. Then I heard that my granddaughter (no blood relation) was diagnosed with celiac disease. Her main symptom was severe constipation. I decided to go gluten-free to see if it made a difference for me.

Within 2 days, my system started to work. It's been 3 wonderful weeks now, and I am trying hard not to shout it from the roof tops. But on here I know folks are desperate for an answer and a cure. So see if if works for you. The good thing is that the health food stores have a great variety of gluten-free products. I hope to learn to cook gluten-free when I have the time.

For the folks that find their answer in avoiding gluten - congrads! And to all the others still looking, I would also tell you to check out "upper cervical chiropractic" as that adjustment is supposed to help many with constipation (among a myriad of other problems. ) Good luck!

Flaxseed and Prune Juice
Posted by Keith (Richmond, Virginia) on 09/15/2010

I've been taking Antibiotics for the last month and its been killing the bad bacteria and good bacteria in my stomach. This has made for bad constipation. I finally out about found whole Golden Flaxseed. Its works quite well and is cheap to buy. My local health store sells GOLDEN WHOLE Flaxseed for $1.99-$2.49 LB. At 4 TSBP's day = 11 days servings per LB. I take 2 TBSP in morning with juice, 2 at night.

Also, Prune Juice - Not from Concentrate - with Pulp, has worked for well me. I found it just before Flaxseed. Its not as complete a bowel movement as Flaxseed but its worked very well and quickly where other supplements did not. I had 4-6 BM's first day just from the PJ.

Curezone dot com posts:
1) "The very best way I know to induce regular bowel movements - at least two every day - is by eating 4 TBSP's of fresh-ground, organic flaxseed. You must grind it yourself, and then add it to juice or food. Flaxseed oil does not work nearly as well. I've recommended this solution to dozens of constipated friends. And so far, ALL of them became VERY regular within 36 hours. "

2) "You want golden, organic flaxseed, NOT the dark-colored seeds that some stores sell. Don't buy it already ground. Flaxseed loses much of its nutritive power if it has been sitting around for awhile. "

3) "As of 3 weeks ago, I began using ground flax seed and the change from the prune juice is mind boggling. I'm having regular movements, several times a day (avg 5 or so) and for the first time in nearly a year, I'm feeling "clean", like I don't have waste within me. I don't have the urgent feeling that prune juice would induce and I just feel "normal" again. It's great. It only took half a day for the flax seed to take effect for me.

Taking Owen's advice, I've purchased golden organic flax seed and a coffee grinder. Every day, I take two ground tablespoons in the morning with some cranberry juice for a mini breakfast and then three more tablespoons at night, a bit before bed. I also drink a lot of water throughout the day (10 glasses at the very least) as that is essential to regular bowel movements as well as good health in general. I've found that ground flax seed with just water is bad tasting but when mixed with a fruit juice, it takes on a nutty flavour, which I like very much.

Flaxseed and Prune Juice
Posted by Keith (Richmond, Virginia) on 10/17/2010

I wanted to add to my review of the Ground Flaxseed & Prune Juice remedy. First, I had SEVERE constipation because of the antibiotics I was taking 2x day. I found the Flaxseed/Prune Juice only worked 1/3 to 1/2 the time and just a small 1-2 bowel movements from it. At first, it worked great, but after 2-3 times not. What I did find that worked was a suggestion from my Grandma that the Hospital gave her. This has worked *every* time for me and usually within 4-5 hours (sometimes 2 hours). 2 ounces Apple juice, 2 ounces Prune Juice, 2 ounces Milk of Magnesia (I used a generic brand at a well known chain store - much cheaper). Mix together and drink and the taste is OK.
