Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Vitamin D
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/10/2013

Vitamin D helps in constipation issues. It is better to take at least part in an oil based form since Vitamin D, an oil based vitamin, is better absorbed with fat.

Mayo Clinic's site states that people who are deficient can take about 50,000IU weekly for three months and then smaller amounts daily. They write that up to 4000IU daily is safe for people who are not deficient. It is reported that about 70% of people are Vitamin D deficient.

Other place recommend higher doses. They write that at times a 250,000 IU dose was given to children with rickets with no negative results. This high dosaging was given once in about three months.

Vitamin D should be taken with K2. (K2 keeps calcium in the bones and out of the arteries.)
