Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Catcobra (Portland, Or, Usa) on 04/20/2012

Last night, I couldn't sleep due to an adverse reaction to a root canal I had already been to the dentist 4 times for the same tooth. There was an infection in the root. When he opened up my tooth to perform the root canal the infection spread up through my gums into my cheek right near my eye. The pain was unbearable and the swelling continued to get worse and worse. I could press on my sinuses and feel it in my teeth.

The dentist prescribed me Clindamycin and Methylprednisone (Medrol). I also came down with a UTI (which makes me think that my body is obviously not balanced creating a breeding ground for bacteria). For that I'm taking Ciproflaxcin.

Last night, I used my knowledge of spices and vegetables that had antiseptic qualities and made an extremely concentrated soup of turmeric, curry, freshly cut garlic, onions, potatoes, carrots, and celery. I slow cooked with a lid on to make sure the vegetables soaked up the cartenoids and other benefits from the soup. I would then add more turmeric before eating.

I then rinsed my mouth out with a turmeric/sea salt room temperature mix. Swishing it through my teeth until the concoction became cold.

Following this I opened an activated Charcoal capsule added a tiny bit of water to some gauze and placed it in between my cheek and my teeth. I held that there for about a half and hour.

I then rinsed once more with the turmeric solution to dispell the excess charcoal.

Following this I cut a clove of garlic, slowly biting into it so that the antiseptic qualities from the juice would sanitize the wound around me teeth. I did this for about a half an hour to an hour holding the tiny pieces against my gums. Yes, it burns but the burning creates an almost soothing effect after a period of time.

After the garlic, I then rinsed my mouth out with water and then decided to try oil pulling with coconut oil. I heated up the coconut oil so that it would melt and added a few drops of oil of oregano and swished it through my teeth for a few minutes at first. The texture was horrible but I could tell a difference. I tried it a second time for longer.

This morning I woke up, hoping it would be completely gone. The pain has considerably lessened. There is still some swelling but not close to how it was yesterday. I also took minerals, oils, greens, and probiotics. I will try and update this as time progresses but I can see that I've already been through the worst of it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Indiansummer (Seattle, Wa.) on 01/15/2010

Abscessed tooth

I have been coming across this site about 4 weeks ago, I was searching the Internet for a natural cure for an abscessed tooth (I had my teeth cleaned 4 days prior to it, could that be the cause of the abscess?) and came across this site. I have applied raw garlic and also consumed it, used black and green tea bags with sea salt on the abscessed tooth (I contribute the abscess opening and draining to this remedy), took 2 times 2 tablespoons of Nano Silver for 10 days, 875 mg of organic Grapefruit Seed Extract 2 to 3 times a day for I don't know how long, 5000-9000 mg of Vitamin C (with added Calcium) per day, Vit. D (to improve immune system) 20,000 IU's daily for the last 15 days. Aged Garlic Caps. 3 Caps 2 to 3 times per day for the last 7 days or so, I drink at least 1 cup of green tea per day. I started oil pulling 10 days ago with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil mixed with 5 drops of oregano oil (Carvacrol content above 55%)1 to 2 times per day, 1 to 2 drops of oregano oil on gauze applied directly on tooth, I leave it on over night. About 5 days ago I also started taking alpha lipoic acid 400-500 mg per day. The result: the pain has left, the abscess has opened and drained, but the tooth is still somewhat tender and has still been filling with a little puss every day, that I have to drain. Is there anything else that can be done - besides going to the Dentist? Does anyone have a suggestion??? Feedback is appreciated, thank you!!!
