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| Modified on Jan 07, 2023
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Earth Clinic Love
This is the page on Earth Clinic where your lovely comments and questions go when we don't have a spot for them.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

2020 Thoughts

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/21/2020

ORH here,,,,,,,, meditating and thinking trouble times. I bought a freeze dyer a few years ago and have never used it. We know how to preserve stuff and lost interest. Now my mine is wandering due to our times. What if you just partially dehydrate..... say some peas, and then finish them off with the freeze dryer? Would that work? I have searched the net and got no clue. All can see that times are interesting. I am pragmatic and have what it takes to survive as most of you can imagine if you have followed me over the years. What is blowing my mind is that rural land is selling like hot cakes in our area. City slickers are coming by the boat loads. Problem is they still have the same mind set and that ain't good. Guess life is going to get interesting in our parts too. Think they are going to get their comeuppance and learn a thing or two. ====ORH===.

Community Feedback

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Michelle (Darby PA) on 01/06/2023

Thank you do much for this site and all you guy's input I am so thankful this gives me so much hope

Community Feedback
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/06/2020

Hello Earth Clinic Team - the "Font of all Knowledge"!,

I could not find anything on Iron Deficiency on the Web Site but I may have been looking in the wrong place? Can you remind me of the technical name please. I used to recommend a liquid product in a bottle (over here) that went by the name of "Flurodix" or possibly "Flurodex" maybe??

Would love to get some information on this condition if it is out there.

"Popeye the Sailor Man" recommenced copious quantities of Spinach - remember him?



Community Feedback
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 12/03/2020 525 posts

One of the best things about Earth Clinic is the fact that saving one's own actual LIFE is so common that it's just "business as usual" and "no big deal" - so, on that note, let's take a minute to whoop and holler and high five each other!


Coronavirus Remedies

Posted by Mark (Chicago, Il) on 06/18/2020

I noticed your CoronaVirus page was taken down:

Did the FDA or someone else send you a cease and desist? Some things on that page helped manage my symptoms (I still have the virus) and was wondering if it's gone for good?

Best Regards,


EC: Hi Mark,

No, it's not gone. It's here.

Sorry, I forgot to put a redirect on the url when we shift back to the old site yesterday evening. Now it's been redirected to the new url (above).

Note: We still have to move several hundred posts over to the coronavirus section from the old site and that should hopefully happen this weekend. If there's specific remedy/post you need from that section, let us know and we'll add it asap.

CPPD or Pseudogout Remedies?

Posted by Somuchtolearn (Florida) on 08/20/2020

I am looking for remedies for CPPD or pseudogout. Not the same as uric acid caused gout.

All "gussied up" site now, but no search function yet? Very tricky to figure out how to post now, as well. Added subject line, but still says please enter subject.

EC: Hello,

Pseudogout may be mixed in with gout remedies. Or search the site.

Can you please explain what you mean by no search function yet? We have a search bar at the top of every page next to the logo.

If you mean search function in another area, please let us know. We've had a few complaints about a missing search feature, and can't quite figure out if people are missing the search bar at the top or something else.


P.S. If our EC community can add their thoughts and let us know what's missing on the site now, we'd really appreciate it and will fix it.

Posted by Denise (California) on 12/04/2021

A few people have mentioned the website When I enter the URL, this is the message I see...

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

It gives you an option to "go back to safety"
Anyone know what's going on with this message?

Thank you, Denise

EC: It means their annual security certificate expired and they probably don't even know... so the site won't redirect to https.

We used to have the same issue on EC. Very simple and fast fix. Someone who participates on that forum should let the moderators know asap.

Dark Chocolate Syndrome

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/21/2021

Hello Everyone,

Folks, I think I need your help on this one please!!

Has anyone done a Doctoral Thesis or PhD (or had personal experience) of the following condition:-

I have heard that dark chocolate (as distinct from milk chocolate with a bit more sugar in it), can cause headaches/migraines - sometimes bad ones. But that is not my present concern. By the way, I prefer the slightly bitter taste of the darker variety (but NOT the really strong, cocoa-content type).

Could the dark chocolate also cause muscle spasms / pain / stiffness as well as joint pain / stiffness / tendonitis etc?

Supposing one were to over-indulge by consuming a whole, thin bar of dark chocolate - what could be the consequences? Also, what are the factors at work - intestines, liver, kidney reactions etc - if known?

It is just that we have recently been hearing of the benefits of dark chocolate for one's health and I am wondering how much is too much and the bad consequences that are possible from over-indulging?

Everybody with a story to tell is encouraged to reply please!

Thanks a lot.

Michael from Down Under

Replied by Joseph
(Stockton, Ca)
73 posts

Dark chocolate is touted as being healthier than milk chocolate, milk chocolate has more fat, sugar than Dark chocolate with higher % of coco. Better for your heart, etc., just can't recall all benefits.

Replied by KT

Chocolate is high in oxalates and can contribute to kidney stones.


Replied by HisJewel
(New York)

Greetings Michael,

My experience with over indulgence in chocolate is the side effects from too much caffeine and arginine. The caffeine can keep the knee pain on going the arginine can bring on a shingles rash if you are fighting shingles.

That was my experience. Texting by phone so keeping it short.

Here is a benefit side effects article:

The Health Benefits and Risks of Dark Chocolate

(New Zealand)

Way to go-HisJewel to the rescue!

Your information and the article you recommended were just the ticket!!

Soo, if one is not worried about caffeine, migraines, headaches, shingles, kidney stones and a few other things, a maximum of one ounce per day would seem to have beneficial health effects.

BTW I hesitate to query your age but if you are "older" I can recommend getting the shingles shot. Shingles not nice + the risk increases with age. "Talk to the health professional you see most often". Just saying.

I must say that I was impressed with the variety of minerals etc contained in the Dark Chocolate - makes me feel less guilty about indulging! Best to get hold of the one with no sugar (Fair Trade?) but that would not appeal to the majority I guess. Again, I would recommend steering clear of the high cocoa one (+70%).

The inflammation question is not resolved though is it? Helping OR hindering? Maybe that is the sugar component acting as a spanner in the works - again??

Times past I would try the occasional Carob bar as a substitute.

Yes folks, the secret is out at last- chocolate really does grow on trees! I felt a small twinge of guilt to learn that it takes a whole crop of pods from one "chocolate tree" to produce a mere five bars of choc. Did you know that?

Cheers from D.U.


I have had a shingles shot and still got shingles 3 times. I take L lysine 2 in am 2 in pm. The cause was pure cocoa. I was adding a tablespoon or more to my coffee every morning. No more cocoa in my coffee. I eat dark chocolate every day I have 2 squares a day from a bigger bar. No problem as long as I take L lysine.

You have to have more L lysine in your blood than arginine or you will get shingles. Had an outbreak and it went to the other side one spot and I took 6 lysines at once and it dried up in 20 minutes.

Enjoy your dark chocolate.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Thank you very much to the posters who responded to my "Dark Chocolate Syndrome" request - much appreciated. Most helpful in ascertaining any upside / downside factors.


Dirty Power Health Concerns

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/19/2020

ORH here,,,,,,,,,, Lord have mercy have I got confusion going here with our electrical co-op about dirty power. This is a health issue for certain. I am a Ch E from Ga Tech, but I an a novice as far as electricity is concerned. Don't turn me off, because this is about your pocketbook and your health. Dirty power gets to you on both counts. I am learning, but me and my co-op are fixing to to round and round. In the meantime, you need to see how this is affecting you. I promise you that you have the same problem. Dirty power increases your electric bill and affects your health and sleep. Hell, all this time, I thought Big Pharma was the bad guy. Hey, we have lots of bad guys. Waiting on a phone call from the VP and the longer it takes, the more they are talking. Funny how that works. They know I have worms and will cause them consternation. They know me. ====ORH====

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile , Tn)

This all started when we had a ground fault run into our house and destroy about $3,000 worth of stuff. It was the Co-op's fault because they did not check out the system when I called. We then put in ground fault breakers all over the house. After a year, our bill is far less than before. I had no clue for the reason until I read a commercial about what was happening. I promise you ........ you are paying for dirty power. It is costing you money and affecting your health. It is not on the scale of Big Pharma, but it is constant and corrupt and they understand. There is a reason you can't sleep and it may not be a problem with you. The corruption of this country is now a given. Myself, I plan on giving lots of folks indigestion. ====ORH====

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Congrats on 60 blissful years with the love of your life . The electric company and pharmaceutical company have nothing on the Satanist behind the original programming . My SRA friend they tortured knows a lot about it all.( Above Magestic) is a documentary of the behind the scenes around the world. I don't know what all to believe. I have a lot of faith that God is working NOW to bring those things done in darkness into the light. The ones trying to hide are throwing out any game they can think of to distract the masses. All those supposed missing children and teens and stories. All the legal systems that make no sense. The enemies first trick is to make people mad so they can't think straight. Turn them against each other and make them bitter and unforgiving. No Love. Love heals. Cortisol robs them of electrolytes and brain function as they run to survive. Lance Wallnau makes some sense and he's pretty funny. Laughter is good medicine ...and I say to you pray before you go confront opponents. God will make a way. Thank the Lord for He is Good, Charity

on youtube open wide your mouth and I will fill it dated june 3.2020 and I could not stop laughing because we all have one foot in a trap. God and satan are both saying stick em up, one way you lose the other you gain.

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile , Tn)

Charity, you a tough HIDE, and I mean that in a complimentary way. All know my Tractor Driver is a tough HIDE to have spent 60 years with me. Life is interesting, but you play the hand you were dealt. ====ORH====

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile , Tn)

ORH here and wearing all out, but this is far more complicated than I thought. If you clean up your dirty current, you can also increase the magnetic energy and be in worse shape, health wise. So, I am at a state of where I need help. Need a Ga Tech EE to come help me. I truly believe this is one of our unknown health problems. We all do stuff to solve our health problems but we do little to prevent them. I think this is an opportunity to make giant strides in this effort. EMF's are bad news Charlie. ====ORH====

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

ORH, you can pray psalm 91 and if you do it in~faith, God will send his angels to perform his word for you and your household. God doesn't listen to fear doubt and unbelief . Daniel waited 21 days for the angel to show up to perform the answer to his prayer . That is where satan starts to ask you questions and you have to stay in the word . You can have any promise in there. I am seated in rest in heavenly places in Christ next to my Father and I can ask them to show me what I don't understand. Your mind is two, the natural man with natural senses for earth navigation, and the spirit man with spiritual senses that hear the Father and do what he says to bring down the resurrection power from heaven to tear up the enemies camp. You do it by the book and you get the results it says you already have. I have this problem that is already solved in the spirit, promised with conditions awaiting the master, who is perfecting my character . I need it to manifest on the earth. My faith is going to bring that down to me as I understand and apply the book . As your soul (mind will emotions) prospers so are you in perfect health. Demons are interesting, I have lot of experience with them. I think someone needs to create a new video game for kids to learn how to defeat the real enemy and take back their land.Years ago I went to a healer and had my blankets prayed over and they still vibrate after many washings. Our power and vibrations override the enemies. My friends always want to get under the blankets, you feel such peace vibrating through you . I loaned one out and never got it back. He said he couldn't give it back because he couldn't sleep without it. We have power, wonder working power in the word and the blood.

But I do thank God for Earth Clinic because it is hard to understand the spirit realm because you can't see it. You need to be able to get symptoms under control so you can sleep and get some studying done. So much to learn, so little time.

Replied by Diana

Hi ORH - After reading quite extensively about PEMF devices, they claim that they help the body deal with EMFs.

PEMFs were even mentioned several times in the 5G Summit that aired a week or so ago.

I know that you said you own one. Do you use it every day? Do you think it may help offset the harm from EMFs/dirty electricity?

Trying to stay healthy despite all the interference (negligence) from corporations seems to be a full-time job!

Enjoying your contributions to Earth Clinic - always interesting :)

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

Charity,,,,,,,,, you sumpin else. About too deep for me. However, I read your vibs. Sometimes when my mind down loads on problems I have worked on for a long time, then I get pissed, because why am I just now figuring all this out? My consciousness had no clue, but my sub conscious mind has been working on this problem for a long, long time. All of a sudden I get this download and the problem is solved in a minute. Now, that ain't fair. My whole life has been about solving industry problems.

In Alabama, my drive to work was about 20 minutes. Sometimes I never remembered that drive, because my mind was working on a problem. All of a sudden........ the down load.... and the problem was solved. I wish I could tell you how all this happened, but I can't. I ain't that smart. Folks that don't think we have a really smart guy looking over us fall into two categories. One their IQ is 75 or it is 150. One is a totally dummy and the other thinks they are he. I fall in-between and know we got a bright guy we can talk to. ====ORH====

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

About the whole sumpin of me is a result of trying to find my way out of the problems . I still need some help, like a creative miracle or two, but I got a couple of those already, so I will seek Him and wait on Him to make it so. I wish Him HAPPY FATHERS DAY every year and I wish it to all you fathers out there . Don't beat yourself up if your kids don't appreciate your efforts, they didn't come from where you did and have no clue what it's like. There were no good old days for most people . I wrote my kids letters when they left for the world out there, if you have any problems with your childhood memories come talk to me and we can work it out . I did my best and it wasn't perfect. None of us are perfect, but repenting is good for the soul. Our first gr grand turned one this month, he's a keeper. I've been busy putting comfrey at the base of my fruit trees with some mint and marigolds. Comfrey tap root is up to 10 feet bring up nutrients from the deep and mint is offensive to bugs and marigolds attract wasp, unless I am remembering that wrong . Don't know much but if there's a problem it will sort itself out. Blessings, Charity

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

Charity,,,,,,,,, you kinda wild and strange like me. You start talking and no telling where you going. That is just like I do's. Dang, I know my merits and my demerits. I don't need to be told. I know my + and my -. Nobody has to tell me. I have a feeling that you are the same way. My and yo problem is that we say what comes to mind. HEY, and most times that is not PC. I think you have me pegged. My kids have no clue what it means to be raised up hard, but they think they were. All have an college education that was paid for and mine was not. Have bailed them out until age 50 and finally gave up. Tried to be tough, but don't think I was near bout tough enough. None are in jail and all making their way in life, without my money.They know they can come home but must bring their own hoe, because it will be hard times and hard work is required. ORH

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Monkey see monkey do, they were programed . Stuff you thought you hid from them they learned . I got my own zoo and I take it to the Lord. And he says stick em up : ) and while you are at it put a smile on that face .

Remember I'm a multiple, (reintegrated alters) we are complicated . I taught on multiple personality at church a couple times, and shared how to overcome it. I have an excuse for my weirdness. My whole childhood I had to keep someones dirty secret, now I get to be myself, it's complicated but I'm sorting it out. I front filter, lay out the trash so they aren't shocked later on down the road and run for the hills. No mask. Sorts the ones that can't handle my reality before I spend too much time on the relationship. Surprising how many come back after they come out of shock. They realize I can handle their crazy, because I have my own. Only special people get to be in my inner circle but everyone is a friend. So little time, so much to learn. I'm going to watch Mark Hemans and try to manifest a Jesus miracle, I can feel the power, wonder working power.Zzz You can watch and try to catch one too. I heard the Lord say bag of worms earlier when I was praying and I'm thinking either we are going to go catch a fish or break down some compost . He can be hard to figure...I'm like, any more tips or is that it? Nothing ! Praying is always entertaining, like a grab bag, you never know what you will get . I have to say He's been generous. I've seen a lot of outright miracles. I know he laughs a lot and doesn't give you all the information so you won't quit.

Dr. Mercola

Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 09/16/2021

This article will be deleted on Mercola's website some time tomorrow
(September 17, 2021) so read it as soon as you can.

Nasal Irrigation May Help Prevent COVID Hospitalizations

The article contains videos on how to nebulize hydrogen peroxide.

Click on “Sources and References” at the end of the article (before the comments) – some of his videos are on Bitchute so you can access the videos there as well.

The following is from Dr. Mercola's blog (August 26, 2021) so it remains up:

Could a Simple Nasal Spray Be the Answer to COVID-19?

Read the comments after the article. It's always good to know what other people do to stay healthy. Some people have had great success with Xlear nasal spray.

There are recipes on the Internet if you want to make your own - just search for diy xlear nasal spray.

Take care,


Replied by Art
2395 posts

Hi Tessa,

The Xlear Nasal Spray for Covid-19, I wrote about last year here on EC along with the protocol they used in the study as well as a link to the study:

It is part of what I plan to use if I get Covid-19 and is likely handy to keep a bottle with you in case you end up unexpectedly in a potentially high exposure area.



Hi Art -

After I posted, I was looking through a number of Covid responses on Earth Clinic and I saw your Xlear article from December 2020 (oops! ).

I knew I should have started with Earth Clinic first - heh, heh.

Thanks, Art! I always appreciate all of your research and your dedication to this site. I've learned so much. Still successfully using the borax lotion for my arthritis.

Now, I'll be picking up Xlear from the health food store (regular drugstores here don't seem to stock it).




Tessa, if you are interested, there are recipes online to make your own xclear solution. I bought a 4 pack of Xclear from Amazon when covid first started, one for each family member. Since then, I have refilled those bottles with homemade. Xylitol is the main factor and kills virus'. You can get xylitol in mints, gum, drinks, etc that are very available and easy to use in public. Just one more item in our germ-fighting arsenal.

2395 posts

Hi Tessa,

I'm glad to hear that the borax lotion is still working well for you!

I like the whole idea of Xlear against Covid-19 because of its simplicity, its ease of use, its basic but effective ingredients and it is definitely worth adding to any Covid-19 protocol that a person may be using.

In this 2021 article regarding research at Northwestern University and Utah State University, they further determined the effectiveness of Xlear at hindering the ability of the SARS Cov-2 virus to spread as easily through the body as it does. Here is a link to that article :

Here is an interesting and important quote about how Xlear may also be active against future H1N1 strains from a professor involved in the study :

>>> 'First, we conclude, in addition to countering SARS-CoV-2, Xlear is likely effective in preventing the spread of future H1N1 viruses, including the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, along with other viral epidemics. Given the more transmissible variants we now face, this is critical now, ” said Professor Mark Cannon, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, in a press release issued on January 26,2021 ' <<<

Given the viruses ability to mutate or create what they now refer to as "variants" instead of mutations, this study is highly important for the future in the fight against Covid-19, its variants as well as H1N1 flu and its variants. Unfortunately for us, it has been largely ignored by the scientific community and the media! So I am glad that Earth Clinic is hear to allow us to share this critical information with family and friends and the whole EC community! It appears we have to look out for our own well being because the mainstream scientific community seems to be mostly interested in studying and promoting high dollar pharmaceuticals that seem to be less than optimally effective against Covid-19.


2395 posts

Hi GertJr,

It is worth mentioning that Xlear nasal spray also contains Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) which has many very desirable qualities that would be very helpful against Covid-19 and H1N1. These include antiparasitic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, antibiofilm, and antioxidant. The xylitol acts as an anti-irritant, antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiofilm agent.

Given these above qualities, you can see why it would very likely be active against Covid-19 and H1N1 as well as a multitude of other health issues.

It is just my opinion and there are no studies to support this theory, but I also believe Xlear could be a frontline Covid-19 treatment if nebulized at the first signs and symptoms of infection where it could be delivered directly to the mucous membranes and lungs to interact with the viral particles almost instantaneously.

I am not recommending that anyone do this, just pointing out that this is worth doing studies on to see if it can work as a cheap and effective treatment in the very early disease stages. This would be in addition to what the current studies show that Xlear Nasal Spray can do in terms of Covid-19.


Earth Clinic Guidelines

Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 07/17/2020

Yikes, ok everyone, no more pissy/off-topic threads allowed on EC. Boundaries now returned to previous strict levels.

Please review our guidelines page if you need a reminder. But here's the list:

1. No mean or attacking posts allowed.

2. No conspiracy talk.

3. No religious language or urls to religious websites or videos.

4. No off-health subject posts (i.e., politics)

5. If someone asks for help, please stick to the subject. People are going off on tangents that have no relation to the post. If someone is dying of cancer and extremely vulnerable, please don't start a discussion in the same thread complaining about doctors (Yes, that happened recently).

Sorry, but we're going to delete posts from now on that do not adhere to our guidelines.

Thank you!!

Fibromyalgia for Fibromyalgia

Posted by Adrienne (Cardiff, Wales, Uk) on 07/15/2020

Good day,
I received an email discussing the benefits of Melatonin for Fibromyalgia from Earth Clinic but I seem to have lost the email and cannot find any link or post on your website regarding it.
Can you help please.

Getting Along

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/18/2020

ORH here, today me and my Tractor Driver have been married 60 years. We simple folk, so for our anniversary I gave her a massage and mineral bath once a week and will clean up my bathroom everyday. We will also go out for a meal once a week. Lord have mercy, what you have to do these days to get a good Tractor Driver. ATS ====ORH ====

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! (You got away with it cheaply, son!! )

May you two enjoy many, many more happy, healthy anniversaries to come!!!

Getting Up From The Ground

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 06/05/2021

Greetings Earth Clinic,

What to do when you have fallen outside and cannot get up?

Pray Children Pray. Also, If you have two at least half good knees get on them grab a pole and pull yourself up, because sometimes it is hard to find good help. Anyway that's what I had to do. I know that are a few deceptive people out and trying to harm others, but if the good team up surely good will come. If you not sure and are frightened then keep walking. But somehow I don't believe everyone is scared of their neighbor.

Let me go back a little, about five years ago, I saw a man on the ground up against the gate of City Hall on the Chambers Street side; it was about the middle of the day. He was in a seated position with some blood on the side of his face To me that did not seem usual, not at City Hall. However, people were just passing him by as if it was part of a movie or something. I had a big box in my hand for some reason or another busy like everyone else. But something said, this man needs help. I walked over to him and asked, "Do you want an ambulance?" He answered yes. I called 911, and 911 said, we don't pick up people off the street anymore. I said, but this man has a family!! I had never seen the man in my life. The worker said, "He does?" I answered yes, everybody has a family. He said "okay we'll come will you be there," I said no I have a big box to deliver.

Long story short, I took care of my business which was only a few blocks from there, then jumped on the bus that goes back down that block. The ambulance workers were taking the man into the ambulance. I did not take a memory note of the man's face but I remembered his green jacket. A couple of weeks later I saw him back at City Hall examining the gates as if he were thinking, " how did this gate hit me?" The thought tickled me but I was glad to see that he was well.

A few days ago, it was my turn to fall. I was trying to catch my cousin's attention who was on the other side of that wide street. It looked like I was about to get the green light, so I stepped off of the curb. Then I noticed one more car trying to make the light. So I stepped back, the heel of my shoe hit the curb. And I went down hard, boom! I heard a scream, but I was still alive. I was at the corner, but it was one of those corners with the yard wide open space and somehow instead of stepping back into the space I hit the curb.

Yes, somebody screamed, but nobody came to help me up. Thank God, somehow I ended up sitting on the edge of the sidewalk with my feet in that crossing space. I had the breath know out of me for a moment or two, and could not stand yet. And people just kept walking past me on the crosswalk. No one asked if I wanted an ambulance or if I were ok. So I decided to sit there and smile since didn't know how I was going to get up. I called to my cousin one more time. So that he would not go in the wrong direction. He heard me that time as I still sat on the ground. He had his father with him who was in a wheelchair. So I knew I had to get up now. I looked behind me and saw a light pole. My pocketbook was still on the ground. I didn't care at the moment. I needed both hands to get up. I pulled myself up with the help of the pole. If you know other methods to get off the ground from a fall, please share.

Ooh and I am sure you guessed, my hand that I fell on began to swell. But it was still a great day after all was said and done, you see I have a few people who would not have been very happy if I had left them suddenly.


Replied by GertJr

I'm glad you managed and are okay. We had gone through this scenario with mother when she was worried how to handle it if dad fell. We told her, first you call 911. Don't ask him if you should, he will say no, but do it anyway. Next, go to him and see if he's mentally able to speak, etc. If so, he can tell you if anything is damaged. Then, if there's a neighbor to call do so, if not then get a kitchen chair. If he can get on his knees, then he can pull himself up using the chair and then sit down. If he cannot get on his knees, make sure he can breathe and do what you can to make him comfortable. While doing all this, pray. You can only do so much and you certainly cannot lift him yourself. Do what you can and then trust the Lord to see you through.

(New York)

Hi GertJr,

You are so on it, that knee method is like a miracle. About 5 years ago, my mother made use of it. I live in Manhattan and Mom lived in Brooklyn. Someone was in the house, but did not answer their phone. Mother had been on the bed, looking under the bed for something when she fell off onto the floor. I told her to see if she can get on her knees and pull up on the nearby chair. It worked praise the Lord! She was a little more careful after that, but the knee method came in handy more than once for her. Sometimes we have to wait until the children or a helper comes to help us get work done.


(Dublin, OH)

A similar thing happened to me. However, my knees are extremely sensitive and I can't kneel on them. Luckily I had a pillow near by that I could place under my knees; then I used the side of my bed to help me get up.

(New York)

Wendy of Dublin, OH,

Great thinking, the pillow will certainly ease the pain from pulling up in knee position.

Helpful Tips

Posted by Earth Clinic (CT) on 06/20/2020

Hi Charity,

For your copy and pasting issues...

When you go to copy and paste, you need to be next to the blinking cursor and then right click your mouse or use ctr+c to copy and ctrl+v to paste. If on a Mac, use command+c to copy highlighted url and command+v to paste.

See if that works.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Thank you. Being dyslexic it is good to know right or left, Eye doc appts are always a task for me. Close you right eye and look at the chart and tell me what you see. If you can't laugh you might cry so might as well humble yourself and laugh. Which side of the road do I drive on. …..hmmm.....

Replied by Rsw

Hi Everyone,

Apparently it's been so long since we used this former format that I can't see how you post a new comment. (I never did figure it out on the new site, and just replied, as I am doing now). I know it's simple. Just don't see it. I don't have anything to post. Just wondering for future reference. Thanks!


Just click on the Contact Us link at the top of the navigation bar. That will pop up our form. If you are logged in, it goes fast as all the fields are filled out.

Should we name it something else? We already had "Add New Post".. not sure that is any better!

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

I did it I hope I can remember this

EC: Yay!

Replied by Rsw

Thank you!

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