i have been using msm for many years with good results and suggested to my boyfriend but when he uses only 3 drops he says it burns his lips and tongue. so after using citric acid activator I tried giving him the hcl activator and he said that burned more. wondering if any one is having this experience as I cannot understand why. I brush my teeth using 3 drops in 3 tablespoons of water and never had a problem.
I have to wonder how many of those reporting negative reactions to MSM may have been taking 'low quality MSM', because my DH bought an 'off brand' for me from once, & when I tried to test it (dissolve some in water), that white powder/crystals 'sat' very high atop the water & would not dissolve at all ... whereas Pure MSM does not float, & readily dissolves in water!
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
Sorry, it was a Mistake/Mistyping:
I was so emotionally overwhelmed, when typing that Story, that I confused MILLIgramms with Gramms. Pardon, please. I took 2.000 MILLIgramms, respectively 4.000 MILLIgramms on the LAST Day, before my MSM-Poisoning struck.
If I really took 2.000 GRAMMS or even 4.000 GRAMMS, I´d be already DEAD by now!!!
(Please also take in Consideration, that we use a "." in between the Hundred´s Column and the Thousand´s Column, here in Europe, instead of a ", " . )
I posted my Story a second Time already, with corrected Numbers.
About MSM
...you want to take it slow BECAUSE they're going to open the gates and release the toxins your body has had to lock up, over the years, because it couldn't handle them all in the first place and you have NO way of knowing what those toxins might be.
If you're going to take MSM or DMSO or, actually, if you're going to do any new sort of cleanse, take activated charcoal as well, to attract, trap and eliminate those toxins via the digestive tract but, even so, take it slow. There's no reason to flush everything out all at once.
Unless you've had a lethal poison, once you start eliminating the toxins, the damage they're causing the body to do to itself in trying to corral and lock them up is going to either stop, altogether, or slow way down as they're released, drawn out and trapped.
Activated charcoal pulls toxins out of the blood and into the digestive tract for elimination when you take it internally the same way it pulls toxins out of infection and inflammation, through the fat, fascia and skin when you use it externally.
DMSO and MSM release toxins for elimination but then the body has to deal with them. And multiples of them and combinations of them, given the corruption of the food, water and manufactured goods supplies so, help a body out. Sweep them up as they're released instead of just letting them run around free and wreaking havoc.
It doesn't take as much activated charcoal as you think. One teaspoon of activated charcoal has a surface area of more than an acre. A tablespoon? FOUR football fields.
Anxiety, Dry Skin, Cold, Panic
Hi GiftOpfer der MSM-Lügen,
Earth Clinic has been on top of the situation with MSM, not only telling us the good reports of the community members, but also the potential negative side effects as discussed here :
While many people report very good results with MSM including myself and friends, obviously MSM gives many people new problems as discussed in the above link which EC was smart enough to warn potential users about the potential downsides of MSM! One consideration is that some MSM products may not be what they claim to be.
Anxiety, Dry Skin, Cold, Panic
Auch im März 2022 mit MSM vergiftet worden? ...MICH hatte es Mitte März erwischt, kurz NACH Ausbruch des Ukraine-Krieges und 1 Monat vor meine Oma verstorben ist. Seither habe ICH meinen ganz "persönlichen, privaten Ukraine-Krieg" im Kopf durchgemacht... 2 harte Jahre lang. Tiefen-Erschöpftheit bis hin zur Lebens-MÜDIGKEIT und eine erbarmungslose emotionale Blockade im Gehirn wie ein Schraubstock! Und erst so nach und nach komme ich diesem heimtückischen Nervengift MSM, seiner Geschichte, Herkunft und den Hintergründen auf die Schliche. Es ist ein Oxidans eines Abfallproduktes der Papierindustrie, welches von den 2 unverantwortlichen US-Chemikern Dr. Stanley W. Jacobs und Dr. Robert M. Herschler (aus Portland, Oregon) als "omnipotentes Wunderallheilmittel" propagiert wurde. Leider findet man ÜBERALL im gesamten Internet NICHTS als 900%-ige Propaganda und Lügen über MSM! Und selbst diese ansonsten so überstrengen und übereifrigen DEUTSCHEN Kontroll- & Verbraucherschutz-Verbände & -Behörden haben im Fall des MSM bisher auf ganzer Linie versagt!!!
Lassen Sie uns zur Opfer-Selbsthilfe greifen! Denn: Helfen wir uns nicht SELBST, dann hilft uns niemand!
Google Translate:
Also poisoned with MSM in March 2022? ...it hit ME in mid-March, shortly AFTER the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and 1 month before my grandma died. Since then I have been going through my own "personal, private Ukraine war" in my head... for 2 hard years. Deep exhaustion to the point of FATIGUE of life and a merciless emotional blockage in the brain like a vice! And it's only little by little that I'm getting to the bottom of this insidious neurotoxin MSM, its history, origins and background. It is an oxidant from a waste product of the paper industry, which was created by the 2 irresponsible US chemists Dr. Stanley W. Jacobs and Dr. Robert M. Herschler (from Portland, Oregon) was propagated as an "omnipotent panacea". Unfortunately, you will find NOTHING EVERYWHERE on the entire internet but 900% propaganda and lies about MSM! And even these otherwise extremely strict and overzealous GERMAN control and consumer protection associations and authorities have so far failed completely in the case of the MSM!!!
Let us resort to victim self-help! Because: If we don't help ourselves, then no one will help us!
About MSM
For the Sake of FAIR Information for a Change:
About the History and Background of MSM & DMSO:
DMSO is a Bye-Product of the Paper Industry, and was first scientifically described by russian Chemist Dr. Alexander Michailowitsch Saizew in 1866. MSM however, is the OXIDATED Form of DMSO. The 2 US-Chemists Dr. Stanley W. Jacobs and Dr. Robert M. Herschler, who were asked by the Paper Company "Crown-Zellerbach" in Portland, Oregon, to find a Use for DMSO, irresponsibily claimed without Evidence, that DMSO would help with a faster Healing of Wounds, Ulcers and even Asthma. But because of the bad Body Smell caused by DMSO, Dr. Jacobs & Dr. Herschler soon focussed on the oxidated Form of DMSO, which is MSM. For MSM, they irresponsibly even claimed many, many MORE medical Benefits, ignored ALL possible Side-Effects, and Dr. Jacobs got 1 Patent on a MSM-Product (and published lots of Propaganda-Books), and his Colleague, Dr. Herschler even got 11 Patents on MSM-Products!
Until this Day, NO serious Long-Term-Studies for the Use of MSM have been made yet, whatsoever. But that doesn´t keep the worldwide Propaganda for MSM from insisting on the Opposite! Also until this Day, NO Consumer-Protection-Organization or -Authority has reckognized or admitted the SERIOUS possible Side-Effects of MSM, like Heart-Palpitations, Depression, high Blood-Pressure, Panic Attacks, ... Let alone WARNED about those! They have failed entirely!
MSM is an organic Sulfur-Compound from the active Substance Group of the Cholinesterase-Inhibitors, like Insecticides like E 605, and many Chemical Weapons like VX, Soman, Tabun, Sarin and Novichok. It therefore is a Neurotoxin. MSM is capable of passing the Blood-Brain-Barrier and can penetrate Cell Membranes of the Body. As Reports from People taking MSM orally, from all over the World show, MSM is not a "natural Remedy" but a Nerve-Toxin and far from being "harmless".
I've read msm lowers molybdenum from Chris Masterjohn. Can cause glutamate toxicity and other problems especially neurological related. It's related to sulfites and sulfates. Learn more from C MasterJohn
Digestive Problems
Nicole, did you start with too much? Any new supplement should be tried bit by bit and maybe one by one.
Digestive Problems
MSM and Camu Camu
I am wondering if anyone can help me be able to take this supplement. I was excited to take this. I started with a teaspoon of MSM and a teaspoon of Camu Camu as it was recommended to take vitamin C together. I mixed this a large glass of water and chocked it down. The taste is pretty revolting. After a few days of this torture, I began to feel sick with 3 days severe diarrhea and nausea and stomach aches. I am wondering if this is related or normal.
That is a massive dose of MSM. According to a study I read, the large dose for arthritis is 3 grams. A low dose is 500ml. 19 tablespoons is 57 teaspoons. One teaspoon is 5.5 grams. So, 19 tablespoons is 313 grams of MSM. I'm not sure how long it takes you to drink that gallon, but that's high-dose MSM for over 3 months.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
2000 gram is 2 kilograms!!! No wonder!!! Dose is 2000 Milligrams or 2 gram in a large glass of purified water or orange juice/vitamin C.
Hope you are ok.
I'm currently taking.progesterone therapy. I took msm and had side effects the second time I took it, headache, fatigued, bloating and nervesness. Started having night sweats...as if I never took the progesterone. It definitely affected my hormones. It also killed all my pain.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
I took a small amount of MSM one day because I had read about so many health benefits of sulfur. I felt great at first, but then when I took another small dose I started feeling like you did, Extremely tired, lethargic, etc. I felt like I had been drugged and I just wanted to sleep all day. It really concerned me and I read up on what was happening to me. Apparently some of us don't process sulfur well and it can build up in our systems as well as the toxins that it knocks loose. The mineral molybdenum helps to convert the sulfur into a more useable form for the body, as well as helping to get rid of the toxins from the sulfur. I took two doses of molybdenum a few hours apart and felt like a new woman! I strongly suggest you start taking molybdenum to counteract the effects of the sulfur from the MSM. Good luck!
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
It effected me by a huge amount of anxiety. I quit taking it and will never take it again. It was scary and am happy that I quickly looked at all the side effects of the various things I take. I was just on it for about 2 days and it was gone in the same amount of time.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
In response to your post on side effects of MSM. I took 1500mg which was the recommended dose because of ongoing skin/parasite infections for which nothing else has really worked to get rid of it completely. It sounded like just what I needed to make my skin more resilient and fight infection. Sadly, a few days after I began taking it I started to feel the same sort of symptoms you have; I got really depressed and teary, felt really tired, increased anxiety and lost the will to do anything. I didn't know it was caused by msm at first but when I read your story I am sure now. My brain, at the front of forehead started aching and I got severe behaviour impairment such as feeling I'd lost my real self. This also caused great anxiety I spent the whole night crying. I think I felt poisoned as I thought I can't go on anymore what's happening to me! I stopped taking them last week after 2 weeks on them. Still have to sleep most of the time too and I just hope these symptoms will go away; although the deep fog of depression still hangs over me. I will not be taking MSM anymore! Good luck with your experience!
I am glad that the MSM and mag oil are working very well for you and thank you for the update! A 90% decrease in your back pain is awesome!
I have been drinking 1/4 of a teaspoon of MSM powder in a glass of water every day for the last 3 weeks plus 2 drops of molybdenum every night and have had no side effects at all. I have had great results with the pain in my lower back subsiding by 90%. I do hope this is it. I feel almost like my old self again. the magnesium oil is doing a great job too. Thank you for all your advice Art. God bless you.
Dimitra65, I would suggest a topical pain reliever that is available here in the US, but I'm sure it is not going to be available down under. One thing you can try since you already have the MSM and it worked well for your purpose is to use the MSM topically. Take one level full teaspoon of the MSM and add it to 2 ounces of water and stir until dissolved. Choose a sensitive spot on your inner forearm about a half inch in diameter. Using a q-tip to apply a small amount of the liquid to that small circular spot on your inner forearm. Apply to this same spot 3 times per day for 3 days, all the while watching for signs of a rash or other allergic reaction. If no reaction after the three days is complete, then you can try applying the liquid to your lower spine where you have the pain. Again, pay close attention to watch for signs of a rash or other allergic reaction. If no bad reactions after 3 days and assuming it does offer you pain relief, you can then do this same 3 day experiment on your painful neck. MSM in this liquid form can also be used simultaneously with the mag oil. A tip about mag oil, after applying the first time in the day and after the pain relieving effect has stopped, reapply just water over your original application area as this will reactivate the remaining magnesium chloride on the skin and should offer pain relief similar to the original application. Using water for the second application of the day will use less mag oil and reduce the potential for skin irritation to the mag oil. By the way, does ibuprofen or aspirin offer you any pain relief at all? Keep me posted. Art
Dear Art,
thank you once again for your tips and further references. As I have had several MRIS and they have shown that the lower part of my spine healed after the accident at a very acute v shaped angle so the vertebrae will always get in the way of the nerves and cause excruciating pain. I have been doing yoga for at least 23 years now and that keeps me walking and supple but as I mentioned that doesn't help so much with the pain. I have asked neurosurgeons if I should get an operation done and they all said that with my situation surgery would not help and it actually could cause more suffering. I rarely take any pain killers because I wouldn't have any kidneys or liver left with the years that I have this problem. Hence my delight when I started the MSM. I will start taking a lower dose and Molybdenum as see how I go. I will keep you posted. Wish me luck. Oh and by the way, thank you for the Magnesium oil tip. It has helped me somewhat with my neck pain and my migraines. Kindest regards to you Art.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
Hallo MSM ist nicht Giftig
Das was MSM gemacht hat war das Eigene Körper Gift raus zu holen. ich nehme seit Jahren MSM 2-4 Gr am tag meine Sülfür depos zu füllen und nicht krank zu werden. Wenn sie 2 jahre lang Gift im Körper tragen kommt nicht einfach so raus, dafür muss man Ausleitungen machen Darm und Leber und mehr.. Bitte Informieren sie sich.. Danke
Hello MSM is not toxic
What MSM did was get your body's toxins out. I've been taking MSM 2-4 grams a day for years to fill my Sülfür depos and not get sick. If you carry poison in your body for 2 years, it doesn't come out just like that, you have to clean out your intestines and liver and more. Please inform yourself.. Thank you
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
(updated & corrected Version):
Hello again,
MSM was aggressively recommended to me, as a "natural Remedy" to cure my strange, mysterious Leg-Infection, which had defied ANY Treatment yet so far, for over 2 Years.
I was told to start with 2000 Milligramms per Day, which is 40 Times the MAXIMUM Dose, that is recommended by the official German Doctors. ( 50 Milligramms). And then I should continuously INcrease the Dose per Diem up to 8000 Milligramms !!!
I took 2000 Milligramms for about 3 or 4 Day each. But when I started feeling a bit "unwell", I somehow UNfortunately decided to INcrease the Dose to 4000 Milligramms per Day. But I only did that 1 Time... then the Side-Effects hit sooo horribly HARD on me, all of a sudden, that I needed to STOP immediately !:
It was like a very short electric Shock, running through my Brain ; like a "Fuse" burning in my Head:
All of a sudden I felt sick, tired, exhausted and ill.
From THAT Day on, I never took ANY MSM again, and threw away the Rest of it. But my horrible, serious and severe Side-Effects from that short MSM-Intake just STAYED, ...even worse: They rather WORSENED all by themselves:
(1.) I now suffer from a DEEP Fatigue, with such a fatal Exhaustion, that I had become "life-tired / tired of Life" as we say in German. (When My Grandmother died in April 2022, I just wanted to JOIN her in her Grave !!!)
(2.) In my Brain (somehwere right behing my Forehead) an EMOTIONAL BLOCKADE established itself ! Something in my Brain now PREVENTS me, from truely being myself. (Like some mental Pincers/Tongs/Forceps/Clamps/Lockjaw on my Brain !!!)
All these extreme Side-Effects now continuously have existed and never vanished, ever since the Middle of March 2022.
The ONLY fair and critical Information I ever have read on MSM, was THIS Article on EarthClinic.com:
where I found ALL my Symptoms written and described! Unfortunately, I only found this Internet Page AFTER I took MSM.
Does anybody know these Kind of Side-Effects, and does anybody know any slightest Hint of WHAT could ease these massive Problems of suicidal Exhaustion/Fatigue and the emotional Blockade in my Forehead? Any Idea of a (natural) Relief for this MSM-caused Misery, please?
Thanks in Advance already
The ONLY Information, I could gather about the Changes, that MSM causes in the Brain is, that MSM is a Neurotoxin ( a Cholinesterase-Inhibitor, like some Insecticides ( E 605) and most of the chemical Weapons (Sarin, Tabun, Soman, VX, Novitchok ) and it is transformed inside the Body into the 4 sulfuric Amino-Acids: Glutathione, Methionine, Cysteine & Taurine).
But I still cannot really phathom the ecaxt Damages, that MSM has caused & left in my Brain. Let alone, that I could think of a potential Cure whatsoever yet !
I have been sending Letters & E-Mails & Telephone-Calls to Emergency-Hotlines for Cases of Poisoning, to various Faculties of University-Clinics, to governmental Consumer-Protection-Agencies, to the EFSA and the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Union. NOnody KNOWS about MSM, NObody WANTS to know about MSM, NObody is reckognizing and acknowledging the Problem !! The whole "AURA" surrouding MSM is like a creepy Poison itself, just like the irresponsible Propaganda for MSM worldwide, too ! What scary Phenomenon are we facing here, with MSM???
You are quite welcome, Dimitra!
Do you have a diagnosis for your condition that was caused by the motorbike accident? If so, you should post it as you are likely to get many suggestions that may help.
On a related note and not knowing what your diagnosis is Boswellia Serrata Extract may help as it is an anti inflammatory and is generally well tolerated. There are several forms of it, but you would definitely want an extract form. Here is a link to a typical product :
Another consideration is topically applied mag oil spray. Here is a typical product:
Thank you so much for your reply. I do not have arthritis. The back pain is associated with a motorbike accident.
A rash is one of the many known side effect of MSM consumption as discussed here :
And here :
If you were taking MSM for arthritis, you might consider borax as an alternative.
MSM for back pain and hair thinning.
I started taking MSM organic powder in a glass of water every morning. I started taking a quarter of teaspoon for four days then started taking half a teaspoon for another four days and I reached taking one teaspoon around about the fourth week. I had much more energy, the extreme pain in my lower back had gone by 90% and my hair started to have some volume at the roots. I was over the moon. I thought that I would never stop taking it.
Then on the fourth week I got this horrible rash all over my body. Little welts that itched so much I just wanted to rip my skin off. There was nothing else in my diet that could have caused this except for the MSM. I stopped it and after about four days the rash stopped itching and the rash went away after a week. I am so disappointed. Now I contemplating about the fact that it is not supposed to be toxic and if it was the amount I was taking or is truly an allergic reactions or that my body was detoxing all the heavy metals and other crap from my body.
I am asking the community if anyone can give me answers and if there is some way to mitigate the rash? I would be truly grateful for some answers because I can't get a straight answer from my doctor or anyone else for that matter.
You started with too high a dose. You need to start with a slow dose and go extremely slow if you want to avoid the detox herx reaction
According to my own (bad) Experiences, I do explicitly NOT recommend taking MSM together with Zoloft (Sertraline). MSM can strongly affect the Effects of SSRI-Antidepressants.
Fatigue, Heart Palpitations
Githe, why don't you try staying at 1/4 tsp. for the benefit without the side effects?
Fatigue, Heart Palpitations
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and started using MSM to see if it will help with the chronic inflammation. I started with 1/4 teaspoon, and worked up over 2x months to 1 teaspoon after breakfast. Unfortunately I have started feeling extremely tired, my blood pressure has become erratic, and I am experiencing heart palpitations 2 to 3x per day! It has been the only change to my normal routine for the last few months.These are apparently known side effects... I did see a slight improvement in inflammation levels though, but with these side effects it is not worth it for me.
I'm looking for some answers regarding MSM.
I was taking about 1-2000mg daily at the same time as using milk thistle and siberian ginseng. After the initial pronounced detox and ceasing of menopausal hot flashes I developed gout in the heels. At some stage, I have also had plantar fasciitis years ago but I'm fairly sure this is gout as I've also had that before when I first became ill with fibromyalgic and other crazy symptoms about a decade ago. I'm certain I have some kind of kidney dysfunction and have had it all my life...maybe something like Gitelman syndrome.
So my question is why am I getting gout in relation to the MSM? When I ceased the MSM the foot symptoms receded. Are my kidneys in danger from using MSM if I have some undiagnosed kidney problem? I thought msm was good for kidneys. I can't find any info online, all info says that msm is great for kodney function and helps lower homocysteine.
Itchy Skin, Mouth Sores
I've been taking MSM for many months/years but only recently very consistently. I take a teaspoon or a little more each day on an empty stomach. I take for my teeth and bones. I also do fermented cod liver oil. It has always helped and I've never had issues until recently... I noticed I was getting sores in my mouth. A lot. I was also noticing the front of my shoulders itching like crazy. Only the front of my shoulders, on both sides.
Just as an experiment, I stopped only the MSM. My mouth sores immediately cleared up and I hadn't noticed until now, the itching has stopped. So, this week, I started taking it again. A much smaller dose and only every other day. Today is the second time I've taken it and my shoulders have started itching. No mouth sores yet but I think I'm going to stop.
I'm wondering, how long should I stop? Should I even start it again? I really think it helps for my teeth and bones, I just wonder if you should only do it for a certain amount of time and then stop a certain amount of time to get the advantages of it?
Joint Pain, High Blood Pressure
2 weeks on msm. Joint pain bad and high blood pressure. I am taking 1/8 teaspoon msm pure flakes.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
Try soaking in warm/hot water bath with sea salt for 20-30 minutes daily. Some of these toxins might pass out through the skin. That worked for me, though my symptoms were nowhere near what you sadly experienced.
Take some charcoal and clays- bentonite, diatomaceous earth.
Anxiety, Dry Skin, Cold, Panic
Hey Ana, I started taking MSM 4 weeks ago. I had severe system parasitic infection for over 20 years. Anyway, one of the last cleansing processes I needed to do was clear the toxins left in my body by the dying parasites. Enter MSM. I started adding it to my juices and after a week I had slight pain in my head (my brain to be exact). Took two weeks and I had insomnia. Then I had itching all over my body.
3 days ago, I learned that when you take MSM you have to take hot water baths since the toxins released can be sent to the skin. I did, and all the itching stopped. I simply add sea salt to my bath - about 2-3 tablespoons at night. I find it very relaxing. For those worried about low molybdenum levels try eating brazil nuts if you are not allegic to them. One or two per day has lots of molybdenum.
Try taking the MSM with a blended juice of beetroot, carrot, cabbage (celery, if you want), apple and a bit of spinach or other green leafy veges (not a lot). The chlorophyll in the greens provides magnesium too.
I feel good. I have energy and can exercise well - started calisthenics at age 49! I sleep well too. The pain in the brain has gone. I had itchy eyes for a day or two and that stopped too.
Other things I take include broths of bone, vegetable, fish and chicken - I mix them altogether in a cup. Maybe the entire combo potentiates each other, I don't know.
Have you tried applying magnesium oil? This absorbs very easily into the body through the skin. It might sting when you first use it, but I find very calming and helps me keep my magnesium intake optimal.
Anxiety, Dry Skin, Cold, Panic
Hi Ana of Germany,
I do pray you are feeling much better today.
I am only a seasonal MSM user. As the weather gets cold and my knees remind me that they have feelings too, I mix 19 or less tablespoons in a gallon of water. I also take at least 1000mg of Vitamin C. I drink at least 8 ounces a day. By the time that I have finished the second gallon I am ready to take a break, I may or may not use it again that winter unless my bones act up. The only side effect I noticed when take MSM is the headache, which felt more like a dull massaging. I gladly put up with the headache a few weeks so I could walk straight. I did not know about taking molybdenum until now, and I plan to buy it.
I am sure you have checked Earth Clinic's MSM Side Effects Post,
Some of the suggested supportive supplements for better results with MSM that are reported on EC posts are:
Vitamin C, Omega 3, Magnesium, Activated Charcoal, and Molybdenum and a few others, read them again, you often see mentioned on Earth Clinic, "start low or slow" and skip a few days each week.
About Molybdenum Read Here:
Ana, also for a leg infection that has spreading bumps or shingles bumps the answer for me was "salt." I prayed and as I awoke that morning I heard "salt." So I took about a teaspoon of Arm and Hammer's Baking Soda and a pinch of salt and put just a few drops of water in it to make it paste enough to spread and not run. I put it on at night and washed it off in the morning. I did that a few nights.
The bumps dried up, and the sores healed, the color of my leg is the same as the other. "My legs are beautiful!" Once again, your skin may be very sensitive so use caution.
What works for one person may not work for another so pray.
And please think positive, "I shall recover good health."
Anxiety, Dry Skin, Cold, Panic
I have been taking MSM for 2-3 months. From the beginning, I had strong side effects, but I figured it was just the initial worsening of the symptoms. I was very excited, suffered from insomnia, my skin became increasingly dry, I developed severe dryness lines, my body was downright cold, my hands and feet tended to have a bluish/black discolouration.., Feeling dry in the throat.., fears, panic.. Now 6 months after stopping MSM, I am still having side effects and my skin has not fully healed.
I appreciate any feedback or help
Try Magnesium Calm gummies, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper and hibiscus tea for your heart palpitations. ACV might help too 1 teaspoon
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
I am experiencing same. Like a clamp on my brain. 3k mg per day. I also am searching for remedy! Lots of brain fog and blurry vision here. 😩😫
Body Aches
MSM SIDE EFFECTS: I accidentally skipped a dose and my body aches are better and no leg cramps... those were severe and nightly and concerning. Have been on normal dose for weeks... but forget it... am done.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
It seems to me that you were taking an abnormally high dosage so no wonder you had side effects. I was told to take 4 grams which equals 1 teaspoon. This has help my arthritis but with no side effects.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
This is what I would try:
1. Charcoal- take activated charcoal on an empty stomach with a large glass of water
2. Alpha lipoic acid- removes heavy metals
3. Molybdenum- helps the body utilize sulfur
4. iTeracare device- emits terahertz frequencies and greatly improves circulation and unblocks sticky blood cells and clumps. Charge water and drink. Use device directly on forehead and the rest of your head for 15-20 minutes daily.
Good luck and write back with questions, feedback, and what ended up working for you.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
Hot sauce. Cayenne/hot peppers are euphoric and stimulating, and decongestant.
Green/black tea
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
"This too will pass" (from my favorite Aunt).
Cheers from Down Under
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
Hm. That is a truly unfortunate turn of events.
* Please list the other vitamins you took.
* Has your leg infection changed at all?
Activated charcoal, magnesium sulfate, psyllium husk may help manage any associated detox symptoms. Probably just use according to the package instructions for intestinal cleanse.
Detox may cause severe and varried symptoms similar to your description. Research "stage two detox". You may just have an overwhelming "stage 1 detox" going on.
If you feel it is an emergency, you may consider making an appointment with a doctor.
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
Dear Victim,
Do you have a local person that can help you, a friend to help you sort through things and give you wise counsel?
I hesitate to recommend any supplement, as you are wise to take a break - activated charcoal though, may help to adsorb and detoxify your system.
Plenty of water, rest, sunshine, fresh air and light exercise seem in order.
Please see this page of wellness ideas. They are mostly not things to do internally. I am wondering if cold shower therapy mentioned in the article would be of benefit to you.
Please let us know how you are doing. Remind yourself of my mother-in-law's wisdom - This will pass.
~Mama to Many~
Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog
Hello there,
MSM was aggressively recommended to me, as a "natural Remedy" to cure my strange, mysterious Leg-Infection, which had defied ANY Treatment yet so far, for over 1 Year.
I was told to start with 2000 Gramms per Day, which is 40 Times the MAXIMUM Dose, that is recommended by the official Doctors. ( 50 Milligramms). And then I should continously INcrease the Dose per Diem up to 8000 Gramms !!!
I took 2000 Gramms for about 3 or 4 Day each. But when I started feeling a bit "unwell", I somehow UNfortunately decided to INcrease the Dose to 4000 Gramms per Day. But I only did that 1 Time... then the Side-Effects hit sooo horribly HARD on me, all of a sudden, that I needed to STOP immediately !:
It was like a very short electric Shock, running through my Brain:
All of a sudden I felt sick, tired, exhausted and ill.
From THAT Day on, I never took ANY MSM again, and threw away the Rest of it. But my horrible, serious and severe Side-Effects from that short MSM-Intake just STAYED, ...even worse: They rather WORSENED all by themselves:
(1.) I now suffer from a DEEP Fatigue, with such a fatal Exhaustion, that I had become "life-tired / tired of Life" as we say in German. (When My Grandmother died in April 2022, I just wanted to JOIN her in her Grave !!!)
(2.) In my Brain (somehwere right behing my Forehead) an EMOTIONAL BLOCKADE established itself ! Something in my Brain now PREVENTS me, from truely being myself. (Like some mental Pincers/Tongs/Forceps at my Brain !!!)
All these extreme Side-Effects now continuously have existed and never vanished, ever since the Middle of March 2022.
The ONLY fair and critical Information I ever have read on MSM, was THIS Article on EarthClinic.com:
where I found ALL my Symptoms written and described! Unfortunately, I only found this Internet Page AFTER I took MSM.
What might have "co-caused" the whole Misery ADDITIONALLY, could be the many, many Vitamin-Supplements, which I took at that Time. I surely (still) have a "Hypervitaminosis", although I now completely stopped using Supplements at all.
Does anybody know these Kind of Side-Effects, and does anybody know any slightest Hint of WHAT could ease these massive Problems of suicidal Exhaustion/Fatigue and the emotional Blockade in my Forehead? Any Idea of a (natural) Relief for this MSM-caused Misery, please?
Thanks in Advance already
I recently began taking MSM after being diagnosed with osteoporosis. After taking the supplement for a few days I began to notice that foods like bacon, ham and all colors of peppers had a foul taste and smell- rotten food taste. I keep reading how beneficial it is so I am trying a different brand. Are those symptoms common?
Some people can not tolerate MSM for various reasons and it appears that you fall in that category. As good as MSM is for some people, it can have substantial negative effects for others. EC has created a page on MSM side effects because there are so many reports of it. I am not reactive to MSM but many people are :
My sister rages about MSM, so I started taking it! Maybe after 2 weeks, I started itching. It seems like everywhere, even my ears! Now I am trying over the counter remedies but nothing helps!! I will stop it and see what happens!
Urinary Retention
Have you considered borax?
Here is a link to how to use it for arthritis:
It has worked very well for me for well over a decade to keep my arthritis in remission.
Urinary Retention
I tried the supplement Osteobiflex with MSM by the recommendation of my primary care physician. It was horrible. I couldn't pee and going online I discovered it can cause urinary retention. I almost ended up in the ER. Any suggestions of what I can take that will help my back pain caused by osteoarthritis?
I've had the same experience. Started taking for my back pain I've had since a really bad accident years ago. The pain got excruciating for a week or two then it went away after so kept taking. I still take daily and have none of the severe pains I was living with for the last 15 plus years.
Hair Loss, Fatigue
Hair Loss, Fatigue
I forgot to mention that fatigue can be a symptom of MSM, but maybe topical application may allow you to avoid that symptom.
Hair Loss, Fatigue
It seems reasonable to stop the FGDE for three months to see if your reported symptoms reverse. Three months is a reasonable amount of time when testing effects on the hair because it grows slowly. It clearly does not seem to be working for your hair at this point anyway. There are silica containing supplements which may also be effective for your hair and nails if it turns out the FGDE is the cause of your problems.
As far as the MSM, it can be used topically as a cream or spray that you can make yourself and may be similarly effective as oral consumption. You can spray it directly on the affected joints. Usually 4 to 5 grams of MSM per ounce of distilled water is what I have found useful.
Hair Loss, Fatigue
I have been taking MSM in crystal form approx 1-2grams, although the knee pain in my joints improved, I noticed that my hair was coming out a lot! I have also taken DE for about 3 years which thickens my hair and makes my nails so strong. But my skin has gone crepey and dry ( I noticed this when starting DE, and was told to drink more water and eat more vegetables and fruit.)
My husband is now on MSM for pain and is experiencing much more fatigue. I think I will have to stop for a while to see if it is the MSM, maybe stop DE too, as my skin is painfully dry and my hair still falling!!! Any advice please 🙏
You said you were taking 2-3 teaspoons? Thats probably too much unless your Dr./Naturopath recommended that much. I thought a normal dose was 1/4- 1/2 a teaspoon, once or 2x a day. 3 teaspoons = a Tablespoon, enough for 12 or more people. Many things that are good for us in small doses are not good in high doses.
Blood Pressure
Good morning, I have chronic pain (fibromyalgia) and I started taking Threshold Real MSM last Friday. Since I've started taking it, I found that my BP spiked up considerably. I have hypertension 2 and it's usually under control. I'm going to try and take only 1 a day and then see if there is any difference because I'm not even sure if it is because of Threshold tablets.