Ted's Hyaluronic Acid Formula for DDD:
Didn't Ted say 9 grams? I used 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt, and 10 powder filled capsules of HA, 50 mg each, to total 500 mg., in 16 oz. Of COLD refrigerated water, in water bottle. I poured those 2 items in, mixed it up, then put back in fridge for 2-4 hours, depending on what I was doing, I would go into kitchen and shake it quickly, and shove it back in fridge (as per Purebulk's instructions). After doing this for 12-18 hours, (first bottle took 12 hours, second took 18 hours, ) I measured 8 caps with the cap that was on the water bottle, came up to roughly a shot glass, I quess. My hubby takes it 3 times a day, one first thing in morning, one a few hours after lunch, or when he gets home from work around 4, then one right before bed. I cannot stress enough how important it is to get half your weight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 100 lbs., drink 50 oz water. HA goes hand in hand with water. Without water, it cant do it's job!
My husband (after 5 days) says that his "sticking points" in his back when he bends over, the 2 catches he has had for years, are gone! His knee feels awesome, after also bothering him for years. He is a body builder, and he is able to lift without worrying about the pain.
I have also been on it. My face skin looks prettier, (awesome! ) and I feel like a MILLION BUCKS. I can't explain what that means exactly, except it's nice! I'm 46, fairly good shape, exercise moderately, try to eat right. I am finally getting the water I am supposed to take. Note: Put a squirt of lemon or lime in EACH of your glasses of water for alkalizing purposes - SO important. Skip the baking soda if you have hbp. Switch to Sea salt only. Take an iodine supplement each day, even if it's drops of liquid kelp from health food store. Avoid aspartame like the plague. It literally makes me stupid, I can't think, raging headaches until I detox from it for a couple weeks. Be proactive. It's your body. Put into it what you want to get out of it. God Bless. Lisa
Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Detoxing can be a u-no-what! Fatigue is part of it, as your body is working very hard to detox. Any supplement that helps to detox can make you feel worse before better. Start out small, and be sure to take binders to help usher toxins out of the body.
Binders: fulvic/humic acid, EDTA many many others. Do a search for effective binders on this site.
Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
This caught my "eye" (no pun intended):
" ...with matter in the corners of my eyes and crust on lids and eyes are bloodshot."
I am currently ridding my body of excess calcium. One thing that causes this that no one knows about is EMF's which have an effect on the voltage gated calcium channels causing huge amounts of calcium to be gated into the cell and this is NOT good.
Anyway there are ways to rid oneself of this calcium, and when it leaves the cell, it ends up in the interstitium and from there the elimination pathways. One such pathway out of the cranium is the eyes, and calcium will feel like sand in the eye and can scratch the cornea.
This sounds like what you have experienced. Don't blame the HA, but the HA could be detoxing or accelerating a detox.
To help bind the calcium and usher it out of the body, also look at Borax, DMSO, ionic magnesium, EDTA. Some of these can be taken both internally and externally.
ALL of it takes time.
The calcium can move around and when encountered by nerve cells, can hurt. Hardening of every darn ole thing is not good, so be patient and reduce the calcium load.
Degenerative Disc Disease
There is a treasure trove of information on copper, including the reasons why copper and zinc should be taken separately, on the MitoCopper website. Please take the time to listen to the wonderful video.
Degenerative Disc Disease
You must take zinc and copper at separate times, ideally at least 2.5 hours apart. This is because they compete with one another on the access point. Also be sure of the form of copper you take. There is a wonderful explanation of all of this on the MitoCopper website. I learned much.
Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
I started using CeraVe Lotion with HA on my legs to combat dryness. Both my feet and ankles swelled up. I stopped using it to test if it was the lotion as it was the only new thing I had added at the time and it got better. Tried it again, it got worse again. Guess HA isn't for everyone. I didn't even put it on my feet...just my legs. Seems to take a long time to completely go away too.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Hi Billy,
I read a comment of yours from 2013 on Earth Clinic. Not sure how you are doing on HA, per medical medium we need Horsetail and a tablespoon of silica like food grade diatomaceous earth (it is fossil shell flour that our body needs, put in whatever you drink, no taste, with a gazillion other things our body needs), try doing that along with the things you have learned since 2013. I hope you are better!
Degenerative Disc Disease
Alfred, are you buying purity products fast acting HA?
EC: Hi Teresa,
Alfred was in his 80s when he wrote those posts a decade ago. Unfortunately, we haven't heard from him in years.
General Feedback
What WAS Alfred's choice for hyaluronic acid?
EC: Purity Products
Joint Pain, Gray Hair
Hi Marnie, thank you for your response and sorry for the delay in mine. I was taking NOW brand of 100 mg hyaluronic acid. The label says it has 10 mg of sodium (from Sodium Hyaluronate), 100 mg L-Proline (Free-Form), 50 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid, 25 mg Grape Seed Extra (Vitis vinifera) in a cellulose capsule. Other ingredients: rice flour, magnesium stearate (vegetable source) and silica.
I took one 100 mg capsule a day. Reading old posts from Alfred (2010), he went off HA for a week and experienced a lot of aches as well. I don't know if one should wean off it, but I just stopped taking it all at once and I was shocked at how much my knees and hips ached. I am 57 years old and I felt like I was 80+ years old.
I no longer have any aches as I think the MSM and Boswellia solved that problem. I do have a problem with my left knee where I cannot lock it completely straight without pain on the outer side of the knee cap. I don't know what is causing this but I have scoliosis and pronated knees so over time, perhaps that is causing this. I am trying to do yoga to help address it. Below are articles about HA, some are for and some against. I have read that you have to be careful about where HA is sourced because traditionally, HA was extracted from rooster combs and now it is mostly produced via microbial fermentation with Streptococcus. But there's now a concern that streptococci are pathogenic.
Thanks again for your response Marnie. I am still rather wary about taking HA.
Joint Pain, Gray Hair
Hi Rae, based on my research and reasoning I believe HA supplementation is safe. And in fact, the article you linked by Bill Sardi explains it very well as to why it's safe.
Can you please share with us how you took the HA supplements? Dosage, type, and frequency.
Thanks and Blessings!
Joint Pain, Gray Hair
I was taking hyaluronic acid (HA) orally but then I read about a connection with cancer. I've read articles about it online and they seem to discourage taking HA if you have cancer, especially breast cancer. A naturopath's article advised against HA all together as a precaution. But then he provided an opposing opinion from Bill Sardi here: http://www.denvernaturopathic.com/news/sardiHA.htm
I noticed when I stopped taking HA, my joints felt achey, especially after I had been sitting for a while and got up and started walking. I started taking MSM and Boswellia and the aches went away for the most part. But I noticed a lot more white hair when I stopped taking HA and I remember Ted saying when he took HA, his white hair turned back to his natural color, and he posted a photo of himself. I was wondering if anyone could help verify if HA is safe to take or not. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
The powder will dissolve just fine in warm or hot water. I sprinkle it over my dinner, and it works just fine.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Happy Up the Creek:
Please provide evidence that the product sold by purebulksupplements is any different from that sold by other manufacturers. They all buy their raw materials from China...with the exception perhaps of Thorne, although they no doubt get some of their stuff from wherever it's clean.
You're saying it's 'genetically modified'. I think you need to show documentation that that's true.
Also, zinc and copper work together, there's no reason to take them separately. They're not separated in foods...
Dissolving Hyaluronic Acid
I have found that Hyaluronic acid will dissolve if you add a little coconut oil to the emulsion........I think it needs a fat to be soluble..........
Degenerative Disc Disease
Hi .. where did you get this protocol? Jarrow makes a zinc 15mg and copper 2mg product combination formula. Where did you read the scientific study that says you should take zinc and copper separately?
Multiple Ailments Cured
I saw Alfred's posts from 2010 on Hyaluronic Acid and and was delighted with all the good it did him. So, is Alfred still around? He would be 90 years old if he is. Hope so. My other question is...can HA be bought in Thailand?
High Vs Low Molecular Weight
I have been studying hyaluronic acid on web site (complementary prescriptions) the low molecular weight HA is for skin, the HIGH molecular weight is to consume. Low molecular weight will do harm it can trigger pro-inflammatory, and cause cancer to metastasis (only for skin)
Our body needs HIGH molecular weight as we age we don't produce as much. This is important. That is why I was searching for answer.(someone on here did ask the cancer question). I love earth clinic it has helped me so much. Sherry
Dissolving Hyaluronic Acid
Directions I read said to chill water overnite. Then add HA in the morning. Shake, let sit in fridge some more. Will dissolve.
General Feedback
Dear Bill,
I came across Ted's remedy for DDD.
I went to Purebulk's website to order Hyaluronic Acid powder, so I found that they have three types of HA: Bovine, Vegan, and Vegan wheat-free.
As I don't know what the difference is between them, I asked the sales guy he said that the most popular one is the Bovine one, so I ordered this one. I received the shipment and I started taking the remedy yesterday.
My question is what is the difference between long and medium chain, and what about the weight difference between the bovine and the vegan and which one should I use for Ted's Remedy?
I read somewhere that the bovine molecule does not get absorbed properly by the intestine as it is too long, is this statement correct?
Thank you all for the trying to help people, this is wonderful!
Peace, Bob
Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
To Judy from Colorado:
What an interesting post!
Your results sound as if you've clearly had an allergic reaction to an ingredient contained in the HA (to be precise). You've stated that your allergic to your 'water pills'..(you probably have allergies to many things). Recommendation is to see an allergist, and get tested for the many things you seem to be allergic to. Sometimes a person will be highly sensitive to chemicals, foods, ingredients, plants, even herbs, and may exhibit signs of allergies. These can be confused with an 'allergic' reaction.
A severe allergy, however, is life threatening, so it's advisable to not try taking the product that caused any significant swelling or discomfort again). Do yourself a favor & see a an MD. Eat well, and most importantly, exercise!
Youthful Skin
Since hyaluronic acid holds moisture well--holding up to 1,000 times its weight in water--it functions not only to deliver water to the skin, but also to hold it there. As a large molecule, it does not permeate deep into the skin, but instead stays near the surface where it moisturizes the skin's outer surface layers.
General Feedback
Hi Jeanne,
Thank you for trying to help, but I just don't trust that company after reading all the negatives about them.
It puzzles me why, if Purity Products HA is so good, why your hubby still needs to use it. In Ted's original post, he stated that the brand he uses actually "CURES" degenerative discs and joint problems.
Perhaps your husband didn't take the 500mg of HA per day like Ted recommended? On the back of the bottle, look at the mg of the HA only, not the combined total of all the ingredients.
That's why I was hoping to find and buy the exact same HA that Ted way using bcos it's much cheaper doing it his way.
General Feedback
I ordered Ultimate H.A. Formula from Purity Products for the first time about 3 years ago. Here's the link to the exact product. We only order 1 bottle at a time (the top choice), not the "Super Saver" or "Buy 4 Get 1 Free" option. It's very pricey for sure. I don't use it, but my husband still uses it regularly and finds it helpful when used in conjunction with other supplements like Fish Oil, Magnesium and more. We have never have any issues with this company.
General Feedback
Thank you for your response but you obviously didn't read my post all the way thru. The issue is NOT that I can't use google to find HA, the issue is (quote from my post):
Ted's quote: "Hyaluronic acid, yes I buy them from purebulk. The only particular brand I like is not the brand itself but for those formulations used for horses, which is proven to work.
Another poster's quote in reply to Ted's post above: Purebulk does not sell a equine HA product." What does this mean and then please, where can I buy the HA Ted is talking about?
Another poster stated that the HA from purebulk is not pure bcos the Chinese cut it with synthetic?
My question: If Ted prefers the HA used on horses, and if another person states that Purebulk does not sell equine HA, then from whom does Ted buy this "horse HA"??? Yet another poster claims that Purebulk cuts it with synthetic. (Scary! )
My question could not be plainer in lieu of the above quotes/statements by other posters.
Next quote from my post: Then Alfred from Bangkok swears by Purity Products.com and yet when I do a google search review on the Purity company, many people have been burned by Purity, stating it's a scam. Why is Purity so unethical with it's ordering/shipping "IF" it's such a quality product???
Google search:
- Ripoff Report | Purity Products Complaint Review Plainview ...
- 124 PURITY PRODUCTS Complaints and reviews
- Top 10 Reviews of Purity Products - My3cents.com
Those are only 3 review google searches on Purity Products. There are other negative links.
If Purity Products is such a good product, why are they so unethical in their shipping and credit card practises and why would Alfred recommend them???
I certainly don't want to even remotely try ordering from them. Apparently, once they have your credit card info, they continuously bill and ship product at their will.
Next, Using "bottle caps" as a mode of measurements is just plain wrong. Not all water bottle companies use the same size cap! Some use wider caps, others use smaller caps, depending on the size of the bottle. So what is the proper measurement in terms of measuring spoons? And what type of water, spring or distilled?
You also missed the fact that I stated that I would prefer to buy in bulk since the HA supplements that many companies are selling are very expensive. The prices in my health food stores, here in Canada are anywhere from $45 and up, for 100mg of HA, 60 capsules, which also have other things added to the mix.
According to the link you provided for Purebulk, they have 3 HA's to chose from. So which one does or did Ted use? HA (bovine, vegan or vegan wheat free). None of these 3 even remotely describe the use for horses!
Also, you didn't answer whether it should be taken on an empty stomach or with food.
Bottom line, if you went and read ALL the posts to Ted about Purebulk, then you would see where so much confusion lays. Another poster found the HA from Purebulk, when mixed, grey and not blending very well.
Your reply has left me still confused as to where to buy in bulk this "horse type of HA, since it's been stated by another poster that Purebulk does not carry it, and that Purebulk uses synthetic in their product! btw: They sell it in lots of 10g bag, 25g bag, 50g bag. Which size of bag should one order for a mth supply? Ted says to use 500mg of HA and according to you, that equals 1/8 teaspoon. Thank you for the translation. :)
At times, Ted's instructions are vague, that's why there are always so many posts with so many questions.
Yes, many companies sell HA in capsule forms, and if you look at the ingredients, they add a lot of other product into the mix. So my other question is, which company selling the HA capsules, is the best one to buy from, other than from Purity Products, since they don't have a good reputation with ones credit card.
I have been doing my homework and there seems to be different sources for this HA. According to Consumer Guide to Oral Hyaluronic Acid Supplements: http://www.prweb.com/releases/hyaluronic/hyalogic/prweb492817.htm
quote: Q. Are HA supplements, which contain glucosamine and chondroitin, derived from shellfish?
A. No. HA supplements are derived from natural sources such as rooster comb, or chicken sternum cartilage, or synthetically made from a vegetarian source by fermentation of corn syrup. The latter is a purer source, while the others provide additional collagen, which is also beneficial.
Given that there are 3 sources that HA is derived from, and that Consumers Guide states that the fermented corn syrup is best, which is the one that Ted refers to as the one given to horses?
And given that Purebarn sells bovine and vegan, and Ted is not clear as to which one he buys from them, hence the reason for so much confusion. I look forward to your reply. Thank you.
General Feedback
Hi Missy...I'm not sure why you have had so much trouble finding hyaluronic acid on purebulk. All I did was go to purebulk and type in "hyaluronic acid" in their search box at the top and I found it straight away. See this link.
I also checked the other website you mentioned and complained about from Alfred and did exactly the same thing -- I searched for and found hyaluronic acid on the Purity Products website within two seconds. See this link.
And if you had just typed "hyaluronic acid health" into Google Search(as I have just done) then you would have gotten hundreds of hits on other sites also selling oral HA.
The dose for HA is to put 500 mgs HA(1/8 tspn powder) into 500 mls of water and then add two level teaspoons of sea salt. The sea salt is necessary because it helps to increase the absorption of HA into the body. This will heal spinal degeneration problems. Take 5 capfuls of this mixture three times a day outside mealtimes. The term "caps" or "capfuls" refers to the cap on the bottle itself in which you store the hyaluronic/sea salt mixture.
And Ted does not advise using Vitamin C with this protocol. When people say vitamin C everyone usually thinks of Ascorbic Acid -- which is the wrong oxidant form, not an anti-oxidant. In other words the Ascorbic Acid form will act to oxidize the HA and make it useless to you. The proper and useful anti-oxidant form of vitamin C is as ascorbate. To avoid all this confusion that is why Ted advises adding a small amount of EDTA -- no confusion here -- to the HA solution as an anti-oxidant and heavy metal detoxer to help prevent oxidation and breakdown of the HA in the solution during storage in the fridge.
General Feedback
I am begging you to please help me sort thru all this confusion about the reference to Hyaluronic Acid (HA) in Ted's post and so many other posts on this product and treatment. Another poster stated that the HA from purebulk is not pure bcos the Chinese cut it with synthetic?
Ted's quote: "Hyaluronic acid, yes I buy them from purebulk. The only particular brand I like is not the brand itself but for those formulations used for horses, which is proven to work. Purebulk does not sell a equine HA product."
What does this mean and then please, where can I buy the HA Ted is talking about?
Continued from Ted... "My formula that works is as follows: 500 mg of Hyaluronic acid powder (sodium hyaluronate) plus 9 grams of sea salt in 500 cc of water. Store in refrigerator when not in used. The formula advocated by the (purebulk) will not work as it degrades Hyaluronic acid since vitamin C will obviously degrade them. They do get more stable if EDTA is added in small amounts as free metal irons tend to degrade them. The dose is about 8 caps three times a day empty stomach."
Is the EDTA to be added to Ted's formula? Or is the EDTA only added if the vitamin C is included?
I wish that someone from EC would post clearer instructions for Ted's bulk formula and where to buy it. Should it be taken on an empty stomach, or with food? What size caps is he referring to? What would the dosage be in teaspoons instead of caps? I have read so many of the posts on this subject and it seems that many people are very, very confused as well. Some say to just buy the product already prepared by natural product suppliers and others say it doesn't work.
Then Alfred from Bangkok swears by Purity Products.com and yet when I do a google search review on the Purity company, Many people have been burned by Purity, stating it's a scam. Why is Purity so unethical with it ordering/shipping "IF" it's such a quality product???
I am in much pain and would like a real easy and cheap method of taking the effective type HA, which will cure and not just manage my degenerative disc disease.
Will you please help me. Thank you.
Multiple Ailments Cured
Hi, I am confused regarding taking HA with food or on empty stomach. The bottle by PP that Alfred recommends says to take with meal. However, on other ailments on EC site regarding back problems, I have read posts that say not to take it with food, or protein sources specifically.
Does anyone know the answer to this question. Take with or without food?
And thanks Lisa, from Thousand Oaks, I plan to get the one from Source Naturals after this bottle, as the price online seems to be better.
Thank you!
Multiple Ailments Cured
Hello Alfred,
I just read your comments about your experience with hyaluronic acid back in summer of 2010. It's 2014 now and I'm wondering whatever happened with that experiment. I'm curious to know how well you are doing or if you ran into any difficulties along the way as I'm considering trying HA myself.
Hyaluronic Acid Lozenges
For what it's worth, my MD recommended the Hyaluronic Acid lozenges because the pills mostly get destroyed by stomach acids.
The percentage of absorbtion with the lozenges is nearly 100%. You it place under your tongue until it desolves completely. You are not suppossed to swallow until it desolves, and you can't eat or drink anything for about 25 minutes.
Where to Buy: Australia
I get it from iherb. No one will ship MSM to Aust either so you can buy HA and MSM together unless they've stopped that. Although you can buy msm here. I have dd c4,5,6.
Where to Buy: Australia
Could anyone tell me where to buy hyaluronic acid powder for degenerative disc dicease in Australia? Amazon won't ship from the USA to Australia so I guess that the import of this product is prohibited in Australia. Thank you!
Degenerative Disc Disease
Get a bottle of "Lightheaded" from Heel. They're on the web. It works wonders for lightheadedness and vertigo...You may find it in some health food stores. A bottle costs about $10.00. Put one tablet under your tongue, usually ends the problem; sometimes put another if needed...They come 100 to a bottle..Realy works!
Degenerative Disc Disease
Re: Degenerative Disc Disease all right, I bought double strength HA from Now foods, but it contains other stuff as well, it is in capsules, so my question is can I dissolve like 5 capsules in cold water to get 500mg HA or just drink the capsule, which way is better, I spend so much money and I come from very poor country, as I said in another post, Pure Bulk did not work for me, ordered online plus shipping inversion table...etc, a lot money for a guy from poor country, I would really appreciate answer which brand of HA is the best and I accept anything that will help not to go under the knife, because of uncertain outcome...HELP
PS;my worst problem is insane vertigo...feels like hell, any help apriciated, thanks
don't give up, I used and healed but did many other things. I had 4 doctors tell me I needed surgery and had not been able to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time for 8 months.Had ice or heat applied 24/7. This site and Ted's remedy was a god send!
Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
I used the Hyaluronic Acid but broke out in large cysts on my face and itching. I had trouble with cystic acne most of my life. That may be why.
Is there such a thing as "organic H.A." since I buy cage free and no hormones or antibiotics in my chickens to eat. If there is, can someone help me find this supplement. I have the worst osteoarthritis. Thank you in advance.
Degenerative Disc Disease
your problem is that you are using a biologically in-active grade of hyaluron. the chinese genetically modified hyaluron from purebulk is inert, is useless. [I know; I bot $100 of it.] find a good brand of hyaluron somewhere and take that; you will probably start seeing some results in 3 days time.
also;these will help create cartilidge:
add a copper supplement to the diet; 2 mg. per day.
you must balance the copper with 15 mg. zinc per day ..... take the copper & zinc at different meals .... not together.
add 5, 000 mg ascorbic acid, per day,
don't take any supplement with molybdenum in it.
add chicken cartilidge type 2, .... 20 mg X 2t/d
Degenerative Disc Disease
Before giving up on Hyaluronic Acid, I would have tried the HA that comes with collagen. Ted has recommended the HA given to horses. I am not familiar with HA suppliers so only know about the Biocell product. I know other older HA products that are useless.
Many HA brands use the Biocell version. It does work. I had my neighbor down the street try it last month and he is now free from herniated disc pain. He's older so the cause tends to be deficiency of HA.
Being much younger, that may not be the cause but I'd make sure by trying another HA like Biocell. Just make sure you take it on empty stomach and don't ingest other proteins until 45 minutes afterwards.Take 300 grams if HA (usually 6 tablets) for at least two weeks and see if there is improvement. If not then you can move on.
If that doesn't work then try other things like comfrey packs. Maybe it is caused by infection. Think outside the box.
Thanks for the information on the laser. The only drawback is the underlying cause may not get addressed so just something to be aware of.
Health Benefits of K-Laser Class 4 Laser Therapy
For the most efffective hyaluronic acid, at the most reasonable prices, check out iherb.com and look at the reviews for Hyaluronic acid 100 mg. Just one or two a day has helped hundreds of arthritic people, with no powders to mix. I personally have noticed a huge difference to my severe hip arthritis since adding that to my supplements when glucosamine wasn't enough. I also take the HA from a company which is derived from Collagen type 2, which will surprise you with the added bonus of mosre beautiful skin along with lessening the pain tremendously.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Hi Billy, The thing is, when you're unwell, it's taken years to put you where you are. A month may not be long enough to cure your ailments. Some folks get a 24 hour reduction...I am not one of them. Do not disappear, I am trying lots of remedies on E/C......BUT........you have to give it time. We all hope it will work overnight, but some illnesses, from person to person, take longer. Believe me, I bought everything and spent days crying. I am NOT buying into doctors! They are crap!!!! Do it at your own pace, a little, with a build up, is better than reading a post, and praying it will help. We are all different, what suits one person may not be the answer, ... Don't give up!You will find what you need on here xxxxx Have its just a matter of trying.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Hi to all, having degenerative disc disease (ddd) in my neck c5-c6 along time, I'm 35 and really disappointed. I was on Hyaluronic Acid for about a month, but nothing so far, now I'm giving up, I don't know if I was doing something wrong, maybe one thing. I was not making the remedy in a distilled water, it was regular store bottle, so to be honest I'm getting a litlle bit suspicius about this purebulk site! And will ask for answers from the supplier next time I buy HA, but from another source.
I'm concerned about the cancer implications of using high dose Hyaluronic acid, as wikipedia indicates that it contributes to cancer metastasis (spreading). Can someone speak to this very serious issue? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyaluronan
Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
I have also bought the Ultimate HA and found with just one pill it makes me as someone else has said "overwhelmingly tired". It's strange. There are other ingredients besides the HA so I'm not sure what is making me so tired. Does anyone have anyone ideas? Thank you! Leslie
General Feedback
Hi. Just wanted to respond to your question. I started my husband and I on hyaluronic acid pills 100 mg two months ago. I started 2 pills per day. Have slowed down to one per day. We have had no side effects that we are aware of. We both suffers aches and pains - my husband quite possbily has degenerative disc disease - some days we feel worse than others but could be contributed to other things such as what we eat. But all in all we have not seen any improvement in his back and leg pain as yet. I wonder if I should have put him on a larger dose to begin with. Will continue with it for awhile yet. The brand I have us taking has a very high review rating. Maybe it takes longer as Alfred has stated.
Dissolving Hyaluronic Acid
I was unable to get my HA to dissolve after refrigerating it overnight, with shaking. (I used (5) 100mg. pills) So the following morning I put it in my blender on high and it became completely disbursed.
Dissolving Hyaluronic Acid
I got my HA powder online in bulk and followed the directions in our spring water in my bottle of 16.9 oz cold fridge water. Over night it still didn't disolve and no indication of doing so in a new batch this morning. I shake it regularly and it still is a little gooey mess on in the bottles. HELP!!!!!!!! THANKS DONNA
In reply to Victoria: I used to put the salt and HA in the bottle of water and shake for about thirty seconds and then put it in the refrigerator. I would shake the bottle about every two hours for about thirty seconds each time, at least a total of four times. I usually left the bottle overnight before starting to use it. I always shook before using and the consistency was even, not lumpy or clumpy. I would take a shot glass per serving on an empty stomach and it seemed like the bottle would last about 2 to 3 days.
I just take capsules now because it is more convenient than mixing the liquid and seems at least as effective as the liquid.
Hi Art, or Ted may help with this question...
Can l ask how you mix the Hyaluronic Acid? (purchased through purebulk). eg 500mg HA -6c1829 9grams Sea Salt and 500ml water. The reason l ask is that when l mix it with water and salt, it goes like a cloud in the water, and l shake the living hell out of the bottle but not all of it gets dissolved if that makes sense to you? just thought l might be doing something wrong. I look forward to your advise.
General Feedback
Hello everybody...... After reading many of your feedbacks, i'm a bit confused, since some people is getting positive results but not with HA as itself (only) since many products are mixed with collagen or conditrion and so on.......... About The purebulk HA and Ted's mix---some people can't take salt as you may know so taking it alone isn't it as good as mixed one?
Hair Loss
Rachn - I have managed to regrow new hair around my bald patches by first of all going on an anti-candida diet for 6 weeks, after which I slowly introduced normal foods in to my diet. I have also been on a high iron diet which has further helped my hair growth. You are absolutely right, my tablets have taken 3 months to take effect.
Sciatica, Tennis Elbow
Paul - I got off the HA tablets and the horrid tennis elbow pain returned with a vengence, which goes to explain HA has been useful for my ailment. My mother suffered from back pain, she too took HA tablets, her pain has subsided a fair bit.
I would like to comment on my experience with hyaluronic acid (HA). I first tried a common and popular brand of HA to see if it would help with joint comfort of my back as I had previously been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and arthritis. I used their "double strength" version which contains 100mg of HA in each capsule among other things.
These particular capsules contain the following:
Supplement Facts -- Serving Size 1 cap
Amount Per Serving Daily ValueSodium (from Sodium Hyaluronate) Hyaluronic Acid (from Sodium Hyaluronate) L-Proline [Pharmaceutical Grade (USP)]Alpha Lipoic Acid Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera) (Standardized to min. 90% Total Polyphenols)
I took three of these spread throughout the day and noticed good benefit within one week. That works out to 300mg of HA per day. I was happy with the results, but it was a bit expensive as I was paying almost $20 for a bottle of 60 capsules which lasted only twenty days. I stopped taking them after going through 5 bottles to see if the effect would be lasting. It wasn't!
I then decided to try Ted's mix as it was cheaper to take, though not as convenient as the capsules. With the electronic scale I use, it seemed to take just over 1/2 teaspoon of the HA to get the required 500mg assuming that my scale is reasonably accurate. I added the sea salt and started taking that mix three times per day on an empty stomach after the mixing process.
This mix took about two full weeks before I started noticing any benefit and I did not feel the benefit was a good as with the capsules. One bottle of mix would last me about two and a half days as I was taking a full shot glass for each serving. I have since increased the mix to 3/4 of a teaspoon per bottle and this seems to have added to the benefit of the mix to the point that I now feel that it has a similar effect as the capsules.
Although I am using more HA per mix, it (bulk HA powder) is still significantly cheaper than the capsules. The consistency of the mix is "very slightly thicker than water", possibly like the consistency of low fat or non fat milk. I just recently noticed that _____ offers a 120 capsule bottle for about $25, so my current thinking is that I may use both. The capsules when I am away from home or run out of the liquid, and the liquid for when I am able to make it and take it at home. The other thing I am thinking is that with the capsules, I probably could have cut down on the dose of 3 caps per day after the first week or two... possibly only one or two per day to maintain the benefit.
The thing is, I am a little afraid to try and cutback on the amount of HA I put in the mix or consume as I like the benefit and would hate to lose the benefit, even temporarily! Any suggestions or thoughts?
Are you sure it just wasn't time that let the piniform muscle relax and ease up on the pressure on the sciatic nerve? I read about a woman who ate ginger slices for 3 weeks and voila, her sciatica settled down.
Where to Buy: Australia
Hi Gail where do I buy this in australia do you have a website or phone number where I can inquire about this product? thanks, marika
Hair Loss
Hi, I don't know if anybody has answered your question yet, but all vitamins take at least 3 months before you see or notice any change. So just keep taking it.
Multiple Ailments Cured
Hi Folks, I am 55 and have just started taking HA just under two weeks ago. I have osteo problems and a bad "dry eye" condition. I have been taking a liquid HA. It's a high molecular weight HA as I read a book called "The Hyaluronic Acid Miracle" and they recommend a bio-identical high molecular weight HA. They state that low molecular weight is easier to digest but it's like putting oil mixed with water in your car instead of pure oil (i. e. not as thick so won't work as well).
The only thing I am not sure of is if its a bio-identical HA as it does not state that but does say that it is not from animal source. It is distributed by a company in West Yorkshire here in the UK.
You take one sachet a day mixed with water so it's really easy to take.
The effects were almost immediate, pain in joints easing daily and are almost gone. I have only had to take my dry eye gel/drops twice during this time and previously I had to take them 3-4 times a day. So far no side effects.
They also state that you should get HA from non-animal source (as it is not bio-identical to our bodies). They really stress that!! You can buy it online and it ranges from £20-30 for a months supply. The book talks about how HA affects your body and is written by Dr Chris Meletis and David Rousett (and is recommended by L. Sephen Coles M. D. , Ph D. and the author of Extraordinary Healing, he is apparently the world's leading supercentenarian expert).
I am new to all this but have done quite a lot of research on the net on HA (which lead me to this site) and like most things I totally think that you get what you pay for. If it's not a quality product there is really no point in taking it. By the way before I started taking this I could not read the ingredients without my glasses and was amazed just now that I can almost make them out without them... Onwards and upwards I hope!!
Broad Benefits
Hi Alfred! This is Eugenia from Italy. I've just bought online some Hyaluronic Acid Tablets from Health Spark (UK). Do you know if the quality of this brand is good? I also bought asthanxanthin from the same site... Do you may be know if they can have any side effect if taken both?
Thank you so much for your suggestions!
Sciatica, Tennis Elbow
I forgot to mention that after 7 days of taking HA 3 x 50mg a day, my tennis elbow and sciatica pains have gone. I knocked my left knee on a porcelain tile, I had excruciating pain, I'm glad to report the sweling and the pain have gone. This is a brilliant ingredient. I just want to get my bald hair patches filled in with new hair. I know Rome was not built in a day but Earth Clinic members.... Do any of you have information on how long was it before you could see positive changes to new hair growth? Thanks